(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Irene: I also interested to get some as toy holders. Count me in. Thanks.

Sun_tan: Daddy hardly put him to sleep, that's true. But he never react so fiercely to it before lei. Even yao lan, he also dun really wan. That is the weird part lo.

cheese: im tinking of 'leashing' sophie w the lanyard... shd b able to wk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pris: wah!! sweat!! brg bb overseas excursion? if im gg alone w bb sure die. dunno muz brg how many thgs... my pump, bb's supplies.. etcetc...

H got no passport leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

suaku boy~ hee...

May, I think ica/jessica changed the privacy settings to that link already. Coz got our personal details like phone no. and this is a public forum...


yup yup. cannot view liao. you wanna make changes? just let me know ya.

btw, you have 2 diff mobile nos. which one to use - the one as per your latest entry? i think you have already indicated your interest in attending before i created the form

hi mummies,

Regarding intro solid ,recently, i have start my bb on rice cereal as PD advice as my bb milk intake in low and weight gain is low. He seem to like it alot and as his neck control still not strong so i dare not spoon feed him and bottle feed him instead. I intend to intro other solid after he is 6mth+. So if i want to increase his cereal intake should i slowly increase the cereal amount to more pastry form n slowly intro spoon feed in a single feed or should i increase the cereal by adding same amount but increase the number of feed until when he has gd neck control then intro more cereal in a single feed by spoon.

Any mummies know which is the better way? as i am a 1st time mummy everything also blur.


you're not in the list yet. pls fill up the form here


July 2010 Babies 1st Birthday Bash: updates

To-date, we have 28 mommies on the list but only 19 have indicated a firm "YES" in attending.

Mommies who can only confirm later are not counted towards this 30 babies limit - this group will be in the "Waiting List" for the time being until they confirm their attendance by 31 May 2011. of course, the earlier you can confirm, the better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

To make it easier for everyone, mommies can continue to view the worksheet at the same link - i've hidden the personal info


Hi yukidog

which brand of rice cereal did you buy? Recently I brought bb to PD for vaccination and PD said to intro bb to rice cereal BY 6 mths. Initially she said after 6 mths. But I intend to intro only after bb is 6mths old. Cos like ur bb, my bb's head is still abit wobbly. But my bb's weight gain is alright- 5mths old at 8kg.

bday bash:

any bb's bday same as mine- 16 july? keke

I have 2 tins of Similac 2 (400g) expires dec 2011 & 1tin of Mamil Gold 2 (400g) for sale at $15 per tin or exchange to NanPro.

Meet up at raffles place mrt or Serangoon mrt station.


help me chop 1 seat k? Outside now.. Hard to chop . Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me good after the trip.... But hor, I need another trip to get over it!! Haha

Tell u girls more when we meet up

Dear Mummies

Sorry for interrupting you

I have 3 * S$100 Babybaby vouchers for sale

(Please go to www.babybaby.com.sg for outlet details)

Letting go at 15% disc,I can meet up at Serangoon/Bishan/Lorong Chuan MRT or registered postage

Voucher Expiry: 16Dec2011

The vouchers can buy anything in the outlet except Ferrari car Seat (the only exception)

Interested please PM me


Hi charliebrown - I am giving him Bellamy rice cereal for 4mth. I also dun want to start him so early but his milk strike start since 3mth and he nw 5mth only weight 6.4kg so PD suggest to start cereal. He seem to like the cereal alot, can finish very fast within 5min and seem want more. So i not sure should i increase the cereal n milk in 1 feed or give him cereal in more than 1 feed but same amount of milk n cereal.

Morning mummies,

At what age can bb start eating porridge? My bb just started on rice cereal at 24 weeks old. His nanny says can start porridge when bb is 6 mths plus. Can bb eat porridge so soon? Those books/website mainly written by ang moh - talk about introducing one food (usually puree) at a time, 4 day rule, etc. But no mention of porridge woh?

Morning all.. wow.. mi already on waiting list for the birthday bash.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] fast.. sad..

Pris - yes, we should arrange a baby holiday session.. Maybe we can try Bintan Club Meb.. Hee...

Vernie, my gal also 24 weeks and my mum said will give her porridge next month…

Currently, she is on cereal too, but I only give 1 tsp mixed with milk once a day for her to test.

She has no probs eating from spoon coz she has been spoonfed w water since she was born.

But my mum asked me to mix the cereal with her milk in bottle…

I know it is ok to do it but somehow, I cant rem where I read/heard but it seems better to feed separately… any idea?

Yukidog, my PD taught me to intro cereals for bb a little at a time till it can replace a milk feed. if u find that ur baby is wanting more, maybe u try to increase bit by bit in one feed…

Until the amt is just right for him in one feed. then for his next feeding, u can give milk as usual. Then when he wants more when he is older, cereal will replace the 2nd feed and so on until he is completely on solids for all meals and only needs milk as supplementary.

Very sad to say I am dropping BFing since my gal is turning 6 mths. SS is low and I have cut down to 2 pumps a day, though I did try supplements but they dont work anymore. Seems like my gal is doing well without my BM so I am going stop when my I am left w the last few drops. :`( But anyway I am glad I made it through till today, despite the pain during initial BFing, having mastitis, discouragement and tears!

I've a preloved set of wink to learn Chinese (6 DVDs) to let go cheaply.. Its an extra set as i received one set as gif.. Anybody interested? Pls PM me thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i started my #1 w porridge when he was 6mths after tries of puree n cereal, but it's cooked till like puree oso then i add in pork puree into it

suika, keer13

you're in the confirmed list - i uploaded the table before i saw your entries

with that, we have 25 mommies who have confirmed their attendance, which means there are now only 5 seats left!

so mommies who can only confirm later, decide quick lest you miss out on this mega bash [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope you understand ya even though Mommy Organiser has set 31 May 2011 deadline to confirm attendance but if there are mommies who can confirm attendance now, priority will be given to them.

So mommies who have confirmed seats now, please make sure you turn up if not you sure will kena from us! me included. heeee :p

having said that, i haven't even started planning for my girl's own party. hahaha!


i saw Bellamy's porridge packs at Cold Storage, for babies from 6m. but it is made up of oatmeal instead of rice

or can try like what suika did. can either use slow cooker (porridge will turn out very, very smooth) or boil the porridge, then blend or sieve until it's like a puree

hee..i haven't started my girl yet, only in about 2 wks when she reaches 6 mths


you know, i stopped BF after 1.5 mths, so...what you did was very, very good liao. give yourself a pat on the back! for your perseverance and determination [applause! applause!]


Haa u r so cute. Me also haven start to look ard much. I saw those pretty cakes!! But quite ex wor. Lookg fwd to the jul babies bday bash!

Hi Ica - Thanks! Happy.... And also thanks to all who is making this bash a success.. I'm sure it will turn out fun!! I will be happy to help out in anyway.. Btw, should we have any goodie bag? Some small toys, balloons or wat's not..

Sweetkiss: Don’t be too hard on yourself. You should give yourself a pat on the back. You are very good to be able to BF until now. Achieved the WHO recommendation of BF for 6 mths! I stopped when bb was only 2.5 mths old.

Cereal: My bb is OK eating his cereal from spoon so far. Just started for about a week. I mixed 2 scoops (the FM scoop) of rice cereal with 1 scoop of FM and add about 30ml of water. Of course, the first two days, he gave me the “yucks” face and pushed my hand away. Now he is eating cereal twice a day, not the entire meal, still need to follow up with FM. Have not tried mixing the cereal in his milk bottle though…

Porridge: So, it is OK to start giving bb porridge. I thought porridge is more “advanced”, can only give later at 7 or 8 mths since I just introduced cereal for only a week. Asked my mum but she said forgot when she started feeding me and my sisters porridge – aiyoh, consult her also no use…haha…


ya lor. i'm thinking of making cupcakes and get a cupcake tier from party supplies (there are ongoing BPs). but all these need time and effort and sad to say, i'm getting lazy ler...

Sweetkiss - Thanks for ur info on cereal feeding.

Dun feel sad, u r really very wei da liao to be able to feed till nw, i only manage to bf until 3.5mth.

For bottle feeding cereal i also read somewhere it say better to spoon feed and have consult PD on this, and he say ok to bottle feed but if possible and have time slowly let bb try spoon feeding

Thank you everyone!!! Hehe…

Vernie, ur… “Achieved the WHO recommendation of BF for 6 mths!” sounds like I got a cert or medal for it. Hahaha!!!! i wanna post on FB!

Sweetkiss: Like mentioned in FB.. its something to be proud about! Me too going to hit 6 mths soon and i'm in my "struggling" phase now cos I am leaving for USA in about 2wks time and I need to ensure he have 7-8litres of stored breastmilk at least for those 9 days. I just did a "stock take" few days ago and I'm short of 2.5litres. So now im pumping like siao.

feeding porridge: I read somewhere that it is better to start porridge only when slightly older reason bcos porridge is just plain rice. It is not iron fortified or have other vitamins like brown rice cereal or even normal baby cereal.

bottle feeding: Apparently cereal in a bottle is not so good... mommies wanting to try it please read this ===> http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/tipcerealinbottle.htm

jaclyn and sweetkiss: i agree with you girls, it is defly a great accomplishment - not sure if i broke the rule cos i started cereal + bm last sat. my girl will be 6 months tomorrow! so so so excited ! ^_^

i was give the "oh no you didn't!" look when i told one of my friends that i have not given my girl any warm water as yet. as far as i've researched there's enough fluids in bm. tell me if i'm wrong on this.

and oh! will i need to feed my girl warm water now that she's started her 1 tbsp of cereal + bm now?

Birthday Bash Lucky draw sponsors -

Confirmed sponsors -

CJ Toybox - 1 Tessellation Play Mat... *yeah*

hopefully more to come....


cherry.sue: same here, i haven't given my girl water yet. Only when she eats medicine, i will just give her 1-2 mL of water to rinse her mouth. :p

My ILs and parents keep telling me that after feeding cereal should give baby drink water to wash down the cereal/rinse mouth. Is it true?

