(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

So many of us have issues with MIL and FIL. Very few have nice ones? My friend also has horrible MIL whom she calls dowager. Haiz.

Yeah, when I was preggie, I also like to look at preggy ladies to see the shape and size and clothes. hehe. Also like to bio at pple's babies and prams. after giving birth, still like to look at preggie ladies. Kinda miss the pregnant period. :p but it is so hard to take care of baby, really pei fu those who have more than one to take care of- like those with twins, or one bb with a toddler..or two toddlers!!

Baby really can create havoc - one moment bb can be laughing so happily, the next crying so loudly cos wan to sleep. one moment drinking milk happily, next moment gek face cos shitting..lol.

charliebrown: Actually my MIL & FIL are not bad but they will be even better if they just let go of the topic of forcing me to let bb stay overnight. Everything will be very peaceful and nice.

Actually I find that once we can grasp their pattern, they will fuss very little. For last weekend, I took care of my bb.. I find that he Eat, Play then when i notice first yawn... i bring him to nap le.. so he fuss quite little.

haha! i think nice MILs are those who can leave us alone. but my mum always ask me not to be so mean. she said in future if my son/daughter-in-law treats me like the way i treat my MIL, how wld i feel?

Maybe if I have a daughter-in-law we may not click as well (karma).. but I am not going to think so far.

But I do have friends who are so close to their MIL. Can even go shopping together, share clothes one (cos the MIL very modern).

sianz... sometimes v disappointed with hb.. here i am finally able to rest after feeding bb. Yet he is alr sleeping. He complains to me that he is tired. i dun understand, i wake up earlier than him, leave work later than him, have to buy us dinner, reach hm need to rush to shower and eat, feed bb, pat bb to slp, pump, wash stuffs, b4 i get to rest. Sometimes do abit of housework. Yet he can tell me he tired. All he does is entertain bb abit, rest of the time sits in front of his pc says he needs to work. Some hubbies are so gd that they can do everything and even bathe bb.. Yet my hus is a stupid MCP, and a pc of wood who needs me to tell him wad to do or else i can dream abt him helping. Sigh.


my godmum (bb's nanny) is 1 of those MIL....she can go shopping go makan etc w her DIL....nice hor how i wish my MIL is like her.....respect ppl but i'm glad i've got her to support me n taking care of my kids....i confirm wun b like my MIL if i've a good DIL in future

Sweetkiss: my hb also lidat work say he v tired liao machiam my work not tired. Ask him feed bb I make milk he says aiya he's not v gd at feeding then pass to me. Bath I bath, feed I feed, diapers I change... So physically drained. I'll tell him hor waseh u this father v easy to 当hor, think Bb shld call me both mummy & daddy...

Morning mummies!!

Sweetkiss/quartzie: My hubby also, weekend can sleep late while I still have to wake up early for bb's needs. Ask him to bath bb he scared, ask him to cut nails, he also scared. Change pampers also change till v loose. Sometimes I read about hubbies who bath and auto feed the babies I think is really v v good of them.

Fatherhood like very easy for him leh. His lifestyle hardly change. He keeps wanting our bb to grow up fast to play ps3/wii with him. Wah,like totally ignore the process of bringing the bb up..:S

the journey gets tougher ..... so better to get our hbs into action soonest , by a whiplash. <joking>

like how my sil described, when she feels its' too much, she will give her hb a big kick to wake him up coz she is doing all the work at night.

morning ladies! just reading the past entries...actually i am quite envious of you all have your mommies and MILs locally...my mom lives in SG, then in laws live about 2.5 hours away in US...we got no family at all in town...v mah fan...i hope things get easier for you all with your in laws!!

Pillow: got whiplash before leh when I could not take it..then hubby would wake up and help more..then after sometime, he would "sleep" again..think he needs more whiplash. Hahaha!

charliebrown: totally empathise with you. my hubby is also like that. he is unable to put baby to sleep. haiyoh. yes, he told friends that having baby is ok - lifestyle still the same. well, it's not the same for me anymore!! I hardly have my own personal space now.

haha ! my HB is half half of what you mommies mentioned. He does the feeding at times, change diapers at times, pat bb slp at times, all no problem ! But when ask him to tell his family ppl to lower down their volume, he cant do it gd enough ! end up everyone got awake by stupid noise and quarrel from the rest in the house !

haiz ! 1 day i dont know if I no longer hold on the scene at home , i might 1. leave the house for good 2. go out and tell them off myself since HB is harmless to them

My HB is super glue to me, i mean i am more impt to him then BB. And he didnt like to give me personal time ... while he can jolly well enjoy his basketball games with his frd every sunday !

Think i should start myself with 1 such activity to have time on my own (wif bb of cos)

It is unfair, hb gets to go out with friends while I cant cos he cannot even take care of bb alone.

I can only pre-arrange with my mum if I will go home late. Then my mum will nag at me to give her my house keys so she can help to bring bb home then put bb to sleep and she will stay at my house till I come back.

Not I dun wan to give, but cos I refused to give my MIL, my hb said to be fair then both sides dun give lor.

On days when hb is on leave or knocks off early, he dun even bother to fetch my bb back first. he simply said he dunno how to handle if she cry.

Then what’s a father for?

Funny but true.... (for leisure reading...)

> 那晚,我認識的一對年輕夫妻中的太太哭著來電:「你快來!我恨他!我要和他離婚!」

> 快速趕到他們家,這會兒還正吵的兇呢!

> 男說:「她很無聊,我上班好累,她說晚上要去散步,我說改天,她就又哭又鬧,真是討厭!」

> 女說:「你才討厭,我在家作牛作馬為這個家打掃,為你做飯為你生孩子,為你們臭男人當發洩獸慾的工具,怎麼,只要求散個步你就會累死啦!?」

> 男說:「喂!生小孩是兩人的事又不是我一人的事,妳累難道我不累?我發洩難道妳沒享受?」

> 女說:「哼!早知道生了小孩你不管我,

> 我根本就不生,我們女人為何辛苦生下孩子,就一定要負責孩子的一切,又不能出去工作。」

> 男說:「喂!生孩子又不是妳一人能辦到,沒有我妳生個屁。」

> 女說:「哼!你們男人有何貢獻?享受女人肉體的是你,發洩的也是你,你貢獻什麼」

> 男說:「哼!沒有我的貢獻精子妳生什麼!?」

> 再來下面的話讓人難忘!!

> 女說:「哈哈!貢獻精子你,享受完了,你射精了,你貢獻了,好..那看看我們女人的貢獻:我懷孕要忍耐嘔吐」

> 我要小心飲食;我連生病都不敢吃藥;我要為肚裏孩子注意一切;我懷孕不便於行;

> 我不再能遠行郊遊;我坐車都不方便;我要穿上大肚裝;我不能放心行房;

> 我要擔心肚裏孩子是否健康;我要定時去醫院產檢;我懷孕要破壞身材;

> 我要煩惱妊娠紋的出現;生產後要努力恢

> 復身材使丈夫不嫌棄;我要忍受陣痛

> 我要痛苦生產;我也許須要剖腹生產;我也許會有產後憂鬱症;我要帶初生嬰兒;

> 我因餵奶而胸部下垂;我要照顧小孩生活起居;我要比小孩晚睡而比小孩早起;

> 我要半夜起床餵奶;我還是要忙一切家事;我要放棄事業;我伸手要錢要看丈夫臉色

> 丈夫出門享樂而我得在家帶小孩;甚至於走樣的身材是丈夫外遇的藉口

> 這種種一切就是我的貢獻!

> 你不過是享受完之後,放一點精子在我肚裏,然後大睡,奇怪…這種情況,憑什麼小孩要跟著你姓?他的血他的肉他的一切都是我給的,你不過只給他一丁點兒,有什麼資格跟我爭?」

> 這場架吵完了,我記得那丈夫極力想爭辯,卻一點話都說不出來。


SK: ^5 Gal !

My HB says that too accept he mentioned he dont mind taking care of bb when i m late home. But I am sure my MIL will cfm ask to TC bb if BB cry non stop n my HB will give in !

I think I'm one of the lucky ones,my hb does all the nite feeding,making bb sleep in the nite.. While I sleep with peace alone by myself on another bed keke[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but good days ended yesterday got to shift back to sleep with hb and bb after bb fell down from bed.super tired now coz never have good sleep last nite, bb en en en

hey mummies.. do u think it is wise if i take up a pre-sch teaching career, which i always wanted? prob is my pay will drop by 4-digit.. and i still have to attend courses for the next 2.5 yrs. plus point is no OT, near my home and sch holidays are my holidays too!

i actually have zero experience and submitted my resume to my fren's sch last time cos she told me to try since i am always interested. who knows the sch just informed me that most prob i am confirmed.

SK: if u think taking the courses for 2.5yrs at a straight is too straining, take a look at WDA (SIRS) offer similar/related courses.

Short term + cheap + job related

rather then alot of such courses, theory alot and not really related to market requirements thou its good to know la.

Good morning ladies.

hubby: Most hubbies are like that.. mine also no difference.. did nothing much also tired. But if i get angry, he will be very hardworking.. but only for that day.. next day is the same old style liao. Haha!!

MIL: My hubby's sister told me to ignore her mum when she brought up the topic again.. i told her because she is your mum.. that's why easier for you to do it to her.. next time when you get married in 2 yrs time.. you will know where i am standing. You would not be able to treat your hubby's mum the way you treated your mum.

quartzie: Sounds really like what i told hubby when i got super angry. Then hubby will wake up the idea and help but then only last for a day.. haha!!

Sweetkiss: If you really like to do it then go for it lo.. provided financially you and hubby can adjust to it.

Beannie: thanks for ur info! But the course I need to take will be sponsored by the school. So I have to stick to what they scheduled for me.

They told me the course schedule is like 2-3 times a week, and it might be a night class till about 9pm.

If really like this, I dun think I can take up the offer. Cos is even worse than working OT.. how to take care of bb..

SK: I m back to my night class last mth. 7-10pm

I still got to hang on for another 3-4 mths, as i defer 3 modules that last abt 3-4 more mths to go.

why not u talk to the school see if they allows u to take up courses from WDA instead. They can still sponsor u for the courses.

Cfm is tough to TC bb n study at the same time.

But for better future, no choice.

My hubby doesn't give me personal space too! I have no personal space since my bb is born. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lolx ! mommies... want to come out with our bb for a break ? hahaha ! Am interested with those classes that mommies n bb can have fun but expensive lor... =x

yeah! a gathering!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Beannie/Sweetkiss maybe u can consider for baby yoga session at Julie's place hee i waiting for her to confirm on her coaching session.

Yeah.. we shld have like a gathering once or twice a month..

Have lunch then go baby shopping together…

I also dun mind getting classes for baby to attend.

Quartzie: I emailed Julie last time, also waiting for her confirmation…

Hey mummies, I would like to join in the gathering too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but I stay in the east...

Brought bb for jab today , bb weigh 6.8kg ,height 66cm. Pd said weight is 50% percentile so so but height is 97% percentile which is good.

Pd said can start rice cereal when my bb is 5.5months, will help her to gain weight faster,any mummy already started feeding bb cereal?

sito: i giving my bb nestle brown rice rdy ... my bb turn 4 mths ystd. As usual milk feeding doesnt satisfied my bb's hunger. I give bb 5oz milk - max 3 hrs cfm cry like no tmr. i give 4 oz milk including 1 scoop of brown rice, can last 4hrs with a happy bb waking up for next feeding. hahaha

Sweetkiss, quartzie and any other mummies interested in bb yoga: Let me know if you are interested in the bb yoga class. I plan to hold it on 20 Nov Sat 10.30am to 11.30am. I will start the class once I have 4 confirmed participants (mum and baby). 5 will be a bit cramped in my living room. I live at Bukit Timah area, near The Rail Mall. Email me at [email protected]

On Sundays, we have to go to MIL's place so I won't be conducting any classes on Sun.


exactly how old is your baby now? weight-wise, isn't 50th percentile most ideal? how's baby? must be fine now since can go for jab

to me, my baby's on the heavy side but PD never mention which percentile. will know her weight next wk when she goes for her 2nd jab. some say that a healthy baby's weight doubles the birth weight when baby's 4 mths, so i'm may be looking at a 7.4kg baby? shudders! her appetitie seems to have improved somewhat after a period of disinterest

Julie: sorry I think I missed out ur email on the new class..

I cant make it on sat mornings. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ica: my bb exceed her double weight.. she was born at 3.23kg.. but at 4 mths she is 7kg at 62cm.

My PD nv say what percentile though.

Julie: how much is ur class ?

SK/Sito: talking abt the percentile, my bb at 3mths jab review check, both weight n height above 90% =x

3mths - Wt is @ 6.36kg, Ht is @ 64cm

ica: My baby also exceeded his double weight. Born 2.605kg, so double should be around 5.2kg. At 4th month, he is 6.475kg, 64cm. PD said average, never tell me which percentile.

Think online can find the baby weight percentile calculator..

But need to convert the weight to pounds and height to inches.

I am very lazy.. haha


vernie, beannie, sweetkiss,

looking at your babies' weight, i think i'm looking at a giant baby (mine)! i weighed her using hwa xia baby scale when we went there for a swim when she was 1 wk short of 3mths and she was already 6.4kg

