(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Serene, are the Lamaze toys worth buying? We got 1 a's a gift and my bb really like it. Been thinking of buying her a few more.


yalo serene, a bit disappointed orr.. tot can stock up something.. but in the end, i buy little thingy only.I walk alot of rounds and see what I've left out. eh.. nth..


Can buy from BP ..keke

ya i was at the fair and walk one round too... saw suntan at the baby care room...really nothing much, the diapers (huggies, MP, Pureen, drypers) aint as cheap as supermarket's.

bought a rattle toy for my ger. The lamaze toys quite interesting but quite ex too...a small toy an be around 20 plus

I also want to get the t-001playmat,anyone wants to share with me? We paid $99.50 each? Can SMS me at 9799 5867 or call me thanks-sito

Hey mommies, just in case you are interested in Avent products..

Philips Carnival Sale 2010

30th & 31 October 2010

9am to 6pm


i dont know if it differs fr person to person but for me it was almost over 1,2 days but quite immediate lah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


your lil one can flip alrdy? so fast! mine is strugging still to keep head up (lol) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but then she is a little on the lazy side .. sometimes with tummy time she'd prefer to fall asleep instd


can i ask a bizarre question - how do u load up a video clip on facebook? i want to do one of my gal doing baby talk but then i m not sure how to do so and if the video clips are to be videoed using mobile phone or actual video cams ... can anyone enlighten? tks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi sito,

I'm keen to share the 2 for 1 playmate with u. Will contact u on yr mobile later the day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I normally use my iphone to record then upload direct using the fb app. You also can record it using your camera, save the video onto your computer and upload into fb via internet.


are you still taking fenugreek? Is there any side effects for the baby? I read a review from US, she claims that fenugreek cause her bb to have green stools. :p is it true?

Hi mummies, I went to the Baby fair yesterday. The Korean playmats were selling like hot cakes. Didn't manage to buy them[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] the pigeon wipes value packs were also out of stock. Super kua zhang. Next time must go on the first day already.

hello mummies,

Re: Entertainment for BBs

I tried to let my BB watch tV while on his rocker chair but he's like not interested le...He's also not very responsive to his playgym. Dunno issit cuz color too boring or the stuff are too high for him to touch.

He only likes to sit in his rocker chair & plays with the mobile hanging on it. He loves to talk tho.

Sometimes I just leave him in his rocker chair & do my work. I wonder if it's hindering his development then become "lazy", hehee.

Re: Nap time

Nowadays it's so hard to get my boy to take his nap. He only sleeps for 30mins each time and for only 2-times a day...remaining of the daytime is lazing on his rocker chair le.

nothing to see wor... i met quite a few mommies there too.. but i bought the nursing pillow for Celeste to sit in.. lol.. cheaper by $10+ compared to kiddy palace...


my bb girl has been sleeping the WHOLE day!! only wakes up 1-2 hr or so each time to feed and cry..and her cries can be so bad that her whole face turn red and tears come out. See liao heart pain cause I really dun know what's wrong. Diaper change le, milk dun wanna drink, ru yi oil apply le also keep crying [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm starting to wonder is it the fenugreek that is causing her to behave like this. It's day 3 of me taking Fenugreek, there's not much increase in milk supply la, maybe slightly a bit? But my girl so coincidentally behave like this after I take fenugreek, I wonder if i should stop taking. But my milk supply is not able to keep up with her demand. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Last time still can keep up, now her appetite increase until I need to supplement 50% or more with FM. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyone who took Fenugreek can advise? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I scared I'm causing pain to my girl...

Any mommies here start feeding bb with brown rice powder or stuff like dat? My mum keep asking me to buy for my 3 mth plus ger but I scared her stomach not yet so well develop to digest...

Quartzie: All the books I browse at bookstores says the same thing. Try to start bb on solid only at 6mths old. This is to let their digestive systems mature abit more. Also prevents early allergies. In fact all books say if possible to delay.. try and delay.

I quote from kellymom.com:

Health experts and breastfeeding experts agree that it's best to wait until your baby is around six months old before offering solid foods. There has been a large amount of research on this in the recent past, and most health organizations have updated their recommendations to agree with current research. Unfortunately, many health care providers are not up to date in what they're telling parents, and many, many books are not up to date.

Most babies will become developmentally and physiologically ready to eat solids by 6-9 months of age. For some babies, delaying solids longer than six months can be a good thing; for example, some doctors may recommend delaying solids for 12 months if there is a family history of allergies.

Reasons for delaying solids

Although some of the reasons listed here assume that your baby is breastfed or fed breastmilk only, experts recommend that solids be delayed for formula fed babies also.

* Delaying solids gives baby greater protection from illness.

Although babies continue to receive many immunities from breastmilk for as long as they nurse, the greatest immunity occurs while a baby is exclusively breastfed. Breastmilk contains 50+ known immune factors, and probably many more that are still unknown. One study has shown that babies who were exclusively breastfed for 4+ months had 40% fewer ear infections than breastfed babies whose diets were supplemented with other foods. The probability of respiratory illness occurring at any time during childhood is significantly reduced if the child is fed exclusively breast milk for at least 15 weeks and no solid foods are introduced during this time. (Wilson, 1998) Many other studies have also linked the degree of exclusivity of breastfeeding to enhanced health benefits (see Immune factors in human milk and Risks of Artificial Feeding).

* Delaying solids gives baby's digestive system time to mature.

If solids are started before a baby's system is ready to handle them, they are poorly digested and may cause unpleasant reactions (digestive upset, gas, constipation, etc.). Protein digestion is incomplete in infancy. Gastric acid and pepsin are secreted at birth and increase toward adult values over the following 3 to 4 months. The pancreatic enzyme amylase does not reach adequate levels for digestion of starches until around 6 months, and carbohydrate enzymes such as maltase, isomaltase, and sucrase do not reach adult levels until around 7 months. Young infants also have low levels of lipase and bile salts, so fat digestion does not reach adult levels until 6-9 months.

* Delaying solids decreases the risk of food allergies.

It is well documented that prolonged exclusive breastfeeding results in a lower incidence of food allergies (see Allergy References and Risks of Artificial Feeding). From birth until somewhere between four and six months of age, babies possess what is often referred to as an "open gut." This means that the spaces between the cells of the small intestines will readily allow intact macromolecules, including whole proteins and pathogens, to pass directly into the bloodstream.This is great for your breastfed baby as it allows beneficial antibodies in breastmilk to pass more directly into baby's bloodstream, but it also means that large proteins from other foods (which may predispose baby to allergies) and disease-causing pathogens can pass right through, too. During baby's first 4-6 months, while the gut is still "open," antibodies (sIgA) from breastmilk coat baby's digestive tract and provide passive immunity, reducing the likelihood of illness and allergic reactions before gut closure occurs. Baby starts producing these antibodies on his own at around 6 months, and gut closure should have occurred by this time also. See How Breast Milk Protects Newborns and The Case for the Virgin Gut for more on this subject.

* Delaying solids helps to protect baby from iron-deficiency anemia.

The introduction of iron supplements and iron-fortified foods, particularly during the first six months, reduces the efficiency of baby's iron absorption. Healthy, full-term infants who are breastfed exclusively for periods of 6-9 months have been shown to maintain normal hemoglobin values and normal iron stores. In one study (Pisacane, 1995), the researchers concluded that babies who were exclusively breastfed for 7 months (and were not give iron supplements or iron-fortified cereals) had significantly higher hemoglobin levels at one year than breastfed babies who received solid foods earlier than seven months. The researchers found no cases of anemia within the first year in babies breastfed exclusively for seven months and concluded that breastfeeding exclusively for seven months reduces the risk of anemia. See Is Iron-Supplementation Necessary? for more information.

* Delaying solids helps to protect baby from future obesity.

The early introduction of solids is associated with increased body fat and weight in childhood. (for example, see Wilson 1998, von Kries 1999, Kalies 2005)

* Delaying solids helps mom to maintain her milk supply.

Studies have shown that for a young baby solids replace milk in a baby's diet - they do not add to baby's total intake. The more solids that baby eats, the less milk he takes from mom, and less milk taken from mom means less milk production. Babies who eat lots of solids or who start solids early tend to wean prematurely.

* Delaying solids helps to space babies.

Breastfeeding is most effective in preventing pregnancy when your baby is exclusively breastfed and all of his nutritional and sucking needs are satisfied at the breast.

* Delaying solids makes starting solids easier.

Babies who start solids later can feed themselves and are not as likely to have allergic reactions to foods.

When is baby ready for solids:

Developmental signs that baby is ready for solids

Solids readiness depends on both the maturity of baby’s digestive tract and baby’s developmental readiness for solids. Although the maturity of baby’s digestive system is not something that we can readily observe, research indicates that 6 months appears to be ideal for avoiding the allergies and other health risks of too-early solids. After this point, different babies are ready for solids at different times -- developmental readiness for solids cannot be determined using a calendar. Most babies are developmentally ready for solids somewhere between 6 and 8 months.

Signs that indicate baby is developmentally ready for solids include:

* Baby can sit up well without support.

* Baby has lost the tongue-thrust reflex and does not automatically push solids out of his mouth with his tongue.

* Baby is ready and willing to chew.

* Baby is developing a “pincer” grasp, where he picks up food or other objects between thumb and forefinger. Using the fingers and scraping the food into the palm of the hand (palmar grasp) does not substitute for pincer grasp development.

* Baby is eager to participate in mealtime and may try to grab food and put it in his mouth.

We often state that a sign of solids readiness is when baby exhibits a long-term increased demand to nurse (sometime around 6 months or later) that is unrelated to illness, teething pain, a change in routine or a growth spurt. However, it can be hard to judge whether baby’s increased nursing is related to readiness for solids. Many (if not most) 6-month-old babies are teething, growth spurting and experiencing many developmental changes that can lead to increased nursing – sometimes all at once! Make sure you look at all the signs of solids readiness as a whole, because increased nursing alone is not likely to be an accurate guide to baby’s readiness.

Thanks Jaclyn, it's super informative!

My next problem... How to convince my mum....? She ask me to buy cereal then I told her it's stated there [suitable for >6mths] she say " last time u all ar i feed at 3 mths plus liao! If don believe me y still ask me take care of bb!" I keep quiet... Haiz

Cecil, no worries. I might also get 2 sets[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Is the promo still on? I noticed that the BP ends on 18 Oct.


i fed my #1 with brown rice cereal last time....u'll hv to see if ur bb is ready for it...my boy that time keep looking at us n moving his mouth like trying to tell us he wana eat....it's the old traditional way n true enuff we last time grew up this way too n nothing happens to us as well....so i'm not against that when my caretaker says to give....but i bought from med shop those freshly grind 1....got add stuffs instead to open up their appetite....like barley etc....maybe can give n take tell ur mum to start ard 4mths+ instead?...my #1 starts ard that time....

quartzie: Last time my mum also fed me and bro at 4 mths. I have read.. if you really wanna start on solid for bb at 4mths (not any earlier), best to start on rice cereal cause it is the least to trigger any allergy. Best is those without gluten kind. I am getting the Happy Bellies Organic Brown rice cereal for my boy cos got probiotic and DHA and gluten free. But I am just stocking up for my boy till he is 6mths cause it is OOS now. I did feed my boy some semi solid food (Heniz) at 4mths for some Chinese tradition purpose. Just half bottle and I threw the other half away. Just to satisfy my grandma's request.

Ya suika & Ann, think die die better not let my mum

start nw 3 mths plus nia.

Hee will go search if the info Jaclyn give got Chinese version, let my mum read better than telling her lo.

quartzie: Aiya.. old pple is like that one la.. my grandma too.. my mum did mention but never force the idea onto me. So heng for us in a way lo. But when I am feeding my boy semi solid, at first, he was spitting out. After 3 tries, he learn how to open his mouth when spoon is near and mimic our eating movement and swallow the food. I was surprise.. fast learner.. guess he might be ready for semi solid food, maybe it is mummy who is not ready to give him. haha!!

I really admire how some of you are listening to your mothers and grandmothers on when to given solids. I feel that as we know more facts about when's a good time to start solids, we should be in a better position to do what's best for baby. For me, I'm quite stubborn and I don't think I will listen to my mum and MIL, if their rationale doesn't make sense. I guess that's another reason why I want to take care of baby full-time. Cause I want to have more control over her care.

Although I've told my MIL I wouldn't want any salt and sugar in baby's diet, she still tells me to use dried ikan bilis to cook soup and porridge for baby. The hospital dietician also advised that dried ikan bilis is too salty for baby's diet and not good on their tiny kidneys. Anyway, I'm the baby's mother, so I will definitely want the final say. It's hard, isn't it, when mothers and MILs impose their old style thinking on us.

Jastine: I've taken Fenugreek pills from GNC for 2 weeks previously and have stopped now. They are quite effective, I feel. In fact, I experienced engorgement after taking the pills and had to see the lactation consultant to solve my problem of blocked milk duct. She also mentioned that Fenugreek is quite effective. Other than that, I didn't notice any other side effects on my baby and myself.

Now, I've stopped taking Fenugreek as my milk supply appears sufficient to meet baby's demand. When I tried to verify how much she's drinking by feeding EBM, it's around 100-110ml EBM. Yet, when I pumped for that feed, I can get 150ml from both breasts. So I assume supply is currently sufficient.

Pumping after every feed will help to increase supply too. I went to the Diana West breastfeeding workshop and learnt that you should continue to pump for around 5 mins even after milk flow has stopped, to stimulate increased milk production. Her book "Making more milk" is a good read and you can check out the website http://www.lowmilksupply.org/

Julie: Me too. haha. My MIL tries to inject many of her old school ways on me but i am quite stubborn. Have many showdowns with her over the baby already. So much so she knows i mean serious business when it comes to baby... so now she just 'suggests' and never forces her way. Too bad all of the books written by PDs are in English. Else it will be so much easier to explain to her.

morning mommies!

hahaha! just had a cup of coffee for breakfast, so maybe i'm a bit hyper! this is what i look forward to at the end of each day - my little botak head [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ica: That's so cute.. yesterday i brought my boy to Taka to try on the bumbo seat but dunno why he keep sliding to his right hand side. Cannot sit like how your bb is sitting.. so in the end, decided not to buy a bumbo seat for him. Maybe save money to buy him a high chair since he will need it when he starts on semi solid food in 2 mths time.

Following the old school ways of our elderly: Actually, it really depend on what WE believe and think it's right. Just like a number of us here believe we should not renovate our house when pregnant, believe we should try not to shift our furnitures or else something bad will happen to our babies. But all those are not proven scientifically. But we still follow. So it is whether we believe in letting babies start semi solid food as early as 4mths or not. Sometimes elderly are not wrong in their thinking cause we are being fed the same way and we grew up big and strong. So to them is why can't our babies be fed the same way? Like most of you says, they won't harms the babies cause they treat them as precious as we treat them.

Semi-solid : My boy’s nanny also believe in starting semi-solid at 4 months – same old school thinking that our grandma/mum/MIL has. I told her 6 months and couldn’t find any cereals for 4 month olds at the supermarket. Over the weekend when my boy is back home with me, she went shopping and couldn’t find those 4 month old cereal too. According to her, they used to sell cereals for 4 month olds. So for now, my boy is taking only milk for all his meals.

ica: She’s so cute in her bumbo seat! Your girl is not botak lar. My boy even more botak, ppl thought I shaved his hair but I never. So can you imagine how little hair he has.

erhmm, i disagree. it's true that the older generation treat them as precious as we treat them. but with advanced technology, findings and reasearch, we as mummies must also exercise a bit of our thinking caps? gd eg, is FM vs BM. the older generation also believe FM is better. but now proven otherwise in OUR times. so we are now all PRO BM. despite we are all FM babies, we are still big & strong but yet now if possible, we just want total BM for our babies regardless of what the older gen think. similarly on starting solids, it's also the same which is why most cereal packaging says from 6mths onwards.

old myths like no renovation, no shifting of furniture, all hinge on a potential RISK to baby (so with scientific or not, we also avoid)? similarly, starting semisolids too early also have its potential risk on allergies, etc. so again for that "risk", we also wouldn't go for it.

vernie: I did see brown rice cereal for 4mths and above at Cold storage in Yishun. Also Heinz bottle food for 4-6mths. Not don't have but just limited supermarket selling them. Maybe demand is not big since alot of us believe that best to start semi solid food at 6mths.

ann : Oh, really ah? Yeah, maybe not all supermarkets stock them since nowadays we only intro solids at 6 months. Anyway, I don’t intend to start solid till 6 months and if I don’t buy it for the nanny, she has no choice but to keep giving my boy milk. =)


initially, my baby also kept slumping to her left but only just recently she started sitting upright. i think bumbo seat not a necessity coz when babies start crawling, they won't want to be restricted in their movements. got it as a gift and if i were to buy, will consider 2nd hand coz it can't get very dirty


she has more hair when she was born. at that time, my mom had ambitious plans wrt her granddaughter's hairstyle. now, may have to look for headbands to cover that bald patch. hahaha!

oh, i was also a botak head when young. i have a pic of me standing in the hot son, my hands covering my botak head, and with a protruding tummy! hahaha!

baby starting solids,

i read "what to expect the 1st year". it says can start as early as 4 mths but let baby decide, not us. when baby is ready, they'll let us know by those signs Jaclyn mentioned. it says don't force if not baby may develop strong dislike to solids

Pillow: I do agree with what you say. That's why i say it is what we believe. There's no right or wrong. If you say it is wrong to start semi solid food at 4mths.. then alot of the older generations are wrong but then they can stand out and protest why did we grew up so big and strong (which they are using against us now, aren't they?)? If they are wrong, shouldn't all of us be weak and frail and allergy to alot of things now? But what they don't understand is, babies nowadays are not like what we use to be? Babies now are weaker in general. They can fall sick very easily or get allergy to things very easily. Cause they live in a "protected" environment as we gained more knowledge. There are always risk.. I was talking to Sun_tan yesterday about the potential risk in taking rota vaccine.. despite the risk, quite a number of us are still allowing babies to take the rota vaccine? But we have a choice in using Rotarix or Rotateq (which is a safer vaccine).

So although we prefer to let them start on semi solid food at 6mths but if there are mummies who would like to start it early like 4mths, doesn't mean cannot.. we can choose something to minimise the risk of getting allergy which is rice cereal that are gluten free.

But of cos, whichever choice we make, we are just trying to minimise risk.. cause doesn't mean you start at 6mths, you will definitely not be allergy to any food in future. Just that the risk is minimise, that's all.

Vernie: Ya.. if you have no intention to start so early.. don't buy for the nanny. Not everything they say we must also accept one. Just continue tell them don't have. Hehe!!


Actually every mommy just wants what is best for their BB. So no one is right or wrong. Some choose to follow what their older generation says, some choose to follow the more western school of thoughts. Its true that we were all fed solids when we were 4 months old. Even my mommy (whos very non traditional), also asked me why i'm deciding to start solids when he is 6 mths old only. However it is alot easier to explain to my mom since shes english educated. Just dump the books to her to read and its simple enough. My MIL.. not so easy.

That being said, last time theres no books on such stuff, theres no internet that we can easily research.. this is why our older generations all listen to THEIR older generations and start feeding us solids when we're 4 mths old.

Personally, I do believe the books when they say the risks of getting allergies are higher. Also that the disgestive systems of our babies might not be mature enough... however I also can understand if some mommies don't believe. Its all up to individual. I am quite non conformist and never really follow any traditions from pregnancy till now... im one that drinks cold water right frm the start all the way bcos i just hate warm drinks hehehe.

For me.. I will only start Gareth on solids when he is 6 mths old. In fact I will be in USA when he turns 6 mths but i will be back shortly after. My biggest fear is that my MIL will ownself start solids for him... so I have gotten my hubby to strictly tell her to wait until we get home (which is a few days after only)

