(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi all, been long since I last post as been busy shifting house and at work.. Glad that I managed to squeeze in for the Xmas party and looking forward to seeing you all soon..

Chelz- Like the red / green theme. It will sure looks good.. But the Xmas hat etc, think it will not work on Bray as he will take it off within secs.. Haha

baby yen, ya suika's bb is a girl.

Anybody comes across those hairclip with a small little santa hat? Thinking of getting those. Should be ok on boy too right :p

Sun_tan: I have one of those Santa hair clip...but hor I think my boy's hair too little to "kiap"...sure fall... Haha!


This is JL last year when He went to the IFC.

The big hat I use tape to make it smaller...

I doubt he now will wanna me to clip or wear for him . LOL

hahahaha....so cute loh...

recently my boy is behaving more like a girl instead of a boy...everything also mama..even take comb n comb his hair then do the so cute n show mi.

if not he will take my hair clip n ask mi put on his miserable little hair head. (duno wanna laugh or cry)

lasery2k, my boy also!

He woke up and the first thing is he go take my comb and use the tv console reflection and comb his hair and smile at me... lol

he will go take his pigeon comb then put on his head n try to comb..

if he see mi he will run over n pass mi the comb n ask mi comb for him...=.=!!

i think must be too much of comb hair = handsome boy...

any babies here getter vain?

there was once, i put him in his shirt, bow tie n pants n praise him say so handsome boy. he went round the hse n show every 1...after tt refuse to take off...

he will go take his pigeon comb then put on his head n try to comb..

if he see mi he will run over n pass mi the comb n ask mi comb for him...=.=!!

i think must be too much of comb hair = handsome boy...

any babies here getter vain?

there was once, i put him in his shirt, bow tie n pants n praise him say so handsome boy. he went round the hse n show every 1...after tt refuse to take off...

Sun_tan - Yes, the santa clip will be good.. If have, will like to get for my boy too.. Let's check out Watsons....

Cheese - Your boy super cute la.. Looks nice in both Santa looks...

Ica - Thanks for the xmas exchange update

lasery - My boy too.. He likes to take my comb n brushes his hair but he also not much hair too brush la.. End up, just use comb to hit his head.. Haha.. So funny.. Then, he likes to take my hair clip & ask me to clip for him but he will then take out and repeat the same thing again.. Headache.. I also scare and wonder why he behaving more like a gal...

hello mummies!! long time nv log in here! can't join for the Christmas gathering as I have other appointment..

By the way, I am pregnant!! hahahahaha! but hush hush i only dare to say here, to my hubby, parents, and close friends. BUT NOT MY IN LAWS!!! LOL!

Hopefully all will turn out well, the fear of unstable first trimester comes back again..

Join me soon ah! go go! EDD in July too, i will pot for c-sect and make the bb's birthday same as Chloe.

Anyway, who delivered at Gleneagles? was the c-sect cost really about 10k in total? so siong!! My previous doc moved to Gleneagles already, thinking if i should change gynae hmm..

Marie, come, give me the handsome cute gynae's name at KKH TPS! hahahah!

Shann: Congratulation!!! Wish I could join you soon but then I have to wait till next year Jan then can start trying cause of my womb enlargement. Sian!!

Shann, grats man!!! Wah i don dare to #2 lor. I had a bad scare just last week! Kena food poisoning, then nausea the whole day. Brought back memories of my first trimester! Then I kept thinking oh nooo I dont want!!!!! Heng it turned out to be food poisoning.

How I wish I can have a #2 and skip the nausea part. Labour all that.. no problem man!

congrats shann!!! i alaso longlong nva come to forum.. but i can 'hear' ur callings.. hahah...

so happy for u!!! 可以三年抱五!!!

anyways, my handsome gynae fr kk tps also went to glen e! hahah.. under parkway grp. mayb same as ur gynae?

he told me the bill @ glen e wld b abt 7k+ for caesar? cuz my bill @ kkh, tps for caesar already 6k+...

so he told me not much diff. (-.-)|||

anyways, my caring, handsome & assuring gynae is dr anthony siow. his now @ parkway gynaelogy screening & treatment centre. 6479 9555.

all the best for ur #2!!! so exciting!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Catering - have narrowed down to 2, Neo Garden & YLS. Any other suggestions?

Jac - doesn't mean your 2nd pregnancy will have morning sickness. my cousin had really bad ms during her 1st pregnancy, 2nd pregnancy was smooth sailing, didn't even feel nauseous. so jiayou... you never know.

woa....congrats shann...i still don't dare to concieve yet for another...quite happy n comfortable without having the night feeds and finally getting to sleep from night to day..

most prob will try in 2013 then give birth to a little snake.

jia you jia you..

Thanks gals! This time not so kanchiong already, i think will only go for first appointment when i am 9/10 weeks, i don't want to do vaginal scan leh!

meanwhile just take folic acid, obimin, calcium pills will do..

Marie, wah he also moved ah, mine is Irene Chua. I guess i will stick to KKH TPS, service quite good and affordable. Cannot afford the c-sect at Gleneagles, i did a search online, many ppl said the bill came to 10k!! crazy right..also less deduction from medisave, hv to pay a lot of cash!!

you all also jia you jia you! my hubby will not be around in singapore when i deliver, sad right? i am alone!! i just pray that my MIL won't offer and come and stay with me, tt's my biggest nightmare!!

Shann, congrats!! Time flies. Still remember the times where we are pumping and chatting on msn!

Junie, think Eliss aiming for Jan 2013? Before CNY is still dragon but late dragon.

congrats Shann!

Aww....take good care!

Hmm..I haven start my production yet..

I cant imagine another pumping session.. confinement!! I had a very bad rashes from my last

trimester till the day I gave birth and my legs have many many water bubbles and its so itchy!!!


Just hope everything will be better for #2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my house aready gt 2 mini tigers + 1 tigress..now a little dragon on the way by my hubby elder sis..i cannot image the fights the boys are going to have..

the 2 mini tigers aready fighting every sunday for toys...n they really is push each other until 1 fall down n he grab the toy then give up 1..=.=!!

My HB, my boy & my MIL are born in the year of tiger. So enough of the strong/fierce animals.

I am a snake. So me aiming for a snake bb, hopefully a girl. Hehe.

haha ya, hubby and I are also discussing if we should aim for a dragon bb but both hubby and me are small animals. so we were saying if 1 tiger 1 dragon, we r gg to be bullied by our kids lol...

haha junie... you reminded me ... LH and I are dragon and snake respectively with a mini tigress, so the younger one should be fierce too if not he/she cannot keep up... kekeke

yep aiming a Jan 2013 baby...

neo garden food nt bad...^^

ya mi n hubby small animals too but both are snappy kind..n dog n a rat..

gt 1 tiger at hm aready headache..add 1 more fierce animal sure gone case.

but heng my little tiger don't bite...maybe still small..hahaha

congrats, Shann!

for those into zodiac.. here's some interesting info i got from my colleague.

Good matches:

1) Rat, dragon & monkey

2) Dog, Tiger & Horse

3) Rabbit, Goat & Pig

4) Snake, Rooster & Ox

So i was thinking if i plan for #2, will try for snake.. but no courage to have another one. though sometimes when i see small babies, i really miss those times.

Congrats Shann too.. So happy for you.. Bring much live to the thread with your happy news.. Little Chloe will have little meimei or didi to play with soon.. Can't wait to see ur #2..

Hope more of such happy news to come.... For me, also hope to aim a baby girl.. Have not decide when though.. But recently, I found out that B does not like to share toys with other children.. Does giving him a sibling helps?

wow congrats shann!

so many mummies aiming for 2013 baby. me and hubby too! but i think 2 of us (pig and monkey) will sure kenna bullied by the tiger and snake... hubby said they will throw us into old folks' homes hahaha

hi all, super long no time comes in here chat, so how's everyone here?....juz saw the good news!!

Shann, congrats!! so nice to see all the good news

Shann, congrats.. Take gd care! ^^

Hope to see u soon...

Some long nv log in.. Great to hear gd news.. Talking abt no. 2

I also hope for a gal than can close factory le!!!! Initially I also want to have a dragon bb too.. But I scare in future will be competitive for all dragon bb.. Plus Jux got my new house financially sure very tight.. Will postpone..

Thanks sweetkiss for the zodiac.. Me n hubby is rat n dog plus a tiger.. I think yr of horse is gd for me..... ^^


we r in the same zodaic range..lol..i also aiming for a bb girl after tt close factory liao..but whateva gender comes i still close factory..don't want the disappointment of 3rd 1 come out to have birdie also..i would be so so sad..lolx


About sharing toys...it have to be instill in them..when i play with him, i will always ask him if i can have tt toy, then he will pass to mi. (i don't snatch it from him) or if he wants his toy bk he will point n eh eh (still duno how to talk properly yet). and i will always remind him it's nice to share yr toys n don't snatch it when other people is playing. it's always good to teach them to ask for things (bad when go shopping...toys make them goes crazy).

last weekend, he was fighting for the wooden blocks toys with his same age cousin and after some pulling, he got the toy n his cousin cried. i think bb L gt guilty n gave his cousin the toy he was holding n make him laugh.

Congrats Shann! Take care and have a smooth pregnancy! Come Come share some baby dust here. lol!

Nowadays I always look at those preggie woman with a toddler while shopping. But I can't imagine myself looking after a tot and a baby.

Wah, u guys can think in terms of zodiac sign..me ah, must think in terms of my age already..lol. Really envy those who give birth early and can close shop early. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

