(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

ica: wow! so fast planning for #2 already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think i will probably wait till my boy is 1 year plus first...

sweetkiss: i think u can set your privacy settings such that only selected ppl can see your FB status...let your MIL view as little as possible? Hee!

facebook: nowadays the older generation are getting up to speed with technology. My dad & FIL have FB accounts too and always "pressure" me to post photos for them to see their precious grandson. Even my mum has learned to log into my dad's FB account to view photos. They don't live in SG, everytime i post new photos, they will "drool" over my boy and tells us they want to buy ticket to come to SG the next day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Vernie, your parents are so cute. My parents don't live in Sgp either. I have to email min 1 photo of my bb to my dad everyday. If no email, he'll call & ask how come. I was supposed to go back for my cousin's wedding next week but because I got chicken pox, have to cancel trip. My parents are so devastated they won't get to see my bb.

ica: I NEVER KNOW 1st year after chidbirth is fertile! Cause I'm bf-ing...so i not is contraceptive! *sigh* P.S we aren't trying wo, it's an accident...Happy accident according to my hubby. ;P you jiayou for ur next baby!!

sweetkiss: thanks. my MIL no FB but she know the existence of FB! she ask me if she can see my FB cause she knew i upload bb pic... :p

babycoco: wah!...min 1 photo everyday...your dad sounds so much like my dad...haha...when i "slack" a bit and don't post photos, he will start asking...do take good care of yourself & bb...definitely not a good time to get chicken pox now...

Sweetkiss, Vernie,

ya, coz age is catching up so wanna hv another as soon as my body allows. Hehe!

SK, was childbirth really that bad? No need to reply if it brings up bad memories ya? These days I try to be zen about everything. Lol.


Yes, yes it's a happy accident [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm sure you were shocked when you saw the BFP, right? I'm very happy for you! Hope when it's my turn I'll kena immediately ;)

Babycoco, Vernie,

Both your folks also very cute! I also hv to upload my bb's pic on fb for our families. My aunties purposely set up fb accounts just for this! Haha! Now I have albums for every mth starting from the 3rd

Ica, I guess grandparents that live far away tend to be like that. I enjoy emailing my dad amelie's photos. Sometimes look at the emails & wonder how much she's changed. Now when I see newborns, I sorta miss those days.

Jastine, it's good that your bbs will be so close in age. They'll be good friends to each other. Congrats!

ica: hee my delivery was smooth but i found it traumatizing.. Cos while my gynae was stitching me, i saw the reflection on his visor. Very gross! And my confinement was worse than labour i think. Haha!


When u posted something, u can actually block who can see, who can't but of cos, u have to block those who have connection with her, in case they go tell her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all.

Selling our 1 year old odd Orange Stokke Xplory. 

Condition (IMHO) 8/10 

Going at $999 ono 

bought Oct 2009, warranty till 2012.

started using for 8 months from April when our boy was ready.

now sitting in storeroom, awaiting new user.

Interested pls PM


tdy xmas chalet!!!!!!!

cya mummies & babies lata!!!!!

remember to brg ur gift for exchange!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies

Had a great afternoon today

Thanks to sandy n family for hosting us

Oh me looking for the daddy who look a nice pic of my gal ( the photo that show her teeth ) could the mummy send me that photo pls .

Yeah everyone, had a great time meeting all of you again! Too bad i had to zhao so early!

Geri: Think its Diana's (xbeanniex) husband? Not sure haha!

Had a great time too!

Appreciate those mummies to upload the pics into FB ok? Me din manage to take much pic today..

Merry Xmas!

Thanks Sandy for organizing this event....

Paiseh girls, i forgot to bring my share for the gift exchange... :S

looking forward to the next big event...

Thanks sandy n organizers for this gathering. Didn't stay for long Bt manage to see all the lovelies mummies n babies.. Sry if Bb shanelle scream frighten ur babies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] will catch up next time. Maybe new yr eve?? Haha.. Tk care n have a nice week ahead.. Hugs.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It was nice meeting you mummies for the first time. I almost left when there was no one there. Thanks Sandy & organizers for organizing the event. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies!!!

howie & i had fun @ the chalet~

thx for organising this event!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lookin fwd to more of such gatherings!

next time we all brg our bumbo seats ok??

Morning Mommies..

Nice to hear you all enjoy the gathering. Didn't go cos too shy to meetup.

BTW, I am so happy today. I managed to witness my boy's first flip....the whole process!! What a nice experience.

Carol>> I just bought a Ferrari car seat @ $289 from Isetan yesterday. I think it is a great buy cos original price is $359. That's my Christmas gift for my boy. Kekeke!! BTW, if you use Maybank credit card, you will get $10 Isetan vouchers every $100 spent.

Jastine>> Congratz!! It's nice to be pregnant again. Do take good care of yourself. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

some sneak pics on yesterday's gathering


carol: My boy is using Britax Royale. So far so good. I bought during Robinsons Sale before I gave birth. I think it was around $300, cannot remember now.

DQ: Yes, it is going to be sooo cute to put all the bbs together in bumbo and take group pic. If the next gathering is CNY, perhaps we should all dress our bbs up in CNY costumes and take group pic. 

hi bbbliss, vernie, noted with thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

all the July babies are so cute!! wish to join you gals too but my family was here last week..

Jastine: enjoy ur pregnancy oh!

Hey mummies.. nice to meet u all ytd.

all ur babies are so lovely!

I received my gift but no name stated… it’s in robinson’s wrapper.

Just wanna thank the mummy for the nice gift!

Jastine - Congratz!! Take good care of yourself.

Gathering - All the bb are so cute... so sad that i miss the gathering... it seems so fun...

July Babies Birthday Bash

haha some say the date is too far away while I say its nvr too early to plan one... kekeke

Preferably Sat afternoon, preferably a place where babies can get to rest, preferably a place where kiddos can play and socialize among themselves and of cos preferably a place where there are enough sitting area for the parents plus food!!!

If you are aware of such place do share. Or if you have any ideas on how to organise the birthday bash, please share. I think for such a fairly big event like birthday bash, we need volunteers to be in this birthday bash committee???

4 dates to consider

2 July, Sat - perfect date for end June babies and all July 2010 babies

Other Sats in July

9 July, 16 July, 23 July and 30 July

Hi mummies,

My sister just open a play gym for 18mths n above at tampines point. She has suggested to mi Ytd for the July birthday bash. The name of the gym is Bearyfungym .. Our kids can play there, big space, air conditioned etc..

Ah ... Really? Thats so sweet of your sis! Where's'tampines point? Michelle, is there a cap on the number of kiddos?

It's at tampines mall.. Hmm, beside century sq. Bus interchange there. Haha. Very difficult to describe.. 1 of the buildings at the bus interchange there.. Hahaha.. Yup yup, she suggested tat.. Mayb free can go there popped by.. Their website is www.Bearyfungym.com.

Hi mommies,

Wah, seems so much fun for yesterday's gathering. Too bad i couldnt make it. Lookg fwd to the next gathering!

Btw, for mommies who brought their bb overseas, how do you sterilise their bottles?


you might wanna chk out the sugar bubble bp. they are selling a spray that you can use to clean nursers. other than that, you can use hot water to soak but u may wish to prewash with bottle wash. if you are living in a service apartment, then u can use boiling method.

If pumping overseas, do u all intend to bring BM back?

I am traveling in Apr but not sure if I am still BFing by then.

I ever came across a thread in this forum teaching how to transport BM back. A lot of things to prepare!

Have to buy dry ice too.

I think most hotels have electric kettle? Just wash and put the pump in a container and soak in boiling water I guess?

Or, can buy sterilizing tablets. Some mummies quite conscious, they went to buy bottled mineral water to wash or soak the pump with the tablets.

I think it boils down to how comfortable you are and of course the length and the country you are and the purpose of your trip...

the ones facing these problems of course are the exclusive pumping mummies like me.

I can only share my road trip to Melaka.

No of hours drive to melaka is about 3 hours but because we have other friends with us, the waiting time added in to the whole journey was about 6 hours.

Prepared 6 frozen milk into my thermal pot and put in car

Prepared 3 feeding for K for road trip placed in cooler bag

i pumped before I leave home at 3am

waited for friends, passed custom at 6am

had to pump in car at 6am, pump below avg quantity

feed K at 7am

checked in to room at 10am

Frozen milk requested concierge to put into their freezer.

Managed to pump at 11am, breast too full

feed Keila her second meal

out to sightseeing, shopping etc etc...

its a relax trip and Melaka is so small so we always return to hotel for pumping

Return trip - pump before setting off.

Did not pump till reach home about 4 hours later.

Frozen milk untouched.

During these days, I washed the pumping accessories with bottle cleanser and rinse off with hot tap water. I also carry milkbags instead of the usual bottles to hold the pump milk

sterilizing tablets - i ever try to buy the sterilising tablets from mothercare. That time no stock. The salesgirl was telling the bottles need to soak in X litires of water for half hour!! cant do that on road trip.

Hi mummies, sound like yesterday's gathering was a lot of fun. Nice to see the group photos of the babies. Too bad I couldn't go.

Eliss, do you usually latch yr bb? My hubby & I are keen to take our bb to KL. But she breastfeeds every 2hrs. Still trying to figure out how/where I can nurse her.

Hi All Mummies,

Seems like you all had a great party last sat.

It's been awhile since i log in. After bb comes out, everything evolves around is for him.. Sorry i couldnt make it for the gathering as my boy boy is doen with flu and didnt want to pass the virus to all.

He was having the blocked nose for a few weeks liao.. seen a pd but he not willing to prescribe medicine for him.. see him so block nose like cannot breath properly so heartache. sob sob... guess can only look forward to the next gathering.

Anybody have any solution for blocked nose??

Me too having quite a few quarrels with Hubby liao... and best, hubby last sat told me i dunno how to be a daughter in law..

This is wat happen. Hubby cousin's son is having a 1 yr old birthday celebration on sat. so MIL call to check if we attendin. Hubby call me to inform me that we are to attend which i told him 'no' cos our son is still sick (blocked nose) and didnt want to expose him further to other 'virus'/'bacteria' then came the sentence (i dunno how to be a daughter in law) that his family everyone also want to meet our son 'Benedict' but no chance cos i dun allow anybody near him after he was discharge fm hopspital. (Ben was admit to hospital when he was 11 days old and stay for abt 2 weeks). It was a tiring and fearful time for me then hence i am scared liao.

I explain to hubby that maybe we wait till doctor is willing to prescribe medication for ben first then maybe we slowly let ben to meet others. But he dun seems to understand and 'blame me'. It was so sad when he said that sentences somemore in front of his mother.

Damn piss off lor.. really want to take bag and leave.

hello mummies..., just woke up only...hahah...hope every 1 had fun yesterday...*tio mozzie* kiss until whole leg alot of dots now...but my little luke nv get anything..phew..

sry vernie, was kinda held up at hm...=X

oh ya..any mummies still wana order things from gap, carter's, old navy n osh gosh? if want need to inform mi by 20 dec wor..


don't bring to PD lah...no use de..bring to family doc instead. they will prescribe medicaiton to relieve the block nose..if it's too congested..i would suggest u get the nasal suction pump n suck out the muscus yrself.

hi may

why ur PD refuse to give bb medicine? Is it cuz he is just having sinus/sensitive nose and not flu?

Mine was like that sometime back... Can try to 'steam' his nose to soften the mucus so that the mucus will come out (but does not treat the cause). PD actually prescribed illidin (a nose drop) for bb (can buy @ pharmacies too)... Quite effective in clearing up the nose but can't use for more than 5 consec days and cannot use too often as the side effect is that it will make nose more sensitive. But if you really need to help relieve his nose... its a good choice to use sparringly. If its sensitive nose, make sure that your house is cleared of dust, change bed sheets regularly, make sure air is not too dry... dun let him play with soft toys that traps dust... some pointers given by PD to me previously...

