(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Jellypurin -- no need to salute la.. haha.. it all because im more scared of needles than to labour pain! hahaha... i jus tell myself i had to do it.. and the determination to go thru without needles is very strong.. haha... if in our mind, we keep thinking of epi epi epi.. a bit of pain also we also wont be able to tahan lor.. so must endure...

suntan-- ya... i remember when i was gg to deliver, my bb was breeched.. i tot.. this time siao liao.. but dr ang tell me. "dun worry, i got confidence i can deliver naturally" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and he did! faith and trust in ur gynae is almost impt.. i didnt want to push until i see my gynae.. haha.. cause i only trusted him.. so i loon.. imagine the moment i see his face at the door.. i jus push.. i dun even care if anyone was there to "hop" the baby.. hahaha



Ya Dr Ang is very pro in natural birth. Too bad he is too far for me, if not i will get him. Quite a few of my frens had him as gynae. He is cheap too.

suntan -- his package is cheap la.. hahahahahhahaha.. his not cheap wor.... haaha.. jus kidding.. Dr ang very good.. i was induced.. instead of using the pills from hospital (abt $100/pill) he took from the clinic so i dun need to pay.. very nice guy la... keke.. i stay at batok, but i still go there.. cause his really not bad...

Wah serene, u really effort leh! My future house also at bukit batok. Btw the pre-natal yoga class that we are organising would be at bukit batok. U interested to join?

hey serene, thanks for your story! the way u described "play with gas", "went on trance" & "hop the baby" is damn funny! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

suntan -- cannot la... i never exercise before pregnancy.. keke... but i go for evening walks with hubby every night... and sometimes soak inside the pool... lol... u all staying in the west?

serene which part of bukit batok u staying at? Me currently staying at JW with my in-laws. My parent's place is at hillview. sweetkiss also stay in JW. Vivi staying at woodlands, but she doesnt mind travelling down. I also nv exercise before preggy, except hula hoops..but no choice..cos i hardly do exercise now, so need to force myself to move my butt.

autrumn -- haha.. because the gas is FOC.. and dr ang ask us to finish it.. hahahahaha.. he even jokingly tell us that we can have the whole tank to ourselves since we are paying for it... haha..

i really went on trance.. everything was moving so fast like a tape player.. and the noise they made was so funny! then it slowly went back to normal lor.. lol...

first time ma.. i tot the bb will jus come out like tat.. haha.. i tot need to have pple to stand by to hop the bb ma.. hahaha

learn to calm down, enjoy the delivery process.. after this process, u will feel how wei da mommies are.. haha...

u also will realise who u trust most... there were voices from missy, gynae and hubby... i couldnt hear the missy voice.. i could only hear my hubby say.. "a bit more, a bit more" that kept me tahan-ing each push a bit longer... at the end of it, gynae even say "thanks, good job" to my hubby.. haha.. think liao also wanna cry. haha

oh oh.. remember to tell ur hubby not to say.. "harder harder" haha.. cause it doesnt motivate.. esp when we are in pain and lost.. haha.. things like.. "a bit more, almost there, dun give up" is more useful at the critical moments.

i remember my friend was delivering half way and her hubby was like.. "wah" and dunno say what... then she turned to her hubby and say.. "SHUT UP"


suntan -- i stay near bt batok driving ctr where the cdans is.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

serene - haha! i am probably one of those who will ask my husband to SHUT UP if he is not giving constructive feedback! hahaha..but i reckon he will probably turn green with fear once he sees all the blood & gore..hoho

autrumn -- my hubby was witnessing the entire thing.. at one part, dr will take out the placenta ma... and when bb comes out, the fluid will flow out.. and its got this smell that some cannot tahan lor.. and its not jus water.. still got other funny things.. haha..

after the whole thing.. my hubby say.. "dear very xin ku hor? give birth very pain"

haha... but hor.. because of that.. our marriage become very strong.. and his more forgiving in a lot more ways..

actually u shud start preping ur hubby liao.. tell him what u hope he do for u during delivery.. and ask him help u time contractions..

oh.. ask him to get his laptop, magazines, sweater while he waits with u in the ward.. get the men excited la.. its fun to enjoy it together..

serene - wow! i know nothing about timing contractions yet..coz haven't attended the antenatal class..i'm actually more excited over giving birth than him i think..think it's going to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience..hahaha

Serene: wah! you can still recall the time for each event. your description very funny....hehe...and your gynae was wearing yellow boots? hahaha

my hubby cannot tahan sight of blood if not he'll faint. i can imagine both of us arguing in the delivery room, with me asking him to shut up or talk to the hand! hahaha...


side note. do u have braxton hicks now? i seemed to be hvging them v often. yesterday saw gynae, she says i will have cramps more often with #2... just wanted to know if u have the same experience

Hi ladies!

Long time didn't chat here. Been so bz at work..

Last week went for my detailed scan. Abit worried as it turned out that I have bilateral uterine artery notching. Gynae prescribed me aspirin and told me it's not serious...

Hmm, anyone can share more info with me?

back from my check up!! i am having a bb girl!! and she is healthy, everything normal, not too large not too small, has also gained 2kg since my last check up.

Happy me! Went to mothercare and saw a damn nice hat, it costs $33!! just for that piece of cloth!?

but i will buy it, cuz it looks so good and pretty and cool on bb girl! will wait for taka fair..

My hubby is happy too, saying now we can think of nice bb gal's name le! will start looking for names later at night! so exciting!

Well,MIL was with me, initially she wanted to go in with me cuz hubby not ard, but i wasn't comfortable so i told her maybe we just meet for lunch at hospital. She came, but i wasn't done with scan yet.. so she said she could wait outside, we had long chat.. about bringing up kids, our families, how me and husband are coping (because hubby seldom share things with her), what i appreciate is that.. she said "bring up the kids in the way you want them to be." maybe she trusts me cuz i am also early childhood trained too. i was really glad to hear that because i always thought she is controlling, and that's why i don't like her.. I don't have good relationship with my FIL due to different beliefs and he scolded me b4.. since then, there's a barrier.. and i told my MIL too.. i just need more time to heal.. and i do wish that one day i can really get along well in their family.. just that i am still very hurt by the words my FIL used on me..

anyway.. my MIL even insisted to pay an upfront $488 for me, so i don't need to pay each time i visit gynae, i was attracted to that scheme because i will be given $100 voucher from the KKH to buy bb stuff.. then she just took out her card and said let her pay.. i rejected i said bu hao yi si.. she said we are a family.. i nearly cried u know.. i was touched..

Then i smsed her, thank you for everything..

what a day!!

Shann -- wah!!!! ur MIL is nice! my MIL only siam away when it comes to $$.. haha... oops :x but im happy for u!!

Jellypurin -- i tot i had it 2 days ago.... but i kept thinking.. wah.. i so fast got such things liao meh... but i jus lie on the bed and wait.. and the urge to urine but nothing come out also have.. then my hubby say.. "yan xi ah?" -.-




ica -- haha.. im observant by nature.. hahahaha... he also wore a "shield" machiam those police take one.. but its transparent.. lol.. i saw the boots on the floor.. so i was thinking.. "eh.. how come cleaner auntie never bring it away..." hahahahhaha... then next time, i saw dr ang in berms and wearing that...


There was a write up on medela pump turn yellow after a few sterilisation. Not sure this issue settle by CASE yet.

Robinson sale on Avent 20% off still on till end Mar 2010. Checked with a staff in raffles robinson today.

Tmr got Taka BB fair, 12 Mar isetan private sale & 19 Mar BB fair at expo.

Ceres: Taka BB fair is on 11th March. I think I will drop by on Thursday or Friday. Wanna avoid weekend crowd. Plus my weekend seem so packed like that.

Finally going for my swim. Weather is super hot even though just finish raining. I keep sweating and sweating.


I just went for my detailed scan today. Everything is ok except the lung. They spotted a minimal fluid (2mm) in the lung. Anyone ever heard of this before? Can share more info? I'm so worried....there's nth I can do....can only monitor.....=(

shann, gynae said maybe infection, heart prob or its normal....will monitor on my next chk up whether the fluid increase or not....i've read up also and having the same understanding as u too.....confused.....

i see i see..meanwhile since nothing u can do.. why not listen to some soothing music? pray and tell bb to grow healthy.. worry also won't help right? let's encourage your baby to fight against any infection if there is any.

Ann: oops.. wrong info given. haha... but i think taka BB fair sure exp one. rather go isetan, expo or robinson.

Actually i can purchase robinson voucher for 10% discount. i.e. $10 voucher i pay for $9. Then go buy avent product using the voucher even cheaper... heh.

mpoon -- yes, stay positive. my friend's bb also got similar issues.. gynae prep her for the worst.. she will not let go of bb.. so she pulled thru till she deliver. and the fluid is gone when shes about to deliver... so dun worry... stay positive

Was out most of the day and wah.. i really dunno where to start reading.. haha

Can help me update please.. I'm having a BB gal.. hee.. jus as I wanted..

Went for detailed scan then gynae appointment then ikea and then pilates.. haha...

mpoon - jia you... will keep you in prayer.. Dun worry too much.. worry also no use yah..

I tried all 3 classes, pilates, yoga n fitball from inspire.. I feel that if you mummies want a workout to both strengthen n stretch n relax, fitball n pilates is better then Yoga. After yoga I jus feel relaxed.. but not exercised... after fitball n pilates I feel exercised.. e instructor for fitball n pilates is e same lady and she's 18 wks pregnant too.. hee.. another July mummy

nok nok, quite keen to try pilates/fitball after reading your post. i'm currently doing prenatal yoga at como shambhala. also find that it's too mild. how long are the pilates/fitball classes?

wow, sounds like fitball will b my next choice since i cant go for aqua in april!


u can feel ur uterus tightening when u hv braxton hicks... it's not suppose to be painful. for first time mtbs, BH's suppose to happ in last tri... maybe for people like serene and i, will get it earlier starting fm 2nd tri onwards cos our uterus seemed to remember that we are hvg ours 2nd or third time round... also, not all mtbs will hv BH's as welll as far as i know...


yes, stay positive. just monitor. trust that bb has a strong will too!

jo lyn

re: prenatal class

ai yah, seems like they tell different pple different things huh? the mid march class is that for Mrs Wong's class?

mrs long

actually i never "bu" but heard abt gd things abt "bu"ing. was just worried abt having too big a baby & cant push! hoping to do natural - with or without epi (prob cross e bridge when we get to it) bec duno wat will happen when time comes leh


stay positive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

someone mentioned Braxton Hicks "contractions" - i read abt it but honestly - i dont know what it is leh .. at e moment now with me is only water retention problem lah. LoL

I also dun understand whats Braxton hick leh. Is it on and off one or what? I also starting to have water retention...although i drank a lot (but pee a lot also) My feet is swollen and when i wake up in the morning..my feet will be pain when i walk..

mpoon: stay positive. Tell baby to be a fighter...baby will listen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ceres: thanks for info on robinson's sale. Now hv more choices [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but will be braving the weekend crowd though


u wake up in morn & whilst walking get pain? actually for me, its opposite, i wake up feeling light & "slim" then by night time would have ballooned up with water retention. i think its bec i dun drink enuf water maybe? also duno leh ..

to think we have still several months to go .. alamak [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hael : When i wake up every morning.. got difficulty get off bed liao le! sometimes at night..unknowingly slept on my tummy the next morning tummy will pain also! then i will feel very guilty. Ya..when i wake up and start walking.. feet feel sore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ya man..cant imagine when we reach 3rd trimester..

Good morning mummies = )

Yea!! Its finally raining! The air has been so smoggy the last few days. Finally a chance to clear away the burnt smell in the air = )

morning mummies!!

yay!! it's raining~~~~

finally! the weather has been really hot & stuffy.. w a 'chaotar' smell in the air... so yucky!

mpoon & phy: ask your bb to JIAYOU!

in the meantime, relax ur mind & dun tink too much..

morning mommies,

thks for all the encouraging msg...realli feel v touched....will talk to my bb everyday...hopefully it will be ok on my next chk up....*looking forward to it*

Thanks Serene Tan and Dqueen..

I can't help being worried. More research on the net make me worry more. May cause hypertension in pregnancy lah, bb may not grow well lah....

Morning Mommies.

I felt 2 cramps last nite....one at the lower hip & thigh and one at the calf. The pain was so intense I got my hubby to help me. Anyone experience cramps yet?


phy, if your gynae said it's not serious, you shouldn't worry too much. sometimes i find there are just too much literature on the net.

bbbliss, my prenatal yoga instructor said cramps might be caused if we don't drink enough water. maybe you can try to drink more?

