(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

babycoco: keep me posted too...the cookie monster one is cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just checked the web. So cute the shoes.

Is it something like Crocs? I wonder if my boy can wear such slip-ons & the shoes stay put. Hehe.

Hey mummies,

I just brought Kayden for his last pneumococcal jab and 1st MMR jab.

He always get fever after jabs. After jabs, he does not get the fever immediately but I still gave him one dosage of fever med.

Do you think I should follow up with another dosage 4hrs later eventhough he doesn't have a fever or wait and see if he has fever or not.

Hi mummies,

I am looking for someone to conduct a spree for the bottle labels from Inchbug. Anyone interested?

Justina: my boy likes the Earth's Best Snacking Fruit Hearts and Banana Fruit Rings, Happy Munchies (both flavours), Happy Melts, Healthy Times Arrowroot Cookies (maple flavour) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ann: my pd did not advise us to give med to prevent fever, but some of my friends' pd says ok to give overnight and monitor next day. Hope Kayden is ok and not too serious fever.

bdmummy: It is a norm for him le to get fever after vaccine. Not very high.. 37.8. Just started this morning.

Happy 2012 mummies!

I am thinking of going for a short holiday with my family & bringing my boy too.

Any recommendations of a family friendly & inexpensive destination?

Happy 2012 to all mummies n July babies! (or should I say July toddlers ? Hee) how time flies, our babies r turning 2 in 6 to 7 mths time...

Happy New year Ladies!

Junie - depends on budget and number of days you want to go... Chelsea brought Marc to many places, can check with her, where's best?!

I bringing to Keila to Lombok next Thurs!! Wonder if she will enjoy beaches like her parents!?

I hv been to bintan many times but not sure if its boring for bbs or not leh.

Lombok is an "off beaten" holiday destination. Eliss, let me know after u r bk & share if its good.

Junie, the first (and only) trip w my boy was to KL via Jetstar just to ensure he is able to take the flight. We went to mid valley and just eat and shop there, dun even need to take taxi to go elsewhere. Stayed at 2 bedroom service apartment so can cook porridge too.

shall we organise a group holiday together??? just a short beach holiday say to Bintan/Batam? any parents working with travel agencies, see if got good lobang for group bookings with activities to entertain the toddlers?

bdmummy, can share which service apt you stayed in KL? we're going up to KL for CNY but we booked a hotel. now i'm having second thoughts about the hotel, coz svc apt was really convenient for us when we went to perth...

Eliss: I don't mind. In fact, I am looking to travel on 2 - 4/5 Mar cuz my MIL will be going to a cruise holiday and I need to take leave to take care of my boy.

So might as well I also travel since I'm also on leave lor.

I was initially thinking of going to Hard Rock Penang but my friends are not able to make it.

I don't mind Batam - Harris Batam Resort is one of the better hotel I think.

junie - you mean travelling w/o the daddies? i cant do it on 2nd but i think 3-5 should be fine with me...

ya i was looking at Harris Batam too! see if other mummies are keen ??

Ann, for MMR, fever will only kicks in about 5-10 days after the jab. Skyler only got fever on his 6th day and lasted for a while only. After 1 dose of med, its back to normal le. He took MMRV jab wo pneuo.

Babycoco, I am interested in the shoes too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

arlo mummies,

gt an issue here..need some advice...

maid recent got re-contact in NOV by my FIL...but recently she seems to have some pattern esp on me.

i guess she is quite fed up with cleaning up my dog's pee n poo as my dog gt quite a temper on peeing on the floor.

recently when i talk to her she machiam like treat i m invisable or don't exist at all. when i tell her some things to do she won't even respone to me or even have a reply but still does it. when it's dinner time she will only ask my husband if he wants to eat n i m nex to him she won't even bother to ask.

how to deal with it?

sun_tan: Oh.. Kayden fever kick in on the 2nd day but 3rd day ok le. That is quite long for Skyler fever to kick in.

lasery2k: Have you spoken to her to find out what happen? Did you say something that hurts her feeling? Or maybe she is just having one of her permanent PMS. Tell her if she dun like working here, you can send her back and find another maid. No need to work with an attitude. No one is keeping her here. That is one reason why I dun allow my maid to be too close to my son. So she knows that we can do without her if she choose to go.

Ann, for MMR or MMRV, thats the norm as per advise by PD. And some of the other kids also only experienced fever on the 5th days onwards. I guess, it depends on individual kids as well.

Happy new year, mommies! My new year present was a stinky fridge. Haha. Was away for 2 weeks and the fusebox tripped. What a welcome!

Babycoco: H got a fever when she took 6-in-1 and pneumo at one go. So from then on, we decided not to combine jabs. But then, H got a fever when she took her chicken pox jab - went up to 39'C but lasted only 1 night. phew! The fever came 10 days after the jab when we thought all was well. She hasn't taken MMR yet. Not all babies will get a fever

Hi peanut, we stayed at The Gardens Residences (note there is another called The Gardens Hotel which is typical hotel, not service apt) at Mid Valley. It is connected to 2 megamalls, w Carrefour, Cold Storage and lots of food options. That time was cheaper to book direct from its website. Can also request for baby cot on arrival too.

babycoco: It is a norm for Kayden to get fever after vaccination. I wanna order the elmo one. price include shipping to Singapore?

sun_tan: Yup, every kid is different. But everytime see them fever after vaccine, also heart pain. Hai..

Fever after vaccination:

My nanny taught me to feed baby "pao sheng" 3 days before vaccination, can avoid baby from getting fever. Maybe can try and see whether it helps.

babycoco, Skyler also got fever when we combine his first 5 in 1 jab with pneuo. Thus like Jess, after that we separate it and he is fine. But for the recent mmrv jab, he had fever for 1 night and the next day is back to norm.

