(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

babycoco~ 3.5kg nia ah? Me 20 leh! gosh....

then my boy only 2.56kg birth rate...

Ice queen, i go GP only... can take later marz. but not earlier... so 2.5mth still ok?


Hi Icy Queen: I took mine to a PD. Yup usually take at 2 month but the earliest can take is 6 weeks according to my PD.

hihi, how do you guys lose weight? I have not lost a single kg after giving birth. Don't know what happened to me. I do not take junk food but rather healthy food since i am breastfeeding but i do not understand why.... *so sad and depressed*

Anyway... would like to seek some advice from mommies here. My baby is getting very cranky lately. And i realise it is because he wanna suckle. It is not because he is hungry. He relies alot on me to suckle to sleep. This has been a problem the last few days and i am getting worried. Does any mommies here also encounter such problem? How can i resolve it?

I will be returning back to work soon and i am afraid that the caregiver will have a hard time taking care of him since he will cry very very badly whenever he has the needs to suckle.

My hubby doesn't want to give him pacifier and feels that i am giving in to him too often by allowing him to latch whenever he cries. He feels that i should stop doing that.

How how? Any advice?

jolin, i'm in the same situation as you. my bb also has to suckle to fall asleep. i'm also at a loss ... want to start training my bb to sleep on her own, but don't know where to start. when bb keeps crying, very hard not to give in, right? how old is your bb?

Eliss: lets say i take out at around 1pm.. it can last me till I get home at 10pm.

Even though the ice already melted, but it still keeps the milk cool enough and can be refrigerated straight when u get back ~


my baby's on Enfalac. but she only poos every 2-3 days but not constipated. Her PD said Enfalac is like that, dun poo every day. as long as poo ok, then ok liao lor


dun think it's those olive oil for cooking. those that can be used for removing makeup, as moisturiser. usually they're displayed at the beauty/face care section of supermarkets. baby oil also can. apply on the cradle cap for like 1 hr to loosen them, then shampoo off the excess oil. i also use Dentinox cradle cap shampoo - effective on my baby


wow! you manage to lose so much weight? the wonder of breastfeeding!


my gynae says that as long as you're breastfeeding, to continue taking iron supplements. she said the milk is as good as what the cow eats. haha!


think it's 6 hours? not sure but i think i read it somewhere. why not you do an experiment? freeze it then leave it in the insulated bag, then start the timer


only 3.5kg? wah! you must had been really strict with your diet when pregnant

So envy you girls that can lose so much kgs after birth... my situation worst than cheese84...gain alot during pregnancy....now still left 15kg of fat struck in me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pacifier - I give it to my boy although I know is better not to but I think sucking pacifier is better than sucking his own finger (he had a habit of putting his mitten into his mouth if i didn't give him pacifier)

As for suckle to sleep - my friends bb girl till now still have the habit of waking up in the night just wanted to suckle to sleep (she 7mths now) however i heard from her that she will only do that when she is around... sometimes when her mum help her to look after for a night...she didn't wake up to suck...maybe baby can smell/know it...


Maybe can try giving ur bb pacifier? As for weight lost, after giving birth, by right should straight away lose the weight of your bb + placenta + those body fluid or tissues? After giving birth, i straight away dropped abt 7-8 kg.


Wah only 3.5kg! So now you have "negative" weight. My aim is to loose the 2 kg left + another 4 kg to go to my ideal weight. Have to be discipline man. But breastfeeding makes me so hungry!


POSB Savings 093646304

Amt to trf = $10/pax

Please email ( [email protected] )Jaclyn your

payment details:

name and nick:

contact number:


and the number of pax going:

Kindly do so by 19 Sept 2010 (Sunday)


**i will post this everyday so you guys dun need to track back on this post to look for my acct number..



Compassvale Bow

The Quartz Function Room


We have the room from 10am – 3pm

Directions to get here:

Nearest MRT is Buangkok MRT on NEL. Just 5 mins walk away.

When you come out of the gantry, turn right and go up the escalator. Once up… look straight ahead, you will be able to see the condominium. One traffic light away. If unsure just ask around as there is only 1 condominium near Buangkok MRT.

If taking taxi, the address is “Compassvale Bow @ Sengkang Central” .. tell uncle The Quartz condominium near buangkok mrt if he is not sure.

Instructions once reaching the condo:

Let guardroom know that you are here for a function (@ function room). If you need a lift and not able to go down staircases, ask the guard to point out where the GYM is (turn left from guard house). There is a LIFT right beside the GYM which goes straight down to the function room area.

Otherwise just ask them how to get to the function room… (walk straight from guard house and go down a flight of stairs)

with bento

1. Serene = 2 pax

2. Jaclyn = 4 pax

3. Michelle = 2 pax

4. Pris = 1 pax

5. ica = 2 pax

6. Daisy = 3 pax

7. Guayni = 1 pax

without bento

1.Cheese84=2 pax

2. mrslong=2 pax

3. Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

4. Eliss - 2 pax

5. Vivi-1 pax

Wow babycoco,you only gain so little ,I gain 5kg plus ..

I take brown rice every meal, and wholemeal bread.and most of the time drink soup and less oily food and wholemeal supplement cereal daily,think this diet really works!

My baby is 2mth old. He is born small and so i do not lose much weight after giving birth. And furthermore, i gained back the weight during my confinement. Now cannot go on diet since i am breastfeeding but kind of worried how to shake off those extra kg...

Ya, i am thinking of pacifier too. Will need to discuss with my hubby.

Keropi, is your friend still breastfeeding? What if i have stopped breastfeeding and my baby still wants suckle to sleep? Continue to let him suckle despite there is no milk? sigh... i feel so "fan" over this...

Weight loss

Cheese n keropi,

Me same boat wor... for this 2nd pregnancy I left 2kg... but to go back to pre-pregnacy.. I need to shed in total 10kg!

Haha, I breastfeed both boys but the weight came back after I stopped bfing #1 when he turned 1 yr old.. So I tell myself must be discipline with what I eat this round but hor... keep giving in to temptations ahaha


Reading fm ur post mks me deduce ur boy wants smthg to suckle on. If u want to break e habit of suckling on u, u can try pacifier when he wants to slp. Other times dun give him so that he dun rely on it.

just saw from medela website -their ice pack can stay cold up to 12 hrs when its frozen solid...

phew... I have a long day this friday...scare the ice pack cant tahan that long...

sun_tan, ya, ya, breastfeeding makes me soooo hungry too. now i have to eat 5 meals, breakfast, snack, lunch, tea time, dinner. i've never eaten so much in my life.

ica, no lah, i wasn't strict with my diet at all. but i realised something, eating pasta doesn't make me gain weight. i was craving for pasta almost every day when i was pregnant. and now when i eat pasta more than 3x a week, my weight will drop. amazing right? i love pasta, hahaha

jelly, i tried to give my bb pacifier, but she hates it, spits it out and then cry like we're giving her poison.

My ger ok with the pacifier but not tat dependent on it. I give it to her when she's cranky. It falls out of her mouth once she's deep asleep then i will just keep it aside. My mom says bb on pacifier easier to handle wor...


A few of us are meeting tomorrow at 2.30pm at Parkway Parade...

meeting venue - cafe in front of M&S

if you can, do join us!

juz an update on tomorrow's mini gathering

we have :-

minmin (jasmine)


noknok (bindi)




Wow so many mummies have lose alot of weight already. I still have 6kg to shed!

A quick question. My baby is 2.5 mths old already but still not able to lift up her head yet. Does ur baby able to do so at 2.5 mths old?

cherry, mine 2mths can lift le...everyday i let him lie on his tummy til his head no strength for excerise..this will help them build muscle at the neck. i do this once daily..

but then don't do this right after feed ltr vomit.

Hi all,

WTS: GNC Fenugreek (taken 2 capsules only) 200 capsules, opened yesterday but not decided not to BF hence letting go @ only $13.

PM me if interested


mine can lift up her head by 4 wks. So far 45', not yet 90'. Ya, like lasery said, hv more tummy time. I read that it's becos of SIDS, babies are put on their backs to sleep (used to be on tummy), so reflexes such as lift head, roll over, etc. takes longer to develop

Cherry: For mine, I think even before 1 mth, he already start trying to lift his head le. Now about 2.5mths, he can lift his head quite ok. I always tell hubby he is an ambitious boy.

lasery2k n Ann : can ask a silly question... how do u flipped bb back after placing them on their tummies eh? my hubby n I tried only once n we dunno how to carry her after that so never tried again.


that's funny. Dr Chia told me to take iron supplement as long as i'm breastfeeding. i read baby books, they also say the same thing

Atomickitten: I will carry her by her armpit >>> I will sit facing her, with her butt facing me, then put my hands under her armpit and lift up (her head will be tilting front) and QUICKLY put her on my lap while my stomach blocks her head from tilting back since the head still quite wobbly. The other way is to just turn her around until she's laying on her back then carry her. =D

I rem my 1st child can lift up the head quite soon too. That's why I'm wondering how come this one still not able to at 2.5 mths old. Maybe I should give her more tummy time. Thanks.


Every child is different. Able to lift head earlier doesn't mean anything. Will catch up. eg. my sis talked before she could walk at 9 mths; I talked and walked on my 1st b'day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yao LAN / swing: hi any of u using Yao LAN already? My grand Ma keep asking me to let bb sleep Yao LAN, but I read tt it's not good for bb's backbone n I dun wan him to b dependent cos he is only 6 weeks old


i'm giving my girl sleep in yaolan but she doesn't want....my boy used to be sleeping in the yaolan, i think it's ok ba....

Dear Mommies,

I am a MTM due Dec 2010. Not having any luck with confirming any CL. Please PM me some contacts to recommend your CL. Really appreciate! Thanks in advance.

My cofinement is using this confinement agent.

His service very good.

name : MR Pang

Price;$1800 excluded levy

28 day.

His contact no: 98765211

ello mummies, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_sticktongue.gif]

sorry tat i've been mia for so long... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_sticktongue.gif]

how is all the mummies & babies doing???

read some of the recent posts & have come across to know that there will b having another gathering rite?? lol~ but i still cannot join in the fun.. quite sad for me.. but is okay, do take more pictures, so i could enjoy viewing photos ba..

recently my boy is a pain at nite.. so i've been trying to adjusting his timing n his crankiness.. still ok for me.. but i'm sufferring from my lack of slp.. lol... so tooo tired to follow the forum & on msn lorz...

sorry mummies for my mia...

take cares mummies..

Mummies may want to give barely water to your babies who are suffering from constipation. I did that and my bb boy pooed. Asked pd he says barely water is ok. My mil says must give China barely, holland one will induce phlegm.

Mummies may want to try. Remb to give in small qty I gave only 30ml.

Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags (50cts)

I have extra unopened milk bags.

Selling 2 for $34.80. excl postage

PM me if interested.tks


Hi justbe,

R u referring to barley water?? My boy nvr poo for 2 days le.. I'm a bit worried now, tot of bringing him to pd tomm if he still don't poo today.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Gd morning to all mummies.

Have anyone introduce pillow to ur baby? Or when can we let them slp on a pillow?

As for lifting their head, hmmm I nvr ever tried placing bb on his tummy. I don't dare. Hehe. If like that issit he will take longer to learn to lift up his head ?

Baby turning 2 mths this sun...

Red bb,

Yes barely water. My boy didn't want drink milk the other day n my mum Thoth maybe he is too heaty so gave him abit of barely water ended up he pooed a lot. So whenever he constipated I'll give him that. So far so gd.

Pd wanted to insert pill in bb ass but I told him barely water works for my bb so pd says to give barely then.

I checked with PD regarding tummy time and she said don't need to, so I never put my bb on his tummy. When I sit him up or put him over my shoulder for burping, he can lift his neck, so I reckon bb will learn to lift their head by themselves.


redbb - 2 to 3 days never poo is ok... I bought my boy to see a doc when he didn't poo on the fifth day... the doc say unless didn't poo for 4 or 5 days then consider constipation... but he does say my boy lazy to poo cos that's nothing wrong with his stomach...so maybe u can try using a cotton bud to apply some lubricant to his backside to help your bb to poo.. that's what the doc do to my boy & it works... unless u try liao he still didn't poo then go see a doc lor...

