(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi mummies

About pacifier again..I have yet to intro the pacifier to my almost 2 mths old boy..but so tempted these few days as he is quite cranky as he has a lot of wind. Fart alot. Wonder if there are any babies who grow up without any pacifier? My hubby was saying a baby without pacifier is like a dog who has no bone to chew..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sito: Don't take the Nan HA.. that one is for hyperallergic... Take Nan pro 1.

charliebrown: Of course there are babies who don't grow up with pacifier.. my bro is one of them.. he totally dun like it. For me, I love pacifier so much that I took it till I am Pri 1. Haha!!

My boy only take it when he is sleepy and going to fall asleep. Other than that, he don't want the pacifier at all.

ann-me also leh~ I love pacifier.. so nice to suck.. LOL.

My boy now always dun wanna zzz.. wanna play and must entertain him...

now my MIL come and keep him entertained.. LOL, my free time!

Charliebrown: I also just started to intro pacifier to bb cos she is starting to suck her fingers. She actually wants to put in all five fingers in her mouth! But once she starts to doze off, I take off the pacifier. I think it's up to u if u want ur baby to suck pacifier or not. I actually do not want but it's a choice btw pacifier or fingers and I'd rather pacifier.

I have a question: my bb only takes 1 fm feed at night but her poo, considering it's mostly bm, is very smelly. Is it normal?

cheese: ya lo... Haha!! I also dunno why i like pacifier so much back then.

Ya.. My boy's time at my in law place is also my free time. That's the only time i can have some time to my own. At home, he only wan me most of the time and not hubby, so i no free time at home.



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my #1 grows up without pacifier, tried to intro him when he was 8 mths old but he rejected it, my #2 is also starting to put his finger but only when he is frustrated coz of hunger, orelse he will not do so..so far he can sleep on his own in his cot as long they are full they can sleep on their own

Is the promo for Pampers Stages New Baby still on?

My baby is about 1.5 months and she is currently using Goo.N diapers. So far so good. However, I am thinking of cutting cost. Anyone has any recommendations for diapers for day-time use?

sito, is ur bb on total breastfeeding?

i encounter the same when my gal is 3 weeks old, she used to pass motion everyday, then 2days (1x), then i waited n waited, on 6th day i was worried n brought her to pd, inserted med to let her poo n check on e consistency, if its hard then hv to conduct more tests, if soft n normal, then no prob. pd says bb on bm can dun poo up to 14 days as long as bb is drinking well n gaining weight no nid to worry, so now its a waiting game for us (7-9 days then she poo, n poo alot) n her fart ultra smelly, n we tot she pooed. n our parents kept asking if bb has pooed, how come haven poo etc (there's more than enuff milk for bb to drink, but dunno y)

yap sito.if BM can dun poo up 2 14days.my pd say de. Btw,i gt use cotton bud e head put lotion or bb oil,twist n turn bb anus.i did twice tat day. Cos my boy nv poo 4days too. E next day he poo le.u wana try gentlely?

hi. would like to ask for some advice. my sil bb has recently switched from friso to similac. she noticed tt the poo is now green in colour. is it normal? i remember for sme brand of fm, the poo is green.can't recall which brand.

I still can't confirm if gg or not.


I also still haven get the carrier yet cos the supplier run out of the infant insert. Might not be in time for 25th [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Any mummies here is doing total expressing? Do you all experience broken skin from all the pumping? How to overcome this?

Happie & cheese

Today already 7 days since my bb last poo, everyday waiting for her to poo? My mum also ask everyday if bb got poo very stress ...hope bb will poo today


I just bought a pack of Fitti Premium M size to try. Softer and less bulky than Huggies but Pampers still the thinnest and softest. Goon is thinner than Pampers. Cutting wise, Pampers sizes are bigger. For comparison, my baby's wearing Pampers size S

Any mommies have their babies taking NAN HA here? I just switch from Mamex Gold to this FM and found my baby poo alot. Can be up to 4 or 5 times a day and it's super duper smelly leh!! But the poo is not like diarrhoea type. Am still giving him EBM as well.

Is this normal?


Not sure whether Goon or Pampers size bigger. I only remember Goon being very thin. If you've time can go to Carrefour Suntec- most of the diaper brands hv samples on display so can compare the sizes

My baby is 9 wks old

giant release book of great saving coupons. Can win 9N Hawaii Fly Cruise for a family of 4 etc.

inside got coupon for diapers/ pull up, FM,etc,etc.

Poo colour: if I am not wry, as long as bb on fm, whether all e time or some, poop will will greenish. Tbm bbs hv yellow, mustard colored poop. Green poop is e prescence of iron in the formula n as long as bb has a dose of fm poop will b stinkier than bbs who are on tbm.


no she didn't. did yours ask you to do it again? but now i'm controlling my sugar intake. really helps to bring down my weight. but sometimes can't resist the temptation. hehe


not true leh about the poo colour. my baby's on 100% FM but poo is yellow, mustard colour. but i read that if babies get too much hind milk, the poo will also be green

Fitti diapers,

feedback for mommies who wanna consider - ok. just tried one on my baby. not bad - soft and can hold well. design also quite good. so will be using Fitti for day and Pampers for nite.

ica, ya she did, but i haven't gone yet. takes almsot 3 hours, and my bb is on tbf, feeds every 1.5-2hrs, and can you believe, mt e don't have nursing rm? still trying to figure out how i'm going to feed my bb while doing the OGTT. i haven't been controlling my sugar intake, terrible. just can't resist ice cream, cakes etc. was never like this before i got pregnant! thank god for breastfeeding, otherwise, i'm quite sure my weight would have doubled by now, haha.

fitti - is it cheaper than mamy poko?


Mt E no nursing room? muahaha! unbelievable! my gynae says to think of breastfeeding as liposuction. hahaha! sigh..but i failed at TBF my baby so have to really control what i eat. ya man! after so many months of not eating anything sweet when pregnant, i also indulged like crazy after i delivered, esp. Magnums. it was when my weight loss became stagnant then i became stricter with my diet

Fitti - much, much cheaper than Mamy Poko. 1 pack of Fitti Premium size M (44s) only cost $10+

ica, ya, i couldn't believe it when i asked the info counter and they said nearest nursing room at paragon! it's true, breastfeeding is like liposuction, my weight keeps dropping despite eating all the sweet stuff. amazing!

i'm going to try fitti premium next. bought ntuc diapers but kept leaking. now using mamy poko again. burning a hole in my pocket. where did you get the fitti diapers?


keep up the good work! i remember Mrs Wong Boh Boi said that she BF for 1 year coz she wanted to eat whatever and however much she wanted and not put on weight. so envious. no worry, i'm sure you'll ace the OGTT [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fitti diapers - got them from Carrefour Suntec. Fairprice Finest stocks it too but Carrefour has the complete range


colour of poo - thanks will let my sil know

btw, just to share. my gynae also din ask me for OGTT. she just asked to do a glucose profile the nxt day after i gave birth w normal diet. i am trying to minimise the sugar intake. at least for sweet drinks. but i find it difficult to stay off confectionary, esp the late night snacks to help boost my bm ss.


my PD also recommand my BB to take Nan HA coz he said the poo will be soft & most likely will poo everyday.

Ever since my bb started taking Mamex Gold & Enfalac, she never poo until everytime on the 7th day, so PD asked to change to Nan HA..BUT i never try coz my bb doesnt like FM taste & she's rejecting every feed unless its my BM..so I change her FM back to Isomil Soy yesterday as she was on Isomil since she's born.

Hi ladies,

for cradle cap - someone mention that by applying olive oil on it for a while then wipe it off right? u mean the cooking olive oil?


ya, my weight also drop tremedously after birth due to BF?..during preganacy my weight is 52.6kg..before I got pregnant is 47kg now after birth 3mths weight drop to 42.8kg, cant drop anymore coz too light will like like sick bird & cant withstand the wind blow too.

Your weight also drop alot?


wow how u managed to shed so many kilos? Amazing!


must take iron meh??? Gynae said no need supplement wor.. Only asked me take fish oil n calcium...


err it is not the cooking oil.. But I guess as long as oil shld be ok since the function is to loosen the cradle cap then wash it away...

Hi mummies,

Any mummies here is using MaxiCosi infant car seat? i just bought one, but the material is making my boy sweaty.. he only sit there <30mins, his back is already wet.. am thinking of either buying an airflow cool map or the summer cover.. but not too sure which one is more useful to keep him cool.. any advice?


I got my olive oil from watson. Its stated on the bottle that its for cradle cap.

Regarding weight lost, i still got 2 more kg to go, but weight lost have been stagnant for a week or 2 alr. Hopefully will still go dwn.

Sito, I gained 3.5kgs thru out my pregnancy. Have lost about 10kgs since giving birth. But like sun_tan, weight loss has been quite stagnant these 2weeks. Must be too much ice cream/cake.

Phy, my gynae told me to continue taking iberet and calcium.

Ice queen, my bb went for 6-in-1 when she was 6 wks old.


Hi cheese/babycoco/Irene,

But I just called my GP, they say take at 2.5mth leh. I was browsing ard and see the schedule should be ard 2mths also. I asked them and they say baby so small, don't take so early? Did you all take at the GP/PD or Poly?

