(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


me too, my boy keep having blocked nose on n off. i was so used to it. once started, i will use the illidin (cos everytime I went to see doc, they gave the same)but after 1 to 2 days, if didn't work, then i will bring him to see doc, in case it will turn to bronctics. i will also use 'sea water' drop / spray, to soften the mucus.


Claudia, previously we were toking abt Gymboree, tot of organising trial session when they r able to crawl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear Mommies,

I'm new to this forum and thought it will be a good idea to get in touch with Mommies-alike. I had also given birth to my daughter (1st child) this Jul and currently is a SAHM. I think this forum is a great place for us to muse, share and rant and most importantly, we UNDERSTAND. I even feel myself nodding and smiling to some posts of Mommies as I read.

So a big "Hello" and hugs to all Mommies!

P.s: I wonder what took me so long to realise the idea of joining a forum. Save me from those unnecessary "depressional" moments. hehee

Hi lasery2k,

I did went to get the nasal suction pump which i hv been using but the pd told me not to use it cos baby nasal still forming and will hurt the inner nose and told me to stop.


Went to PD he say flu...PD says baby too young and didnt want to start him on medicine.

Steaming the nose? can u guide me how to? Put hot water in basin but how to get bb to sit still and face the steam?

Illidin? ok maybe tonight i go pharmacy to buy and try... i tried using starimar to flush my boy nasal but no use.. so currently use the cotton bud to dig out whatever that can be seen.

Ai yoyo... see him suffer so heartache. Very poor thing lor... so young need to suffer liao..


I also scared that it develop into bronchitis that's y bring him to PD. but sigh...

Now i am like trying all sorts of thingy to help him breathe properly lor..

Once in a while suction, clear nose using cotton buds, spray starimar, keep him in long sleeves, 2 days bath 1 time (scare he catch another flu).. but sponge him on days not bathing.


any of ur babies teething already? My girl is teething already!!! I felt her teeth on her lower jaw :p

Breastfeeding while pregnant:

I was told by my gynae to stop BF asap. But I dun feel like stopping... i really enjoy BF-ing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Sigh.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


for mi i don't believe wat PD say...when my boy was 1mth old n he was on super bad flu..i went to PD like 3times for it n he simply refuse to prescribe medication for him..

ended up i send him to A&E for nasal suction n the doc say y so long then bring here...the nose is so block...had to put him thru anti-biotic at 1mth..u can judge which is better for him i guess..

recently my boy just had cough n flu n fever thanks to his dad super virus..brought him to family doc n it's cleared in 4 days..

i m using the pigeon suction which in a tube form n uses mouth to suck..not those insert into the nose n pump(tried n don't really work well) kind...

LAsery / may

My PD gave medicine leh... Maybe dep which PD bah...


Steaming my bb hates it... Lay his Tummy on ur Lap and put a pail of hot water (careful not too hot) and let the steam get into his nose...not a quick win tho... PD previously also prescribed this eye drop but suitable for nose.. Sorry forgot the name but something like Podium.. Put in nose to soften mucus.. But if flu... Maybe u can try seeing another PD o get second opinion? I go to dr edmund koh @ tiong bahru...

Jastine: congrats! Ya it's a happy accident... Ha ha! I also wanna hv no. 2, but cos c sect I scared my wound not yet fully heal.

Sandy n organisers: thanks for organizing! Hee ya I think next gathering should b bb n their bumbos! Sure v cute one! Oki I gotta start looking out for 2nd bumbo Liao!

jastine, my baby lower gum also can see the teeth shape and abit of white colour like tat.. loL~~ and he keep chewing chewing.. and sometime will be very cranky if he got nothing to chew on.. lol~~

Sorry to interrupt. Any mummies here looking for stylish trendy nursing wear this festive season?


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DQ u best liao lor. Suggesting bumbo for next gathering. Rmb wat we saying abt Enzo during the gathering? Hahaha.. Later his legs got stuck how??

By the way my xmas gift is Mothercare wrapping, 2 pressies. I think is from Michelle. Thanks for the pressie!!!

Hope to c u mummies soon! I am thinking organising a steamboat during CNY. I dun mind at my place. Shall org it when it is nearer :D

wow, looks like the gathering was fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the babies have all grown so much compared to last time

just bought my gal for vacc @ doc today. she is 8.6kg and 72cm tall. was told can start cereal alrdy ... but then she is still bo2 ge2 (toothless) *lol* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyone started on cereals alrdy?

lynn: v ez.... u hold on to enzo... n i PULL the bumbo seat!!

mayb can hear 'pop' sound!!!!


love his thighs lah!!!!!


My girl is very cranky lately, and she kept chewing. I didn't know she's teething until my MIL told me! :p now I know what's causing her to poo so much. I read that teething can cause frequent bowel movement due to the increase amount of saliva swallowed. :p

tek koh: I start my girl on cereal last week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so far no allergies or anything. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babycoco - i dont latch K lo. That's'why need to bring pump and bottle milk. If you latching, i dun see much planning needed just latch yr baby on the go. Gotta have a nursing cover with you. If your girl is not used to having feed in the nursing u need to train her b4 yr trip.


ya, i also using the pigeon suction which in a tube form n uses mouth to suck.

I went to 2 PD. both also not giving me any medicine. 1 gave me starimar 'sea water spray' to help clear nasal nia.

I will try the steaming method and monitor for another day cos seems like bb mucus went into lungs this morning.

I heard my boy coughin and seems like something stuck inside.. sounds phelgmy..

Jastine, congrats...

Hi Yvonne, WELCOME!!!

Jastine: Geri's girl girl already got 2 teeth on her lower front jaw. saw it during the xmas gathering. so cute =)

Sandy, Eliss & Serene: thanks for helping to put together the wonderful xmas gathering!!!

DQ: I love the idea of bumbo chair gathering!!! The babies will look so cute in their bumbos haha.

Lynn: Maybe Enzo can sit in high chair during the gathering hee hee. Looking forward to CNY gathering!!!

Eliss: totally agreed that we can start planning the birthday bash. I was already drawing up the plan for Nathan's birthday like 2 months ago haha.

Hi Mommies..

Sad to miss out the Sun gathering. Hope u ladies enjoy the outing...BB is down with flu all thanks to SIL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now i am also sick but cant rest as need to take care of BB...juz hope got next gathering then i must join..heehee miss out too muz..

Jastine - wow 2nd bb on e way...congrats...

any mommies using goon? Tried their sample thot really good but checking G market cost almost 80cents per piece?! Anyone knwo where to get the cheapest?

Hi Mommies , sorry to disturb. Check out our pretty/cute clothes for your adorable ones. We are having a XMAS Special for this year, just enter code XMAS2010 when check out to enjoy 10% savings!

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Claudia: Wah so exp, i use pampers 30cts+ a piece (sometimes 20+ if got sale), already feel so exp! 80cts+ will just burn a hole in our pockets!


Yah man I used it once damn good tho... I using pampers Everytime he shit while I feeding him shit bound to leak out from the top n dirty his shirt n me! But goon seems ok! But so ex... Think I shall stick with pampers!

hi claudia,

u can try mamy poko.

I also notice pampers cannot hold lot of shit.

My bb used mamy poko in the past even though mamy poko is thicker than pampers but it never leak. I am thinking of switch back to mamy poko after we finish all of our pampers stock.

Hi Claudia,

Im using Huggies and I think so far it works well. Reasonable price too!

The adhesive part is good as it's more like "velcro" sort rather than those sticky ones. And it doesnt clog up badly after holding a few rounds of pee. Thk it's quite digusting when the stuff insides clog up n the baby's butt gets all wet n gluey...I tired it when an excolleague if mine (With 3 kids) recommend. So far, it has proven economical and practical.

Irene & Hershey: Thanks =D

Wow, looks like some of ur babies are teething. Mine hasnt though she is chewing alot on her fingers and whatever her hands can get. I observed that her lower front gums has a whitish colour..does that mean she is teething soon? Any more signs that we can look out for?

And it was such an endearing sight to see the pictures of ur previous gathering. Gdness...babies in rows? How cute can that be...kekeke...

I think different babies are different so must just buy the diaper that best suits your baby! My baby cannot take huggies, his poo will always leak frm the back. He takes pampers really well

Jaclyn...same here actually. But could it be the size is too small?

I agree with what you say. Just gotta try and error to find which suits best. =D

Hi everyone.

I am back from HKG. The weather not as cold as i thought it would be. I walked around in short sleeve shirt for the whole trip. I wish I had brought my shorts and slippers too.

Didn't buy much things cause alot of the things are for winter usage. But still manage to buy some toys and clothes for K.

Miss K terribly while in HKG but luckily my hubby's sister very nice. Send me his photos every night via MMS and update me abt him thru sms.

But also because of this HKG trip, me & hubby discover how far apart we had drifted. He no longer hold my hands when we crossed the road.. we sleep far apart on the bed, those small small things lo. On the 2nd day of the trip and I told him I feel like we are becoming strangers liao. He got scared cause he is also feeling something like that. We make an effort for the rest of the trip and things get pretty good. We actually feel like couple again (not just daddy & mummy) after the HKG trip.

Oh.. I went to Sweet Dynasty.. the food there so so only lei.. maybe HKG food not for me ba.. find them saltish.

Walked Fa Yuen Gai 3 times and manage to buy some clothings and a big bib (use for K when weaning) for K.

I remember wrongly that you all told me to go Citygate and I went Habour City instead. Nevermind.. always a next time. Haha!!

When I reached SIN, my MIL took leave and brought K together with my FIL to the airport to fetch us. When K saw us, he was happy.. I was so afraid he forgotten abt us. We carried him and he even fell asleep in my arms hugging me like a koala bear.

Jastine: Congrats!!! You are fast sia. Hehe!!

Xmas party: Hope everyone had fun.. was sad that I missed it. Hope to have another gathering soon. Hehe!!

I realized my boy's poo poo will leak if he poos when in sitting position. When he poos while lying down, his diapers hold the shit quite well. He's using huggies and mamy poko.

thanks gals for all the diaper recommendations!

used MP doesn't work as well.. maybe will try huggies. But i think it's the position he is in! Vernie like urs, only have problem when he is 'sitting' .. problem is he always likes to poo when 'sitting' while feeding!


so sweet to hear that the 2 of you made the effort and things were all lovey dovey again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

claudia, sun_tan: Yes, we all have the same problem - the position! Mine likes to poo when "sitting" while i feed/burp him too! Luckily the poopoo leakage did not happen while he is in the jumperoo or exersaucer. I rent those toys, if stain already, so paisey...

i'm using huggies as well. my hubby's fren works in a company that allows us to buy at staff purchase price and it costs us less than $0.20 per piece and like Yvonne said, i like the adhesive part also. like at nite, if really need to change diaper due to poo poo or pee overflow, the "sound" from tearing the diaper out isn't too loud.

of the many brands that i tried, think i dislike drypers most. almost always leak everytime in the morning if i don't change in the middle of the nite..and the adhesive part is really jia lat...so sticky and every time i tear it apart, it will always wake my baby till his eyes big big!!

btw, any mommies know where to get the cheapest bumbo seat? hehehe...want to get it as a xmas present for my son [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ann, toking abt diapers ar i put aside 5 huggies & 5 piccolo for u. U still want try?

I tried pampers active recently, find it not bad leh.

hi keropi, yes i saw that too! and i think isten at NEX also selling around that price...but i'm not too sure what's the usual retailing price out there..so din get it initially..

haiz...should have gotten it then!! if you're saying $60+ is the promo price liao

Poo in sitting position: My boy nowadays mostly poo when in sitting position too! I think he thought that his bumbo chair is his toilet bowl loh hahaha. He has already stained his bumbo chair a few times. Luckily the bumbo chair is very easy to clean. If he poo when in his jumperoo it would be very troublesome.

Ann: Glad you enjoy ur trip! Ur SIL is really nice to update you on K. Think I can understand how you feel about drifting apart. Nowadays, sometime me & hubby sleeps in seperate room as hubby is a very light sleeper so sometimes he will sleep in another room while me and bb sleeps in the same room. Hence for our upcoming trip to Taiwan in Jan, we decided not to bring bb so that we can spend some couple time. But hubby can't wait for Jan to go holiday so we going for a short getaway to Batam on boxing day =)

My mum "trains" my gal to poo every morn since she was a baby. she will carry her over the sink, then make the poo sound. sometimes my gal will really poo out... now she is older, my mum bought her a potty. she will support bb on the potty and bb will poo inside. usually she does that before bb's bathtime. coz my bb very naughty, like to pee on the towel right after her bath! So i think maybe sitting position is ideal for babies to poo. haha


Claudia: Ya.. never know how far we have drifted apart till we go on a trip alone.

quartzie: Ya ya.. interested to get them from you. I also put aside the Mamypoko diapers for you liao. Been busy with event and after event finish, went for a trip. Hehe!! Free this Saturday? Or weekdays also fine with me.

Irene: Ya.. should spend more time as couple together. To me, our love for each other is the foundation of a happy family.. so husband and wife cannot forgo couple time. No matter how busy, still must make time for each other.

