(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Let me know if you gals are ordering from bbmall. cos i think the more ppl order the cheaper shipping is etc. So if got ppl ordering, then I will bother to look at the site.. otherwise.. see so nice but cant buy hahaaah!


mrslong: Thanks for the link. I was just wondeing whether to buy the thermo flask or not. Hehe!!

BP Spree Section: It is good especially for us. No need to walk to look for things. Everything just a mouse click away like that. Things there also cheaper most of the times. I will definitely spend my time at home checking out the spree and buying things for BB while on maternity leave. Haha!!

Ann>> Welcome. Just nice cuz me & my HB wanted to buy the thermos flask from that brand but I wanted to wait till have sale...cuz quite ex ($68)...so tdy saw the BP, quickly call my HB. Heehee.

I find thermos flask a must especially for baby's day out.

mrslong: But I am unsure to buy now or not cos if I am doing breast feeding and breast milk is enough, then no need the thermos flask.

So not sure about it.

My gynae dealing with delivery.... Nw every mummies with appoinment are stuck here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Aisha: Oh.. poor thing. My last appt also. My appt was 9.15. Then my gynae have 2 deliveries in the morning. In the end, I waited till 11.30 then I get to see my gynae.

Talking about BB's Day Out...

If I'm on BF & when out shopping, etc with BB and if I dun wanna BF in public, how shld I go abt doing it?

Cuz if I pump @ home then bring the milk bottle out...milk will turn cold rite?

mrslong: Haha.. good question lei. Never thought of that before cos I am thinking of buying a nursing shawl to cover myself should I need to breastfeed outside. Hehe!!

Oh by the way, anyone know where to get night lights for BB? Preferably those that can be pasted on the wall kind.

I saw the nursery room pic of Daniel Ong and Jamie Teo's baby.. i love the night light they put on the wall. Flower shape one.

Talking about BB's Day Out...

If I'm on BF & when out shopping, etc with BB and if I dun wanna BF in public, how shld I go abt doing it?

Cuz if I pump @ home then bring the milk bottle out...milk will turn cold rite?

Hmmm. bring cup, pour hot water from thermal flask to cup and place bottle inside? got battery operated bottle warmer or not huh? :D

I also thought of using a nursing shawl. However just a thought came to my mind since we are talking abt flask. Do you think it's ok to pump then heat up and put in flask when going out? Then when BB wants to drink, just pour from flask. Hehehe... sound feasible?

hi mummies, just wanna ask something..

are your baby's movements getting stronger & stronger each day? coz earlier in the week, i felt baby's movements quite regularly & quite strong. but these few days, although i still feel movements, it's much less frequent & much weaker..can share experience? i'm quite worried..

Hi Autrumn.. I feel the same way too.. Im not sure if I should be worried. In any case Gynae has told me to monitor at least 10 movements per day... Sometimes it is hiccups, or big shift or plain kicks.

But beginning of the week was stronger.. now has become lazier?

Anyone out there has got similar symptoms?

Sweetkiss & Justina Ho >> That's why I also "suaku" dunno for pumped BF...how to bring outside to let BB drink warm, ehehee,

haha.. i did discuss with my friend before but no conclusion cos both of us clueless! but hor.. seems like seldom hear ppl bring EBM out.

Normally u will also wan to feed ur bb first before going out ma. So it shld be able to keep bb full for like 3-4 hrs?? (not sure) And usually babies dun hang out for so long rite? 3-4 hrs have to go home liao...

autrumn: Dun worry. Sometime I also feel BB very energetic.Then next day or few days later, BB slow down.. then he will start again. Think quite common ba.

Jaclyn: Is that so? I will check them out. Thanks.

Autrum n jayamum,

me also felt tat bb's kick getting weaker. But recently, bb's kicks r sometimes soft but sometimes very strong, so I am not too worried. I think they also have their active days bah.

Anyway, gg for my babymoon now!! Gg for a short weekend cruise to redang. :D

my bb also c mood one... sometimes feel him hard.. sometimes like not much mvt...

but he's most active @ nite, aft 10pm. where party's abt to start! hahaha....

tink im gonna get hooked on BP too!

so many thgs u can buy~

suntan: haf fun!!! remember to brg ur sunblock~


i experienced the hiccups quite a few times. it feels like something "jumping" inside non-stop. but it stops after a short while...

obtw, if anyone is looking for the girls bedding set from aussino, i just went to the bishan branch..they still have a lot..there are 2 patterns - princess & lovely house..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

May, mumilicia & Sweetkiss >> The chewable calcium that my gynae prescribed to me is:

Nature Cure Calcium 500mg plus Vitamin D

It's in bottle form with purple label.

autrumn & jayamum : I ve similar experience! My bb was very active b4 my detailed scan.. but couple of days later, suddenly becomes very quiet. Then I tot i must be too busy to take notice. So for the next few nights, I tried sleeping on my back. Usually i can feel something from bb.. but still nothing. Then i tried sleeping on my left and right.. still nothing!! It was really a scare! And my next appt is like almost one month later.. how to wait! I got so worried that I went to a GP who uses a doppler to check on bb! Her heartbeat was strong.

autrumn -- me too! then i realise... cause bb was facing inside.. keke..cause after she turned, she start her punching again.. dun worry.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyway our bb are getting larger.. so the movement will be less obvious also..

Baby Loots -- went to my mom place, went chinatown, went imm and jurong point.. super shag...

but... i got detergent for bb clothes, pads, disposable panties, desitin diaper cream... then went IMM to do my cot payment and bought a cot mattress.. head over to jurong point kiddy palace to get cot bumper, pillow, front button clothes for bb, milk bottle, changing mat, J&J oil, pacifier and a pregnancy pillow.. not forgetting bathing towel..

im super super super shag....

wow serene! Now i feel tired to go shopping already plus the pelvis pain is really hindering my walking. And im only in my 26+ weeks... oh no!

Heng I bought most of the impt items last month already.. else totally no energy. Now my pasttime is just to sit at home and buy online hahaha

Serene Tan,

where did u buy the desitin diaper cream??

I hear have 2 kind?? i mean the cover have 2 kind, blue N purple de.. which colour U bought??

I wanna look for the Blue colour de.. But see so many places also nv sell... =(

I just ordered baby's playpen online, from babytown singapore! Gonna spend so much money this month!

This is the one i have bought:


Not very colourful cuz hubby is particular, the colour must fit our living room theme, brown/black/white.. else our living room will become a playground and lost its theme haha!

i love black too! lots of furniture at home all in black.

Anyway this is SteelCraft Playpen, Australia product. SGD254, then i bought an air free mattress, SGD 70, 4 iches thick.

Very satisfied with babytown's services, very prompt reply and friendly too =)

Eliss >> This is where is usually get kibbles from. The lady in charge is Isabel and she is super nice = ) Always repacks the kibbles in the no. of bags I ask for, no extra charge.


Thermos>> My galfren buys the one that is big enuff to fit a milk bottle. She pumps her milk into milk bottle, then put it in the thermos and fill the flask with hot water. So the bottle keeps warm in the hot water bath in the Thermos.

jacyln, ann

yah i like the night light too - any ideas where the wall decals are from? i like the animal theme [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jasline -- bought from people's park ocean store at $10. Guardian selling at $12.90. I bought the blue one cause they say that the other one got one smell.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jaclyn -- bo pian.. last min shopping cause i can feel my energy level gg down down down..

serene : can i check which type of disposable panties did u buy? are there any special types for preg ladies or after delivery one? immediately after delivery we ve to use sanitary pad right? i'm juz wondering if the disposable panty can hold the pad in place comfortably or not leh.. sorrie ah.. i'm really not sure . juz alwaz tot that disposable not very comfortable. moreover now my hip so big.. dunno can wear the normal disposable or not! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi gals, if u thought of getting desitin cream you can get from bulk purchase link. Is selling 9.50 here - for a bigger tube. 4oc instead of 2 oc that we usually see outside.

AtomicKitten -- dun buy the paper ones.. buy cloth ones.. guardian selling at about $4.. got sizes.. i got the XL one.. i jus bought from ocean shop today too.. cloth one also.. XL size.. they will indicate info like.. hip size or waist line in cm.. Watsons used to sell one cloth disposable one.. super good.. but ex.. $6.. i went there to see dun have lei.. maybe i shud try the bigger outlets tomorrow.. if i can find, i let u know.. but hor.. remember to get the cloth one.. not paper one..

keropi -- i pre ordered a tube from drugstore spree but its gonna take some time to come in.. so i decided to get it from sg... lol..

Good morning ladies.

Didn't sleep well last night. My left side of the back and whole left hand are aching. Bought a new fan and it is definitely much cooler at night but too bad can't sleep well.

Night light: Went Ikea yesterday to look at it. Nice but then all the wirings, i dun like. So in the end, bought a kids table lamp to put in the room. Not too bright but also not too dark.

Tonight going to eat Kuishinbo at Suntec for my SIL's bday. Quite waste of money for me cos I can't eat the crab (will cause my chin to have allergy now that I am preggy) and I am still not a big eater.

Desitin cream: I think I will order at the BP section. Never know there are 2 types lei. Hehe!!

Baby shower foam/shampoo: My mum say no need buy lei. Say BB only need to use plain water to bath. Is that true? I always remember my mum use johnson and johnson to bath my bro when he is a BB. Then she say that is because we have dandruff when born.

Good morning mummies,

Went for my checkup ystrdy, was so sad to knw that my little pumpkin is underweight.. at my 26weeks nw, gynae told me dat im overweight but BB is 100gm lesser than its suppose to be.. was so depressed, got in d car n immediately tears flowing like d heavy rain ystrdy. HB didnt help but nag all the way to Marina..He told me this is due to me not taking my medicine regularly..

So mummies i need to knw how do i get my BB to gain weight? wat shld i eat? Bcoz nw she is at 800gm n needs to b at 1.5kg by nxt mnth.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_cry.gif]

for bb to gain weight, can eat beef or durian lor... moderate intake of durians though cos you have to watch your sugar level... ^_^

Aisha: That is very bad of your hubby to nag so much in such a situation. My colleague drank alot of chocolate milk and the baby grow. If u wan to lower the chance of gaining weight yourself, then must exercise. Not too strenuous. Slow walking everyday for 30mins or swimming also can.

For me, i also did the same. Baby is gaining weight but i am losing abit of weight.

Ann- gynae advice me to drink low fat milk. wat abt milk formula for mummy like Anmum n such? anyways i'l try d method u mentioned. hopefully it'l wrk.. bt dnt knw hw to weight bb. hv to wait till nxt appntmnt then...

Ann: if it helps, i just attended the antenatal course yesterday on baby bathing. She says for new born.. do not use any shampoo. However we can put about 2 drops of baby soap into the bathtub and mix around before we bathe baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

When you are washing his/her face, just use plain water.

sweetkiss- my gynae said bb suppose to b 900gm.. bt she does say small is good so dat i hv a higher chance of gvng a normal delivery.. d link u gave me is quite useful. thank u Sweetkiss


hi aisha,

maybe you wanna try the marigold low fat high cal milk?

the beef and durian works for me... personally i eat more meat cos i scared my sugar level too high if i ate durian... for my pass 2 pregnancy, my urine test always fail..so everytime have to do the glucose test.. this time round also the same.. my sugar level in my urine also high.. so think my gynae going to do the glucose test for me soon... he was saying maybe it's my kidney leaking out the sugar... as long my blood sugar ok can liao...so cross finger for now...

