(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Good morning ladies.

Now I have a habit of looking at the forum before i leave for work. Scare no time to see during work. Been quite busy these days. Haha!!

Yoga class for me yesterday is not good. I was hungry and keep getting acid reflux. Body totally cannot bend. Think Kayden was in some position which make me hard to do the postures.

Yesterday was another hot night for me. Cannot tahan. On air con again. I told hubby we should go get another fan (mine is a ceiling fan) to blow just directly at me. Think will be cheaper than using air con.

Serene: I bought mine at the Taka baby fair. It comes in a set.

Good morning Ladies. Happy Friday to you all.

I just had a wonderful breakfast:

Butter Croissants from Delifrance (4 in one box)=$1.95

Hero Brand Marmalade in a jar= $4.95

Kraft's Hi Calcium Cheese singles= $2.95

All together, and toasted in the oven and then with a glass of Warm Milk = PRICELESS


morning mummies...

super bz wk for me... haven really got the time to log on... but ive been reading... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

noknok: how r u feelin? better?? still got contractions anot?

ann: luckily u break ur fall w ur hands... but i read on bk b4 tat our bb r nested safely in our water bag, as long as the impact is not so great.. bb will b safe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

suntan & serene: since our husbies wkg on shift, next time can go out togeta! but i stay farfar fr u all leh.. u all west side n im in the NE...

gathering: if we cant find a function rm by next wk, mayb like wat eliss haf suggested.. we go to CBD area on a sat evenin (which is like ghost town) for our gathering?

off hand i can tink of the tcc @ circular rd. behind boat quay mcdonalds.

nice place.. but we may needa sit on the flr. but cozy though..

metro bb sale: i went to the one @ compasspt. nothg much *yawns* so borrring... taka bb fair still the best!

serene: i bot my bb cot comforter set fr aussino.

apparently it's the last set for Boy! so happy~

i tink till left w a lot for gals... after disc only $44.95. v cheap! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jaya: morning!!!

wow... ur bfast makes me drool now...


but lately ive been getting a lot of comments fr my sis & mum especially on my wt gain.

they keep tellin me im too FAT now.

cuz i put on 8KGs already!!!!

n im in my 25th wk now. another 15 more to go!

but my gynae keep tellin me it's normal...


now im tryin to cut down on my fave carbo like rice & potatoes.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

DQ - yeah the TCC at Circular Road has cozy seats!!! and it can take reservations!

Jaya - haha i oso have a BIG breakfast earlier...

is there any size for the aussino comforter set? i saw it but didnt buy coz i am getting a hand-me-down cot. scared it doesnt fit into the cot...

sweetkiss: im not sure leh... cuz the comforter set still sittin in the corner of my rm..

n my cot haven arrive..

but i rem askin the uncle whom i bot the cot fr @ expo regarding the bedding set sizes... then he told me it's 'pretty std'..

so i assume can fit?

Outing: pls copy & paste the following & add ur name to the list if u r coming [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Date: 24 APRIL 2010 (sat)

time: evening

venue: TBA (can anyone help to bk a function rm?)

1. DQ

2. mrslong

3. Pann with HB

4. Pris

5. Eliss with HB

6. kepsis

7. Serene with HB


DQ, dont care about the comments. People have lots to say. Im sure after the baby we will be very determined and lose all those extras. We cannot push ourselves mah? We need to eat and be strong so that we can be ready for the "BIG DAY".

Eliss: what did you have for breakfast.?

jaya: i tink im putting on too fast...

really.... cuz my mum & sis also nva put on as much!

sigh... i also v scat i ate too much n bb too big. -.-|||

muz b those doritos i ate!!! n my fave kantangs...

Jayamum: You had a sumptous breakfast. Mine also not too bad la. Had a craving for vegetarian bee hoon this morning and went to eat it. Together with a cup of pregnancy milk. Hehe!!

Outing: I dun mind the venue as long cozy and got meat to eat. Haha!!

DQ: Who cares what other pple say. Last time my mum als keep saying me fat but that was before preggy. Now she dun dare to say me fat.. she say my tummy very big. Haha!! That's why she say most likely gynae might ask me to do C-sec. We shall see about that.

ann: i stress leh... cuz my mummy told me when she was carrying me... she weighed 61kg on full term, juz b4 she popped me out...

but i weighed 60.1kg on Mon... n now mayb 61 already!!! gasp!

n im not v tall to start off w...

so my plan is to consume more fruits n vege, less carbo.

best.... my mummy juz called me again to remind me on my weight gain..

sigh.. so stress~~~ -.-||||||||

she knos my pattern too well... keep reminding me dun snack on titbits & doritos... muz eat healthily... eat eggs, drink milk... blahblahblah...

DQ -- later i try to drop by jurong pt to check out their aussino there.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Going to my mom place later to have some tonics.. then gg to chinatown to get wipes cause i think 6pack no enuff.. then head down to IMM and jurong point..

I was thinking hubby.. i can plan so many things but i dunno if i got the energy or not..

im envying the energy level that my friend is having now! Shes in 2nd tri.. i was telling her to do whatever she can during these 3 mths before she reach my stage... lol..


serene: urs is galgal? they've 2 designs for gals.. but im not sure if the aussino @ JP haf both?

i prefer the Pink Princess one as compared to the other design.

the rest of mummies: the aussino sale ends on 18th april!

morning ladies,

went for my gynae visit yest...am in my 24th week & BB weighs 713gram. Doc said it's average (normal) weight.

As for outing, I have been to TCC @ Robertson Quay but it's very small...not sure can accommodate alot of pple if we're a big grp [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

DQ, thanks for ur info!

btw i think bb boy is like that leh.

most of my friends having boys put on a lot of weight. but if u r slim to begin with i think shld be able to shed the weight after birth...

for me i have a chubby face ALL along.

i think after preg, it gets a bit rounder.

everytime i see my gynae, he uses my face as a gauge. he keeps telling me my face looks "nicely filled up" and he commented "so, finally u r feeling more pregnant than usual right?" argh.. and hubby always make fun of me.. u noe the bioessence ad: V V V geng nian qing? He said mine is "O O O, small o become capital O~"

mrslong -- im ok.. i frequent there.. it quite quiet there and cosy too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Serene: i saw JP have the pink ones when i went last weekend. left a few pcs only.. i scared cant fit into my cot so didnt buy. shld have bot it lor.

Sweetkiss -- haha.. when i had julius, i was very big compared to now having a girl..

actually, at this point of time, we will start to have water retention.. so its not so much of "fat" per se... but.. more like... "filled with water".. lol

after i delivered julius, the water retention went away almost immediately. some take a while.. so dun worry.. jus enjoy the license to get BIG! lol..

Jasline>> U hv the number to contact the Farlin playpen supplier for delivery? They called my HB few days bk & said will deliver the playpen this Sun, but didn't tell him the time.

My HB also blur didn't ask them then...

mrslong: morning!!

the TCC we r talkin abt is the one @ boat quay... behind mcdonald's, next to UOB Plaza.

yay... tmr sat!! cant wait for pilates class!!

last wk i also kena muscle aches!!! i got a scare cuz i tot ive heart prob.. cuz my chest painpain.

then my husby reminded me cld be due to i over streched my arms n hence my chest aches...

serene: i went to a total of 6 aussinos b4 i got my last pc pan-island.

so kua-zhang hor?

try to go those aussinos @ 'less crowded' malls.

they usually haf more stuffs.

n other small items like blanket, towels also can buy lor.. cheap.

sweetkiss: my face & arms not much difference (according to my ferns lah)..

but i tink my hips & thighs haf grown so much!

plus my tummy, of cuz...

but my main concern is my hip/ thigh area...

now so fat tat i can feel my thighs 'rubbing agst each other' when i walk!


DQ>> oops..hehee...the one @ Boat Quay ah, Then wld it be crowded on Sat nite?

I have another suggestion...Sizzler @ Suntec City. The food is so-so only I guess but they serve buffet and think logistic wise, it'd be easier?

I had muscle aches that lasted for abt 3 days. haha! U not bad leh...see you can still stretch quite low...i like stretch out my hands a bit only, cannot go any further, haha!

DQ: All mummies are like that. They are just concern. But sometime too concern to the extent of being too naggy and cannot tahan.

I weigh more than u lo.

mrslong: Your BB weigh about the same as mine at 24 weeks. I was still worried my BB seems big compare to most mummies here. Hehe!!

Sweetkiss: Your gynae very funny lei. My gynae always ask me how I am feeling. I always tell him I feel ugly and fat. haha!!! Then he will give me that "pretend to be angry" face.

mrslong -- my MIL say.. cause our waist are "locked" so its hard for us to move freely le.. dun think abt fat... lol...

im ok with both... but boat quay one sure packed one..

marche vivo also can.. but must reserve table first..

Morning mummies!!

Have anyone of u been to the Metro fair? Is it all infant items on 20% off? Must we have UOB metro card to entitle to the discount?

I still need to get a few more items.

Serene: that time think I saw only 1 design…

thanks for offering! But dun wanna trouble u, coz u preggy also leh!

Most prob I go down later after work to see.

DQ: gd leh! U can still wear sleeveless at least. I feel conscious when I wear lo.

mrslong: i tink on a sat evenin, if we go early the TCC shdnt b crowded...

sizzler @ suntec's a good suggestion too!!

n i tink it's tucked in a lil corner... nice & cozy, n not v crowded! heheh...

i long time no do stretches liao leh... stopped dancin when i was 2mths preggers. mayb i can stretch a bit more cuz i used to dance mah :p

serene: u mean i v kuazhang to visit 6 outlets ar? hahah.. im those DIEDIE muz find the thg i wan kind... n since im free, & i like shopping ard alone, no issues for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dunno abt their towels, cuz i also haven open them... but i bot cuz i tot quite cheap lor.

Ann >> I also thought my BB's a little on the heavier side cuz i remembered seeing some mommies putting their BB's weight as 600+ gram range...but doc said normal, so i also never ask much. Somemore, me very small size leh...put on 3kg since 1 mth ago.

Serene>> Ya, think so...tummy gets in the way, haha. So cannot stretch much further.

Morning moms!

Mrslong: dont worry, cos the way they measure the baby's weight is not exactly accurate.. so as long as gynae says is normal then its ok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For me, i've ballooned this 2nd trimester... 1st trimester din put any weight.. in fact still lost weight. 2nd Trimester itself already put on 8kg so far ohmygosh! Wonder if 3rd trimester is worse?

Jaclyn>> Oh ok, thanks. Ya, as long as gynae said ok then i dun worry so much already. It's my HB who worries that BB's weight is light like BB's not heavy enough, crazy! hehee.

btw mommies, I remember last time there was a link to buy some cute and cheap rompers/mittens/booties etc. They were like 5 for $10 or around there type. Anyone still has the link to share? Will appreciate it much thanks!!

DQ: U manage to get the boy set fr aussino!! So heng lor u. I wanna buy but all out of stock.

Serene: I suggest you call them up first before heading down. I have been calling almost all outlets to check but all told me out of stock. And the stock will most prob come in May. By then i guess no more 50% discount. Sob sob. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mrslong: For me, I am big size. But still worry about BB's weight and size too. As of last visit, I lose weight. Haha!!

But I think end of this mth visit, sure increase weight again.

