(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

wah...looks like the gathering is gonna be a ruckus. With so many babies & mummies & daddies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW, can I check if it's normal to have a lot of flatulence even after post pregnancy? Somehow there's a lot of wind in me still...and I keep farting le.

mrslong: I kept farting too! I'm wondering is it the food I eat coz my bb always fart too!

wanna ask what kind of food you guys avoid when bf-ing?

25th Sat Gathering

Hello mummies

Jaclyn has been very kind, she has ordered TEA RECEPTION for us. And she has wanted to fork out from her own pocket, that's around $350!! Some of us are going to pay her on Sat, so I think it's only right that we pay her back yar...

Do check with her on the amount...

Jaclyn: Please do not pay out from your own pocket. It is right that we pay you for the tea reception. Do let us know how much it is and we will transfer you the money or pay you back in cash on Saturday. Ok?

Sito, thanks. I bought enfalac lf to let me bb try before I got to read ur message! Oh dear dunno how she will respond like that. I gotta try the red isomil if enfalac lf fails. Sigh.

My bb poo is also olive green in color after drinking isomil. Previously drinking similac mustard yellow in color, but she poop like 5-6times a day drinking similac until anus bleeds so I change to isomil but isomil she constipated. Headache.

Hi mommies,

Thanks thanks!! Actually cos serene and I have been quite unsuccessful in collecting $ for food we wanted to do away and get everyone to settle ourselves. However I found it really weird if we have no makan! Hubby suggested to order tea so I agreed! I ordered from kriston, it's $10 per pax! I won't be actively collecting the money (will ruin my fun hehe) so mommies can just pass to me on tht day or trf to me @ 093-64630-4 posb savings. Leave me a note if you do so thanks!

Btw as per some mommies suggestion, I have catered for 30pax but if more sign up I will increase ! Delivery charge is ok I can pay for that don worry we just all have fun ok!!!

Oh btw just to repeat I have these things to giveaway on that day for those who need cos I am not using:

- 2 boxes of pigeon bra pads

- 1 small tin of similac infant (never open b4)

- about 10 bottles of similac infant formula milk from TMC also unopened (expires only nx yr)

Any mommy who wants and is coming to the gathering just let me know lor.

Tea menu



a combination of wholemeal and white bread

filled with tuna mousse, egg mayonnaise, chicken ham and cheese slices






served with sambal chilli






Do note that these are finger food, not meant to fill an empty stomach yar :p

Looks yummy.. haha..we still hv the 'tea'. :p

Jac - can i hv e bra pads?? mine finishin liao. thx lots.. see everyone on sat..

Hi mommies, just copy and paste to add :)

25th Sept 12-3pm:

mommy i will b ordering tea

just consolidating a list of ppl showing up:

Serene = 2 pax

Jaclyn = 4 pax

Michelle = 2 pax

Pris = 1 pax

Daisy = 3 pax

Guayni = 1 pax

Cheese84=1 pax

mrslong=2 pax

Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

Eliss - 2 pax

Vivi-1 pax

Minmin - 2 pax

noknok - 2 pax

Sito - 3 + 2 pax

sugar - 1 + 2 pax

phy - 2+2

jasline - 3 pax

DQ = 1pax

irene: 2 pax

Shann: 1 pax

Annie: 2pax (I will come if my baby is not having fever from injection in the morning)

tchoupi: 2 pax

babycoco : 2 pax

total for now: 44 + 5 pax(kids)

Mommies no prob!

I wanted to order from Kristons but they r fully booked for the day as it coincides with f1. So I am ordering from mums kitchen instead. I ordered with them for my man yue and they r quite ok!


Mini Profiteroles with Icing

English Mini Tea Cakes


Chicken Nugget with Chilli Dip

Steamed Har Kow

Steamed Siew Mai

Chicken Quiche

Cocktail Samosa

Mini Shell Curry Puff

Fried Prawn Dumpling


Johore Style Mee Goreng

Breaded Fish Fillet with Tartar Sauce


§ Apple Juice / Fruit Punch OR Coffee OR Tea

Price is the same but I ordered for 40 pax instead


thanks for organising and the food looks good. i love profiteroles!

i've transferred the amount for 2 pax to ur POSB. easier so u don't need to collect money on the day itself. can i have similac infant formula milk from TMC pls. TIA!

I'll pay you on that day too Jaclyn. I was just thinking abt it this afternoon cuz I remembered u mentioned u will cater for tea and I thought but then won't you be paying for it? Then now come in & saw the posts...such coincidence!

Jastine>> my BB farts a lot too! And I mean really a lot...he can fart when sleeping & fart when drinking his milk. He seems to have a lot of wind but PD & a lot of pple says fart is good leh.

However, my BB farts can be quite smelly one le..dunno if its normal cuz he only drinks milk, unlike us adults, eat all sorts of things, so i wonder how come his fart can be so smelly, haha.

mrslong: np,

grace: ok np

Farting: don worry about babies farting.. ! Better for them to let out the air rather than keep it in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My son's poopoo and fart smells alittle bit like egg white smell or soya bean smell lol! Everytime hubby and I walk past Pin Le or Jollybean and we get a whiff of the air... reminds us of gareth's poopoo smell =D

Jaclyn, I had done payment for 2 pax. Transaction ref is 3147573879.

Thanks. Looking forward to this Sat gathering.. must remember to bring camera.

Hope BB no fever after injection. Keeping my finger crossed.

hello.. So long nv log in.. my baby seems to be very dependent on my breast recently.. she refuses the bottle and crys very badly when i put the teat in. i just expressed my breasts an hr ago but no choice have to give her to pacify her but i'm worried nt enough. she usually drinks 150ml. My breasts dun even yield that much! I tried to unlatch when she fell asleep and gave her btl but she spit the milk and push the teat out. and just nice she is grabbing on my bra strap so i dun dare to move. i'm starting work next wk.. i'm worried if she keep behaving like this. I already wasted lots of BM and FM cos she rejects bottleS. Last time she's ok one though..

hi sweetkiss, have u change ur teat size? some babies here started drinking lesser milk on the bottle and when mummies changed the teat size, it become better.How long has it been since bb started rejecting bottle?

Farting: my bb farts alot too..loud and smelly.. My MIL always complained say her fart so smelly dunno what mummy eat? Faintz.........

25th Gathering:

Hi mommies, im looking for anyone that has those playmat .. the type that babies can all lie on it (and its quite big). If any of you mommies can volunteer to bring, that will be great. Purpose is to take photos..! Michelle was supposed to bring it but she has something on and will not be able to make it...


Farting: Sometimes my bb will poo a TINY bit when she fart. Then I dun know whether to change her diaper coz it's just a tiny bit. Oh sometimes when she fart too loudly, she scares herself! That's funny.

Hi all

How long does your baby sleep per day? My boy is 2 months old and he still sleeps alot in the day. He tends to fall asleep after feeding, and he can nap for almost 2 hours plus after each feed. Will they grow out of such sleeping pattern?

Hi Keropi,

I have removed my bb's mittens 2 weeks ago, but I have to cut his nails quite often as they grow long fast. He is still wearing socks though..intend to remove them soon...


I've removed the mittens just last wk. My baby has never worn booties. Only when we're outside in some aircond place, I'll put socks on

keropi, my bb stopped wearing mittens when she turned 2 mths old. had read somewhere that 2 mths, they have to start learning to grab stuff.

charliebrown, my bb barely sleeps during the day. she takes 30min naps about 3 times in a day. impossible to get her to sleep for longer than that.


hahaha! my baby, too. yesterday she napped longer than usual coz weather was cool - she just kept sleeping. usually she naps for 10mins and if lucky, 30mins. she sleeps the longest after her evening bath, 2-3hrs. once she only woke up at 1am and her last feed was 7pm! i kept waiting for her cry. in the end i also went to sleep


Does your BB still having cradle cap?? wondering whether any one apply calendula cream on it? does it works? cos my boy does like the olive oil... the moment i apply he will cry... tries twice liao

My bb also energizer battery, hardly sleep during the day. Power nap only 15-30min den wake up again. Only after lunch feed she sleep for 2hrs. Some bb sleep more but I think it is ok, as long as bb eats play n sleep well.

My bb stop wearing mitten n booties after 1 mth when we can start cutting nails. We very lazy to wash mitten n booties plus we keep misplacing them after use so never let her wear.

Sito, how u train ur bb to turn? My bb dunno how to turn yet. We also din practice tummy time as she can't lift her head n when face downward she keep licking the mattress.

Thought it's good if BB sleeps alot? My boy can sleep 1-3hrs during the day time. And at night, wake up every 3-4hrs for his feed. Last feed is usually @ 9pm.

This morning, he set record, he slept from 8.30am - 11.30am just now in the living room.

i don't think it matters whether babies sleep too much or too little, as long as they grow and develop healthily [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my baby still wakes up for her early morning feeds eg. 3am, then 6/7am. what me and my mom are doing now is to give her lesser amount if the interval is less than 4 hrs. she usually drinks 130ml, so we give her 90ml, and will be slowly reducing the amt. purpose is for her to totally give up the 6/7am feed. so today, after drinking at 3am, she cried for milk at 6am. gave her 90ml, after drinking, she cried, so we just let her cry in her cot. then she went to sleep on her own and only woke up at 9.30am. hope she gets the message. haha!



i used Dentinox cradle cap shampoo + Gaia massage oil. works on my baby - now leaving only 1 small patch which is also getting better. but she still has them on her ears

RE: Baby books

wanted to start a bedtime rountine for my baby, so i went to Borders to get some books for my baby and was so disappointed. so i did a search and found this website www.bookdepository.com. Fast delivery and shipping already priced in. worth checking it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

