(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

those mommies who put bb in infant care label bb's clothings and items ?

Where to get the tags/labels?


What else you did to do the labels?

(use those marker pens?)


xbeanniex: Maybe you can check with Cheese aka Jonas.. she import from Australia directly cause she say waterproof.

baby's weight

yeah.. which PD do you girls go to? My PD never mentioned anything about bb's weight at all! MIne in 4mths... juz weighed yest... 7.4kg! Too heavy lar... maybe that's why haven't flipped yet! Darn!


those mommies that bot the Tessellation mat.. would the material cause ur floor to be oily sticky? Do you know how does it compare with the LG mats? I bot those cheapo ones (at kiddy palace, those that come in square pieces) and my wooden floor became very oily after that! so thinking cannot be cheapo!


would love to do the baby yoga but looking at weekdays tho bukit timah is quite far! i stay in the east! figured by the time i travel there.. will be bb's nap time! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my bb's PD is Dr. KT Low. she's trying to flip these past week. maybe bottom too heavy so every time she does the 'ngek ngek' sound. sounds like frustration to me. hahaha!

i bouught the tessellation mats and no sticky/oily floor. actually i had fun putting the puzzles together. it's quite thick (about 1 inch maybe) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow,all your bb seems to be at a very good weight.. My bb is

5months old this month 14th [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] have to catch up her weight fast kiasu mummy keke

Pd commented that my bb has a shallow stomach so can't drink much but try to feed her more frequent in smaller feeds coz if force her drink will vomit


dun force her to drink if not she may develop a dislike to milk. i think 50% is ok coz that's what my gynae told me every time i go for checks when pregnant. at every visit, i always hoped to hear that baby's weight was in the 50th percentile. tall and slim is good mah

Those facing in law blues...

U have my admiration! I suppose the only thing is to have ur hubby sing the same tune as you... otherwise things would be really difficult. So must try to brainwash ur hubbies! heh

Hi Claudia!

How is your baby's feeding pattern? still waking up at 4am and then 7 am? My bb still same pattern. I am trying the reduction method..now feeding bb 90ml at 4am..for a few nites already..dunno when should drop to 60ml.


huh? what dream? that you were happily playing with the pieces instead of baby? just kidding. no lah, that's me. my mom said i was more interested in it than my baby. it's like i'm reliving my childhood - used to do jigsaw puzzles when i was small. like a family bonding thingy: me, my sis, my grandma

beanie,i did at bright star kids.material v.gd.i bot e heat prove ones,free 40pc pencil labels. Nv buy for clothes.i stil norm 1 on bibs n so far 2pc cum off.e rest stick well despite several time wash.

Cheese: thnx !! I jus google n ordered from them ready ! I got the iron on ones as my bb goes infant care and she keep having other kids bids n socks back home. their rates are so much cheaper compared to local ones ($4/pcs)


Same same still! Althou somehow he can fakk askeep again after waking up at 7 until abt 8pls 9... But pattern can change anytime la!

Anyways i only wanted to reduce feed if I up his feed in the day... But Everytime I up his feed he takes even less than usual!

Wanted to try the cry it out... But 2 days ago when I wanted to try... He suddenly cried inconsolably at 11pm and 2am! Hubby n I took him to TMC in the wee hours they say colic wor.... So looks like training have to b deferred.

Yes u should try reducing leh... Sounds like u r doing a much better job! Jia you!!!


Haha no lah... Dream that I cannot buy cuz discount over or something like that! Quite vague... Heh sounds fun though.... Can't wait to geddit!

Btw yah ur bb sounds like mine when it comes to flipping! Nowadays he will make grumbling noises head turn to the side body flip to the side...

Wow, sounds like all your babies are growing very well! Guess my boy is the petite one. He was 3rd percentile at birth and 3 mths. Wil see how he is next week when I bring him for his 4 mth jab. But afraid he may be even smaller as he had not been eating much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] you can look at the health booklet for info on percentile. It has a separate chart for boys and girls.

my baby was born in the 90+ percentile for weight and height, but at his 4 month check up, his weight percentile dropped to 75%...i wonder if anyone else's bb seems to be growing at a slower rate now??

Me so scared,hair dropped so much this 2weeks..find my hair becoming very thin. When will our hair stop dropping? Will hair grow back? So worried


Last month my bb 3mth review weight also about same as yours weight 6.3kg height 63cm but after 1 mth just put on abit of weight to 6.8 kg only

Pd said bb after 3 months won't put on weight so fast Liao compared to newborn stage.

Sito: same here. My hair is dropping like no tomorrow. My hair is all over the floor and bed. And my hair is not a lot to start with. My friends told me it's a phase and will go away but some take longer... Hope ours won't be too long!

Mummies, as we are preparing to introduce semi-solids to our bbs when they reach 6 months, how many types of cereal to buy? I am planning to get the organic brown rice cereal either from Healthy Times or Happy Bellies. Do we need to prepare more than one type in case bb dun like the ones we intro? Any advice?

Re: MILs

looks like quite a nbr of us are hvg probs with the ILs. Actually my relationship with my ILs are cordial but since BB was born, somehow things do change a little.

When I start wk next wk, I'll put my boy to stay with my ILs from sun nite. My MIL said we can fetch BB on thu nite & she will come bk with us, so tat she can take care of my boy on fri & help us do hsewk. It's really nice of her but then tat means I only see my boy aft wk on thu & fri onwards.

So I requested to my boss for me to wk from home on fridays & it's approved. At least can help to take care of my boy & see him more.

I told my HB to tell his mum tat instead of thu nite we all come bk to our hse, we will fetch my boy & my MIL bk on wed nite. But my HB said his mum may only still want us to fetch our son & her bk to our hse on thu cuz my FIL wants to spend more time with his grandson.

Pls lor! Then I no need spend time with my own son?! They are already spending more time with him while he is staying with them whole day from mon to wed/thu.

I hope my HB can convince my MIL on my preferred plan though. Haiz.

Just reach home from in-law house. Since they prefer bb to stay over cause hubby not home so I also wait till finish dream feeding him at 10.30pm then come home. My hubby's sister was so surprised that I can put bb to sleep without much fuss. Last night, they tried to put him to sleep.. but he was real fussy and cranky. I told her it's all about catching his timing when he wanna sleep then he will sleep quickly and without much fuss.

vernie: I only buy Happy bellies brown rice lei. I also thought of stocking up on the oat and multigrain one but not sure should i do that or not.

But hoh.. i would very much like to do my own puree for him cause I find that healthier and fresher.

Junie: It's like that one la.. everyone wanna be close to baby and wan themselves to be the preferred choice of baby.. so of cos fight for time to spend with him.

Mrs long ur boss is soooo nice!!

Not tat my boss not nice but currently we undergoing system migration then even taking leave for my girl's jab was tough... Everytime I onli want faster go my mom hse c Bb but make me seems like so irresponsible when most of them always work till 9+pm. I alrdy try to go work early liao, reach ard 8am then 7pm then leave. Identity crisis, how to b a gd worker, gd mom at the same time...

Ann, how To make our own purée, got recipe?

So when should I introduce baby's first foods?

This is a hugely important question for all new parents, yet is one that will often bring you an overwhelming amount of conflicting answers.

Many medical professionals still advise introducing baby's first foods anywhere from 4 to 6 months.

However, this is a subject that has been hugely researched of late and the current recommendation from the World Health Organisation (WHO) is that:

no solid foods are introduced to baby for the first 6 months.

You may also find that you receive advice from older relatives, advocating the introduction of solid foods far sooner than 6 months - it's certainly true that babies were given their first foods very early in past generations. Remember, though, that not as much research had been done into solid feeding at that time... and the information we have now, particularly in regard to food allergies, simply wasn't available then.

Your baby may not yet be able to communicate in words, but when he's ready for solids - he'll let you know!

Ready for solids

* Does your baby watch you with eager anticipation when you eat? Maybe he even opens his mouth, or tries to grab your spoon? Besides making you feel guilty as you enjoy your dinner, this behaviour indicates that he may be ready for solid food.

* Does your baby seem hungrier than usual, appearing dissatisfied after his usual milk feeds? Once you've ruled out teething or illness as possible causes, you may find that he needs something a little more substantial to satisfy his growing appetite!

* Is your baby waking at night after previously sleeping through? Or, if he was waking at night anyway, is he now waking more often? This can be a sign that he's ready for solids. And it's very tempting to get baby started on solid foods so that he'll settle at night and "sleep like a baby"! (Where did that expression ever come from?)

But be careful! He may be waking more often due to teething, or some other discomfort. If you introduce solid foods too early, it can have the opposite effect on your baby to the one you seek. His immature digestive system may not be able to cope. This can mean an upset tummy for him ... and even more sleepless nights for you!

* Can baby sit well, without support? This will make swallowing easier. Not all babies are able to sit unsupported at this stage, though. So it's important that you provide the proper support when feeding, if this is the case.

* Does your baby have good head control? This is important, so that your baby can turn his head away to refuse food.

first food recipes:

Great recipes found http://www.homemade-baby-food-recipes.com/babyfirstfood.html

check it out mommies!

Personally i am going to start baby on homemade rice cereal (http://www.homemade-baby-food-recipes.com/baby-cereal-recipe.html) and avocados with bananas (http://www.homemade-baby-food-recipes.com/avocado-baby-food.html)

Avoid Baby Digestive Problems and Pinpoint Problem Foods

The four day rule is a simple strategy to help spot baby digestive problems or potential allergies and easily identify problem foods.

The rule is easy to follow...

Each time you introduce a new food to your baby, you need to continue feeding your baby that same food for four days. You can continue to feed your baby other foods you have safely introduced.

But don't introduce two new foods at the same time.

It's an effective strategy ...

Allergic reactions usually appear quickly - sometimes within 1/2 an hour of your baby eating the food responsible. But it can take up to 3 or 4 days for a reaction to occur. Baby digestive problems, too, tend to take a few days to appear.

By sticking to one new food for 4 days, you will immediately be able to tell which food is causing the reaction or digestive problem. You can then eliminate this food from your baby's diet, although it may be possible to re-introduce it later on. Identifying the problem quickly means you won't need to "experiment" to find its cause ... and you won't risk provoking the same reaction again.

A useful tip is to try introducing new foods in the morning or at lunch time.

If your baby suffers a severe allergic reaction, it will be easier to get medical help then, rather than later in the day.

If the food causes your baby digestive problems, he may experience diarrhea, gas (wind) or some other discomfort. If you've given him the food late in the day, then he - and you - will probably be in for a sleepless night!

If you are introducing solids to your baby before he is 6 months old, you might want to increase the "four day rule" to seven days. Some medical experts believe that, in a younger baby, digestive problems and allergic reactions are more likely to occur.

Giving your baby new foods is exciting, but don't rush things - it pays to be patient and apply this rule. You will be in control of your baby's diet, alert to potential problems and able to identify their cause. And the end result ... a happy, healthy baby, enjoying the foods that are right for him.


i think its normal that bbs rate of growth slow down now. Are u bfing? Breastfed bbs will slow down more now compared to formula-fed bbs.

BTW, do u live in the US?

hi fairfield -- yes we live in the US but are visiting now! We just got into singapore last week but was in indonesia the past weekend to visit relatives. just got back to sg on monday! Yup, i am bfing, though I am slowly trying to wean off...i go back to work in january and would prefer to be done w bf-ing then.

ladies, i think my bb and i are ready to venture out today. Any tips on taking public transportation?? is it v mah fan to take stroller?? also, does anyone have tips on how to get over jetlag for babies?? i think he is still a bit jetlag...kinda bummed that his sleep schedule is all messed up, he used to sleep a stretch of 7-8 hours, then 4 hours...now he is awake every 2 hours at night but i think that is because of the jetlag. Thanks!!

i rented a toy similar to exersaucer for my dotter...


Allie, I guess yr bb is still on US time? Poor bb, poor you too, not sleeping thru the night. Are you Indonesian? I've taken the mrt with bb in stroller. It's not mafan at all. Dunno about taking the bus though.

Quartzie, the seat is quite big, we tried putting a cushion on her back. But she will lean on her front! However her legs are too short! She can't reach the bottom which will help her toi rotate. I rent from toy rental world at 48 per month. Next month will be jumperoo!

babycoco -- yup, i am indonesian, but used to go pri-JC here in SG, my mom lives here now. ya i v tired...at first i try to stay up to fight jetlag, then eh, finally i realized that i shouldnt do that, i should sleep when bb sleep because even if i am adjusted already, nighttime i still gotta be up if he is up, so no point!

eliss -- wah i wish we know about toy rental! my mom bought the exersaucer thingy and it costs almost 300 bucks!! (and feel so ripped off coz we check online about 100 bucks less in US!) plus renting would make more sense for us since we are only here a few weeks...my mom wants me to bring back to US but so many parts and soo big!! how to bring back?!

a random question for you ladies...how did you all lose your weight and belly? i feel so gross and look gross too! belly soo flabby and look like 6 months preggo...so depressing!!

allie - i thought the exersaucer can be dismantle and put back in the box?

Lose weight - i thought if you BFing, you should slim down real fast?

eliss -- yup, can break down into pieaces, but still v bulky, but i think the biggest piece is still quite big (the base). we kept the box, so maybe we'll bring back. maybe i am too greedy, eat alot so never lose weight that much! i have about 4 pounds to go to pre-pregnancy weight, but the belly is ridiculous!!!!!!! i hear in asia, you can tie up your belly really tight after giving birth so will not be so much loose skin, i wish i had known this earlier!!

allie - think its not too late to get a tummy binder and have it on for 8 hrs per day...if you dun mind the hassle...

Allie: yup its not too late to get the tummy binder from pharmacy. if u still have time u can call the popular massage lady to give u a hand with massaging ur tummy to reduce more.

and truely enough, diet do plays a part, you can have more vege n fruits and take in lesser noodles n rice, you can drink more soup to full up ur stomach.

My hair also dropping & dropping. so much that i dun even dare to comb hair at home, else i have to keep sweeping the floor! I have also been reading on baby food and so far i love this webby, www.wholesomebabyfood.com, very informative.

i intend to give my bb brown rice cereal mixed with milk for a start, but can anyone tell me how shld the schedule be like?

eg, do we only intro the cereal+milk for only a feed and the rest still milk as usual? can mix with milk in bottle, or to spoon feed?

when bb starts eating pureed foods, do we offer it at every feed followed by milk?

SK - i os love the webby.

I was told for introducing solid, only once a day at 1-2 teaspoon of baby cereal + normal feeding of BM for a few days, slowly increase one teaspoon till BB can finish one full serving...

it will be better not to mix in bottle to differentiate solid food by spoon feed them.

SK: presently i give my bb milk + brown rice at home as feeding. But in infant care still feeding milk only. Think I will start feeding my bb 1 feeding of pureed food when bb is 5mths old. and by 6 mth i will prepare pureed food (1-2 feeding for infant care to feed my bb during lunch and tea break hours.

Morning mummies.

I am so tired.. even more tired than when bb is home. Last night put bb to sleep.. wait for his DF at 10.30pm then return home.. wash clothings and then only slept after midnight. If bb is ard, i sleep at 10.30pm. I hoped hubby come home soon and stopped travelling for awhile so that I can get bb home more.

Sweetkiss: I read that for a start, we should give them cereal after milk.. once a day.. preferably during morning or afternoon.. so that if any allergic reaction, it can be dealt with better during daytime. Semi solid food should be given as a supplement and not replacement of milk.

Cereal should preferably be spoon fed so that the bb can differentiate in future on when is meal time.

Also when spoon feeding bb, it is going to be messy.. but don't keep cleaning the mouth cause cleaning the mouth means end of meal.. so if you keep cleaning bb mouth, bb will get confuse about how come i take so many meals at one go.


Allie: Mdm Ida 94249829 (u tell her july 2010 mommy Diana from Tampines give u number one)

I dont earn commission lar... but she is really a very nice and good lady !

Hmm there are various brands i think. Or u can ask Mdm Ida to get for u. Her is @ $45 with a cream to apply at tummy then u bind.

I have a set from her too!

