(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Junie: Oh.. great. See you on 18 Dec. Papa was telling me Kayden is out of sort last Sunday in class. Say he is not himself.. haha!! Too good and inactive liao.


Hi sun_tan,

Can see any difference after attending the class?

Tempted to sign up too but later my hubby sure ask me what's the end result..haha..

Hee thanks Junie for helping me answer.

Shann: ya lor, my edd 15 mar, left about 3 mths to enjoy my limited freedom... Before the sleepless nights start all over again.

Classes: Anyone enrolled ur kids in shichida?

Ann: haha! Too "well-behaved" until not like your son's usual self ah? I heard your HB saying to Kayden "you want to sleep already issit?". haha....

kepsis: Chelz enrolled her boy, Marc, in shichida classes.

Carol, results wont be seen so fast. Its more focus on right brain training, which is said to help them in learning in the future (i.e easier for them). So far i think his concentration skill got better gradually. At first he also cant sit still in the class but nowadays he can sit through the class. At first halfway through the flashcard flashing he will be bored and walked away. But now he actually enjoyed the flashcards flashing.

Kepsis, Bindi also signed up Leola for Shichida. Lots of homework to do man (for mommy)..lol not for a lazy mommy like me.

Think for such classes when start from young can train concentration skills. Cos i am working full time so during the weekdays I also dun have time to teach Skyler things. So i dun mind spending on classes which only takes up abt 1hr out of 7 days per week to learn bah.

Junie: Ya lo.. after that he went home, he slept from 11 plus in the morning till about 3pm in the afternoon. Think he is really tired out. Wonder what happen the night before.

btw mummies who had purchased the Photobook vouchers the other time, can I know how do I use the voucher?

Me very "suaku". After I've done my photobook images using the software saved in my PC. How, then, do I get it printed??


You need to submit the photobook for printing then key in the voucher number. Haha I got 3 vouchers but have yet to finish any book! Started on my first one and stuck there.

To Account POSB Savings

207-14237-9 babycoco

Amount S$30.00

Transaction Reference 7261428859

just trf over for 2pax

i'll be coming w my hb n #1 + maid

Hi mommies!

Haven't logged in for so long, looking forward to seeing you all on the 17th =)

Enjoying B and his antics but sometimes I miss those days where he'll just lie down and stay in the same spot until we pick him up again..lol

Sigh... been swamped with work, no time to log on

I've got the Photobook voucher too, but yet started as well! Any tips from those who have done up theirs? Erm, if I select the ready books, is it still possible to further customise/edit certain pages?

hello mummies,

just wondering when does your boy boy or gal gal start drinking from the straw? do you have problem training them to suck?


My boy started drinking from straw when he was about 10 mths. Nv really train. Just let him play with it and suddenly he just know how to suck.

any 1 going the carters warehouse sale?

it's at gimmill industrial 43 tampines st 92 s528887 date start is 8 dec - 10 dec..

yesterday i went already. the kids clothes are all going off at 3 for $10. there's guys tee n ladies tee too but limited design. but alot alot alot of kids clothes..

Hi, Kepsis,

i got 2 kids, age gap 22mths.

what urs?

now my ger is 39mths and my boy is 17mths.

while playing, they can played together, of cos they fight for toys also.

when my son is just borned, i try not to nelgect her, i get her to involve looking after her didi, like helping to take didi clothes, diapers, putting lotion, pat her bro, etc...

i do not stop her gg to her bro, but remind her, didi is small, so cannot use too much strength.

also, milk powder for her also gg very fast, whenever didi drink, she wanted too.

Supergal: same here, never really train...when my boy was about 9-10 mths, wanted to switch him from teat to spout but he simply hates the spout...so let him try the straw...after a few tries/play suddenly he just know how to suck...it's like a self-discovered skill...


I hope most of you would have gotten your pressies already.

BTW, Chelz, will you be emailing to us all the address of the venue? The last address I had was for the smaller venue one, so I guess that's outdated info. liao. hehee.



I have emailed my addy to those marked with "OK"....

The rest pls pm me your email as I am not able to guess your email address frm the bday email listing.


1. Eliss + hubby + Keila OK

2. vernie + hubby + Ian OK

3. babycoco + hubby + Amelie OK

4. Ann + hubby + Kayden OK

5. Chelz + hubby + Marc

6. Bdmummy + hubby + Evan ?

7. mrslong + hubby + Isaias ?

8. ica + hubby + hannah OK

9. Pris + Brandon OK

10. Geri + hubby + Renee OK

11. sun_tan (Jacelyn) + Sklyer OK

12. Jaclyn + Gareth OK

13. Grace + Alwyn +hubby + ashlyn OK

14. Jo_lyn + hubby + Enzo ok

15. Irene (nfk22)+ Nathan OK

16. nok ( bindi) + Leola ok

17. baby_yen (Fanny) + Kan Ning + hubby + son ?

18. suika (Iris) + Livia OK

19. lasery2k (Sandy) + Luke + hubby OK

20. Happimay + Benedict ?

21. Jaya + hubby + Ravi OK

22. Nicole (keer13) + hubby + Brayden ?

23. Yvonne + hubby + Ivan ?

24. Jasline + hubby + Jayden ?

25. James + wife + Adeline (Nicole's brother) ?

Chelz: Yup, received.

Junie: Got my pressie organized but not wrapped yet. Haha!!

Next weekend is a pack pack week for me.

Good morning mummies, just an update on the Xmas Celebration :

Catering - SGD 15 per adult

Have decided to go with YLS. Please arrange to transfer SGD 15/adult by Dec 10th so that I can make payment to caterer. Please PM me when you have transferred.

Account details as follows :

POSB Savings 207-14237-9

Tentative Date - 17 Dec, Saturday

Tentative venue - function room at one of the condo at Cairnhill Circle behind Paragon (will pm condo name to confirmed attendees 1 week before playdate)

Time - 5pm for dinner

Dress code - green/red/Xmas hat

Gift exchange - min $15 (mrslong has already posted which toddler you are buying for)

Attendees - Payment received

1. Eliss + hubby + Keila

2. vernie + hubby + Ian

3. babycoco + hubby + Amelie

4. Ann + hubby + Kayden

5. Chelz + hubby + Marc

6. Bdmummy + hubby + Evan

7. mrslong + hubby + Isaias

8. ica + hubby + hannah

9. Pris + Brandon

10. Geri + hubby + Renee

11. sun_tan (Jacelyn) + Sklyer

12. Jaclyn + Gareth + hubby (or maid)

13. Grace + Alwyn +hubby + ashlyn

14. Jo_lyn + hubby + Enzo

15. Irene (nfk22)+ Nathan

16. nok ( bindi) + Leola + hubby

17. suika (Iris) + Livia

21. Nicole (keer13) + hubby + Brayden

22. Yvonne + hubby + Ivan

23. Jasline + hubby + Jayden

24. James + wife + Adeline (Nicole's brother)

Can the following confirm if they are still coming? Else, there will be a few babies with no presents that day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

18. lasery2k (Sandy) + Luke + hubby

19. Happimay + Benedict

20. Jaya + hubby + Ravi

Hi Babycoco. Apologies for the delay in replying. Yes Im still attending. I

I transferred $30 (for Husband and myself) to POSB Savings 207-14237-9. Transaction Reference: 7272667691

I have also got the prezzies for Alwyn, Grace's little darling.

I also managed to find the Santa hat for my daughter.

Looks like we are all set for the party mummies.

See you all this Saturday.



Hi Chel, for no. 21-24, we have got the address from one of the mommy here. Thanks for organizing. So excited to be at the party. See u all.


The bash is finally here this Sat.

Cant wait!! I bet it will be a mess with so many toddlers running around but that will be where the fun is! If I dont get a chance to say Hi to all, do come say hi =) Got 2 monsters on my plate and may seem much busier..heheh


Thanks in advance and see you Sat!


Thanks for helping to organise the party, and of course Chelz for securing a place for us =)

Hi Grace, how old is Aslyn? Will prepare a little pressie for her so that she won't feel too left out during the gift exchange.

Im looking forward to this Saturday and see so many little babies now walking and running and climbing....

Oh my!!! remember the time we were all on this forum when our babies were doing similar actions in our womb..? I miss it. They grow up so fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks for your warm thoughts! Much appreciated..

Ashlyn is 4 yrs! Any little box of biscuits wrapped up will make her happy like bird.. so thanks in advance!

Jayamum, yes yes I will always remember those days.

Grace, no problem at all. Will see what Santa has for Ashlyn.

Mrslong, Happimay won't be able to make it. Can I ask you for an update of the gift exchange? If its too much trouble, Happimay said she'll drop off the present for Bdmummy. Let me know ya?

X'mas Gifts Exchange on 17 Dec

Shall we hv the gift exchange done at around 7pm, where most, if not all, wld hv arrived & finished eating?

Also I am thinking instead of hvg the gift exchange done one by one, can we do en-mass? As in when its gifts exchange time, we will go round the room & look for the kid that we bought the gift for (e.g. Santa has come to give the kid a pressie)? Save a little time & promote interaction?

Hihi .. guess I ve missed out on the Xmas bash proceedings ...

Babycoco, is it still possible for me to join & take Happimay's place?

Hi mummies,

Of late, my boy is refusing to drink his milk, especially his 1st morning feed. I dunno what happen & what shall I do.

His usual milk/meal intake is:

7am: 180ml milk

8.30am: breakfast (bread or cereal)

10am: 150ml milk

12.30pm: lunch

3pm: 150ml milk

6.30pm: dinner

9pm: 210ml milk

So in total he has 4 daily milk intakes. But lately, he only drinks 60ml for his 1st feed & the rest, though intake more or less remains, he is taking much longer time to finish them.

He is currently drinking Enfagrow (stage 3) Original.

Shld I let him drink pediasure?

Am so looking forward to meeting u all n the little ones this Sat! Thanks again to the organizers, Chelz and Junie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


M has the same issue. he keeps rejecting milk & porridge lately. worst things is that he lost about 2 kg...brought him to 2 GP, 3 PD, 1 orthopaedic & 1 TCM for the past 1 month. none of them can increase his appetite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..so sad that he is so skinny & belongs to 25% percentile.

he was 11.5kg after our NZ trip & only 9kg now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](... very soon he will be underweight if he continue on his milk & food strike...

hopefully last resort of TCM massage can increase his appetite...


Hi Mummies ;)

It's been a while since logging in here. Does any mummy has any contacts for a good reliable PD dentist who can handle kids very well? Thanks so much!

