(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

baby nose cleaning

Do mummies use cotton bud to clean nose?

Bit scared to for fear of hurting bb's nose but bb's nose damn alot of mucus. I use cotton wool but its useless in extraction.

Any mummies brought their bb's to PD to suck mucus out? How was the experience? Did bb cry alot? Suck one time already all ok? or mucus accumulates again after awhile?


Pillow for baby to sleep: Are all your babies sleeping on pillows now? Mine is still using cloth nappy as pillow at home. My in law side is giving him pillow to sleep on liao. I read that it is not good to give baby pillow to sleep on under the age of 2.

PetPet: Is this brand of diapers good for night use too? Just wondering.

owyong!my boy oso like tat! Mine worse. 1 am to 3am around tis time,he wil flip sideway instead of lying back. So i nid2help him adjust his beanie n bolster 2 make him z beter. 5plus wake again, morning 7 or 8am wake up dun drink milk 1.i gota feed him a bit then go IFC.. Headache,around 1 to 3am nid 2 help him 2 fal asleep again.

Why is pillow no good for babies? My bb has been sleeping on pillow after first month ;p

My bb also drinking less n is so easily distracted, feed a bit den wan to play den dun wan to drink. Sigh

Sleeping on pillow

nope, mine's still sleeping on folded cloth diapers, but on 2 now. think better not start on pillows so fast. even for adults, it's best to not sleep on pillows at all

ica: I think maybe elders will think babies need to be padded on their heads.. that's why adding more cloth nappy or buying pillow. Haha!!

sleeping on pillow: mine also sleeping on folded cloth diaper...he always slide down when he sleeps, next morning always find his head no longer on the cloth diaper...think let him sleep on pillow also no use...haha...

Ann: My bb will sometimes take 150ml. His intake is normally about 120 to 150ml daytime. But sometimes as low as 80ml.

Sweetkiss: My bb can gobble down the milk v fast at 4am..so is hungry I guess..

Claudia: Maybe we should do without the 11pm dreamfeed? But I got this feeling my bb will wake at 1am and 4am for feeds, lagi worse hor? But we never try we dunno..


My bb also sleeps on folded diaper cloth.

Head shape:

My bb likes to sleep on his right side more, so his right side of head is flatter. Pd said is ok, will turn round next time, but ask me to just turn to the other side. Is it true? Wah, I turn till tired.

Regarding night feed....

do you gals encounter waking up the baby while u pump milk at night? I can only pump in my room and every night my baby will be awakened by the pump sound. And once he is awake, he will cry for milk. But there are times whereby I overslept and didn't manage to wake up for my pump, my baby will sleep through the nite with me. Wat should I do to drop his night feed?

my mum always have this concept that milk powder is heaty... so she keep asking me to feed bb some water every few hrs.. sometimes bb will drink quite a bit when the weather is hot~ we spoonfeed her as bb dun like to drink plain water from bottle. normally she will sip a 4-5 teaspoons then dun want liao. usually i feed her water after feeding gripe water.

i also let bb sleep on pillow after 1st mth. cos sometimes she fall asleep after feeding, scared too flat so i let her lie on pillow.. but even with pillow, sometimes she flip till her head is out of the pillow already.

Re: Pillow

I let my boy sleep on the dimpled infant latex pillow bought from KP since he turned 2 months old...previously, sleep on 2 layer of cloth nappies fold into half but seem quite warm for him.

Re: Sleeping thru the nite

My boy is turning 3 mths now & he normally still wakes up at abt 1am-2am & then 4-5am for another feed. His last feed is usually @ 10pm.

If we skip one of the feed, it's actually ok? My HB somehow is not convinced on the sleep thru the nite training thing. Say BB is still young, dun deprive him of his "food".

Didn't know decreasing milk qty is one way to "send signal" to BB not to wake up for milk. My ILs definitely dun think so!

My boy drinks 120ml during daytime & nite time when my MIL feeds him but when I feed him @ nite time, I only gives him 90ml...and also tahan the same no. of hrs. So I guess can stick to 90mk @ nite right?

Sweetkiss>> my ILs also always want to give BB drink water. Last time I was very adamant & particular abt that cuz BB is still young, give water not nutritious (PD also said so but he said give abit is ok) and will make BB full. So we told them dun give water.

But now as BB is abit older, I'm ok with it as long as it's not a lot. So in a day, we give him drink sips (from teaspoons) of water after gripe water, when he has hiccups or after FM feed.

jolin: pump in another room so the sound wont wake bb? i always pump in the study room so i can surf net.. but anyway i stopped pumping at nite cos too tired. by the time i wake up i will be very engorged but i quickly latch bb as her first feed of the day.

mrslong: yes me too! my mum already started feeding bb water when she was less than a mth. that time my bb on TBM and i explained so many times to my mum that water is not needed but she dun wanna listen...

even now on FM, my PD said no need water also as the milk powder nowadays not heaty like last time and has high water content.. i was more concerned that bb will drink lesser milk if she has too much water. but since so far no such prob, i'm also ok with it.

Sweetkiss: if you don't pump at night, wouldn't you experience any leaks from your breast?

Hey mummies, with the haze getting so bad, are you doing anything to the baby?

Feeding water:

Pd said no need to give bb water even if on TFM. If want to give, give about 10 to 20ml...

Kerneast: What to do to the baby? Today's haze is bad!!


Yeah... my baby will also wake up.. usually 2-3am.. but on good days can self pacify. On bad days he will eh eh eh and i will have to pat pat pat him or else carry him abit. But night timing exactly like urs!


i actually tried once, cuz his last feed was quite late about 9pm. He woke up at 1am leh.. heh bit scared to try again! Since everytime he wake up at 4-5, eyes open liao and drink damn fast!

Mrs Long

Does your baby drink the milk really fast? finish the 120ml that your mil give? Cuz sounds abit like your baby is waking up for milk out of habit and not really hungry?


Not sure which feed to reduce leh.. I actually up the dreamfeed amount but he still wake up 4-5am. I will feed 120ml... but he will wake up automatically about 8am.. sometimes 7am! He doesn't cry for milk at that time but he will juz wake up. NOwadays dun even want the milk when i feed him around 830-930! And given that nowadays he seem to be not finishing his feeds... not sure whether i should reduce his milk intake if he is happily drinking?

hi claudia we are staying very near to each other. I'm staying at one the flats opp melville... yes should meet up at metta school's vegetarian restn nearest to us But i started work liaoz... maybe when i on leave i ask you out...

Baby sleepin

Any of your babies sleeping with pacifier / finger sucking?

I'm juz wondering whether my baby is really sleeping cuz he always suck suck fingers either that or he will suck his pacifier. Bit phobia that baby is not really sleeping that much! and he is a really light sleeper!


Ur stroller question.. My friend is using a maclaren one.. She swears by it cuz it's really light. NOt sure which model though... but the downside is that it cannot recline. I think maclaren probably has one of the lightest stroller designs around if that's ur key criteria


Ohhh.. yes that' very near! Yes yes... lemme know when you on leave [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'll be home for another 6months so plenty of time!

Btw... how is ur breast? HOpe Mdm Ida managed to clear for you

Claudia: Wah, my bb's pattern really like urs! He will wake up at 7am too. Not for milk but to talk and laugh at the cot mobile! haha.

My bb also light sleeper. He likes to suck his thumb when he is sleepy though. (his right hand always standby with a thumbs-up sign, to get ready to suck)

haiz..our bbs really many patterns.

Sigh Mdm Idah and Mdam Zaliah all so busy! have not done anything to my breast yet..ss dropped like no business

kemeast: will leak a bit lor.. i only pump 3-4 times a day. my last pump will be 11pm then 1st pump 7am. in between i latch my bb once at nite. sometimes so engorged that she will cry cos letdown too fast. i sleep with nursing bra and breast pads.

Eliss: how about Mdm Suria? Also Mdm Ida's cousin and she was my ML during my confinement. She's very gd~ she came down to help me with my blocked ducts even though my sessions with her ended and did it FOC. And she is so nice.. when i shared with her my probs and cried, she consoled me and cried together with me.. really like a gd sister..

Sweetkiss: Your ML is Mdm Suria? Same as mine!! I really like her too. She is a very good listener and is very nice!! She told me she is very sensitive and will tear easily if hear sad stories from mummies. She heard many.


Haha... yes sounds like my bb! anyways he is not feelign too well now with stuffy nose and bit of cough. I will try to increase his feed in the day again if his appetite returns (i hope) Then hopefully he can last? keep u posted!

Ann / Vernie -

thanks will go check em out!


I thot she's coming over today? Maybe u can try TMC or KK parentcraft if really bo bians. More ex tho

Hi mummies,

Re: baby's appetite

My girl who's turning 4 months this weekend has also been rejecting her feeds recently. When she doesn't want to drink, she won't drink but when she's hungry, she'll gulp down much more than her usual intake. But her daily intake has definitely reduced. My sister-in-law, who's an experienced mum told me that her PD says this is quite common because babies experience growth spurt up to 3 months after which growth will taper down so automatically their demands for food will reduce too.

charliebrown: yeah! when mdm ida intro her to me i quite skeptical coz like no mummies engage her before.. but i nv regret lor.. if got 2nd bb i sure go to her again!

Claudia: When i put my bb to sleep at night, he would use his hands and rub over his face and cry and I would give him pacifier. Though he would suck his thumbs, we would always try to discourage him fm sucking his thumb.

When he's sound asleep, I will remove the pacifier from his mouth.

Claudia>> my boy drinks the 120ml pretty slowly and not the hungry gulp down kind. Even the 90ml i feed him, it's also not the hungry gulp down. Sometimes he'll suck the teat and not drink, until we shake shake the bottle a bit to "wake" him up.

My ger appetite oso dropped quite alot, cry badly when i continue to push the bottle to her... will there be another growth spurt? Need to monitor?(Kiasu scared she later become thinner)...

Seem like quite a number of us are encountering the same problem of bbs reducing their milk intake. Hopefully this is just a phase ba.


in that case sounds like ur bb juz waking up crying out of habit and not real hunger leh... if it doesn't bother you nevermind. but if not looks like can try to reduce further and drop feed altogether.

Mine will suck like he damn hungry!


thanks. well for me i wouldn't remove cuz if he is in deep sleep he will spit out pacifier himself (i think) but sometimes the entire day time nap, he doesn't spit it out! hiaz... so i conclude he is not in very deep sleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies,

If you are going down to the baby fair - can help to look whether that's sealer promotion? I need to stock up liao but am unable to go down to see see look look cos my son was admitted to TMC due to lung infection [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies,

Anyone going to the fair later? Can help me check out if small small world is selling their bumper playmat? If they are, how much are they selling them? Wanted to go down but my son is down with eczema and pd said he'll be more prone to viruses so best to wait for his eczema to clear first.. Thanks!

Omg keropi wat happen??Wat causes the infection? I always got phobia with kids admitting to hosp...

I might b gg on sat wat sealer promo is dat? Can help u keep a lookout on dat.

He had bronchitis.... it all started with occasional dry cough last week.. brought his to GP ( GP said lung clear + only slight cough only)however the cough got worse + got Phlegm.. so i brought him PD then found out that he got bronchitis... heard from the nurse that it is very common among young baby to troddlers... I'm really very angry & fustrated with myself yesterday cos if I brought him straight to PD maybe this wouldn't happen..tears just roll down when i heard that he need to admit cos i never thought that my boy need to stay in the hospital at such young age... I really learn my lesson - alway go to PD if there's anything wrong with him in future...or coz touch wood - hope there's no need to see a doc at all...

Sealer diaper - I bought 3 pack for $25 in the last fair... if there's such promo can alert me...thanks quartzie


oh dear! hope he's ok now. maybe the haze worsens it coz my throat & nose not feeling too good; like something stuck in my throat and nose has been dry even before our skies got hazy - like they are some kind of indicator

was thinking of taking baby for a walk around the marina bay area this weekend for the lights festival (i think). with the haze, maybe will just drive by. hopefully can still see the artworks

