(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

jc_bb - i was thinking bout Chloe's boring meals when i suddenly decided to re-visit my 2006 thread for my firstborn.. so guilty.. wf my firstborn, i was all geared to feed the recommended when she reaches the stage.. i rem giving cheese cubes but cant seem to find them at NTUC.. so wanted to ask if any of you have any idea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i tink egg yolk can give liao, its the egg white tat needs to wait til one year old.. my ger is quite small size, so am hoping to pile on some weight for her..


Hello mummies! It's so quiet here nowadays.. :p More on FB already.. :)

crystal: I have Pauline's no, but forgot to bring my mobile today.. :-( sorry, you gotta reach her in FB maybe.. :p

god's child: we gave cheese and egg.. got the cubes from Giant.. egg I gave from those nasi lemak I eat, or egg tofu.. was ok with white or yolk.. basically things that we eat, we give him a bit, just not those oily/spicy stuffs.. I think normally so, for #1 super gan cheong and do alot.. for #2 slightly slacking.. jia you!

quiet here...

hello... **echoes**

haha i saw no one post thought i forgot to refresh my page [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cel_cel: no worries... i also a chin chye mummy. i feed bottled baby food with rice cereal

and sometimes fruits. his main diet still milk so i m pretty fine tat

my sis say it is a german brand: the cheese. packaging is red in colour. in small tubes. can't remember how old can eat them cos i still not feeding that yet.

cel_cel: and weekdays his ah ma will make porridge for him cos i m at work

mainly fish porridge and bits of veg[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yoz mummies

so quite here hor...most of e mummies hd move to FB n chat le


shld we giv egg white or yolk 1st?? i 4gt ardy...i thot i read sm whr giv egg white 1st...

re:mummies who bf b4

juz wan to kw any recommended brand of supp to increase milk supply...my sis currently bfing but her milk till nw hv nt increase although she gt eat supp...hope mummies here can share yr experiences

sm updates of my gal

she was sick wif fever for e past 3 days, bring her see PD on mon n doc say she gt flu, tis morning she is better so send her to sch...feel so heartpain to see her look so restless juz hope she can recover in time to attend my nephew's bb shower tis sun.

PSH, i take fenugreek supplements i'm still taking now. it works for me.

O dear sorry to hear bot your gal hope she recover soon.

bubbly, no worries bot the number. i got it from the other mummies haha.

mummies, thanks for pauline's contact.

hi mummies,

it's indeed very quiet here these days, miss all the chattering and laughs, mind someone guide me on how to join the FB group? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


speedy recovery to your gal. as for the egg, i read that it's better to start with egg yolk first, but juz now i do a google and realised that there is a change in that saying now wor.

Excerpts from http://www.parenting.com/article/are-eggs-healthy-for-babies:

"Egg whites are the most allergenic, which is why, for years, doctors advised only serving infants the yolk. But there's no clear evidence that delaying the introduction of common allergenic foods prevents the development of allergies, serves no purpose that a more recent recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that delaying the introduction of common allergenic foods serves no purpose, even if you have a family history of allergies."

bubbly - yes lor, i find myself slack wf #2 while i was all so kiasu and kan cheong bout #1 then.. gota buck up and feed chloe better now.. she only put on 120g since her last pd visit a month ago :S

grumpus - thks for the reply.. i also told sis its laughing cow brand but when i went to the ntuc at my place, the contents has salt in it.. and i thot it was supposed to have no salt for babies.. pls correct me if im wrong.. or is it min. salt?

jc_bb-tat red packaging one specially for babies? got salt or rather, v min. salt?

PSH - fr wat i read, its egg yolk first.. can smash it into porrige to serve.. im intending to make mashed potato wf cheese once i find the 'right' cheese hee... gettin all excited again bout feeding bb new stuff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thks...i aso hope she can recover fast...i missed her smile n laughing...may i kw which brand u buy?? izzit frm GNC??


thks...izzit possible to mix e yolk n white together n steam it den giv our bb to eat??

god's child

ooh...den i muz hd read wrongly...4gt which one to giv 1st

god's child, please update here if u find the right cheese? hehehe i'm also looking for a min salt kind haha... yesterday i made mashed potatoes with minced pork cos i cant find the right cheese hahaha... thankfully ethan likes it haha

PSH, i bought nature's way. i bought from agape babies. she is listed in a BP here but i give u her email here u can liase with her directly? its [email protected]. i paid 33 for 2 bottles inclusive of courier charges. cheapest so far in the market.

jc_bb: that's very cute... your **echoes** hahaha... most of the mummies chat in FB now.. but today I didn't bring ipad to work.. and can't log on FB using LAN cable unless if I connect my mobile broadband, which means work emails will not load.. hahaha.. sianz.. I have the lousiest phone plan in SG I guess, company's line.. :p

PSH: hope your gal recover soon.. very heart pain when they are lethargic right.. I took fenugreek too, bought from GNC.. super kiasu me, took it the next day after delivery.. engorged crazy! btw, I have like quarter to half packet of nursing tea left, do you want to let your sis try?

god's child: mashed potato with cheese is yummylicious! my zaizai loves it.. :-D as long as Baby Chloe is healthy and happy.. gals are normally lighter.. :)

crystal: wow.. the fenugreek you bought is cheap! if my SIL gets pregnant, I'll intro that.. hehehe..

whisp: do you have any of us in your FB? can add the Dec'10 MTB group..


i'm not too sure abt mixing the white with the yolk part. most articles i read will say check with PD before attempting to feed egg to baby. i also blur blur with the different schools of thoughts. *blur*


i've couple of mummies friends in fb. have juz sent in request to join the group. hopefully, can join in the chat soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


how do u serve avocado to your babies? i tried first time last wkend. i mashed half an avocado with ard 2 tbsp of the gerber pear puree. baby was pretty excited to see new food, and took the first bite, but she like "shiver" a bit after taking the bite. think the pear maybe too sourish for her. despite that, she finished the bowl of "mixture". What should be the correct way, and how much should i feed her if it's to be a meal on its own?

bubbly, yes hahah its reallie cheap hehe stefie actually found this deal and tell me so i've been a "loyal" fan to her so far hahaha and delivery is like next day delivery and its door to door delivery so u dun need to stock up.

whisp: I also mashed avocado, but didn't add anything else coz he could take it, and like it.. they normally shiver or frown the first bite, don't they? and then they open their mouth for more.. hahaha..

crystal: stefie has alot of lobang.. hahaha..


i initially tot juz try avocado only, but after tasting it myself, find it a bit bland/jelak, thus mix some pear in. hehee hubby was giving me the "are you sure?" look during the entire process. luckily, baby took it well and finished the "mixture" *phew* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

do u feed the entire avocado? not too sure how much is enough. :p

bubbly, yes she does... Oooo avocado... i bought i've not given ethan yet haha cant find the time hahah... silly me better go and do it quickly haha

whisp: we feed half each time.. so, finish 1 avocado in 2 days..

crystal: hahaha.. no hurry no hurry.. :p

time to knock off.. i've been procastinating today.. 2 working days this week put me in SLEEP mode.. have a nice evening mummies!


thks...i will forward e email add to my sis...btw hw did u do e mashed potatoes wif minced meat??


ya...heartpain to see them like tat...

sure sure...anyting tat can increase wld like her to try...i ask her nt to giv up...


i feed directly to my ger after mashed...i didnt add anyting, she will frown n giv me funni look after e 1st scoop den when i giv 2nd scoop she auto open her mouth n lean forward wanted to eat.


thanks for your input. i shall try again this wkend. by the way, how do i keep the other half of avocado after cutting? won't it turn brownish?

i didn't know what to do, so end up finishing it by myself by spreading it on bread and sprinkled it with some sugar. *super fattening/sinful*

Muddypaws / psh- I'm going to hk wf the kids late oct! Maid going home leave so might as well fully utilize my leave for a trip.. Plus my elder ger has been bugging us to bring her to Disneyland to see her princesses [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm on f&e too, flying via jetstar since gt promo plus its a short flight.. Was 1k for 4 of us.. Hotel wise I booked langham place cos it's above a shopping mall n connecting to the mtr. Am tinking of going down shopping while bb naps n of cos, my hb is Gona b the one to jaga! Haha..

Roz/ yvaine- oct n nov qt gd mths to go hk, lowest rainfall per my hk colics.. N it's cooling, nt too cold. We went before in nov, was ok actually.. Quick quick, book a trip to reward urself! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

god's child,

all cheese hv salt. the laughing cow one i think is min already, it's very creamy, not salty at all.

actually those bb biscuits we buy also hv salt and sugar.

i haven't started my #2 on cheese yet. my #1 is the one eating laughing cow cheese cubes and i started her when she was 1yo.


by right we supposed to give bb egg that is fully cooked, i.e hard boiled. steam egg is not considered fully cooked. anyway i did give my girl steam egg but only after 1yo.


i choose a vy small one...after giving my ger half n since she like it so i giv e other half aso...so end up she eat e whole avocado...=P

god's child

when did u book yr air tickets?? $1k for 4 pax nt ex lei


thks for yr info...den i better dun let her eat steam egg

Grumpus- I read tat the red packaging brand- arla has v min salt content for babies too.. Will do n compare wf the laughing cow cheese cubes n share wf everyone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Psh- I bought the tix last mth.. Ytd jetstar also having promo, maybe u can chk it out.. Cos I manage to book for my helper return tkt to Manila at only $122! I hope Chloe will b gd on the plane, may the 4hrs pass swiftly hee..

PSH - yes yes, confirm going.. its a must-go for my elder gal.. her dad promised to bring her again this year since he din tag along last yr due to chicken pox ( wasted ticket! )and last yr when i brot her, i forgot to bring her princess costume.. she was so full of envy looking at other girls wearing their princess gowns.. so this year, the princess costume is the first to go into the luggage! haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] am planning to go ocean park also for the pandas and sea creatures.. beats sentosa's tiny underwater world :p when are u looking at going?

god's child: Yup, I got corporate rate... how much are you paying for langham place?

Haha, I have to admit that it's kind of quiet here these days...

eventful weekend for me. Liz decided to bite off and swallow 2 of my cellphone buttons on Tues... My maid swept up the whole house, even moving all the furniture to see if it's hidden below. Nothing... so now just checking Liz' poo to see if it pops up.

Melissa brought her Kayleia to my place yesterday evening, and when I carried Kayleia, Liz' usual smiley face turned serious. Oooh, I think I see a little green-eye monster....

re: cheese

we put cheddar cheese in liz' pasta. Also give her cheese sticks.

Good morning mummies!!!!

Just wondering with the emerging teeth, how do you clean you babies mouth? I tried to use a toothbrush but my son just uses it as another teether. =(

hi mummies, any remedies for running nose ? my gal got running nose for 1 week already.i only applied the cherry vicks on her, but doesn't seem to work ....

for those going to hk, just take note ... one of my friend's colleague went hk with 3 children and back with only 1 ... they r at disneyland, suddenly 2nd kid went missing, dad and eldest kid went to look for 2nd kid .... mom is carrying the youngest one ... suddenly one stranger came up to the mom and tell her, i help u carry your baby, u go look for your child .. the mom in a dazed and pass her baby to the stranger .... 2nd kid and baby can't be found, only back with one child in the end [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so never let your child run loose in hk ... not to frighten u guys, but good to take note!

PSH, i buy the minced pork from ntuc and use about 1-1.5 tbps of it to cook in chicken/veg stock then i microwave the potato first for 4 mins to make it semi-almost cooked state then after removing the skin etc i cut into big pieces and add into the mixture cook bot 5-10 mins for the potato to absorb the taste then turn off fire and its done hehe. by then potato shld be very soft easily mashed

athena: You can consider giving her girl Zyrtec. My PD prescribes that to my girl.

lovebyte: I use a baby toothbrush with baby toothpaste for Liz. She likes the toothpaste so much, she brushes her own teeth and tongue.

god's child

i'm planning to go in Dec...hw much u paying per nite for langham place?? i'm stl thinking wan to stay @ Disneyland or nt...do u think worth to stay??


my gal aso use e toothbrush as teether...although nw i stl let her hold but i aso hold her hand to prevent her frm biting.


tats vy scary...i will make sure no stranger can carry my gal.


thks...i shld go n try 

PSh, yes yes try hehee.. ethan loves it hahah 1 potato can split into 2 meals for him. quite tasty haha i tried myself also haha

athena, gosh that is scary i thot this kind is like movie plot but it does happen ..

Muddypaws, ok noted, need prescription or can just buy from pharacmy ....

yes, like movie plot right? my sis also heard similar stories from her friends and when they go to the police station, its full of missing children photos there ... thk there's a syndicate to kidnap children there ...

muddypaws - wow, ur corporate rate is very very good! i paid $1400 for 4 nights in Langham place, bout $350 per night.. cheddar in pasta, is it those kraft cheddar blocks? for the sticks, do u use arla or kraft?

Lovebyte - my gal only has 2 teeth so i stil use a wash cloth to wipe the gums and teeth during shower and wipedown at night.. i will use the brush later on when more teeth pops [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]lazy mummy.. haha

Athena - *gulpz* ur precaution warning just make me cringe a little.. hav heard similar stories bout kidnappers at HK disneyland fr frens before..bout them losing their kids etc..never fails to make me feel sad for them.. poor mother who lost 2 kids there.. so sad for her... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i usually choose to visit the theme parks on weekdays ( less crowded ) and avoid China holidays.. and yes, must watch the kids closely.. vvv closely.. i even wanted to use the child leash for my elder gal just in case but my HB refused.. so i used carrier and kept her within my sight.. and im gona do the same for #2 while keeping #1 in the stroller.. i will kill myself if i ever lose any of them!

psh - i thot of disney hotel also.. but if we were to stay 2nights at disney and 2 nites in another HK city hotel, its a hassle having to unpack and repack luggage wf 2 kids and transferring btw hotels.. hubby wants it the simplest way... and i like the night markets there, so if i stay in HK city hotel, i can go jalan jalan at night.. if at Disney, it will be less convenient.. imho [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i paid for langham at $350 a night.. more of after the accessibility and the mall beneath the hotel [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my jan06 forum mummy went recently and was good.. my HK colic also recommended tis hotel so i just went along..

athena: You can get it from the pharmacist at Guardian. Check with the pharmacist on the dosage.

god's child: That's a lot for Langham. Are the rooms big? Yeah, we use the regular Kraft blocks. As for cheese sticks, we give the japanese Wakado brand ones.

muddypaws- its slightly pricy but i suppose wf the location, its stil ok? cos previosuly i stayed at royal pacific for bout $320 a night also.. the rooms are pretty much the same as most HK rooms i tink,not very big kind.. and tis hotel has got a heated pool! can soak in there for a long time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] actually excelsior is also vy exp at bout $350-$400 for normal rates right? i tink most 4star hotels are bout tis pricing?

good morning mummies and daddies... jovan is down with food allergy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] must be the salmon i fed him which the PD suspects... I saw mummies here fed salmon and i thought its safe but turns out that he is allergic to it... sigh... besides salmon, i gave beetroot in the morning (also new food to jovan).. I should just fed him one at a time.. Im too adventurous.. Cuz i've been trying so many new foods and he seems fine till this thing happen...

Talking abt Zyrtec, I didnt know Zyrtec is used to cure food allergy till PD told me to feed him this..

concidentally PD says once jovan recovers, i should feed jovan more snacks, fruits, cheese, yogurt cuz he drinks every 3-4 hourly.. so in between, should gave him snacks.. my PD intro me laughing cow (in trigular piece), is it what u all buying for laughing cow?

Re: Kidnappers at HK disneyland

Yeaps, i heard abt this too... and its very scary.. My cousin brought 3 kids to HK and one of them got lost and they freaked out.. thinking of the worst after hearing stuff.. thank god the security found him but the poor boy got so dramatized and did not how to react.. The security asked if my cousin is the daddy and he kept quiet and the security refused to let my cousin take back the boy saying that he wont know the boy is the real daddy... luckily my cousin in law says give the boy a hot drink and let him cool down.. and my nephew finally recognized my cousin and called him daddy.. my cousin tried asking him where did he go and he refused to say.. I heard the news did not report cuz they worried it will affect the biz and hence till now no one knows if the stories are real. please mummies, do take care of ur kiddos when u all are in HK disneyland..

Sorry for the long post...

saw athena'a post so log in:

yup my fren's fren 2 kiddos also went missing during the national day long weekend in HK disneyland, both parents were tramuatised [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so for those who are gng HK disneyland: USE carrier and NEVER ever in stroller, even carrier must hv an infant inset to make sure cannot use pen knife or scissors to slide thru!

it is very SCARY n SAD[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Leelee- ur pd says shld give snacks ar.. I'm also feeding Chloe 3hrly.. Too little? She takes 3 milk feeds bout 180 ml each n 2 porridge wf one fruit serving.. I better b more diligent wf feeding snacks fr nw... Hope jovan's food allergy go away soon...

god's child: ya, she says i should beef jovan up.. he's 9 months and weigh 7.455kg... jovan drinks lesser (150ml but sometimes can drink 180ml).. he is also on 2 porridge wf one fruit servings.. maybe u can try feeding her biscuits, yogurt or cheese? if u think she still can take in, u can increase her milk intake 10ml for one feed then slowly 10ml for 2 feeds and 3 feeds.. Just my suggestion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks for ur concern. He got abit better.. still have spots over his body but lesser afer taken zyrtec [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


cheese// yes the german brand cheese safe for babies, it is made for them. my sis feeding her 1year old baby... i will try take pict and post in facebook? (cos i dunno how to post here)

avocados// my boi likes them neat... haha plain plain and he finishes like a quarter

PSH: my milk supply also cannot make it now... just started fenugreek. GNC brand

how many must i pop a day ah

i taking 1-2 only... desperately trying to keep it going for one year [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cel_cel: enjoy your vacation[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mummies! I'm in super holiday mood.. we are going BKK tomorrow.. will leave office in a while to COMEX.. anyone there?

Re: HK

Really scary hearing the stories, can feel the heart pain.. I'll go all crazy! Didn't know HK also like that.. thought it'll happen only in ulu ulu countries.. :-(

LeeLee: glad that Baby Jovan is getting better.. zaizai also drink around 150-180ml for the longest time.. sometimes, we try to increase, but most of the times, he refuse to take more, so, no choice, but to feed him like every 3-4 hours.. hahaha.. I also give him snacks, ie. fruits, cheese, biscuits, adults food like cakes, ice cream, tofu.. some friends say no good, I know, but can't help, pity him staring at us eating, so will feed him a little of everything except spicy or oily stuffs..

jc_bb/crystal: good job! keep up the bf-ing journey.. I stopped like over a month plus already, and my boobs are almost non-existent.. :-(

jc_bb: to increase supply need to increase the fenugreek intake right? otherwise it'll maintain only.. :)

Ok.. got to settle outstanding and ciao! have a nice day mummies!

bubbly: i can feel ur holiday mood.. hehhee... stefie also in BKK.. so many mummies gg holidays!! yeah man, time flies and its coming year end... so everyone sure to go somewhere... i hope for next year if possible..

thanks for ur concern [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how i wish i was there w you all at peek a boo! saw the superman bibs!! where u all get? so cute hor.. and issac being friendly..

ice cream and cakes? wow, so hiong.. i tried tofu, fishball, bread and hashbrowns :p i wish i can give him ice cream leh.. hehhe.. jovan also always stares.. and still drools.. like so ke lian leh..

god's child

will discuss wif my HB again...feel like gg to Macau too...hehe


hope Jovan can recover soon...me too gt to beef up my ger once she fully recover


i aso nt sure take hw much lei...my sis aso bought hers frm GNC

bubbly - enjoy ur trip to BKK! shopping is sooo good there.. i miss Platinum Mall... hee...

Leelee - my ger also small size, at 9mths she is 7.8kg..im not overly concerned la, cos shes still happy and healthy.. but of cos hope to beef her up abit hee.. will start feeding her cheese tonite!

PSH - oh Macau.. went there last Mar,the almond cookies there are yummi! im not a pastry person but the almond cookies have left me craving for more! The venetian hotel is very nice, super spacious and clean.. qt convenient to take the turbojet ferry to n fro HK


oshgosh - can buy those small inflatable plastic ring tub to put baby in for shower... kiddypalace sells them, less than $10. if not can bring the small antislip mat and place it on the floor, get ur HB to hold bb while standing up and u do a quick shower..

