(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

LT ; ya h IL always think we ( mummy ) will try all sort of tricks to harm our bb !! My boy these days always Lao Kai when it comes to feeding , will leave sometimes will leave 20-40 ml of milk ! So when MIL saw the leftovers , she will keep asking why my bb didn't finish his milk? It never had happened when she feeds my bb !!!!! Really kek kek my heart ! She thinks I want to waste those milk meh ?

I will she will leave me alone sometimes ! I m really sick n tired of her

Hi Mummies.

It's been a long time since I look after Kayden during the daytime on a working day. Feels so strange and foreign. Haha!!

He seems to be sleeping alot today.. and on milk strike too. Got to give him rice cereal to eat. Finish all the rice cereal i give him happily. Dunno is it he wan semi solid food so purposely go on a little milk stike.

Tomorrow I will be going to HKG.. can't wait to go but also miss K badly too.

Sydney: Have to check with daddy lo.. see how first. Hehe!!

Hi all mommies,

Need some help.my bb seem to b on mini milk strike.the worst is that he wanted to drink only from the old teat(which aldy gg to spoilt)...we try diff brands of teat but he simply refuse to drink.any suggestion?Btw currently using nuk teat


Actually I think he is not drinking enough n he is not on semis yet...he now only on 5 feeds taking a total of 700-740ml per day... (he is back to refusing to drink esp in the am)

Jastine, my sil's gynae told her strictly no breastfeeding allowed when pregnant. Can cause miscarriage. Are you expecting :)

Jastine, my sil oso bf her 1st one when she preggy her 2nd bb..

i think should be ok cos the 2nd one is delivered safely n ady 7 mths now!!


Research now shows that bfg when preggers is safe. No complications but most gynaes in sg will advice not too as precaution but hvg said that, u need to b v comfy with the idea.

Jts, my fern in my oct 2008 thread is expecting n is still nursing her 2yo


I think it is really up to you. I guess there might be a minor risk due to the fact that breastfeeding causes your uterus to contract (at least thats wat I heard). On the other hand, i do know of mommies that bf through their pregnancies n turn out alright. It depends on how u feel!

milk strike: my little one is oso not taking alot of milk. Just to share, i have never been able to feed him 150ml at one shot. Its always in small quantities. Just today he only drank 140ml in total from 12pm to 5+pm. But at night he normally drinks more and he still wakes up for night feed. All in all he probably consumes around 700+-800+ ml a day. He just turned 5 mths old. Not too sure if I should be worried, but he seems to be growing ok and definitely he is pee/pooing regularly.

Thanks pple for your infor. Yes, i'm preggy again, a July 2011 baby :p I have yet to see my gynae, appt next week cause this week full :p Kinda worried cause breastfeeding have been kinda painful lately...and I'm having cramps, think it's uterus contractions...So kinda scared. :p Will definitely wanna BF my baby longer, she only 19 weeks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jastine: Wow! Congrats! Your babies gonna be exactly one year apart in age - July 2010 & July 2011. Take good care, yah?

My baby also not drinking much on milk strike since 3mth+ now is 5mth drinking 600ml-800ml each day, have ask PD when going on his 4mth jab. PD say some babies dont drink much milk but as long weight gain ok then ok but if weight gain not much then have to start intro solid like rice cereal earlier and will help in weight gain. So far i have start on solid but going to start soon next week after his 5mth jab

My baby also not drinking much on milk strike since 3mth+ now is 5mth drinking 600ml-800ml each day, have ask PD when going on his 4mth jab. PD say some babies dont drink much milk but as long weight gain ok then ok but if weight gain not much then have to start intro solid like rice cereal earlier and will help in weight gain. So far i have not start on solid but going to start soon next week after his 5mth jab

Baby poo-ing:

hi mummies, I just wanna ask how many times a day does ur babies poo a day? My baby girl poos ard 8-10 times a day! She's on total BM. I've seen a doctor, doctor say it's normal. Is it really normal?

Cloth diaper:

any mummies cloth diapering your babies? Those pocket cloth diapers or all-in-one cloth diapers? Wanna ask ur experience? I feel like cloth diapering my girl now since I'm expecting #2...should be able to save $$ right?

Milk intake:

My girl dun drink much too, she drinks abt 420-560mL in IFC and at home I will latch her, so i guess around 800mL a day too. My girl is 7.2kg, quite chubby, so I'm not very concern abt her small appetite. :p

hi mommies

do any of u hav encounters on bb not moving his/her bowels for a week? my bb hasn't pooed for 1 week n i'm really worried. she's on partial breastfeeding, and her poo has always been loose n not constipated. her last record was not pooed for 6 days. any remedy to make her poo?

yoga babe: ur bb and my bb opposite wo..mine poo up to 10 times a day! Did u bring bb to see doc?

I brought my girl to see doc, Doc will press press the tummy etc check got lumps or is it painful for the baby. Then will monitor weight gain.

My girl seems perfectly fine on physical examination and her weight gain is normal, so doc told me it's normal for her to poo so many times. :p But I'm wondering is it really normal :p

Jastine - hi, I am using cloth diapers during the days for my boy. I use normal cloth diapers ( need to fold ownself with liners) and use the disposable diapers (which use for night) for the cover. This method is taught to me by my hubby aunt, save alot of money as i do not need to buy cloth diapers cover and can just throw after use a few times. I remove the cotton stuff inside the disposable diapers after a use and recycle it for use as a cover and use 1 cover a day, after that reuse again after wash until it become damage. Use cloth diapers can save alot of money but more troublesome and tiring with the washing, drying, folding and constant changing of diapers as cloth diapers cannot last long.

helloe mummies,

so bz until i hvn't been posting lately.

jastine>> poo 8-10 times a day? that's quite a bit le but if PD says ok, then i guess it's fine. But as long as poo is not the very watery/loose type, shld be ok.

My boy nowadays doesn't seem to want to drink his milk. Keep pushing the teat out of his mouth. We need to coax him to drink by distracting him with toys, etc. Is this a sign that he wants to start on solids?

charlie: my babygate presently is placed at my room door as my dog is in the room with me (1 room 1 family lor) and its my ILs house so my dog cannot anyhow roam - sad right but lucky is a small maltese still not too bad.

when my new house come the gate will be placed at the kitchen door. as i do not want my bb (by then will be walking) n my dogs to go into the kitchen (its a dangerous place lor) my dogs will have the whole house other then kitchen to move around.

Jastine: about BF-ing, my GF BF her 1st gal till 2yrs old and by then she was pregnant with her 2nd gal and what my GF did was reposition her 1st gal for feeding. the usual pose i saw my gf use was she lean by the bed frame with pillow supporting her back and her 1st gal will lean on her side to feed... not affecting her 2nd bb in her womb.

mrslong: my baby poo-ed so much that she got nappy rash! Somemore she in IFC, the teachers dun really change her diaper that often, rash until very jialet! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I dun know why she keep poo-ing! See PD 3-4 times le, I even bring to see another doctor. I thought was diarrhea, but doc say since she's behaving normal, and somemore got weight gain of 500g in 1 week, it should be normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I just introduce semi-solid to my girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just 4-5 mouth a night in btw milk feed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jellypurin, Quartzie: Thanks. But this #2 is not planned! :p

Good morning mummies, I've found 2 blisters on my tummy & back, gp suspect it's chicken pox. Wanna check if any mummies here can give me some advice. Is it safe to breastfeed while I'm on chicken pox medication? Will my bb get chicken pox too? My hubby has never had it either, so I guess he'll most likely get it too, right?

mummies who have started their BBs on solids (i.e. brown rice), may I know which brand did you all buy? I'm intending to let my boy start on brown rice when he turns 5mths.


for me i will buy organic brown rice and will blend on my own. me starting my boy soon . 2 weeks more to go.. but me will be starting him on veggie 1st

Babycoco: Bb shanelle Gt chicken pox when she is abt 3 mths old. She Gt blister( water in it) at her leg, tummy, head. Don't do anything to the blisters. Bring her to see pd immediately. Cos their immune system still low. Breastmilk Gt antibodies. I can't advise u abt bf cos at tat moment Bb is on fm. Pls see doc asap. N when u go to the clinic stand outside wit Bb lest spread to other Bb. Bb will b on medication. Something to stop the pox. Bt on the other hand it's Gd to have it Nw la, cos wun have scar( Bb skin). Wun scratch cos can wear mittens. Only must MONITOR temp. I can't giv u much advise cos Bb n u nd to go to the doc Nw. Take care!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies.. today is my co. D&D and i'm knocking off soon...

this sun is the chalet & i'm so excited because can meet all of u for the 1st time..

actually at 1st i was still deciding cos mon gotta work and i stay in jurong, but this sun my MIL coming to visit. so i rather escape from her! then, my hubby said since his mum coming, he will not go to the chalet with me. When i said he already agreed to go with me last week, he said i am selfish coz i always dun let my MIL see baby. @#$@!& Angry!

So now his mum is coming on SAT lor. And i usually go out on Sat. Very sian... everytime when my hubby informs me his mum coming on weekend, i will be in bad mood for the rest of the week. like now! no friday mood!

Thanks Michelle. Did you have chicken pox too or just baby Shanelle? Right now I'm the one with the blisters. So confused whether to continue breastfeeding or not. My bb hates fm very much. I don't have the heart to force her to drink it. But also worry about breastfeeding when I'm taking meds. Really dunno what to do.

Hee i oso so excited about seeing so many mummies & babies! Have to go buy gift after work today lu! I'm not sure if my HB will go with me hais...

Jastine, congrats! I can understand how you feel right now…both excited and probably, have a little anxiety in you because your next little one doesn’t come as planned! But hey, don’t worry too much for now. Just concentrate on taking care of your #1 and probably, start to think about what’s the arrangement for #2. I noticed that your #1 is with IFC..so probably, both your own parents and in laws side may not be able to help you much with the taking care. So it may be a little hard on you when #2 comes along but nevertheless, jia you gal!

Seems like most of you mommies stories revolve around MILs being too interfering with your little one. I guess mine is the only opposite. My MIL doesn’t seem to care much for my baby, even though we are living under the same roof! I feel that she is a little bias la…she only dotes on her elder grandson (my hubby brother’s son) but not my son. I got pregnant on the same month that I got married and when we told my MIL about the news, there wasn’t a single bit of excitement in her and she even said “Huh, so fast?” Was already quite disappointed back then. When we asked whether if she wants to take care of my son, she asked me to hire a maid for her, so that she can cope with looking after an infant and a toddler (my nephew). I was thinking why should we only (excluding my hubby’s brother) fork out the expenses to hire a maid if she has to take care of both my son and the nephew. Why couldn’t the brother chip in as well? So in the end, we find it too costly cos we have to pay for the maid fees + some allowance (MIL will request!) for my MIL for the looking after part (amounts to about $1K per month) and thus, we decided to go for IFC.

My hubby’s brother is those “weekend” parents where they will leave their son in my MIL care and will only fetch him back on Friday nights. Cos they are those who cannot stand having to take care of a baby throughout the nite and they want personal time on weekdays. Everytime when we fetch our baby back from IFC, my MIL will continue to just play with the nephew and din even bother to look at my son. Was quite hurt actually cos I thought both are grandsons what, why the preferential treatment? I feel that my MIL can’t wait for me and my hubby to move out (our flat will come next year) cos she finds having a baby around the house makes the place very messy (cos we have a rocker in the living but that’s the only thing that we put outside our own room)..blah blah blah..and said we use a lot of water…I wash my son’s clothes everyday but I tried to handwash everytime to save on water liao.

Now my hubby’s brother finally decided that they should be real parents and fetch their son back to stay with them, where the son will attend childcare during the day time. I thought they are FINALLY going to start taking care of their son (about 3 years old liao) on their own and also, I thought that my MIL will have more time with my son but who knows, she followed my hubby’s brother to their house to take care of the son!! Like in the morning, help to prepare him to the school and in the evening, fetch him home. My gosh!! I really don’t if this arrangement is requested by the brother or my MIL wants to do that. Just find the brother too dependent on his mother liao…his kid already 3 years…will be so much easier to take care already but still want to depend on others. Haiz…and everytime, when he comes to my place for dinner, after eating, he will just leave the plate there and majiam like wants a maid to help him wash! Really buay tahan!

But now that the nephew is back to his parents place, it is also better for us in a way…cos it’s so much quieter in the house and thus, easier for my hubby and I to pat baby to sleep. We used to just lock ourselves in the room and can’t even go out to the living room cos my MIL will ask, “why don’t bring YOUR SON back to the room to sleep?” Oh come on la, you can’t expect us to keep ourselves in the room whole day right? And she must say YOUR SON!! Like so “jian wai” like that! Was so hurt really, deep in my heart! I do ask my hubby how come your mother is treating us in that way..sometimes he will say I think too much but at times, I think he also felt that his mom was just bias la. And whenever our relatives asked me when am I going to have #2, she will answer for me that “Not so soon la, better plan after they move into their new place”. I was like, !@#$%^*

Well, think I’m still quite fortunate to have a hubby who is able to help me take care of our baby! I think he can do everything that I did, like showering, changing diapers, feeding and patting him to sleep (which I find he is much better than me!!) with the exception of cutting baby’s nails! Said he’s too afraid…hahaha!

Anyway, sorry for the long ranting mommies. Need to let out my steam at times…

I bought the HappyTimes organic brown rice from NTUC. IT's the only organic one I saw from NTUC ;P Let my girl tried it, she didn't reject it so I think it's ok. :p

supergal: we most prob will get a maid when I'm in 3rd trimester to help out the house chores as well as look after my current baby and my future baby. So no more IFC cause I also dun really like the idea of IFC. ;P anyway, dun bother abt ur MIL la, she dun dare then nvm lor, better still, no need to hear her nag. :p keke

Julie: I freak out when I saw the Positive sign on the pregnancy kit. :p I thot BF is contraceptive too. But I already had 2 cycle of periods... I should have use contraceptive but ya, we didn't expect to conceive so easily cause #1 takes us 3-4 months to conceive :p

@ jastine: just my two cents worth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] last time when my son still baby he was also poo more than 8 times a day then we went to many pediatric to check my son diarrhea but the pediatric said it is okay it is normal for baby to poo more than 8 times a day so long not watery but i still cant accept it then because motherly instinct i felt that something is no right with my son, then I went to nutrition pediatric guess what we discovered that my son is allergic to cow milk so she suggested to me to change my son milk to neocate which super damn expensive 1 tin ard $80 last time and only can last for 3 days ( I did not breast feeding though) but we had no choice so we just let it be it's going on until he is 1 yrs old the we swicthed to nestle nan ha 1 maybe u want to bring ur kid to nutrition pediatric to check whether or ur kid has allergy to cow milk.


CHRISTMAS LUNCH CELEBRATION!! ~ Happening this coming Sunday

Gift Exchange - Each family to bring ONE gift

Gift exchange time - 1530hrs

Cost of gift should be about SGD 15.00

- can be for mummy/baby/family. Serene and Michelle have requested for a wishlist. Ballot?

Date: 12th Dec

Time: Anytime from 1pm - nite...( Sandy will check-in, in the afternoon)

Location : Aloha Changi Halton Terraces, 565 Halton Rd, Unit D

- Sandy will absorb the cost cause her family will be staying

Food from Liang Food Caterer

1. Curry Chix

2. Sweet and Sour Fish

3. Fried Bee Hoon

4. Mixed Vege

5. Cheng Tang

6. Prawn?

7. Scallop

1. Serene & Hubby

2. Jaclyn

3. Irene & Hubby (coming after 2pm)

4. Jasline & Hubby

5. Lynn & Hubby

6. Nicole

7. DQ

8. keropi & Hubby

9. quartzie

10. Eliss & hubby

11. Sandy & Hubby

12. Noknok & Hubby

13. Pris

14. vernie & hubby (if timing is lunch/tea)

15. xbeanniex & hubby (coming after 2pm)

16. Michelle (coming after 2pm)

17. Kepsis(Shiqing)

18. sweetkiss & hubby

Min 30 pax for order..per pax $10 buckz.. - all to pay Sandy on day of event please and do bring containers for leftovers

CHRISTMAS LUNCH CELEBRATION!! ~ Happening this coming Sunday

Gift Exchange - Each family to bring ONE gift

Gift exchange time - 1530hrs

Cost of gift should be about SGD 15.00

- can be for mummy/baby/family. Serene and Michelle have requested for a wishlist. Ballot?

Date: 12th Dec

Time: Anytime from 1pm - nite...( Sandy will check-in, in the afternoon)

Location : Aloha Changi Halton Terraces, 565 Halton Rd, Unit D

- Sandy will absorb the cost cause her family will be staying

Food from Liang Food Caterer

1. Curry Chix

2. Sweet and Sour Fish

3. Fried Bee Hoon

4. Mixed Vege

5. Cheng Tang

6. Prawn?

7. Scallop

1. Serene & Hubby

2. Jaclyn

3. Irene & Hubby (coming after 2pm)

4. Jasline & Hubby

5. Lynn & Hubby

6. Nicole

7. DQ

8. keropi & Hubby

9. quartzie

10. Eliss & hubby

11. Sandy & Hubby

12. Noknok & Hubby

13. Pris

14. vernie & hubby (if timing is lunch/tea)

15. xbeanniex & hubby (coming after 2pm)

16. Michelle (coming after 2pm)

17. Kepsis(Shiqing)

18. sweetkiss & hubby

19. Geri ( geraldine)

Min 30 pax for order..per pax $10 buckz.. - all to pay Sandy on day of event please and do bring containers for leftovers

bagsroom: My daughter only start to poo so much recently. For the past few months she poos "normally": once a day or once every 2 days. The first trigger was after I take antibiotics for my UTI, doc say antibiotics enters BM so kills all the good bacterias in her stomach. She was given a dose of good bacteria to drink and sort of recovered. Then the pooping start again even after I stop taking antibiotics. :p I dun really drink a lot of dairy, so I dun think she's lactose intolerance.

But where did u go to see the nutrition pediatric??? KK?

Jastine: Congrats!!! my gynae told me the 1st yr after childbirth we're super fertile. I've noticed that my cervical discharge every month also indicates so. Actually trying for 3-4mths for your girl wasn't long, very fast lor. Take care ya and eat lots of nutritious food. Me, I'll be trying once my girl is 6mths [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wanna close factory liao. Need to cut out coffee & any unhealthy food to prepare my future baby(s) nest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jastine, congrats yeah...!

ica: wow.. u mummies really fast! i still havent got over the phobia of childbirth and IL issues. coz relationship with MIL actually got worse after bb came out..

speaking of MIL.. guess what! she has a facebook account and added me. gosh... i better control what i post in FB status. sian right!? what if one day she come to this forum?

