(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

sweetkiss: what Orangic MOther's Milk tea? Where did u get it? I'm desperately trying to increase my milk supply cause my bb's appetite is increasing and I'm dun want to feed her too much FM. :p

Oh man, so poor thing that the baby died! Actually I think the older generation have some weird mentalities. I remember during my bb's first month, my Mother is very enthu in feeding my bb. There's once my girl is crying and my mum said she must be hungry, however, I know that my girl just drink like 1 hr ago, so can't be hungry. But my mum insisted that she's hungry, so I went to warm up my EBM for her to feed. But when my mum try to feed her, she kept crying, and my mum actually force the bottle into her mouth while she's crying!! THe moment I saw it I knew something is wrong and I just took my girl away. And I remember my mum keep insisting it's normal for bb to cry during feeding time. *faint*

my boy turns 3 months tdy...but still dunno how to flip yet. And he's quite lazy when it comes to tummy time...he doesn't quite like it, hehee. Though, he can lift his head up quite high oredi, somehow, he doesn't know how to turn his head sideways.

Re: Hair loss

Ya, think it's quite common then. I'm intending to shave my boy's head next week, so see if old wives' tale is true or not (i.e. shave head, hair will grow more & fuller).

Hi Mummies,

For those who want to get bumbo seat, Baby Hyperstore selling at $50 (w/o tray). So far its the cheapest I have seen around.

My bb is 4 mths today, time really flies. She started sleeping on her own about 2 weeks ago. Then today she kept asking to be carried/rocked to sleep. What a headache.

Jastine: how much FM do u feed ur bb everyday? I got my tea from the BP section.

I saw one or two threads selling, some sells cheaper so do compare around.

I got mine for $8.50 but I saw another thread selling $7.50..

my mum also. Last time, whenever my bb cries, she keep passing bb to me to feed saying my milk very little..

That time I was pumping 2 hr-ly and each pump can last bb for 3 feeds, I was wondering why not enough?

Now supply really drop as I reduced pumping due to work…

every morn I will pass all my EBM to her to feed bb for the day.

I always get discouraged cos she will look at the bottles and say “so little ah”…

she even asked me if I wanted BM from my aunt’s colleague as she had oversupply.

She can pump 10 over bottles a day! Envy!!

But I think it feels strange to feed my bb other ppl’s BM.. Even if my supply is dry I rather give FM than to take other ppl’s BM..

Mrslong: my bb shaved since 1 mth old, dunno why her hair takes sooo long to grow back! Except for the middle part, her hair growing in a circle and that one very long and black liao.. haha!

sweetkiss: my girl currently can drink 120ml per feed and each day she will need abt 2-3 feeds of FM!!!

Now I can only yield 80mL per breast per pump...that is if I pump 5-6 hr interval. If I pump 2-3hrly, I will yield like 20-30mL per breast only. And now I just started work, I quite paiseh go pump my breast @ work :p

I dun want my girl to drink more FM than BM, so I'm taking Fenugreek to hopefully increase my BM supply. I read from other forums that Fenugreek really helps. :p

Today is day 5 of me taking Fenugreek, my milk supply haven't seems to increase much. Hopefully it will soon. :p I heard it may takes up to 1-2 weeks to take effect.

mrslong: same here...my boy also sometimes lazy during tummy time...keep making noise and refuse to lift his head up...but when he is in good mood, he can surprise you by turning his head left and right...mine 4 mths, still have not flip!

bb hair: My bb is this botak (with bald patch behind)! How to have him grow more hair? Already so little hair, don't feel like shaving him...



your baby so cute! and can hold his head steady for you to snap him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jastine: my bb is drinking 180ml.. me also nt able to keep up.. i only pump every 7-8 hrs, sometimes up to 10 hrs! total around 800ml per day.. but if u dun pump at work, ur supply will reduce further rite? i have a quick 30min lunch daily and pump after that coz my lunch is strictly 1 hr.

i'm worried abt the side effects of fernugreek so i havent started though i got 1 bottle... dunno want to try or not. but maybe u try the tea+fernugreek, might be more effective? the tea is also caffeine free but everytime i drink in the office, my colleague says the smell very strong, like medicated foot ointment. but i love it.. haha!

Hi all,

At last sent my lazy maid back to the agency and got another maid..

Before my lazy maid left today,I checked all her belongings..she stole money,stole my daughter's photos and even our fingernails!!! Such a scary maid with a black heart, want to do blackmagic with photos and fingernails..beware her name is lai lai from mamar

Sweetkiss: Actually I'm also quite skeptical about Fenugreek. However, since it's a herb/spice which many pple use in cooking, I think it's quite safe ba??

I got a scare on my 2nd and 3rd day of taking Fenugreek cause my girl seems to behave weirdly! So I thot must be the Fenugreek! But 4th day onwards she seems ok, so I guess maybe she was just fussy over the weekend. :p

hi vernie, ur bb so cute!! his eyes are very bright n looks smart =)

btw, anyone bought baby carrier before? would like to get 1 for my gal..any recommendation?

Sito: omg so scary!!! how did she react when u found those stuff? luckily u found them!

jastine: yah i think i read ur post or something... so i also paranoid! i am still finishing up the fish oil from my pregnancy, after that gonna start on fenugreek! too much supplements scared they "clash"! haha

Vernie: Ur bb reali seems very bright hee cos of the bright eyes. Hee look more like u or ur hb?

Sito: aiyo... fingernails for black magic! tats y huh when angry with them oso cannot openly show otherwise u don't know wat they will do... have to secretly send them back. Only can tell them on the day itself...

ica: hehe...now u can see that my boy is definitely more botak than your girl!

carol: i am using Ergo baby carrier...think lots of mummy here also using Ergo...

sito: your maid is so scary! fingernails also take?? gosh!

quartzie: bb looks more like me...hubby is jealous! haha...

hahahaa vernie u must have very big eyes too! the double eyelid oso very obvious lo unlike my ger still like single eyelid despite both me & my hb having double...


my ss drop when i went back to work... since last thurs, drop until no one's biz. then i lazy to wake up at night to express since my bb skip his night feed automatically... so tired these days even though i am not busy. now i am only yielding 120ml at max 3-4hr interval. some days, my yield only 70ml... rest of the day, i nurse my bb so my ss is not that great.

i am going to start taking fenugreek 3 times a day 3 tabs starting today. this is more than what is recommended but i read in making more milk, that is the max i can take.

i think fenugreek generally safe lah... i am not going to be too bothered about how much bm i can give to my bb... did my best liao... i just need to remember, breastfeeding is more than just milk!

I confronted my maid when I found the packet of fingernails,she said that's her mum fingernails..whenever she think of her mum will look at the packet of fingernails!!! Full of rubbish and craps!!!

I asked her why not bring mum's photo instead of fingernails..she said her mum no photo stupid excuse!

carol: I've used it only once or twice coz i put bb in stroller most of the time. So far so good and bb fell asleep in it. I remember quite a number of mummies here recommended it and mentioned they find it very good. I actually bought it after reading the comments here.

Jellypurin: i taking 3 tabs each time (9 tabs a day) or 3 tabs a day? Which Fenugreek brand u taking? I'm taking Nature's Way, the direction say 2 capsules 2-3 times a day. Each cap contains 610mg. So i took 2 cap 3 times a day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sito: ur maid is scary! r u thinking of installing webcam in ur hse to monitor ur next maid???

Jastine and Sweetkiss: Fenugreek works for me initially, but I ended up with engorgement! I also tried the Sacred tea for a few weeks. I realised that my baby didn't need that much milk actually so I need to pump more regularly to relieve the engorgement. She only drinks about 90-100ml of EBM, when I feed her from bottle. But there's one occasion when she finished drinking her bottle of EBM and could still drink some more from my breasts! Weird. Maybe she doesn't like the bottle that much. But she will always leave around 10ml in the bottle. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I think stress and dieting will affect milk supply too. So for this period that I'm going to bf, I've decided to stop exercising vigorously and just focus on taking nutritious foods. Sometimes, I also wake up in the middle of the night to pump out my milk cos it is so humid these days and the engorged feeling can be quite uncomfortable.

I spoke to the hospital lactation consultant and she said our breasts can be programmed to provide milk at certain timings.

Just called my mum asking about my ger. My mum said she vomit milk again, think recently it happens quite frequent. Any bb here suffering from reflux too? Do i need to bring her to the doc?

Julie: how long did u take the pills before u experienced engorgement? actually i still have engorgement but even when i express till empty, the amount also the same.


fenugreek works v slowly for me... i am also taking natures way... ya, today and tomorrow, i will take 9 caps and see how it goes... if it does not work, yes, am game to try oatmeal!

btw, how often r u wkg moms expressing? am doing 3-4hr interval, 2 times at office. i will nurse bb at night if i hv ss... otherwise, it's formula for him

Julie: Exercising will affect milk supply ah??? I'm jogging regularly now, hoping to shed some weight. Maybe that's why :p during my confinement month when I can't exercise, I seems to have a lot of milk. And ya...how long did u take the pills to get engorgement?

Jellypurin: Nature's Way say take 2 caps u taking 3 ah? Hm...maybe i should take 3 too, but I dun really like swallowing pills. :p Oh...i read that oatmeal helps too, me gg to buy Quakers oatmilk and bring to work to eat as breakfast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This haze cause me to have headache and problem breathing,my mum also got sick..too much pollution & toxin in the air.

Maybe can monitor bb 1 or 2 days before seeing pd?

Jellypurin: After I went back to work, I pump 4 times (morning, lunch, dinner, before I sleep). During office hours, I hand express to ease engorgement, find it a waste as i threw away the milk.

jastine: Yes, I read that intense exercise and dieting which leads to a drop in calories can reduce breast milk supply. I feel that exercising intensely also subjects the body to physical stress. Hence, I decided to give myself a break from running for this year.

Sweetkiss: I think I only take the pills for around a week and only once a day. I've stopped taking them now and occasionally drinks the sacred tea when I remember and have time to make the tea!

vernie>> my boy also have patches on the top and back of his head. Wonder when will grow back, hehee.


btw, when BBs flip..issit flip when they're doing tummy time from lying on their front to their back?

mrslong: Your boy is so cute! Despite the patches, at least he still has more hair than my boy. My boy - the hair is hardly visible. My colleagues thought i shaved my boy when i didn't. I think if we were to conduct a botak competition, my boy will be a strong contender. Haha!


what you just described is one-way flip. the other way is tummy to back, so baby will face you. is that one of those LG or parklon playmats? Is it good? Dunno whether should get one. I'm also interested in the tessalation playmat. But so ex

and what a cutie your little boy is!


even though ur boy has not much hair now, but it looks really even. Ya lor, as if you shaved him. hair will grow, definitely. or let him wear a beannie? saw a baby wearing one. It looks so cool on the baby

thanks suntan for e infor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no, i am not taking it anymore. stopped after abt 8wks.


gosh! some of e babies are so advanced! mine is still @ wobbly head stage .. lol [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but she can do leg lifts quite well


Tummy time

Vernie, Mrslong: wow! Both the boys are so cute and can lift the head well! Botak head never mind la, my boy also botak head, but still will shave his head coming 4th month, cos I did not shave his during his 1st month. Can buy more caps or beannies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jastine: My boy doing tummy time is like urs..just stone there like so comfy. But he will shun bian suck his thumb though. Haha. then after awhile he will cry...

How can we encourage the bb to lift head? Or just let them have some tummy time and they will auto learn? My boy has little tummy time..

