(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Jaclyn: haha! ya me too! but sometimes a bit paranoid. coz my fren told me she nv had any cold drinks throughout her pregnancy. i think she's a pro.

Anyone had been talking in their sleep? My hubby complained to me that I have been talking in my sleep recently.

He said it was in my normal tone & he tot I was speaking to him…

He told me one of it was I said something like “tell u dun disturb me and u still disturb!!” during my sleep 2 nites ago.

And he said when he rubbed his eyes in bed (causing the whole bed to shake), I will “TSK” at him as if I very irritated even though I am sleeping.

Though I dun think I will be so rude in real-life leh… hahaha


good morning mummies, so sad to be back at work after a nice 2 week holiday.

sweetkiss, quite funny what you do in your sleep. my hubby said i sleep so deep that one night, he put his hand on my belly, baby was kicking very hard & i just continued sleeping. he was very amazed.

Morning mummies,

Its monday bluez again..back from my mini babymoon..gg to stay landed for at least the next few years..sian..

As for cramps, i do get them on and off, but its just the minor types, not very painful.

Anyway i was at suntec with hubby last night when this sales person doing bridal roadshow approached us for wedding photoshoot..lol..my hubby was asking that man angrily,"Cant you see she is already pregnant".. hai i think he just think that i am fat with a big tummy and not pregnant...

sorry to interrupt. i'm from the Aug2010 MTB thread, I am selling some stuff that I got extra from US to maximise on the shipping costs. if you are interested can visit my blogspot at http://quello-sale.blogspot.com/

Also organising some spree to get baby, kids & maternity stuff from US for my thread group, so see if anyone else interested can save more on the shipping. you can view more info at http://quello-spree.blogspot.com/

hi sun_tan! welcome back.. hw's ur trip? i'm also going on holiday this fri. cant wait lor... but at the same time scared will get tired easily & cant shop too much. then i become a burden to everyone..

ur hubby very fierce leh.. lol

Good morning ladies.

Jasline / SweetKiss / Jaclyn: Ya.. I also find it funny that pple dunno that they are pregnant untill the point that they lie on the hospital bed and told that they are in labour now. But should be quite an interesting show to watch. Must remember to watch it. Hehe!!

AtomicKitten: I hope what u had found it not white ants or termites.

Fazzy: I dun have cramps now but sometime i just feel like the ligament in the womb is pulling like that. Like sharp pain. Then goes off after awhile. not sure if it is what u are feeling.

But if it goes off after awhile then should have nothing to worry about ba.

SweetKiss: In this kind of weather, dun drink cold water is very very tough lo. Now I also drink my milk straight from the fridge. Too hot liao.

Your hubby like very light sleeper hoh. Mine sleep like a pig so even if i talk in my sleep, he also won't know. Haha!!

sun_tan: How's your little trip? Your hubby so fierce ah? Mine would just laugh and walk off. But luckily now alot of pple can see I am preggy. Even one of my colleagues which I dun really know from another dept commented that I look too young to be preggy. I told her I am going to be 30 this yr liao lo. Haha!!

morning all - remember I told you my BB will be delivered via C-sect. Last Sat, I went to a Master to get a date for delivery. He gave me 5th or 6th which is one week before my EDD. So now will be telling the date to Gynae this sat to book him...


i bought when i had my #1. ended up i din use bcos my bb is v fussy and hard to mssage her. i bought e CB massage oil. no fragrance and is organic.

Ann: my hubby nt light sleeper, he also sleeps like a pig. just that he's always sleeping later than me.. so he always get a shock when he watching tv halfway & i suddenly "talk"!

i think i will buy the johnsons baby oil. coz i read that it can also be used if bb has cradle cap. if not, i use it on myself lor. i used to buy the baby oil lite to apply on my hair ends. can also use to rub off wax if u using waxing strips.

Jellypurin: I am thinking of buying massage oil to massage BB too. But I scared I am lazy later on. haha!!

Sweetkiss: Oh.. my hubby always sleep earlier than me. The moment he lie down on the bed.. 5 mins later he snoring liao. Hai..

no hubbies sleep more like a pig than mine!! haha.. phone ring also he dont pick up one.. so i think even i roll off the bed he might not even notice .. much less talk in my sleep haha.

i dont tink i will be buying massage oil for baby .. i believe in "less is more".. don wanna put too much stuff on newborn skin. For massage maybe just use some baby powder to soothe him thats all ba [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh on the topic of baby powder, the antenatal class teacher told us that its preferable to use liquid powder instead of those fluffy type which might get into baby's lungs and not good for them.. just something to share

haha.. jaclyn u very kua zhang sia. wad roll off the bed. hahaha..

what brand has the liquid powder? i have not seen before but i am imagining it to be like liquid foundation...

hey Jaclyn, do you go for the class at TMC too? All these things sound familiar heheh. I was wondering where to get liquid powder too...

oh found out that Avent has liquid talc as well as mothercare too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

peanut: yep yep! I think the antenatal class quite good leh.. not only for me but its a good way to get the hubbies to be more hands-on. Mommies shud consider taking up the class if they haven't already!

My hubby is more involved now and at least he learn how to fold all the napkins + how to carry baby etc etc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Liquid powder... something new. never knew there's such thing.

Jaclyn: So good.. at least your hubby more involved now. Yesterday I told hubby he doesn't even research much on BB thing. He just say this kind of thing, take it as it comes lo. I told him he will at least research on cars and dogs more than he research on baby stuff. Till date, he did none of the researching lo. Everything he knows abt BB stuff is I told him one.

Liquid powder is like lotion when you apply, but after it dries up it has the smooth texture of powder. Its better to use that for newborns as the fluff in normal baby powder is not good for baby to breathe in~

Ann: Thats why!!! Go and apply for the antenatal course and drag your hubby there. When he see like 20 other husbands in the class as well, he will be more eager to learn one. Guys are like this one mar.. hehe!

I told my hubby.. I already going to carry the baby for 9 months and the baby is totally my responsibility.. so when baby comes out, he needs to share the responsibility/workload else i will "ki siao" and show him wat woman's depression is like! So i think he also scared =D

Jaclyn: Haha!! Ya.. i did apply for the antenatal class.. starting on 1st May. Dunno why guys are so not eager one. I asked him yesterday if i dun do the research then we will end up buying nothing for BB la. Then he say no, we still shop and buy. So I ask him u never do research then where u know to go and buy. He say that's why must shop ma. Then I ask him so if u see the cot u like but selling at $1k then u also buy la eventhough another place selling for $500 nia. He say of cos won't buy la. So I ask him why won't buy since u never do research, then how will you know another place is selling cheaper. Then he keep quiet.

Before pregnancy I already told my hubby le. If he is not going to help out with BB, i sure go into depression. He also quite worried.

Antenatal Course:

I also get my hubby to go attend for the class, so he will roughly know what going on, if not after birth, i still have to do everything myself, cos he is single child, got no idea how to take care bb. so after birth, he did help, like bathing her etc... Also when his collegues' wife is pregnant, he still can give advice. hahaha

Jasmine: Yup.. my hubby's colleague also preggy now. I think one month later than me. He sometimes give her advice like expert lei. But all those advices are from me. Sickening man.

Just now I told him you girls say liquid powder is better. He ask me why is it becos of friction. I told him it is time for him to do research. Ask him go and find out why better to use non-talc powder? Why better to use liquid form instead of powder form? What brands offer liquid form? Must ask him to do his own research or else he think so easy to have a BB ah. Even powder also got to do research one ok? Hehe!!

jaclyn: yup! i like how they make the hubbies handle the "baby" first heheh. at least now after handling the "baby" my hubby can say what kind of clothes will be easier to put on, like those that button in front ;)

Antenatal Course:

I tried asking my hubby whether to attend or not. He say if I want, I can attend. But he is not joining. He say if I attended the course, later sure have conflict with MIL or mum. Coz the course might teach us things which our MIL or mum does otherwise.

Hai... so in the end I also didn't sign up .....

eliss : Which master u go to huh? He use birthdates of parents to do calculations one huh? My hubby n i also tot of choosing a date for delivery via c-section but hor.. we scare after choosing the date.. bb want come out earlier then effort like wasted. Worst if bb decided to come out on the days that master advise against then we maybe paranoid for the rest of our lives! haha

serene : really thanx for the link!now i believe they are not from my food or condiments.. must be from the cabinet itself! last night cleared and clean n disinfected 3x3 shelves..this morning i saw some crawling again! arrgghhhh...

think i ve to wait till hubby is back from his 8 days trip n get some pest exterminator to do the job!

Ann : my hubby also like yours. I nag at him to do some reading up so that he can understand what we go thru during preg more.. until now also didnt. Then hor.. i got him to register at babycenter.. so now he receives weekly updates on baby's growth. hee hee I dunno he got read or not or juz hit the forward button to send to me:p


Not really la.

The class I attend at KKH, told what what to do when we having contraction or when water bag burst. what should we look out for the contraction sign.

If we BF, what food we can take to increase our supply etc...

of cos there is ppl say since we BF, cannot eat ginger, else will casue bb to have jaundice. they will explain what cause jaundice...etc...

Prenatal class : think I should start signing up for prenatal classes also. Can anyone recommend which one to go to? I'm giving birth at Mount E.

Justina: actually its even more impt to go if you scared conflict with MIL or mom. At least you can tell them "but thats what the experts said when I attended the course".. then they cannot say anything else.. cos experts leh!!

For me, another reason why I purposely make my hubby go with me is because i am staying with my MIL. In case my MIL say 1 thing that is different from what the instructors say.. then i have my hubby to back me up. Then the conflict will not be so bad since hubby oso on our side ma [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babycoco: I think most hospitals offer such classes, however you don't need to go to the hospital that you deliver in. I think TMC is very popular so is KK.. you can try enquiring there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

justina : are u expecting your 1st bb? If yes, actually it will be good to attend antenatal class WITH your hubby leh. I didnt tell my hubby that we have a "choice", from the start i put it across to him that it is something every new parents must go thru one. hehee. It helps that all our frens also attend antenatal class, so when my hubby go around asking he also tot that must attend one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Then i made him to research and choose which one he like to attend. So he choose what his frens recommended which is TMC. hehe Actually both my hubby and I learn a lot of things from the classes lor n we both enjoy the lessons.

Hi all,

Who sign up for the Antenatal Course starting on 01 May 2010 (Saturday) from TMC at AMH hub???

I juz called them & they told me the 1st lesson for 1st May will start 10am to 12pm.

babycoco : i'm with gleneagles but i'm taking my antenatal class at TMC. Our classes are held at AMK hub so its pretty convenient for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not as far as gleneagles

Same lor. I think if I nv take any action to get baby stuffs, till now he also wont initiate buying…

Everything I ask him, he will say “anything lor”. He will only tell me something is gd if he sees many babies using it.

He always say since we need the stuff sooner or later, just buy if we see it in case we forget next time.

Then he said no need to compare price one coz if cheaper, also by a few dollars & cents & the cost is equivalent to the petrol cost if we specially travel to BB Fairs.

Whenever got baby fair, he seems very bored to follow me around la.

Just like got IT fair, I also very sian when I go with him. I only look out for pretty babes & tell him to see lor.

jasline : Do u know who is your "teacher"? Must ask leh. Coz for me.. I signed up for mrs wong class but they assigned me the 10am class which is another teacher. And my hubby and I tot Mrs Wong intro herself using her english name... We blur blur and didnt realize until 2nd-3rd lesson.. hee

Phew, been a super busy morning. Sneaking a peep in the forum while having lunch break.

Sweetkiss, Ann,

The trip was good! But very short..cant get enough of it..lol Haa..cos we always quite pissed by this kinda roadshow, always approaching couple and ask without even considering if ppl r married or not. So we tot at least for now, we would be quite save and wont be pester by them. Nv expect them to stop us and ask. Haa hubby was saying that he is alr good enough nv commenting that “are you blind..”


I think hor, most men are heavy sleeper? Mu hubby also wont wake up if his hp rings. Most of the time when his alarm rings, I am the one who would be awaken first and I have to shake him to wake him up to off his alarm..duhz..most of the time I will try to sleep earlier than him, if not, once he is asleep, I wont be able to fall asleep due to his snoring. Me on the other hand is a very light sleeper.

Just to check, whats the desitin thingy for?

Class is quite useful, also for knowledge la.

Imagine that time if i never attend the class, I will be very panicked cos my water bag in the middle of the night. So i very steady one, i go wake up my hb, told him what happen, so i can bath, while he get himself ready n go to drive the car from carpark, before we head to hospital, asked him to drop by 7-11, so i can grab something to eat... hahaha...

Atomic: my classes mainly taught by Mrs Wong but my 4th lesson I had to attend a make-up class and it was taught by Mrs Lilian instead which I felt she was just as good also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sun_tan: Yes im also a very light sleeper and so I sleep earlier than my hubby else hard for me to fall asleep hehe. Same same!

Desitin is a cream that is for nappy rash.. i heard its better than drapolene but its very hard to get in SG..

oh my gosh i have been buying so much stuff online that I can't keep track of my purchases already.. fruits,nachos,baby clothes,creams etc etc. So addictive =D

Thanks for all the good advice. But I just check out KKH classes. The next class start at 14 May and it's a 10 sessions class. That will be like 2mths+. Don't think I will get to finish the class. Coz my EDD is 15 Jul. Guess no choice liao... too late.. can't force my hubby to attend with me already.


Yup, KKH one is 10 session, but I heard TMC one is only 4 session, but the hrs is longer, maybe u want to call n check.

hi mommies. afternoon.

am going to start collating the orders for bbmall for those who are interested. am going to order once i hit US$200 otherwise will kena GST.

i will be charging shipping base on what you buy and not how much the item weigh. also, not a good ideal to get bulky items like stuff toys and bedding sets but bed sheets and stuff like this okie.

current fx is 1.44.

it will take 2-3 weeks to arrive in SG.

if you are interested, please send me ur orders to [email protected]. will be posting the details on thread later. cheers


hey mummies, have a question..

do we need to buy baby rocker chair, if i buy that, then later on must buy the high chair for feeding too right? is there any good products that you know in the market?

baby rocker chair is to be put in the living room, cuz baby can't sit on our normal sofa right?

Jellypurin, thanks for organizing, will sort out my order later =)

