(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi Mummies

I have asked pd before, she said to give solids when bb is 6mths. So I will listen to her. My mum actually said to start solid at 4mths old, that was how she brought up my young nephew and niece (both are now healthy and cheerful children). But I told her to start only when bb is 6mths old lo...think she wont insist la.

Hi Ann

About Rota vaccine, my bb was given Rotarix and not Rotateq. I only know that Rotarix requires 2 jabs, but Rotateq 3 jabs. What are the risks for rota vaccine? My pd did not tell me rotarix is less safe...


Ann: Yeah, with nanny, can give instructions and say no to solid till 6 mths. And if I don't supply, she can't do anything. But for those "battling" this issue with mum/MIL, have to be more tactful lar. =)

ann, what i am saying is there is a risk when starting semi solids too early, not that it is wrong. what are the benefits in starting so early ? go to any PD, you will get the same answer.

its the same as FM. didnt we all grow up on FM big and strong ? the older generation can also use that argument against us. but why do we stil insist on BM, even though we ourselves grew up on FM

however for mummies who are keen to start early, there is a shop at Paragon (the flr where a lot of children's clothings and stuff) that sells a good range of cereals and stuff. They carry this brand, Organix that has from 4mths onwards. so can check out if interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

charliebrown: You can read more here. I also didn't know till Sun_tan brought it up yesterday while chatting. http://www.hsa.gov.sg/publish/hsaportal/en/health_products_regulation/safety_information/product_safety_alerts/safety_alerts_2010/recommendations_on.html

vernie: Ya la.. if mum/MIL is too stubborn then quite tough.. my MIL never brought such thing up and my mum although say but never insist. When mum ask why, I just jokingly say "No why. Just my personal liking." Haha!! Sometimes the more we try to explain, the more our explanation will hit the wall. So no point explaining so much if they are not willing to listen and accept our explanation.

my MIL insists the ceremony of feeding my bb solid food. i tell my hb strictly no solid food should touch my bb even though is only a ceremony. food touch my bb only, then dont blame me for being attitude.

Didn't know why i gotta attitude problem or what. I didnt like something i will straight away show my temper especially if its towards my bb... and comes from my ILs... I cfm got big reaction.

ICA ur girl is sooo CUTE!!! hahahaha i never c pink bumbo leh so i bought the lilac [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

She seems steady in her seat but mine like head keep nodding.. Will keep for another week hee

Agree with what Ann says, our precious is also their precious tats y i try to convince my mum by talking to her nicely. Tell her i what i know & what will happen if we start solid early.

But hor i think i more attitude towards my in laws hahaha not as patient as treating my mum cos my mum is the one taking care Mon-Fri. There's a need for her to understand, whereas my inlaws only weekends c bb so don need explain too much to them hee

pillow: i dont want to bend... dont know why too... probably ever since i see the way my ILs take care of my HB's sister's 8 mth bb, i very attitude towards whatever my ILs want to do to my bb in whatever ways they want... just cant and dont want to compromise at all.

they say rub on lips can already rights?

I dont know, heng noone bring up this tradition to me, save me a problem of having to say no. Or i think they know i surely say no, so they oso don bother to bring up to me haha !

Ann: I scare my ILs "ke siao" u see ... and i dont like it... and now i still dun know what they will prepare.. i mean if plain porridge abit touch the mouth i ok lar... my ILs dont even TC their own health ready... can imagine what they gona prepare for the ceremony to "touch" my bb's mouth ?

they my ILs dont like to keep clean n hygiene, the whole house is messy and u know "xiao qiang" can visit u anytime... so what if staying 2nd floor, not an excuse to say "bo bian" cfm will have these "visitors" right?

wah...didn't know got such "ceremonies" to intro solid to bb...today my boy is exactly 4 months (if count by DOB, not weeks), so rightfully have to do the "ceremony"...guess when we stay on our own and our parents are in another country, we are spared all these traditions? of course the downside when parents don't stay nearby means we can't get extra help when we need it...

Talking abt traditions, I rem there's 1 whereby bb choose calculator, ruler etc heehee. Anyone doing it on ur Bb? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

carol, quartzie,

my girl is 3.5 mths now. i've seen bumbo seats at kiddy palace, spring maternity but not sure about the colours though. i was all prepared to get a hand-me-down green one from my BIL but got this pink one as a gift instead. BIL got his from warehouse sale in KL for only RM45!

Julie: Thanks for the reply! I was freaking out last night cause my girl seems to behave very differently. :p i shall monitor my girl and my milk supply for a week to see how. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ica: ur bb is so cute! how many weeks is she? My girl still have very very wobbly neck, dun dare to let her sit on the chair. :p

Ica Rm45! If i were u, will buy 10 back to sell hahaha! My girl oso 3.5 mths but neck not strong and oso can't flip yet...

Beannie hee dat 1 seems interesting and does not compromise on bb health hee will go find out more.

xbeanniex: Maybe give and take lo. You tell your hubby.. if wan you to agree to the ceremony, can.. but accept your T&C.. one is to allow you to prepare the items and 2nd, you have to be the one to handle bb. Like that both parties should be ok ba. I saw Serene prepare lots of things for her baby.. got mushroom, chicken thigh, eggs, mee sua, biscuit, etc. See liao I also wanna faint. Some mummies just use chicken drumstick and touch bb lips.. some use prawn to touch bb lips.. it is just to symbolish bb eat liao.

vernie: Ya lo.. when my grandma told me, I thought she is bullshitting me or this is something she make up one. Haha!!

quartzie: Ya.. i remember my bro done that.. he chose a truck which is not among the items he was supposed to choose.. he crawl the other way to get his truck.. haha!!! But I also dunno how old he is.. too long ago liao.

ica: RM45 is very cheap for a bumbo chair lei but hoh must go all the way to Malaysia to buy also abit far for me. haha!!

Tesellation mat: Anyone wanna share? Thinking of getting one since bb like to flip and i dun wan him flipping on my bed.

bumbo seats in Msia,

dunno how much but in Msia, when there are warehouse sales, they really slash the prices. my BIL was so proud of his find. i can remember this coz once at spring maternity, i was nosing around and saw it retailing at $79, so i had the same thot as quartzie - if got lobang to buy at RM45, could resell here and earn a tidy sum. hehehe. just a thot lor, din action on it. hah!

my baby also can't flip. only her neck is strong. maybe becos she's on the heavy side, so harder to turn. hahaha!

Hi mummies,

Saw tat some of u trying to increase ur milk supply... Personally I drink green papaya cooked with fish bones soup...use "Shen yu" fish bones....cook bones first till soup boil...then add in the green papaya slices. Cook till soup turns milky...abt 1+ to 2 hrs....

Hope tis is useful for u all...

Hi mummies,

Saw tat some of u trying to increase ur milk supply... Personally I drink green papaya cooked with fish bones soup...use "Shen yu" fish bones....cook bones first till soup boil...then add in the green papaya slices. Cook till soup turns milky...abt 1+ to 2 hrs....

Hope tis is useful for u all...

Ica maybe we shld action on it huh then organise a BP hehehe instead of always spending $$ there we shld earn fr there!

My ger nv try to flip but keep going crunches haha

Ann, mayb we shld org a gathering with the items then take a video of wat all bb choose. Fun!

quartzie: Haha!! That will be very messy.. we have to have lots of things so that they will not fight ah.

Doing crunches is the first step to flipping.. my boy also like to curl up like that then one day he just flip. haha!!

xbeanniex: Thanks for your info =)

ica: my gal oso abt 3.5 mths, born on 8th july..RM45 is very cheap!! hehe,nxt time must see where got sales in msia

Hi mummies,

i still in the office now..

Today hubby ot, so stay here and do my work..

but i have no mood to work at all!! i feel so sad over here..

i miss my gal so much!!

she is 3.5 mths now..last weekend went bek to msia and noticed that she can flip alr!!

but i dun know when is the 1st day she able to flip [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

when she took injection, im not bside her; when she coughed, im not bside her too..feel that im an irresponsible mum..

just now i got a nanny's contact from a mummy in motherhood who claimed that the nanny is good in taking care her son..

but after i called only i realised the mummy is actually her daughter-in-law..

i feel so disappointed as i thought i got a trustworthy nanny & can bring my gal over!!

every mrng & nite i miss my gal so much..i really hate this kind of feeling..

miss her yet cannot see her..i dun know i can hang on for how long..

i dun know what's the best for her..i wish to bring her over but i afraid i cant find a trustworthy nanny..

i oso afraid if she come over, we have no time to spend for her as my hubby n i always work very late..

called childcare centre this aftn to register for 2012 enrolment for her..too early hoh?im so silly..

hello mummies,

am just wondering, any of your BBs dropping hair? my boy seems to be dropping a lot of hair leh..until the back of his head so little hair & have "bald" patches.

Mrslong, my bb is also dropping a lot of hair. Is it because we didn't shave her?

Carol, i can only imagine what you must be going thru. I'm sure you left yr bb in Malaysia because you feel that's the best for you. Don't blame yourself for being irresponsible. You're already trying your best to find a solution so that you can bring her over. Don't give up, Jia you!

Mrs long, babycoco mine oso left patchy of hair here and there only. Never shave her & don't intend to. But think they say it's normal leh

rgd flipping,

Skyler just flipped! Exactly at his 3rd month "birthday". I didnt witness the flip thou. I left him on the bed on his back and went to the kitchen to do some chorus. Then i heard some eh eh sound and went back to the room to check. He was already on his tummy but couldnt flip back thus was calling for "help". Its a bit dangerous for him actually, cos he still couldnt hold his head properly when on his tummy. Guess for now, its more tummy time..


oh! doing crunches is a sign of flipping? my girl has been doing them, lifting her legs really high. ok. must monitor


my girl is a day younger than yours, born on 9 July. dun be sad ler. i know, very easy to say hor? but look on the bright side, think of it as you're preparing for her grand arrival, so you need time to get ready all her stuff, make sure she's well taken care of. i'm saying this coz it took me almost 5 yrs to have my baby, so looking back, i think of that period where God was making sure that me and hubby are really prepared for Hannah's arrival [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

you can ask your family members to keep a lookout for you on warehouse sales. most of my baby's baju (those that are worn at home) are from warehouse sales in KL. my MIL bought them and she said can be as cheap as RM3! but material thickness can't compare to Gap, Carters but good enuf


ya man! can organise a BP and earn $$$. but must 1st source for it. hahaha! i really admire those mommies who organise sprees

Carol, can understand how u feel... When I need to work OT I v kanjiong want faster finish my work so tat I can go mum house c bb. The more kanjiong I am the more mistake I make...worst! In the end too late to go c bb. Hope u find a good nanny soon! Sometimes I think ar if I were to quit my job and take care of my bb then mayb at same time can earn income by taking care of other bb oso... Jux a silly thought hehehe

re: bald patches on baby's head. I've asked my paeds doc about this a month ago and he mentioned this is called "friction alopecia" and the hair loss is due to the baby rubbing the head against the bed surface when lying down. Nothing to worry about, it seems. It will naturally improve when our baby becomes more mobile and can sit, crawl and move about. I think it's one of those things that bothers parents but is not of much concern to medical professionals. Here's what I googled. http://pediatrics.about.com/od/yourbabyweekbyweek/ss/baby_wk_eight_8.htm

carol: Hang in there...hope you will be able to find a good nanny soon...even for us who can see bb everyday, we also can miss some of bb's milestones while at work...i'm sure you've done what is best for her by leaving her in msia in good care rather than with a nanny that you don't trust...you are a great mummy already!

bb flipping: My boy is 4 months old today, still have not flip lei...his neck is quite strong already...is he slow or ??

bb hair: my boy also got bald patches...already so little hair, then drop some more...so botak!

Congrats Skyler! Looking forward to mine doing her flipping stunt!

Ann, my sis in law says choosing of the item is at 1 yr old! Dat time she bought toy stethoscope, toy scissors etc. Waseh by 1 yr old they all can walk lu, then not so messy le hahaha

counting the days whoa... Hee

Hi Mummies,

How's are u gals doing? Been a while sine i log in.. everyday very busy....

Hi Junie,

My baby also dropping hair.. it's ok want.. PD told me will drop till 9mths old.. same for mummy too..

My boy is also dropping hair... his is a very obvious line in the middle of the head... hahaha chinese belief is the "Gu Gu" line... just ask all the gu gu to buy a pair of booties/shoe then can liao... I already ask my SIL to buy for my boy... see whether is works.. haha

babycoco,quartzie, ica, vernie : thanks!i feel much better after pouring out my feeling. Now i only waiting for friday nite so that i can see my little gal..

Yeah carol! Let's look forward to Friday together, family day! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my boy was born on the same day as ur gal!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dun worry lah. ur bb just turned 4 mths mah. Some bbs only flip when they are 5-6 mths.

Another fair coming up:

26 to 28 Nov, 10:30AM to 9:00PM, Expo Hall 4A


ica: Ya.. my boy did the same thing.. slowly he will do crunches towards one side and then he will learn to flip but dunno how to position hand yet.. now he know how to flip and position his hands... so that he will not fall back.. but the thing is he has not learn to flip back yet. Haha!!

My boy surprise me last week... when he is place on his tummy - he can rinse up 90 degree & this morning at 5am... he just flip however with one of his hand stuck under his chest....haha

Hi mummies…

I have a btl of Fenugreek too. Haven’t started yet cos I also scared of side effects & read that it will cause gassiness?

I took Organic Mother’s Milk Tea to boost supply and so far it works. I drink 2 cups a day.

However I scared my BM not filling enough and since supply nt a lot I give bb FM for first and last feed of the day.

My neighbour’s relative juz told me that she stopped BFing cos her 9 mth old son is not gaining weight from her BM.

She said her BM very thin…

Recently my mum told me that my BM looks diluted.. is it true that BM will become thinner and lose nutrients?

Regarding feeding solids, my mum also one of those who feel that bb can start when 4 months.

However I am also against the idea.

My mum often seek advice from this a shopowner in a traditional chinese med shop she frequents.

She only believes in wad the shopowner says, luckily the owner also told her to give bb solids after 6 mths will be better!

My mum told me a story that happened to her friend 30yrs ago.

That time, my mum just gave birth to my bro so her friend visited her with her 4 mth old son.

My mum saw that her fren kept feeding her son some cereal but he kept crying non-stop and refused to eat…

And she noticed that the cereal was very thick.. so my mum told her fren and she still insisted it is ok cos thicker then bb will be full.

She said it is “normal” cos her son always cry during feeding.

Few mths later, when my mum called her fren to ask about her kid, her friend sadly told her that her son had died from choking from the cereal!

Very poor thing rite..


Aiyo.. so poor thing.. how can it be normal when bb cries during feeding everytime.. cry and eat sure get choked one ma.. and normally better to feed more dilute if starting at young age. The poor kid.. I am sure the mummy also dun feel good.

