(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Good morning mummies, have a suggestion for the customized tees/dresses. My hubby designs for a local brand, Ariel Baby Co. Dunno if any of you have heard of that brand. Can ask him to come up with something for us. We can get the tees/dresses made by his company too, so can keep cost down. What do you think?


cakes: I overheard mommies discussing about birthday cakes in my company nursing room and they commented that ecreative is pretty good too. and the price is quite ok too =)

eliss: wah so pretty! but sundress is so ex compared to the tee/romper. it's indeed most costly to raise a girl girl haha.

babycoco: I heard to ariel bb b4. can you PM me so that we can further discuss on the details? thanks!

wah...was away for a company event yesterday afternoon and this thread was so hot, all talking about the bday bash...ok, i will mark the date in my calendar & reserve it for this big event =)

morning mummies

wah.. babycoco, look like we need trouble your hubby liao ur suggestion sounds cool.

keep me in the loop please

mummies, i m down with fever since last night, still can bf right, also i remember we can take certain type of panadol but not others, any mummies know which are the safe 1s. dun want go gp leh.

eliss the sundress looks soo sweet.. maybe i will make 1 for her birthday...cant wait to let R wear those tutu skirt too..haha i always thought bb girls look cute in tutu n pampers...

Babacoco- i juz remember your hubby has a shop in marina sq right. No wonder u pump there! Got dress huh? I want custonmised one for my girl! I also want to be in the loop just want to see the design and such! Or and i want the birthday dresses to be ready by mid June cuz i have an earlier birthday celebration for K.

alamak i got to miss it again...doing my Gal BD bash on 2nd July as her ED is 4th [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...

DO we have any Pre CNY celebration????

My bb fell sick again down with cough and fever, she fell sick every month..don't know how come her immunity is so low? Thought Bf bb are stronger? Sob..

July 2010 Babies 1st Birthday Bash

Saturday 2 July 2010

Mommies who are attending, please input your details here


To view, please click on this link


If you want to make any changes after you've input your details, you can post in this forum, PM me or email me at [email protected]

I will post this daily (unless the thread is really quiet), so mommies don't have to check the archives for these links

ica: Wah...so high tech - got online form to fill in...hee! I just submitted mine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

very nice ica...

wem but able to add in another field - hubby - going?... cuz we need a head count too!

Wah wah wah, suddenly the thread is moving very fast.

Re: customise romper

I have a fren doing customise romper too. I have told her abt our planning and hopefully to get a gd rate fr her. Geri & Irene, pls let me noe the lowest cost for each romper then i use it to counter my fren and see if she can offer even lower price.

Re: Decoration & banner

I can in charge of that. Pls let me know who else wanna help me out. For banner, i can get my fren to design (FOC) & i will take it to print since the printing shop is near my hse. The decoration part i need help to blow balloon n do some decor at the place.

Thanks mummies for the warm welcome.

Hi Ica, i've submitted my detail[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Geri: Tees yes. Dresses i gotta check. Think she got post in this forum. I go find the link and post here soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oopsie! hehehe! have changed the year on the form but can't edit my post as >20mins have past liao. next post, definitely will get the year right


done. headcount columns added

aiya, that spreadsheet very easy to create. just go to google doc

I'm also for Ts or dresses. no more rompers.

jessica - please change the date of the event in your spreadsheet still showing 2010...

gals - you are all so amazing... i can sit back and relax liaoz...


the date has been changed to 2011 oredi - 2 July 2011 only appears on the form. the one on the spreadsheet means babies born in July 2010

Hello mummies

Do I nd to fill up the form? Cos my family members will be there to help to clean up the gym etc.. Just add my Bb shanelle customized clothes. Cos like this I very difficult to fill up the form. Btw, balloons included and my Sis Gt the normal kind of happy bdae words banner. Eh, she Gt tat tank for that balloon. I dun knw wad is tat call la.. Haha.. As for lowering the price Tats the lowest my Sis told mi. 1 family $10.

My jiefu n trainers will teach fine motoring skills for babies. And will do something for the babies activities. Anything can ask Eliss regarding venue etc. Cos..... I seldom come forum and msn le..take care mummies.. Huggs.

woohoo.. seems like lidat not much decor needed? I thinking if can we do a banner wif all the babies face printed on it..


This is the website for the customise clothings. Geri, u shortlist this into ur list too bah. Fr there we slowly find n see which is the best out of it.


I can help out with the deco if u need help. But I m not those artistic type. U just let me know wat I can do/help.

Wow! This forum has been too fast. Got to back track so many threads to read up.

My daughter's bday is on 6th Jul. I guess since it's still a long way ahead, it shouldnt be a problem for us to go to the bash on Sat. Afterall, we can still celebrate on a Sunday, if a wkend is needed. But just want to check, when is the latest date to cfm the attendance?

And tentatively, I should be able to help with decor. =)

So shd I key in my details into the list as well?

Photographers/Videographer - Ok we will do away with the title "official" photographer. Anyone can be the photographer for the day!! After the event, we will find a online host where we can all upload high-res photos so that mummies can download from there...So shoot like you never shoot before yar...

Hi mommies, what sort of sponsors do we need? Sorry too much posts i blur already!!

Is it for lucky draws? Some small prizes? If our kids were older.. I could sponsor a dslite! (I save it for our kids 6yr old party bash OK??) =D

Actually my sis and i are running a small online store selling baby clothes , i can sponsor some clothes for prizes no problem!!

hi Eliss and organizing committee,

like to add on..

looking at the spreadsheet now, it seems like most are ok with customized clothings and yes, me and Irene will try to keep the cost down. Since we need to finalise clothings by end april may i also suggest full payment (no refund) to me and Irene by early may so that we can go ahead with the orders.

As for distributing the clothing before the event, may I also suggest that we do the meet up after the clothing are ready so as to facilitate the passing of clothing to the organisers first.

For others mummies:

- West mummies will collect from Irene

- East mummies will collect from me.

- I will need the help of some organisers living in other areas to serve as additional collection points. (eg. North area) Details will be finalised as we draw nearer to the collection date.

Irene -- anything to add?


I stay at sengkang, so if ppl dont mind coming to my hse, can collect frm me.

Alternatively i have a shop at funan IT mall so if ppl dont mind going there (town area), can pick up frm there too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Jaclyn ,

Yes we will finalize all collection points later then mummies can indicate their preferred areas n we will distribute accordingly

babaycoco- u want to provide wetbags for all? you serious?

Jac - I'm looking at all sorts of sponsors. Had wanted to use companies cuz I thought the companies and us can benefit if they sponsor.

I know you gals are kind souls...but at this moment, I try not to get fellow mummies to sponsor items at this moment.

July 2010 Babies 1st Birthday Bash

Saturday 2 July 2011



Mommies who are or may be attending, please input your details here



To view, please click on this link




If you want to make any changes after you've input your details, please PM me or email me at [email protected]


I will post this daily (unless the thread is really quiet), so mommies don't have to check the archives for these links

Hi Mummies,

I am a silent reader here.. Its so interesting seeing you girls organizing the event... Would love to join in too.. I stay at farrer park (NEL) if you need my help can add in as a collection point too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have yet to confirm my attendance but i dont mind helping out. Just let me know if i can be of any use to you girls...

Hi Babybee! Welcome! Thanks for offering for the collection point. Will take note of it =)

Jac & Michelle: Thanks for offering for the collection point =)

Geri: I think you have captured the main points. So happy to have such a great partner to work on this =) For the payment, I think it is easier to have just 1 person in-charge. I have both POSB and UOB account and not too bad at handling money so I think I can do the payment collection.


Haha no prob Irene u can handle the money . Me very blur nowadays . Hmm with all the help n response we r getting think this birthday bash is gona be GREAT !

