(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi Ceres, my bb is like that a few weeks ago, keep wanting to drink every time, but I also like u control her feed, keep playing with her until she cannot tahan. She 10wks now but overweight at 6.5kg, so I dun wan to overfeed her. Recently she okay liao, every 3hr den cry for milk. How old is ur bb?

I think at certain time they just want to eat more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi ceres, did you check with PD if its ok or if its too much? I know breastmilk is easy to digest and thats why some babies always cry for more.. but i'm not so sure about FM.

Mine only drinks 60-100ml per feed and really hard to make him drink more cos he will use his tongue and push out the teat. If u keep forcing, he will even let the milk drool out of his mouth. Now i'm worried he is not taking enough for his age.. (2mths and 11 days old). By the way he is asking for milk every 3hrs and at night 4hrs+.

jaclyn,my boi abt same age n drink abt e same as urs.i try 2 increase bt he cant finish. Bt fm or bm,he wanted in 2hr interval.if he z can drag a bit longer

Bee: my boy now 7wks +2day only.. Now should be 5kg+ abit. I also dun wan overfeed cause base on the calculation given by some members here my boy the most ia 100 - 120ml per 3hr.

Jac: He keep crying want more no matter what we do he keep asking.. but he urine alot. i change diaper until like no need $ also lor. Very fast heavy somemore i using pampers brand -.-!!! I did chech with PD when going for juandice check, he say BB poo, urine, drink well & sleep well then no issue. This coming tues got another check up, will ask the PD again.

Hmm.. for underfeeding ar i'm not sure but if old folks taking care their method is BB dun wan they will not force, BB keep asking they give. My mom help me take care so now is like overfeeding.. (i notice my boy getting abit fatter)

If me taking care, if BB like underfeed i will go dream feed or wake him up & feed force him drink if not give abit every short interval (but risk is later he use to it unless u stay hm tk cr if not dun)

If overfeed i will make sure he is entertained lor to prolong the duration.. (but this also can onl be done if stay hm)

Too bad we all got to work so i pass to my mom who uses her method. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

25th june 12-3pm:

mommy i will b ordering tea

just consolidating a list of ppl showing up:

Serene = 2 pax

Jaclyn = 4 pax

Michelle = 2 pax

Pris = 1 pax

Daisy = 3 pax

Guayni = 1 pax

Cheese84=2 pax

mrslong=2 pax

Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

Eliss - 2 pax

Vivi-1 pax

Minmin - 2 pax

noknok - 2 pax

total for now: 26 pax

My bb drink milk at 4am den went back to sleep,woke at at 8am refused to drink milk until 11am den drink.Interval time of 7 hours never drink milk,has been like this for these 2days already dont know why she's not hungry??

Ergo carriers: Can I check how much you all pay for it and what model did you all buy? Wanted to "invest" in one. The LuckyBaby carrier which was given to me as a full mth gift sucks big time. Not good to use at all.

Hi mommies, just copy and paste to add [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

25th Sept 12-3pm:

mommy i will b ordering tea

just consolidating a list of ppl showing up:

Serene = 2 pax

Jaclyn = 4 pax

Michelle = 2 pax

Pris = 1 pax

Daisy = 3 pax

Guayni = 1 pax

Cheese84=1 pax

mrslong=2 pax

Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

Eliss - 2 pax

Vivi-1 pax

Minmin - 2 pax

noknok - 2 pax

Sito - 3 + 2 pax

sugar - 1 + 2 pax

total for now: 30 + 3 pax

Hi mommies, just copy and paste to add :)

25th Sept 12-3pm:

mommy i will b ordering tea

just consolidating a list of ppl showing up:

Serene = 2 pax

Jaclyn = 4 pax

Michelle = 2 pax

Pris = 1 pax

Daisy = 3 pax

Guayni = 1 pax

Cheese84=1 pax

mrslong=2 pax

Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

Eliss - 2 pax

Vivi-1 pax

Minmin - 2 pax

noknok - 2 pax

Sito - 3 + 2 pax

sugar - 1 + 2 pax

phy - 2+2

total for now: 32 + 5 pax

Hi Mummies

I had a tin of Mamex Gold step 1, 1.5kg letting go @ $58, bought from supermarket @ $68. LO switching to Step 2 now. Exp Date : 11 Mar 2012

Interested parties, please pm me. Thank you!

Hi mommies, just copy and paste to add :)

25th Sept 12-3pm:

mommy i will b ordering tea

just consolidating a list of ppl showing up:

Serene = 2 pax

Jaclyn = 4 pax

Michelle = 2 pax

Pris = 1 pax

Daisy = 3 pax

Guayni = 1 pax

Cheese84=1 pax

mrslong=2 pax

Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

Eliss - 2 pax

Vivi-1 pax

Minmin - 2 pax

noknok - 2 pax

Sito - 3 + 2 pax

sugar - 1 + 2 pax

phy - 2+2

jasline - 3 pax

total for now: 32 + 5 pax + 3 pax

Hi mommies, just copy and paste to add :)

25th Sept 12-3pm:

mommy i will b ordering tea

just consolidating a list of ppl showing up:

Serene = 2 pax

Jaclyn = 4 pax

Michelle = 2 pax

Pris = 1 pax

Daisy = 3 pax

Guayni = 1 pax

Cheese84=1 pax

mrslong=2 pax

Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

Eliss - 2 pax

Vivi-1 pax

Minmin - 2 pax

noknok - 2 pax

Sito - 3 + 2 pax

sugar - 1 + 2 pax

phy - 2+2

jasline - 3 pax

total for now: 34 + 5 pax(kids)

Jasline: Your 3 pax is you, hubby and baby right? Sorry i just need to take count of adults !

jac... u left me out... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Hi mommies, just copy and paste to add :)

25th Sept 12-3pm:

mommy i will b ordering tea

just consolidating a list of ppl showing up:

Serene = 2 pax

Jaclyn = 4 pax

Michelle = 2 pax

Pris = 1 pax

Daisy = 3 pax

Guayni = 1 pax

Cheese84=1 pax

mrslong=2 pax

Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

Eliss - 2 pax

Vivi-1 pax

Minmin - 2 pax

noknok - 2 pax

Sito - 3 + 2 pax

sugar - 1 + 2 pax

phy - 2+2

jasline - 3 pax

DQ = 1pax

total for now: 35 + 5 pax(kids)

redBB>> thanks for the info.

Thought of doing a passport for my BB 1st. It's also valid for 5yrs for infant?

Feels like going on a holiday but scare if bring BB along, very troublesome, esp countries with not so clean toilets.

Then if go holiday with HB only, I'll miss my BB. Aiyo...hehee.

hey mrslong..

it's valid for 5 years.. but u got to renew the passport if bb looks difference from the photo within the 5 years.. so i would suggest not to do the passport first if you dont need it now. waste $$..

happy: it's ok de. if really wanna get it out, use water in a syringe then drip into the eye n rinse out..

sito: it's normal for bb to poo..as long didn't poo watery watery like lao sai can liao..

Jac, add me too... Me n hubby n bb Brayden will be happy to go... Btw, with so many mummies attending n some mummies also 1st time attending, perhaps it will be good if we can collate some of our data like, mummy's name, smh's nick, bb name, dob, hpn, bb gender etc so that it will be easier to reco each other... I can help to collate n email you, mummies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning ladies.

Now on my way to work. First day back at work, so not use to it. Morning hour rush train, wearing heels shoe. All seems so foreign to me now.

I just realise something. Every sunday night, my BB sure got pattern one. He will act abnormally (differ from the rest of the day). Quite bad for our sleep.

Last night also like that. Fed him a DF @ 10pm. He could normally last till 3am or at least 2am b4 next feed. Normally he will wake up @ ard 1am & i will put back the pacifier for him & he carry on sleeping.

Last night, he woke up @ 12.30am. Give pacifier trick doesn't work @ all. Daddy give him milk, drink abit only & then keep crying. Dunno what wrong. Then he woke up le and dun koon. Daddy try to pat him to sleep till 2am but in vain. So he brought him to sarong in the guest room and swing him to sleep. Think sleep quite light, keep hearing daddy swing him. Then morning 5am woke up for milk and this time drank more milk. Then refuse to sleep. I got to bring him back to the master room and pat him to sleep on the bed.

Daddy was totally exhausted this morning. Actually i purposely make him take care & dun intefere cause i want him to try taking care of bb @ night. This whole week i one person take care of bb at night. Want to let him taste abit of my nightlife too. Haha!!

Just to check anyone want to buy Medela quick clean breastpump & accessory wipes.

I have recently stopped breastfeeding and still have alot leftovers (i didn't bring BB out so didn't use it) Medela quick clean breastpump & accessory wipes.

Bought it @ $48 around May 2010. Only used 2 packed wipes so left 38. (all individually packed.

Selling at $45, self collection. Email me @ [email protected] for more information.

HI mummies,

I've 3 Jumbo pack of mamypoko diaper for sale.

It's M size (66pcs), selling at S$20/pack.

Pls email [email protected] if interested, collection at woodlands (Weekday evening)/ TPY (Sun noon only)

I also let my hubby try take care of bb last sat. He grumble a lot. Keke. Any bb on soy milk formula? My bb lactose intolerant but drinking soy milk formula, she haven't poop for 4 days. Wanna ask if soy milk formula baby poop lesser? Thanks

Jaclyn / serene

Sorry have to give the gathering a miss... Have doc's appointment. Been MIA since confinement lady left, son got warded for UTI and me have abcess...

All mummies enjoy pity I can't join u all in the mummy baby talk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Nail cutting

Just to share my experience since bb's fingers got cut while trimmin nails... Use scissors it's much safer and better than nail clipper!


hope all is well with baby and you, too. Take care

Car seat,

I'm thinking of getting Inglesina. Any mommies using this brand? any feedback appreciated


I'm also thinking of getting a stroller, one that faces me. Any recommendation other than Combi, Capella?

Finally managed to convince hubby to go with me! So excited =)

Hi mommies, just copy and paste to add :)

25th Sept 12-3pm:

mommy i will b ordering tea

just consolidating a list of ppl showing up:

Serene = 2 pax

Jaclyn = 4 pax

Michelle = 2 pax

Pris = 1 pax

Daisy = 3 pax

Guayni = 1 pax

Cheese84=1 pax

mrslong=2 pax

Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

Eliss - 2 pax

Vivi-1 pax

Minmin - 2 pax

noknok - 2 pax

Sito - 3 + 2 pax

sugar - 1 + 2 pax

phy - 2+2

jasline - 3 pax

DQ = 1pax

irene: 2 pax

total for now: 37 + 5 pax(kids)

Justina, Supergal, Minmin, Ling

I only go to Baby & Child for emerg as it is nearer to my place than the other PD that I bring my bb for her vaccinations. I prefer the PD that gives my gal her vaccines as the clinic is more wellrun and less messy but it is very far at Paragon and they dun hve night clinic. I see Dr Ho at Baby & Child and honestly, I dun really like her but for minor illness like eye infection which my bb kena , I went to her as I was lazy to bring my gal all the way to Paragon.

I dun remember the cost of the cream but I actually prefer California BB candula cream. It was more effective. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy bee

My bb is on Soy Isomil the new improved version red colour tin..just let her start this new formula last 2weeks already,so far she poo daily 1-3 times per day.

But last time when my bb drink the old version Isomil Soy orange tin,she only poo 2-3 days once..think the new version Isomil soy suits my bb better

Hey mummies,

my bb pooping olive green stools ! Mash potato consistency (sorry to have described it this way ) it's been 2 weeks !

Any one experienced this ? Wat to do n wat could have caused the change in colour ?

Hi mommies, just copy and paste to add :)

25th Sept 12-3pm:

mommy i will b ordering tea

just consolidating a list of ppl showing up:

Serene = 2 pax

Jaclyn = 4 pax

Michelle = 2 pax

Pris = 1 pax

Daisy = 3 pax

Guayni = 1 pax

Cheese84=1 pax

mrslong=2 pax

Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

Eliss - 2 pax

Vivi-1 pax

Minmin - 2 pax

noknok - 2 pax

Sito - 3 + 2 pax

sugar - 1 + 2 pax

phy - 2+2

jasline - 3 pax

DQ = 1pax

irene: 2 pax

Shann: 1 pax

total for now: 38 + 5 pax(kids)

Jasmine: Is your baby on TBF? If your baby is not, normally pple will say baby stomach got lots of wind and that's why their poop is olive green in colour. If black in colour means not enough water. If custard yellow then everything ok.

Hi mommies, just copy and paste to add :)

25th Sept 12-3pm:

mommy i will b ordering tea

just consolidating a list of ppl showing up:

Serene = 2 pax

Jaclyn = 4 pax

Michelle = 2 pax

Pris = 1 pax

Daisy = 3 pax

Guayni = 1 pax

Cheese84=1 pax

mrslong=2 pax

Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

Eliss - 2 pax

Vivi-1 pax

Minmin - 2 pax

noknok - 2 pax

Sito - 3 + 2 pax

sugar - 1 + 2 pax

phy - 2+2

jasline - 3 pax

DQ = 1pax

irene: 2 pax

Shann: 1 pax

Annie: 2pax (I will come if my baby is not having fever from injection in the morning)

total for now: 40 + 5 pax(kids)

Sito, where did you buy the new version of isomil? my son is drinking isomil as well. but seems like i only saw the old version.

kindly advice. thanks =)


Hi mommies, just copy and paste to add :)

25th Sept 12-3pm:

mommy i will b ordering tea

just consolidating a list of ppl showing up:

Serene = 2 pax

Jaclyn = 4 pax

Michelle = 2 pax

Pris = 1 pax

Daisy = 3 pax

Guayni = 1 pax

Cheese84=1 pax

mrslong=2 pax

Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

Eliss - 2 pax

Vivi-1 pax

Minmin - 2 pax

noknok - 2 pax

Sito - 3 + 2 pax

sugar - 1 + 2 pax

phy - 2+2

jasline - 3 pax

DQ = 1pax

irene: 2 pax

Shann: 1 pax

Annie: 2pax (I will come if my baby is not having fever from injection in the morning)

tchoupi: 2 pax

total for now: 42 + 5 pax(kids)

