(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Ann, better get green light from your baby's PD before starting solids at 4 mths old. Some of my friend's kids start eating solid food at 4 mths while some at 6 mths old.


I'm going back to work next mth. Time really flies loh. I took all 16 wks at one shot but still think not enough. I'm really greedy. Hahaha.

Fazzy: i remmeber annie said nan ha is for babies with allergy. nan pro 1 is normal infant milk. You might want to clarify with ann?


Totally agree! I am still trying to get used to the sleeping hrs and pumping of milk..really peifu those mommies who has already gone back to work!

yar its not easy.. at werk i got to excuse myself every 3hrs and pump in the car. Sometimes really feel sooo lazy but I know cos i am pure pump.. if i dont keep up with the schedule, my supply will dwindle. Only at nights do I allow myself to drag the pump session longer.

my son is oso learning that night time = sleep. For the past 1 week he has been sleeping long hours at night. Normally around 4-5 hours but last night he really champion! He drank 130ml at 10+pm (never b4 so much) and then sleep all the way till 6am and wake up. Downside is that he was so hungry he gulped down 100ml of milk and started coughing like mad. Gave me and hubby a fright! But after awhile (and much patting on the back), he is fine now.

jac: ur bb is tanking up for the night.. don worry

my bb does that too..her highest record is 160ml and ya she will be very hungry when she wakes up..

feed solids

i read that... starting earlier than 6 mths will make bb a little more prone to allergy as their organs are not fully developed to digest semi solid food. that is why they recommend bfing for at least 6 months.

25th Gathering at my place

Hey mommies, we will be cancelling the bento lunch as it don't seem very popular. Please settle your own lunch before coming! I will provide drinks n snacks so dont worry we can still snack while we chat!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Since we need to have lunch outside, lets start the function from 12pm - 3pm !!

Can't wait to see all you mommies n babies!!

PS.. Michelle will be bringing a play mat for us to take photos of our babies together!



Compassvale Bow

The Quartz Function Room


12pm - 3pm (pls do come early) ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My contact is on our facebook page for those that need!!

Directions to get here:

Nearest MRT is Buangkok MRT on NEL. Just 5 mins walk away.

When you come out of the gantry, turn right and go up the escalator. Once up… look straight ahead, you will be able to see the condominium. One traffic light away. If unsure just ask around as there is only 1 condominium near Buangkok MRT.

If taking taxi, the address is “Compassvale Bow @ Sengkang Central” .. tell uncle The Quartz condominium near buangkok mrt if he is not sure.

If driving.. best highway to use would be KPE.. and then buangkok exit. Go straight until you see sengkang central and then turn right.. you will see the condo on the right!

Instructions once reaching the condo:

Let guardroom know that you are here for a function (@ function room). If you need a lift and not able to go down staircases, ask the guard to point out where the GYM is (turn left from guard house). There is a LIFT right beside the GYM which goes straight down to the function room area.

Otherwise just ask them how to get to the function room… (walk straight from guard house and go down a flight of stairs)

Tks for the flu meds advice. Will get some from guardian later. So worried I'll pass to bb.

Jaclyn, where do you store your milk when you pump at work?

cheerym - Haha my son also have all sort of funny sleeping position...when i try to position him back to his pillow... he will start showing tantrum... he like to tilted his head parallel to his pillow.. & sometimes sleep facing down.. so scare he cant breath so always got to check on him...

infant care centre - My boy will start on 4 Oct... I had a nightmare once that the care-giver throw him on the floor... so worry cos he got very short-temper so when he cry sometimes i also buay tahan... so scare that the teacher there cant stand him & start pinching/beating him...

milk supply - my ss start going down... i took fenugreek, nursing tea liao leh.. but didnt really eat much - does that really affect the ss so much? emmm nothing much to eat at mil place.. (usually cereal for breakfast, a bowl of porridge with canned food for lunch + rice for dinner)... still prefer staying at my parent's place.. my mum will cook good food for me...


cos the mouthache develop into toothache and the dentist said it could be the nerves or the muscle strained at work. so asked me to eat antibiotics n anti-inflammatory [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

babycoco: i use a medela cooler bag with contoured ice pack that keeps the bottles cold. I just put the ice pack inside the freezer.. then when I leave house i'll put the ice pack inside the bag with 4 empty bottles. That can last me the whole day.. the ice pack keeps milk quite cool for the whole day (about 12 hours if not under hot sun).


Re: Rashes

My baby who's abt 7 weeks old had some rashes "outbreak" on both of his cheeks & neck for a few days from last week.

Cheeks were red, patchy and rough cuz I think he also keep using his mittens to "rub & rub" that area. Neck has bumps like rashes.

So we tried using the following method and it works. No need to see PD & get cream.

1) Crushed water chestnut

- apply crushed water chestnut using cotton wool & apply on affected area

- can put the crushed water chestnut in a bowl and apply for a few times a day

- put remaining crushed water chestnut bowl in the fridge & only take it out when need to apply

Apparently, water chestnut has a cooling effect I guess.

2) Apply breastmilk

- apply freshly pumped/ EBM on affected area

I tried both methods but method (1) works better for me.

I also changed his powder from Kodomo Lotion Powder to California Baby Powder. And from J&J Head to Toe Shower to California Calendula Shower.

Most importantly, dun let bb's mitten scratch or rub on the cheeks...so got to swaddle him when he sleeps.

Hope this info helps.

apply EBM on affected area ? the rashes could be due to milk . wouldn't it make it worse?

after 1 mth, PD advise mittens to be off for motor development. still wearing mittens ?

Just to share

Update on sleep training/sleeping through the night

My boy is 10 wks old. I started the dreamfeeding method since he was like 6 wks plus. More or less he has managed to drop the wee hours feed. Now he sleeps through from 830pm till 7am with a dreamfeed somewhere between 1045 and 11.30pm.

Last 2 nights he himself cut down the quantity of dreamfeeding and still wakes up ard 7am for milk. Last night he only consumed 90ml and I gotta throw away 60ml of EBM. Hope that the trend continues and soon, he can drop his dreamfeed and still sleep through. Or at least continue till 6 months old when I start introduce solid for dinner.

His feeding schedule is like this now

7am - Latch on

10am - latch on

1 pm - latch on

4 pm - latch on

6pm - latch on

8pm - EBM

11pm - EBM


Sorry, initially I said that I wanted to join the gathering but looks like I have to give it a miss coz hubby's parents will be in town next weekend. you girls have fun ya!

hey phy.. u're my ou xiang! I can't get my son into any sort of routine whatsoever. Its even harder when theres other ppl taking care of him as well since whatever you do will only be ruined by others.

Have been trying to get my son to eat more .. but lesser feeds. So far unsuccessful. Hes born on the 7th of July but he is still eating 60ml ... 70 ml.. 50ml.. 80ml.. that kind of quantities. Really rare he hits 100 and above at 1 go.


oohhh, sounds serious man! rest well and get well soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ica: oh noprob.. pity u cant come! Did u trf $ to me ar? if u did pls PM me ur a/c num so i can refund k.. oso let me know how much thx!


Ya, hard if there are other caregivers involved... For me hor, there's only me and mil and hubby.. haha, and they all listen to me kekeke.

I told myself die die must train him so that it will be easier when I return to work next year. At least it won't be stressful for my mil who is going to take care of both boys when I work.

By the way, I'm going for the gathering with my hubby and 2 boys! Sooooo looooking foward to seeing the babies and mummies again!

Infant care

very scary... the infant care centre whereby my friend placed her bb has a death case few days back.. wonder what happened too..

phy: nono its not cancelled.. only the bento is cancelled hahaa. makes settle own lunch b4 coming by! I will provide snacks n drinks though!

huh really shouldn't be wearing mittens? my mum still says need to wear till 4 mths leh & i bought 8 more pairs lor.

by the way anyone bought the ergo swaddle cos thinking of buying 1 or any to recomm?

will return to work in another 2 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

took 3mths only now already v reluctant go back work liao, worse if i take 4 mths in a shot...


One in bukit batok.. scary.. now my friend is very worried. Hope it is not due to neligence of the caregivers there...


K I will feed my 3 boys before heading to your place haha

Fazzy: Ya.. nan pro 1 is the normal milk while nan HA is for baby with allergy.

Cheerymum: Now I dun go to my PD anymore. Even for injection, I also go to the GP. Hubby say cheaper. So I can't ask my PD abt it.

its the ergo swaddle phy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Interested in the gathering but its quite far, check with my younger sis c if she wants go c all the cute babies hee

Jaclyn, how often did you feed your baby when he is drinking 60ml per feed?

My boy born on 21st July is already drinking 90ml on his first week and now at 8 weeks, I dare not increase too much..so only gave him 120ml every 3 hours. He is around 5.6kg now. I'm worried if I am giving him too much though he doesn't regurgitate...only occasional small mouthful spits.

My cousin son is already 4 months and also only drinking 100 per feed every 3 hours...

supergal: i feed him whenever he wants.. it works out to around 3hrs a feed. I keep a milk diary, he drinks about 600-700+ ml on average a day.

Hi my baby is 10wk old n drinking 130ml every 3hourly during the day. At night she sleep 8-10hr without a feed! Not sure if any baby sleep so much at night. When she wakes up she also v hungry so I will feed her 150ml for the first feed in the morning.

Pillow: Ah? BM causes rashes?? Oh I didn't know that...but I think by now babies' rashes shld be due to heat rash already bah...and not rashes passed on by mum or milk?

EBM is also good to apply on mosquito bites, btw.

Yes, it works cuz it's applied externally but still, crushed water chestnut is more effective. I applied for a few days and my baby's rashes have gone down significantly.

Re: Mittens

As for mittens, I will let my BB wear till he's 2-3mths old...but bootie I already stop letting my boy wear already.

Happy_bee, my bb can sleep 10-11hrs (from 8pm-6/7am) without feeding. Sometimes I worry she'll be too hungry, dunno if I should wake her up or not. When she wakes up, I don't find she's particularly hungry although she asks to feed every hourly till about 9am (about 3 feeds). After that it's every 2hrs.

Hey mrslong,

I got the passport for my boy already.. Gg to bring him to Msia next week.. Yeah!!

It's very simple, I took his passport photo at home using my digital cam with white background.. As bb tend to sleep n hard to focus if I bring him to those photography shop.. I tried more than 20 shot.. Haa. Then go to ica website, upload the photo n fill in his birth cert then submit.. After that just wait for notice to collect the passport (about 3 days).. Then make an appt for collection online, bring ur bb n parent's IC personally to ICA building.. That's it.. So efficient n save lotsa time too..;)


My bb is 12 week old and starting this week he sleeps 8 to 10 hour without feed. In the day, he drinks about 150 to 160ml 3 hourly. In total he takes about 5 feeds per day (about 800ml). Keeping fingers cross that this patterns continue and no more night feeds.

Ann: txs for the info on nan. Ive already bought nan pro to try out.

Jaclyn : my baby girl is same as ur bb. Very hard to finish 110 ml of milk. She drinks but in two feeds with an interval of an hour each. So she actually wakes up again to finish up the milk, which means she sleeps less. How do we get them to drink up more in one go? Maybe bigger teat? But my bb tends to choke easily too

Thanks. I sometimes worry my baby will be too hungry to sleep so much but after hearing from you all, I won't try to wake her up. Hehe

I tried giving my bb a larger teat size (avent no 2) recently but my bb choke on it so I sticking to no 1.

My 10-week old bb also sleeps through the nite sometimes, the best was about 8 hrs straight. but most of the time, she sleeps at 9-10pm and will wake up at 4am, then 8am. I latch her during these 2 feeding times and she also suckle for 10mins and will go back to sleep. I was worried she will lose weight, but my mum told me when they grow they will start dropping nite feeds and as long as they sleep, drink and poo well they will grow...


Hello! talking about how much ml per feed.

My boy drink 150 - 160ml per feed for 2hr - 3hr interval (sometime he woke up 2hr crying for milk). My boy only 5kg lor.. Zzzz my mom always give in but for me i try to play with him etc until he angry cry non-stop then i make the milk.

Sigh! No idea why my boy is a big eater.. 1 wk 1 tin of 900g FM. i going broke soon.

