(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

CharlieBrown >> Yupz agree with you, I prefer to have a routine so by 7-8pm, bb is sleeping. Next time go school also easier, sleep early wake up early.But sometimes I give leeway, esp if grandparents come to visit. I just make sure he doesn't go off his routine for more than 2 evenings in a row.

I guess for me, I will implement whatever I would like him to do as a routine when he is bigger. Easier to train now, cannot protest yet..lol


morning, pris! so cheery today? yeah, weather is so nice these days. and yesterday night was sooo cooling. my mom says it's the north wind blowing this time of year

charliebrown, pris, me, too. my baby's bedtime is around 8.30-9pm. but like pris, weekends we relax this "rule" a bit. i guess for special occassions, we'll do the same but not too late though

baby's PJs: my baby wears L/S tops and pants coz we always sleep with the aircond on. but since the weather's so cool these days, she sleeps with just the fan on and windows open for circulation and she's ok with that - i thought she wd sweat buckets. i cover her tummy with a burp cloth (quite thick cotton material) coz she likes to kick her blanket off during sleep. with that burp cloth, she can't kick it off. hahaha

aircond temperature: i read that between 24' and 26'C is ok. i tried 26'C and find it a bit warm. my baby's been sleeping at 24'C

jasline: does your baby watch TV during daytime? could be that or maybe teething. or maybe your baby doesn't play much during the day but gets stimulated before his bedtime? can affect his sleep, too. i read that if baby can't fall asleep even though baby's already showing signs, pick baby up and show him relaxing stuff, like the garden, trees - scenes that are boring, to calm baby's mind

baby poo since starting solids: my baby's poo is still mushy but it is sticky now and hard to clean. i also started her on Stage 2 FM but slowly increasing the no. of scoops - balance is still Stage 1. and yes, Stage 2 is heatier. my baby has "bak sai" now since i added 2 scoops of stage 2 (she doesn't have before when i started with 1 scoop of Stage 2). i'm also giving her HT brown rice cereal and she likes it. but i mix with water instead of milk. also gave her gerber's apple puree. initial reaction was standard as the puree is sour but she still asked for more

cheese, yeah! i also read that mommy's blog on "P" fruit good to relieve constipation. but i guess depends on baby? what works on one baby may not work on another

happybellies: was browsing thru NTUC's organic section and saw happy bellies melts and puffs but limited flavours, no cereal. anyway, baby can't eat yet until baby can crawl with tummy off the floor

organic baby food: if you don't want to buy from sprees, these are the supers you can get the stuff from though not full range but good enough. but of course more ex:-

Cold Storage - bellamy's, organix

NTUC - happy bellies, healthy times, rafferty's garden

Enfapro Stage 2: JTS - any baby using this? Cold Storage having promo now at $36+ (i.e. $3 off usual price of $39.90) till 20 Jan

Jonas: I read that peach is good for baby with constipation. So I prepare peach puree for Kayden. Will start him with peach tomorrow. But now hoh, he pooed every day lei.. better than when he is on milk only. Poo every 3 days like that.

baby sleeping time: I tend to be more lenient abit when it comes to sleeping time. As long as Kayden falls asleep by latest 10pm, I am fine with it.

mealtime: I am thinking of letting baby join us at the dining table during mealtime. Give him his meal at the same time as us. Not sure if this is too early for him.

annie, how u do for peach?finally BB J started the pumpkin! hee.. he likes it! so far I think papaya he doesnt like.. give me the yikee face and eat very the slow...

I normally dine out..so he cfm will need to see us eating [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But when we are at home, he will sit his majestic chair and wait for his food and he goes mum mum mum mum!

Ya, same as annie, as long as he fall asleep at 9+, im ok with it. So far at 8+ he will need to sleep unless we go shopping he will KPO wanna see..

Jonas: Like how you do for apple lo. Steam and blend. But hoh.. mine dunno how come more dilute.. hope kayden will still like it.


Ya i also think so.. dunno wat nightmare he is having.. carry him & tell him dun scare daddy & mummy here.. But he stil keep crying & shout.. =(


sleeping pattern, same as urs.. I have to keep wake up & tries to cover it & keep shifting her position during his sleep... now he sleep is like can roll the whole bed.. so scary..


same same.. mine also shift alot. Moving upwards on the bed.. he is sleeping with me on the bed.. Many patterns!!!

sleeping time, usually wkdays seldom will go out.. so i will let he sleep as n when he like.. can see whether he is sleepy or not..

but for wkend, like sat.. hard to say.. depend whether we will brin him out or not.. But mine very "hong xin" he won't sleep de when he is outside..

as for reunion dinner, i think i will tell hubby that go back to my house eat liao than go home early to sleep liao.. cos "chu yi" early in the morning 5+ we have to set off to malaysia, yong peng.. cos FIL is a malaysian.. Hopefully bb can sleep nicely in the car if not i will be having a hard time..

Any mummies who bring bb to malaysia b4.. do we need to fill in the white card for bb ma??? can someone advise me??? thanks...


thanks will try the method u suggested.. =)

as for the happy bellies melts and puffs, although it written that suitable for bb.. but i think need to wait till bb really like 8 9 mths ba.. cos I also bought, ytd juz deliver to my house.. Hubby open the melts & try, I try too.. I found tat it does not really melts once u put in the mouth. was quite hard too.. than ytd i let bb try.. i dun dare to put everything into his mouth, i scare he choke... I hold the melts & put inside his mouth.. It break into half, & the other half went into his mouth.. he was like coughing.. i was so scare.. scare he choke.. so i think i will not let him eat this for the moment.. I think the heniz biscuit still ok.. =)

Hi Claudia

It is best to train when they are young cos my 1st gal was on pampers till 3 yrs old. Put your baby in a potty at specific time where your baby always poo. Must be patient and persever.

Ann: same as u.. since my girl started solids, she poos daily!

ytd my mum told me she poo out another small lump of hardened poo.. followed by her normal mashy poo liao. yay! i really think is her constipation.. no wonder she was so moody.. last nite she looked so much more active!

claudia: my bb started potty training a few weeks ago. we let her sit on the potty every morning after milk. must be patient and wait at least 5-10 minutes. my gal surely will poop one. dun need to buy those fanciful potty... i bought those nicey ones at first and she seems uncomfy in them. in the end i changed to those normal red color ones ($1.50 only) and she likes it more and able to sit longer to gek. haha.

my girl has been sleeping at 10pm+ now and waking up at 6am+! like totally not enough sleep leh..

jasline, your baby is Msian or Sporean? if Sporean, yes, should need to fill the white card. ya, those melts, puffs, baby can only eat when they can crawl on all fours (one of the conditions). it's stated on the packaging. think by 10mths baby should be crawling efficiently. i've tried the gerber puffs when my frien fed her daughter - they really melt in the mouth but hor, very bland even though it says apple flavour. but to baby, it's like striking lottery! fren's daughter ate non-stop. hehehe

sweetkiss, if your baby naps enough, should be ok. at this age, total sleep time is 12-15hrs, with about 3 hrs of nap time


mommies, i registered for the following mommies for the gymnademics class on 23 Jan, 12-115pm. the class is full already with all 8 pairs of mommies/babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]




hwei yen





the centre manager will be calling/contacting you shortly!

SK: Thanks for the potty tip. Was planning to get those fanciful ones...haha....perhaps traditional red ones still works the best...where to find them ah?

This reminds me of my fren's son. She bought him one of those walker to push to encourage him to walk. In the end the son prefers to push a stool tat just cost my fren a few dollars and walk around the hse!

JP: thanks for arranging the class =)

vernie: i bought from those normal market houseware shops selling brooms, pails, etc.. u know the kind i am referring to rite? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yah, the red ones are small and their little butts can fit in nicely while u support them. the nice one i got is slightly bigger so will have gaps when bb sits on it.. maybe can use the nice ones when bb is older i guess.

ica : the enfapro stage 2 is 900g the issit?? I bought 1.8kg de... :)

i have been trying to put baby galen on potty.. but then, he is damn smart... When he is going to "gek" shit while on pamper, i faster strip him off and place him on the potty.. Guess wat, he don wan to poo sai le... omg~~ ONCE i put back his pamper he poo sai out... FAinte >_<||| He is playing this "game" with me for the past few weeks... hahahah~~ I really hand up for him man...

SK & Jen thanks

Btw, u let bb sit in potty for 10-15mins? Is that ok for them? cuz adults also shouldn't sit so long in toilet bowl to try to eh eh rite? Might strain anus / have piles? That's what I was afraid of... Do you remove their diapers?

heh I have the red potty from my wedding!


The gerber apple purree... is that the applesauce? I was bit hesistant to give cuz the ingredients was apple + vit C. But I guess vit C should be OK for bb? Some gerber / heinz ones (can't remember which fruit) mixes with citric acid and I thot that was about dubious.


yeah.. try to fix a proper bedtime 9pm plus minus half hour or so depending how bb napped in the day. Its good for bb to have some form of routine... but i guess special ocassions bo bians... but still not too late


mine sleeps in sleepsuit with socks all in - find more comfy.. nothing 'tight' @ his waist (and feet) and more importantly dun have to worry about his tummy being exposed.

Btw... know any other BP other than Adelene's selling those one piece sleep suits? (with booties)... Hers all Disney looking for some variety!

jasline : heheheh~~ though i did not buy the happy bellies melt, but i took 1 from my hubby's sister de.. and gave him try the strawberry flavour.. he love it.. but than after awhile, he got choke.. and puke out some milk and the melt... omg... got stunned.. hai~~

agree with u.. heinz biscuit still okay.. he can grab it himself and chewing and melt itself..

bedtime : usually, my boy will slp thru the night... so i am not worry abt this.. thus i nv really train him to slp on specfic timing.. So is really depend on his napping time..

Usually he will have 1 afternn nap for max 2hrs..

than later evening, after his evening bath, like say 7pm.. he will take a short nap for like 1 hr..

and i will coax him to slp arnd 10 or near 11pm.. Sometimes at the worse is like 1am than slp...

S He will auto wake up at 8-9am for milk and doze off again... than again he will wake up arnd 10.30-11am to wait for morning bath... lol~~


but than, i am not sure is his slp hrs is enuf for him not..

hershey, ya, 900g. where to get 1.8kg tin? i only see 900g at supers woh

claudia, ya, the gerber applesauce. citric or ascorbic acid is ok, according to the wholesome baby food webby - it's to prevent browning

ica : heehee~~ i alway think tat stage 2 comes in only 900g.. so when i was at the ntuc, at first i thought i see wrong.. stage 2 comes in 1.8kg???.. lol~~ i stand there like i think 1 to 2 minutes to check is it true tat is stage 2 not... lol~~

i got mine at serangoon north the ntuc... should be slightly cheaper than 900g worz..

leaking pampers!

I discovered earlier that my boy's rompers was wet after lying down rolling around.. (His lower back, slightly higher than waist level, at the side) Dun think pampers is full since I just changed... And.. is this how leakage is supposed to happen? He is a boy... don't his pee pee go up infront instead of spilling from the back?

Any mummies experienced this as well?

cheese, hershey, ok will keep a look out if i go to these big NTUCs

hershey, i think i'll react the same way as you did if i see 1.8kg tin. hahaha! i'll keep turning the tin round and round to make sure it's really stage 2!

claudia, no lah, i didn't comb thru that webby but i remember reading that commercial purees these days are equally good and added vit C is ok. so i googled lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sleep suits with booties: you can try Fox. i bought 2 when they had sales but have never let my baby worn them - yet. made of thick, soft cotton. they look quite hot


could ur boy be teething since he is more wakeful @ night? And i read that while sucking on bottle provides comfort to teething baby, it can be painful too so after awhile he might reject bottle...

Previously charliebrown had a tip on applying teething gel before sleep.... u might wanna try?

hi jasline,

my bb before turning to 5th mths old also hv difficulty sleeping for abt 2 wks.

dont know why. sometimes scream/ shout in the middle of the nite, then flip here & there.sometimes bang his leg on the bed. every time got to always pat him. at least 3-5x got to wake up & pat pat him...

when he turn 5 mths old, he change pattern... he sleep through the nite. i also dont know why... maybe just passing phase ...

sleepsuits with booties: try mothercare! not cheap about 30+ for 3 i think but vv cute and quite thin & soft. they get softer with washing so they become vv comfy


Just fyi, I am running the BP for beco carrier again. Butterfly 2 with design Lauren, Espresso and Lucas @ 165 inclusive courier. Beco Gemini with design Lucas and Natalie @150 inclusive courier. Both are pre order basis and expected received 2 weeks after order placed.

I also have BOOTS milkbag for sale at $10/pack (contain 40 bags).Double zip lock and can contain up to 300ml. Self collect at Sengkang. If local postage, additional $1.Thank you


Wat teething gel Is it? Where to buy?

I see his mouth but no teeth lei..

I'm so tired!!! Today sleeping time is a war again.. Haiz hopefully this phrase will be over soon...

Anyone mummies here use avent bottles now? Now my bb 6mths+ liao still using the teat 2 lei.. Have not change to teat 3.. Did try changing but he drink half day was like coughing so I dunno whether to change the teat or not.. Any mummies can advise??


S is using teat 3 for avent bottles now. At first he is not used to the flow and will have milk dripping out all over his chin. But after a week or so, he is used to it and now he is ok with teat 3.

Mommies, I have Nan Ha stage 2 fm to exchange for Similac stage 2. Anyone wanna exchange pls PM me.

jasline : Is okay if u have not change the teat.. i am still using teat 2 for galen.. And another teat suitable for thicker liquid de.. Slowly change also can... most important is baby comfortable... C:

Jasline: You can try Dentinox. Can buy from Guardian. Does your bb have a lot of wind? He can be gassy as well, so cannot zz properly.

For teats, I am using NUK silicon wide neck. Just changed to the one for 6mths and above. But it looks super big compared to the one for 0-6mths.


Mommies are you all keen to barter milk?

I have Enfapro A+ Stage2 (400g) and Frisco Gold Stage2 (900g) to exchange for S26.

Let's call the milk companies to get milk samples and swap for the milk we need = )

Wyeth (S26 / Promil Gold / Progress Gold / Promise Gold) Milk http://www.wyethnutrition.com.sg


Dumex (Mamil series) Milk www.dumex.com.sg

NutriLine at 1800 265 3188

Friso Milk http://www.friso.com.sg

Friso hotline at 64198484

Abbott (Similac / Gain / Grow / Pediasure / Isomil) Milk http://www.abbott.com.sg/family/free_sample.asp

Nestle Milk 68367216

10 Mead Johnson (Enfa series) Milk http://www.meadjohnsonasia.com

1800 345 5213

My girl just started on avent teat 4, cos with teat 3 she seems to suck harder now and drinks till got a mark on her upper lip.

after that, avent got no more teats le, so does that mean i gotta let her learn to use sippy cups for milk? what are u mummies planning to do?

i have 2 pairs of avent no.3 variable teats. anybody wants? 1 set brand new in box, the other set comes with the new bottles i bought so there will not bea any packaging...

Sk >> I still using no 1 leh..hahah..tried to switch to no2 but bb makes this funny face coz the flow is too fast and he gags. But I feel is time to change to no2 redy. How to change over ya?

Pris: hmm actually i only changed after i noticed she started to suck very hard on the teat, plus those marks on her face after her milk.. for me i started by putting small amt of water in bottle first with the new teat and let her try. at least if it drips, will not be as messy as milk.. haha. or if i wanna give milk, i standby the old teat to change in case she gags on the fast flow.

if bb still cannot adapt to the new teat it's ok ba, as long as he is drinking well rite? i tried to make my girl drink from the new teat once when she wasnt ready, end up she got phobia and refused the bottle for the entire day~!

pris, still on teat #1? maybe your baby really enjoys the milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just change lah. what i did was to tell my baby that i've changed to a faster flow teat and asked her to go slow. babies are smart - they understand. initially milk ran down from corners of her mouth, her chin. now cleaner but i'm thinking of changing to #4. sigh, then the whole messy process starts again...

my baby has been on #3 for quite a while now - she has no patience when it comes to food. same thing when feeding her cereal - after 5mins she'll try to grab the spoon from my mom or fidgets in her high chair

SK, maybe you can try the variable flow teat and set it to the fastest? even at the "slowest" flow, it's very much faster than #3's flow. or when baby has mastered drinking water from the sippy cup, can feed milk thru the cup instead - that was what i read, about the sippy cup

pris, there are lines/cutting on the rim of the teat, like this: I, II, III (slowest to fastest). if you want slowest flow, must make sure that the 1 line mark is aligned with baby's nose when feeding, etc.

