(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Thanks for all your well-wishes... I can't remember clearly - is 44pcs... each pc is only around 19 cents which is think very worth it..


typo error - i check liao confirm is 44pcs for small size in a pack... so total will be 132pcs... i find sealer not bad... can last at least 6-8 hours without leaking... + when buy during promotion is worth buying.. is only 19 cents...

Hi mummies..

long time nvr log in.. I feel so frustrated and depressed these 2 days.. keep throwing tantrum n having bad mood.. not too sure is it due to my hormone change? really dont know what happen to me, keep crying and ignore my baby even he is crying loud!!!

was having a big quarrel with my hubby yesterday.. even tot of divorce with him.. and he shouted at me and baby when i said that to him.. think all these things started from the time when i requested for a maid.. but he and my PIL against it.. they think that hiring a maid is a burden and it added on lotsa expenses to the family.. i just dont understand.. why they only tot of money.. nvr listen to why i need a maid.. is money so important?

i'm really tired and exhausted.. i have been alone since my confinement.. first 2 weeks my mum is helping me, but me and her cant really get along.. and she feels tired while cooking for me.. so she went back after 2 weeks.. thereafter, my MIL only helped up in cooking 2 meals for me.. i would still need to prepare n cook rice, soup, longan tea for myself everyday.. i already started to do all the washing from 2nd weeks onwards... i really regretted not to hiring a CL to help up.. it was brought up before, but hubby go against it as he thinks that it's expensive and waste money to have a CL. and he promised he will do all the housework and washing.. but then.. he cant so all.. for some stuff i would still need to do it by myself!!!

these 3.5 mths.. im really tired.. everyday got to do housework, mopping floor, washing our own and baby clothes (im using cloth diaper), ironing, washing toilet, bottles, sterilising.. while taking care of baby.. thou hubby helped up a bit.. but i feel that i have no time for myself.. i really worried when i go back to work.. how can i cope with all these.. on top of that i still doing some freelance stuff..

and now my ML gg to end in mid nov.. im starting to worry how my MIL gg to cope with the baby. she got to do housework, cooking, taking of my 9 yo nephew and my baby... and she tell us she can cope.. but i really doubt so.. and her health is not that great (she had womb cancer a couple yrs ago)..

Now she needs to fetch my nephew at 2pm after school, then buy lunch for him, bath him, guide him to do homework, then abt 5pm, she start to cook dinner for the whole family.. imagine how she can cope after my baby is with her the full day? hence, i brought up the maid topic to boht PIL again... but she said she can, she got nothing much to do, housework can do early in the morning.. then i asked her what about the lunch? she said, can carry my baby walk to market and buy.. when i heard that my heart really drop.. how can she carry my baby out during noon while the sun is damn strong and walk to market??? wat if it's raining? then i asked what about the dinner? she said can cook after my FIL come back from work at 6pm.. but how to? my nephew got to go for tuition at 6pm sometime and now she needs to rush for him so that he can have his dinner b4 tuition..

seriously, they tot they are superman/woman.. i myself taking of my boy without cooking, already no time.. why cant they just agree to have a maid?? im the one paying for everything.. why they bother? my hubby even asked me to give him the maid pay, and he do all the housework.. but he just dont understand he cant do everything as maid..

i just back from msia trip with them for cousin wedding.. i also quite pissed.. throughout the whole trip, i have to take care of my boy by myself.. thou sometime my FIL will offer help to carry him.. we nvr bring pram as car already full of luggage.. so for all the meals, i have to carry my boy while eating.. tat's ok.. what i piss is my MIL nvr offer help at all.. she can help to bath my 9yo nephew.. but nvr ask me whether i need help for the baby.. when all of them are bath and dressing up for dinner.. i still bathing my boy.. and even she is already done up. also nvr help to carry my boy so that i can bath and change!!!! at the end, i got to wait for my hubby done up, then i can bath..

when i think of all these, my tears started to drop again.. hubby said i think too much.. but i dont know why am i keep crying recently.. am i having depression??

mummies.. sorry for the long post.. i just need somewhere to relief myself.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

red bb,

Hugs hugs

Hope u r feelimg better now... do u take ur bb out on your own? if so, maybe u just take bb out today to go Jalan jalan and forget abt housework for a while. Hey, there is a bb fair at expo. Go shop shop n retail therapy to relax...

Keropi: Yah think bb so young v vulnerable de... must reali b very careful with them. I delivered in July then my cousin's 2 yr old ger admitted to the same hosp a day after i delivered, she kenna pneumonia... Sad story... so i v scared abt kids down with all these. Very poor thing. Keropi u must take care of urself and bb huh.

Red bb: Feel free to relief urself here lo cos i normally will sought relief from these mommies here oso. Sometimes by reading their post, i feel that i'm not the only person who is taking things too hard. They will provide solution when i post qn... Thanks to all the mommies here! Lotsa Hugs

Keropi: Hope that your boy will be well soon. Don't blame yourself, there's nothing wrong with bringing your bb to a GP, I do that too. Although I prefer to go to a PD but hubby would always ask me is there anything which the PD can do but GP cannot do. I get pissed off with such question from him cause I know he is trying to save cost and seeing a GP is normally faster than PD, especially with Dr Terence Tan, my boy's PD at birth. So in the end, I will bring him to a GP instead.

red_bb: Lots of hugs to you. Don't be upset. Some pple just don't know how hard it is to take care of a baby full time. Maybe sometime they should just try themselves. Relax and bring bb to go for a walk.. sometime it will lighten your mood. Ignore housework for awhile... if hubby thinks he can do it, then let him do it. If I were you, I would maybe just wash my clothes and baby's clothing.. buy my own food and eat, and leave the rest to my hubby. Heck care.. let him know how hard it is.

My hubby also commented that my dark eye rings are getting worse... and I shot a dirty look at him, asking him "who helps to take care of baby Kayden so that he gets to sleep well at night and have alot of time to himself during daytime". He quickly keep quiet. Sometime guys are just so insensitive.


Since ur leave is ending Nov, there's still some time left for u to see if ur mil can cope or not. Let her do everything herself as if you r no ard the house, i.e. housework n looking after 1 infant n 1 older child. If she can, that's very good, if not, then ur hubby will know tt a maid/helper is needed.

hmmm, don't underestimate the older generation women. They are very diff from us in the arena of looking after family. They have done it for many years and thus, in a way may be more efficient than us, who are so used to working. Furthermore, old folks need very little sleep de.

JTS,I looked after #1 for 6 mths on my own, totally couldn't cope and in the end,mil came to help look after while I went back to work full time. I was very very nervous at first.. so I 'trained' my mil on baby caregiving since she had not looked after a baby for 20++ years.

When I started work, I would be very worried abt her n bb.. Then after a while, I realised she coped very well. She looked after bb, did hsewk and also cooked for us! She told me she just needed to find a 'best-fit' way herself and she did it!

Now I have #2 n #1 is attending nursery next yr, I tot of getting a helper to help her but she n my hubby do not like the idea of having a helper. MIL told me she would figure out herself how to do it, just give her some time n if she really can't cope, will tell us..

In the end, hubby n I decided tt I will work part time to help out. The plan is in the morning I will take #1 to sch then proceed to work after tt.. MIL will then go marketing(if need to) n cook lunch for #1 n her n feed #2. When it's time to pick #1, she will put #2 in stroller to go pick #1 at ard 11am then come hm.

she told me in the afternoon when both r napping, she will cook dinner. In between if she has time, she will help me do hsewok.

Actually recently I have been leaving both kids in her care for short periods to see if she could handle both. very happy she managed.

Hmm, hope my sharing help relax u a bit. Hmm for hsework, I intend to get my part time helper to come in more regularly.

Red bb,

Oh ya, abt raining issue. Ive figure it out already. If it rains when it's time to pick up #1 from school, my neighbour cum good friend whose son will be attending same school as my #1, will help to pick him up from school, while my mil stays home to look after #2. Another alternative is #1 goes to his classmate's house (the granny is now a good friend of my mil coz the grandkids now are attending the same daily playgroup) and when the rain subsides, my mil will then go pick him up with Didi.

Yes, no matter how splendid the plan looks, I do have my reservations but I intend to let my MIL try it out. Then we will adjust/adapt as we move along.

If need be, I will engage a helper or go on no pay leave till kids are older.


Don't blame yourself ya.. not easy to look after infant de. Hope ur bb get well soon! On the brighter side, babies get stronger after each episode of illness...

GP or PD

Ya, for very young kids think go PD is better.. Coz PD are specialised in this area so can advise accordingly..

Red bb,

pls leave bb w ur MIL without ur help now, go out n take some fresh air....or call someone to pour out all ur worries, coz if this gets worst u'll find urself slipping into depression.....coz last time i oso like that n i got the urge to throw my #1 away

keropi, sorry to hear about your bb... take care , bb get well really fast too!

cough in infants cannot be taken lightly.... the earlier the medical attention, the better before it take a turn for the worse. mummies who have bb having cough, pls pls pls see a doc. they cannot self-cure like adults! and there is no such thing as take medicine will need stronger medicine in future.

keropi, my bb stayed in TMC for 1 nite. the next day, can discharge already . it was fast relief was bb and they recover really fast!

training caregivers

i agree with sillyhp, dun underestimate the older generation. they are so much more efficient than us :p

and you wouldn't believe it, for me, the main caregiver for the baby is FIL! during my hb's time, they were taken care by nanny. but my FIL took to the job like a pro. when my bb has acid reflux, my FIL tookover even the night duty . now my bb has grown out of it.

i have to take back my words that they cannot cope . actually, its ME who cannot cope cannot let go, not them.

PD or GP

for young kids, i tend to go for PD. after a couple of times, i realise their meds, their experience, their one check at the baby is so much more effective and spot on (i guess thats coz their clientele all babies). for GP, i have to go back few times for review and frustrating.

i cannot prevent my babies from falling sick. but at least i can find get them medicine relief asap , shorten their "suffering" time.

RedBB: *hugz*

I was like you some weeks ago, Hubby & ILs issues.

Finally I have decided to put BB in infant care near my office.

since hiring maid cost abt $400-$500 a mth, hire nanny cost abt $600. Might as well placed in infant care... working mothers will have subsidy of $600. Generally if available to put in PAP Infant care, it cost abt $577. Private ones cost $800 above.

RedBB: you are not alone in this situation. Come in chat with us. you'll feels better.

Hi all... thanks for your well-wishes & encouragement...

Agreed with Pillow - really can't take it lightly when bb are sick.. I really didn't know it can get so serious.. luckily i decided to bring him to see a PD...really can't imagine if i delay longer... is a blessing in disguise... although PD more ex...but at least can help to relieve bb discomfort & help them to recover faster..

Most imptly - really must buy insurance for them... the hospital bill nowaday is so dxmn expensive.. luckily we bought for him if not - big hole in the pocket again...

I'm thinking of getting something to keep my ger entertained rather than keep letting her watch cartoons... A play gym? Any suggestions mommies?

Senior caregivers,

Red bb, don't underestimate your MIL's capabilities - the older generation is a resilient lot. my mom is helping me take care of baby and she can get things done quickly. initially i was afraid that she couldn't cope as the only babies she took care of were my sis & i and that was more than 30years ago. but she is tougher than i, in fact! we also don't have a maid coz we don't like the idea of having a stranger in the house. so to help my mom out, we have delivered meals and part-time helper. weekends are my mom's off days

if help is offered, don't refuse. but you can't expect things to be done 100% your way. if you want a maid but they refuse, then get part-time helper. for cloth diapers, not sure whether you're hand-washing - you can dump them into the washer. that was what we did. there's always a solution to every problem

even if your MIL wants to take baby out, just let her. she won't harm baby. she'll be more kancheong, heartpain when things are not right. like my mom, when my baby din poo for 3-4 days, she was worried. if such small matter can get them so worked up, what more the serious stuff?


are you looking for something educational? can try letting your baby watch "your baby can read" VCD. i tried on mine but she's not very interested coz it's quite slow but when showed her the flashcards, she pays attention. actually should be VCD 1st, then the flashcards as revision.

TV-wise, she's interested only if there are lots of actions and she can get very engrossed! once i had to switch off the TV and lights one by one and say good-nite to each item before taking her in to sleep, otherwise she kept wanting to go out into the living room!

ica: my bb also like to watch TV programs with lots of changes on screen. If showing her TVB drama shows, she gets bored very fast. But when i turn to animal planet, she stared straight for long time and even coo n responded... hahaha so amazing.

my hb is also looking for this DVD...


hahaha! i guess all babies also like to watch TV, provided there are lots of movements. my mom said she placed my baby in the bumbo seat and played the VCD for her but my baby kept looking everywhere else but the TV!

Quartzie not all bbs will like playgym - my ger not interested in one. Ya besides watching TV, I oso wonder what can keep he entertained...

My ger also likes to watch TV leh. If prog like animal planet/TLC/Discovery - i will let her watch but would prefer not to let her watch drama and variety show...

For me, I don't really let my BB watch tv cause I remember someone told me that watching tv at such young age will delay his other developments. So normally I will play toys with him, talk to him, read to him or play flashcards with him lo.

Maybe becos I sort of deprive him from tv at home, when he is at shopping mall, he will watch those big screen tv alot, call him also ignore me.. When bring him to swim at Hwa Xia at northpoint, he will also turn to the big screen outside and watch and swim at the same time. Haha!!

Redbb: cheer up. I also got my unhappiness with my il but my situation v different from yours but just equally agonizing to me. My mil likes to take away my bb from me, n I get v pissed with her! I really dun understand y she cannot leave me n bb alone one, I mean I m the mother lei! I get v v pissed on some days n thought of looking after bb myself but gotta face up to reality. If I dun work depend on my hubby income will be v v poor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I also depression sometimes, esp bb fuss n mil come n carry her away, totally insensitive to my feelings! I told my hb but he says his mum just trying to help n dun wan stress bb. Omg it's like if the person handling bb is me, bb will be stressed! So mad but again boh pian ren.

Now I try to go out with my frens or go to my parents when I'm sad, den sometimes I come here to grumble a bit (partly y I writing here now), just dun bottle up too much for too long.

At least u get to be with ur bb.

Now every week I pinning for weekend when I take my bb home den I get to look after her myself.

THANKS mummies!!!!

i feel so much better now.. it really help to grumble here.. at least i feel that m not alone.. and i wont keep digging hole till the end of the corner.. keep thinking of the -ve side... should have chat here earlier.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw.. i think i will take you gals' advice.. will try to leave bb with my MIL for the full day and i will go out to enjoy myself for the rest of my ML!!!! yeah.. if she really cant cope within these few weeks.. i will then hire a maid to help up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] as for the housework at my own house.. will get a PT maid to do the cleaning.. ok.. settled for the moment.. see how thing goes.. shall change the plan accordingly...:D

My baby girl Gloria gets really excited at her mobile and her playgym. She also likes people talking to her and she will make bb sounds when she is in her rocker chair. My girl takes time to warm up to new activities though.

I will usually face the rocker chair away from the TV so I'm not sure whether she enjoys the TV or not! Then I practise bb yoga with her at short intervals during her awake time.

But overall, I actually try not to over-stimulate her these days. I am focusing on getting her to have a more regular schedule with longer naps (>1 hour). However, due to baby's short sleep cycle, she still wakes up after 30-45 mins and she still doesn't know how to self-soothe to fall back to sleep. When she wakes up from her nap, she will cry and I will carry her again to calm her down. Patting in the cot doesn't calm her down that easily still. There was only that one occasion yesterday when my sister placed her down in the cot, and she fell asleep on her own! I was so amazed/shocked/pleased!!

Any mummies here have tips to share on how to get baby to nap longer?

Eliss! Getting better? Hope u do...

I look look see see play mat lar, bouncer lar etc don know which to get. Maybe shouldn't buy 1st, bring her down take a look, see her response to those display set hee.

Ica/beannie/Ann: I love seeing her reacting to the cartoons hahaha I think the colourful screen draws her attention. She cooed very loudly when i on cartoons for her, then very excited when she saw the cartoon characters running around (as if they were chasing her lo) Her laughter never fails to make me smile [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Quartzie: You went to bb fair liao ah? Alot of stalls or small small kind? I also thinking of mat for my boy cos now he is flipping alot.. so wanna let him lie on the floor to do so instead of on the bed in case he flip flip and fell off it.

Ann, i intend to go tmr hee! U going?

Ya i oso very scared bb flip till on the floor, mere thoughts of it scares me....

Will update u all when i'm back or any mommies going today? Pls let us know wat's on over there. Thanks!

Red BB

Glad you now got a plan! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Always helps to have people to talk to and who understands... Please remember you have to love yourself to be able to love your baby so never keep things bottled [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

quartzie... ya.. intend to go.. but dunno go on Sat or Sun.. hehe!! Must check with hubby when he is back from Japan tonight. I think I need to shift the coffee table to make space for the playmat.

BB entertainment

Ann - yah like you i dun let my BB watch tv now leh.. Read somewhere that watching tv will create short attention span and they will not be interested in other things like reading etc when they grow up.

On the bad side... I'm really at a loss of what to do with him to entertain him! His play gym, his rocker chair, his cot, talk sing read... that's pretty much it! Wonder if its becuz of that he really doesn't respond that much... he is happiest and the most interative only in the mornings and sometimes evenings.

Thinking of getting the LEAP FROG thingy... is this available in all dept stores? Those gg to baby fair... If u happen to see can let me know?


My BB has the same problem of short naps and wake up sure cry cry cry. You tried swaddling? I let him suck fingers so that he can self pacify.. seems to work pretty well now(fingers crossed)and he can fall back to sleep. But i think one of the key is not to over stimulate like wat you said. And to read his sleepy cues... once sleepy try to put him down soon...


totally understd how you feel as my BB got warded for UTI when he was only 2 months old. Really felt what was wrong and that i had been a horrible mummy. But i guess what we can do for them is to provide them with the best treatment and shower them with TLC.. the rest really is beyond us. Ditto on the insurance!!!

tks all for your concern... finally mdm ida came earlier...she touch touch my breasts and said my breasts are VERY blocked!!!She then started to massage my poor boobs...and the even poor owner gotta endure the PAINFUL process. 15 mins later, Ida saidok liao and taught me how to properly massage the breasts....hoopefully wont need to find her again...but I'm glad my blocked ducts are cleared...she said if left undone, will get infection in a few days...


must really do what she say i think and properly... anytime you dun feel rite call her back immediately... Same thing happened to me and i thot i did the massage like how she taught me but in the end i still kenna mastitis and later abcess

baby flipping: all your babies already know how to flip? I just started to train him on tummy time yesterday.. seems abit late, only aware i need to do it after reading development info from some website.

when can we use the bumbo seat? i tried to place him in the seat, but worried his neck not so stable le..

red BB: No worries.. bb will flip when they are ready. Like mine.. he hardly do tummytime but then one day he just flip successfully on his own.

Redbb-> Mine oso haben start flipping, currently she only knows how to *wriggle*... Place her slp at point A, later i wake up she slping adjacent to previous position liao


don stress over that.

My boy was also admitted when he was just 1mth plus due to lung infection too. caught the flu virus frm my sis.

Maybe my #1 admitted a few times when she was young, so that time i'm quite ok.

Last 2 week, he was admitted again, this time due to fever and it went up as high as 40 degree. this time round i'm really sad n heartpain cos he need to be on drip. also they run a few test on him. so small yet need to poke by so many needles.

Then when the doc asked did he admitted before. and i realised my son have been in n out hospital every mth.

July - admitted due to jaundice

Aug - admitted due to lungs infection

Sep - admitted to suspect "hundred day cough" cos he haven't on his jabs yet

Oct - admitted due to fever.

Claudia, these days, when my baby wakes up from short nap and cries, I will shush and pat her when carrying her over my shoulder to calm her down. It works, I just need to be patient, like maybe do it for 10-20 mins. Then she will sleep for another 40mins.

I don't bother swaddling her cos she will just break free. Instead, I use the beansprout pillows to place over her arm and body.

Yup, and once I see her first yawn, I will prepare her to nap! Otherwise, if I miss it, it takes so much longer to wind her down.

Hi Mommies,

Just came back from the baby fair at expo. Nothing fantastic this round. Very small scale. There are some diapers for grabs - Drypers, Huggies & Pureens. Just for info.

Ya I m actually at the fair now, using their nursing room hehe.

Like wat bbliss mentioned, nothing much here. They r selling the bumbo seat with tray at $79.90. Also saw the exersaucer selling at $169. Dun think they r cheap right? Komodo laundrey refill at $6.30 per packet. Pureen washing liquid, 1 bottle at $6.50, 2 for $12 n 3 even cheaper, but cant remember wat price alr.

Ya my fren oso say v small scale compared to the previous held, tink I will give it a miss then.

Suntan-> I bought the bumbo seat w/o tray at abt $67 last week. The shop sell 79.90 with tray. So it's like not reali cheAp bargains at the fair...

eh ladies, this time the fair not as big eh..

or major tings i've bought already?

Just went there to buy bb bowl and little "offer" items that is 70% off that kind.

Not much offer.. think the diapers NTUC sell cheaper.. pigeon wipes etc no offer one..

unless u wanan buy cot, big item toys ba..

Sito. the playmat from small small world is ok.

The booth is there and I think they sell the same in bulkpurchase.

Think they close their bulkpurchase and if u have car, u can buy,

Last time they deliver to my house and it's the same price.

Mommies gg to expo baby

i advice that u do not buy from a store who sells luvable friends. i bought a set of 5 rompers and came home realising the material is super different from those i bought online. this one is super thin and its not as soft as the ones i bought online.

Jasmine - u must be very hard pain...cos when my son go for blood test/xray - he cried very loudly - it already make me very hard pain liao... really can understand how u feel...


the things r not cheap there like bumbo or exersaucer.. not cheap..

if u wan lamaze toys or what.. then ok la... still can buy..

i bought a nursing pillow for C today at $32+ usual at kiddy is about $50...

nursing cover is not cheaper too.. i bought from BP at $18 lor.. there sell $30+.. same thing but diff brand nia.. but exactly the same concept...

erm.... play mats are the same price as BP..

wipes and breast pads same price as outside too...

those little little items ok la.. got cheaper.. but i think this fair more for... erm.. soon to born bb i feel... for us.. its more like buying toys lor.. and those little accessories.. lol

