(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


funny hor - she din ask me to take calcium. only iron. never mind la, as long as both mommy and baby are doing fine

any1 bringing bb to PD for jabs??

can help mi ask if they got sell Dr. atopeace intensive care cream....it's green color bottle

i wana buy that


I was prescribed the intensive care cream by my PD when my gal was hving some rash. My pd is at Baby and Child clinic at tamp

Hi Munchies, you seeing Dr Loke or Dr Ho? I went to the same clinic as you but doesn't have a good experience there leh.

Cos recently, I was told that my boy need to do a urine test to check why he has been colicky and was told by them that my baby's urine got bacteria and need antibiotics. So happened that my baby was also warded at KKH recently and I requested them to do the urine test as well. Turn out that the test is fine and when the hospital asked how does the clinic collect the sample, I told them that they collect it in a bag and then transfer to a bottle. So the hospital concluded that most likely there could be contamination during the transferring process. Was super angry cos my boy already not well, being down with bronchiolitis..then almost got him to be on medication that he don't need.

So I'm wondering if I still wanna go back to them. Furthermore, it seems always so crowded and messy. How's your experience with them so far?

Hi supergal,

I also go to the same clinic. we are seeing Dr Loke. Which one is yours? If they are really so bad, I may want to change also.



u staying tampines area? hmm....abit too far for mi to go over....that cream is good...hw much u paid for it?

Supergal & Justina: Are u gals referring to Baby & Child Medical Group? I cant remember which doctor I see, her clinic is on level 2, I think mine should be Dr Loke. I find her okie, just that the clinic can be very crowded at times.

Hi mummies!

Can i find out from you all which brand of the milk storage bags are gd? Kindly recommend.

Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Justbe.. Thanks for the barley water!!!! i gave my boy some just now.. and he poo 5 min after he finished the barley.. and it's really ALOT!! gosh.. first time seeing so much poo poo.. all the poo poo leak out from the diaper and drop all over his clothes and changing map.. really have a hard time to clean up the mass.. but i feel so happy to clear the poo poo for him.. haha...

Hi keropi & cheese.. Thanks for sharing!! glad tat not poo poo for a couple of days is normal.. i was so worried and keep waiting for him to poo every minutes.. haha..

immas - i'm using both pigeon and lansinoh's - -prefer pigeon cuz of its easy pouring out.... haven tried pouring out from lansinoh's...but it's cheaper than pigeons

wow,redbb!next time i wil try tat 2!hehe,ya.i understand hw hapi u r 2 c the poo!kekeke.me also like tat. Nw i hav 2 wait 4 his poo again..

cheese: your boy still not pooping regularly? Now mine is pooping once every 2 or 3 days. I sort of found out the source of his constipation. I didn't give him the correct amt of milk powder to him. By right, 120ml water shld put 4 scoops of powder but i only put 3 scoops. So now i corrected it and boy is quite ok now with pooping.

Red bb,

Glad that it works for your bb too. But I think the barley is abit too strong for bb so dun give too often. Only give if bb did not poo for a couple days. Now my bb poo regularly...everyday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Moms in mind sarong sling for sale. Limited edition in silk material selling cheap at $35 only. Brand new, washed once but not used b4. Pl pm me if interested.

good morning all!

so sad. am on medication now and my ss has dropped. worse still i have to throw them away [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi all, my little ger have quite a bit of rashes on her face, chest and folds on her neck. It seems quite itchy and she keeping scratching it with her mitts. Any recomm on cream to deal with these?


any mums starting working? today is my second day back at work and my baby's fourth day at the infantcare - i accompanied her during her first two to condition her to the environment. miss her so much already.


You can try the lily of the desert 99% aloe vera gelly from GNC costs about $11.95. It works for my ger and now my ger's face is very smooth. I apply on her face and neck after bath and sponge bath daily even when rashes disappear.

Can use for butt if got nappy rash too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Going to buy the GNC aloe n give it a try later thks! Used sebamed lotion but no effect leh...

Hi cherry, I'm not yet back to work but very soon.... Dread the thoughts of dat...


what happened? dun get too worried. let the medicine do its work and voila! your supply will be back up in no time. positive thots ok?


my girl, too. it's as if she has sensitive skin or are most babies like that? today went for her 6-in-1 jab and i asked her PD about rashes on her neck. turns out to be fungal infection. sigh..really lah, like one after another

JP, rommie,

does it work on eczema too? coz PD gave cream to apply and it's quite drying on the skin. so usually i'll use Gaia soothing lotion after that - i like it very much but expensive. it works on the eczema and at the same time, not drying. she used to have really smooth skin until 6 wks old, then all these rashes start appearing - cradle cap, eczema, fungal infection. whatever you read in those baby books, she has them, except nappy rash - fingers crossed


i'm going back to work tmrw. think it will be the same for me - the mother missing the daughter more...i went to the movies the other day (my mom took care of her) and just keep seeing my baby's face on the screen! kept thinking about what she was doing at home, etc...so at infantcare, do the staff talk to your baby, like play with her, keep her entertained?

hi ica,

yeah. primarily they tend to her routine- like shower, feeding and diaper change. there's also mobile play and they will sing the baby songs. sometimes they place the baby on the foam mat so she can wriggle around.

i'm knocking off soon! yeay!

ya ica..my boy goin IFC on 4oct.i veri scared n cant bear to.. Sob.i like 2 smell him as n when..n i tink i nid 2 bring his clothes w me!lol

Epstein pearls/Bohn nodules,

Sigh..to add on to the host of rashes that my baby girl has, she also has small white bumps on her lower right gum. thot she was teething as those bumps really look like tiny teeth but couldn't be this early as she's only 2.5 mths old right? so checked with PD and phew! nothing to fear - they'll come and go.

so mommies, if you noticed these bumps on you babies' gums or roofs of their mouths, nothing to fear. having said that, just checked them out in case they turned out to be something else


it's called separation anxiety lor..boohoohoo...these days, my girl keeps looking at me, even though my mom is right in front of her. if not for my mom, she'll be in IFC too

dun be scared - absence makes the heart grows fonder


sighh i sprained my neck n shoulder which led to mouthache, headache then whole right side muscle ache. taking antibiotic and anti-inflammation medicine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so damn unlucky [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


shucks! hope you get well soon. but why need antibiotics? try not to put too much weight on where the sprain is

i also sprain my left wrist, from carrying my baby lor. dunno how to adjust...now applying those chinese oil and massaging where it hurts. seems to work, so using more of my right wrist for the time being


POSB Savings 093646304

Amt to trf = $10/pax

Please email ( [email protected] )Jaclyn your

payment details:

name and nick:

contact number:


and the number of pax going:

Kindly do so by 19 Sept 2010 (Sunday)


**i will post this everyday so you guys dun need to track back on this post to look for my acct number..



Compassvale Bow

The Quartz Function Room


We have the room from 10am – 3pm

Directions to get here:

Nearest MRT is Buangkok MRT on NEL. Just 5 mins walk away.

When you come out of the gantry, turn right and go up the escalator. Once up… look straight ahead, you will be able to see the condominium. One traffic light away. If unsure just ask around as there is only 1 condominium near Buangkok MRT.

If taking taxi, the address is “Compassvale Bow @ Sengkang Central” .. tell uncle The Quartz condominium near buangkok mrt if he is not sure.

Instructions once reaching the condo:

Let guardroom know that you are here for a function (@ function room). If you need a lift and not able to go down staircases, ask the guard to point out where the GYM is (turn left from guard house). There is a LIFT right beside the GYM which goes straight down to the function room area.

Otherwise just ask them how to get to the function room… (walk straight from guard house and go down a flight of stairs)

with bento

1. Serene = 2 pax

2. Jaclyn = 4 pax

3. Michelle = 2 pax

4. Pris = 1 pax

5. ica = 2 pax

6. Daisy = 3 pax

7. Guayni = 1 pax

without bento

1.Cheese84=2 pax

2. mrslong=2 pax

3. Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

4. Eliss - 2 pax

5. Vivi-1 pax

6. Minmin - 2 pax

Hi mummies,

My baby girl is now 7 weeks old and I've been doing baby yoga with her for a couple of weeks now. She quite enjoyed it from the smiles I see.

I successfully completed the Birthlight Diploma in Baby Yoga (Part I) and Toddler Yoga (SMART) in June 2010 and would like to offer free baby yoga classes for group (6 sessions) and individual (3 sessions). Class will be suitable from 1 month onwards. The class will include yoga moves for both baby and mum.

Do refer to my blog for more details.


Class will be preferably held at either my home (in bukit timah) or another participant's home. Timing preferably afternoon, weekdays or Sat.

If you are interested, do drop me an email at [email protected]

Any mummies here intend to start weaning when BB is 4 mths? I heard can give some brown rice cereal. But I also heard it is better to start giving cereal at 6mths onward. Is it true?

Munchines, Justina, Supergal, Minmin: I thought of going to Baby clinic in Tampines for Rotavirus jab as it's near where I stay. However, the nurse seemed to give me & my hubby conflicting info on when to take the Rotavirus.

Have any of you taken yr child at Tampines clinic for jab?

Yalor ica, the nurse say it's normal for babies to have rashes when I went for the hep b jab at week 4. But my ger alrdy week 8 now n the rashes didn't go away, in fact it became worse lo now dat even the neck oso have.

Bought the GAIA shower, seba lotion...Don know if taking NAN HA helps? Hope the aloe works...

My baby has stange sleeping position... Her body is arched with the head tilted extremely high.... I'm quite worry abt her neck if she continues to sleep this way. I tried to adjust her head straight but usually she will go back to her usual pattern not long later. Any mummies here have any advice?


u wanna start so early? Good to wait till 5 mths plus or 6 mths at least. Lower the risk of allergy. My pd told me to wait till 6 mths...

Hi mummies

mums in mind sling for sale.

Sateen material,dusty pink in colour. used once only

letting go at $35

interested, pls text me @98511403

sillyhp: My mum told me I can give BB some brown rice cereal from 4mths onward. I also read about the risk of allergy thingy. That's why I abit worried to start him on cereal so early too.


Sue, I'm starting wk in 2wks time n I'm already cringing thinking abt it. Wa ur bb girl sure become an independent bb, having sent to IFC at such a young age. Gd for her!

Mummies, can anyone enlighten me on the diff btw nan ha n nan pro? Txs!

