(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

actually hor.. if the gas is used correctly, then it will really help. a lot of pple complain its smelly and it doesnt work.. for me.. i make sure that the mask is on my face so i will take in the gas fully... it did help a lot

big bb -- actually at this pt, cannot really tell its big or not... must wait until nearing delivery.. if still worried, then cut down to bu once a week lor...

cough -- its more like the haze.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] suppose to recover, but haze came back.. sigh..mil made ginger tea, end up got worse... then she made another kind of tea.. and it didnt help too... so i took dr med.. which is the mild one.. it didnt really help to eliminate.. cannot drink orange juice cause scared bb will have phlegm.. wahaha.. so mafan.. how to recover.. im taking in fruits and water more than my eating my normal meals lor.. also cannot help... so ke lian..


sweetkiss -- haha.. thou a lot of mommies say... they were more painful than to think of that needle.. but because my threshold is high.. the thing i came into my mind was the needle! haha...

Ica & bbbliss : thanx for sharing tips on how to cook birdnest!

sun_tan : I also eat out pretty often and I love fast food, pizzas and pasta leh. eversince preggie..i juz find I havent had enuff of them! but my weight increased too much too fast liao.. so hubby trying very hard to control me and my diet lor.. boo

What are Bu food. I am worried too. 3rd bb dont know how many kilo ...

1st BB - 40 weeks - 3.75kg

2nd BB - 38 weeks - 3.45kg

bbbliss -- ya! wahaha.. i keep reminding myself... others can do without epi.. i also can.. haha.. even the drip needle i also think liao very scared lor...

babycoco - found a easy recipe for you


1 chicken thigh

2 cordyceps

6 red dates

7 chinese wolfberries

1000ml water


Cut chicken thigh into pieces. Parboil for 2 minutes. Wash and trim excess fats

Rinse the cordyceps, chinese wolfberries and red dates

Place the chicken pieces into a large soup bowl together with the cordyceps, chinese wolfberries and red dates

Add the water

Cover soup bowl with clingwrap

Steam for 1.5 hours

Add salt to taste before serving

Serene Tan : I experienced the same pain as you couple of weeks ago leh! It's very very pain. I also tot i must ve sprained myself but i dun rem doing anything leh.. so i tot it must be my poor sleeping posture. Have to sleep on sides but sometimes too uncomfy and when I woke up at night to pee... i found my tummy facing side and upper back/neck flat on pillow! ma chiem doing yoga while sleeping!

That time my fren mentioned that she was in so much labour pain, when the doc inject the epi, she didnt feel anything at all..

For that particular website i posted, there is this video which video down the birth process...its really gross...

I watched the video.. i nearly faint seeing the thick needle.. i had told hubby before.. if I can tahan, I dun wan epidural. I am really scared of needles.

im oso worried about my sleeping posture... stomach havent even very big (22 weeks now) but like damn hard to sleep already!!

sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night and find that i am lying flat down which i heard is bad! oh no !

just got into an argument with my best friend, haiz ... i was telling her how stressed out i am about having this baby. and she said if i was so stressed out then i should have been careful to prevent the pregnancy in the 1st place. sort of like, since i got myself pregnant, then don't complain about how stressed out i am. so sad when people just can't understand.

hihi .. I just came back from my detail scan.. Expecting a BOY!!.. :p

Hi ecym, can help me update? I am Number 80 in the list. Thanks

babycoco: try to cut out sugar and minimal carbo. my baby was also too big last month, so gynae said to cut out sugar. sugar that is naturally found e.g. fruit ok. fruit better than the juice even though it's fresh juice. now baby's weight within normal range i.e. 50th percentile

epidural: haven't watched the video yet but heard that the needle is very long and hooked at the end - yikes! and they'll ask the daddy to step out before they administer the epi - is it true?

i'm all for natural, without epi. will tahan the pain la...now talk only, dunno by then what will take place..hehe!

birth process still ok.. for me, it was clean and chop chop... my gynae was in his shirt and bermudas and with an apron and yellow phua chu kang boots when he delivered for me.. hahaha...

since i was lying down... i couldnt see a THING! haha.. i only know push push nia..

after that.. i saw the gynae stitching.. stitching is not pain hor btw.. cause u pain until numb alr.. and the gynae's hands were so fast that u can barely feel it...

i oso wanna try and tahan the pain without epidural.. but come that day, not sure how i will handle. Also i know i'll suffer from bad side effects from the epi because when I went under GA last time for surgery i puke like mad after that.


Just ignore her. sometimes ppl just dun understand that we just wanna grumble about it thats all. why cant they just give a listening ear..

wow wow... this thread is running damn danm fast.. been a while not logging in... im really lost track now!!.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: prenatal class.. i have just signed up for Mrs wong's May class too.. still in time to change to Mar class? hmm....

re: bird nest - if you are lazy to monitor the fire for double boil.. u may buy those smallest size slow cooker.. tat's easier to monitor and not so troublesome.. i just let it cook for 2 hrs. dont need to worry it will run out of water/overcook..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw.. during my last scan.. my bb shld be a boy.. gg for detail scan this Fri.. really cant wait to see him again.. hee..

anyone here is having water retention? im pretty worried.. my legs are already swallon since my 18th week.. it's really early.. now im trying hard to drink more water.. hopefully it helps...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bbbliss -- i tot i would scream.. but during delivery.. ur focus and energy all on the pushing. when u push, no sound or expressions shud be made. all energy to be transferred to the lower body.. then u can push properly. if u make noise.. ur energy will be spread everywhere...

this is what the old missy taught me.. that is how i got my bb out in 3 pushes... at first another missy tell me and tried to scold me wor... but her method dun work...

Sprain -- i jus change my pillow.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i sleep on my left every night.. so upset

the thigh injection will not help you numb the pain totally like epidural but i guess it will help take some edge off [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

red bb -- i had very jia lat water rentention during my 1st preg.. cut down on salt intake.. drink more water. reason for retention is because ur body is sending msgs to store water as there is insufficient water in ur body... once u take in enough water, ur body will auto stop storing water... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


is it only last for 4 hrs... the intial contraction shd not be so pain if cant use it in the middle i dont see the need to use...

the pain only come when u open to 8-10 cm to be ready for pushing right.. tat is wat i saw fr mother and baby magazine....

1st time mummy here....

so exciting! Suddenly all talking abt the labour pain. By then when all of us are due, one by one will say our story here. Hahha...

yvonne -- every contraction is pain.. jus how long it last.. the more u dilate, the longer the contraction last... normally the contraction will be like... abit abit.. then slowly to 3 mins contraction but 15 mins interval.. when its nearer to delivery.. it will be 5 mins contractions 10 mins interval..

my hubby was timing for me to know my contraction interval and duration to know if im gg to deliver or not.. i prep him for it.. lol

when u r gg to push.. its more painful cause the interval is very short...

at first in the delivery ward.. i was playing the gas with my hubby.. he one mouth i one mouth.. haha... then when the interval gets shorter.. i was grabbing the mask away from him and i got no time to talk to him.. haha..

but the pain is the same.. jus that u have more time during the interval to rest at the starting stage..

Babycoco: I know how u feel! She should be consoling u instead of telling u all these.

Does she has kids of her own?

One of my friend is also like that. I bought my flat before I found out I was preg. Then I suddenly got preg 1 mth before my wedding.

I had so much financial stress because I have my house to pay, my wedding debts to clear & now a baby.

Instead of offering me moral support, she kept on saying why I never take precaution, and told me she sympathized with my hubby for having to fork out so much money because of me!

She sounded like it was me who demanded for everything & forced my hubby. So angry!

sun_tan, i've known her for almost 30years. so sad when she can't understand what i'm going thru. oh well... what to do.

sweetkiss, no, she's not married, that's why i also think maybe she's never been in this situation. wah, your friend is also terrible. lucky got this message board where we can find listening ears.

hi ladies,

this is my take on labour pains... i was induced for the birth of my son..i beared with the pain for 3 hrs before i gave in to epidural cos my dilation was not fast enough (1st time delivery 1 cm every hr and you need to be dilated at 10 cm) and the midwife told me tat i needed to wait for another 6 hrs before i would be ready to push... actually now i see no point in bearing the labour pains and epi is not as scary cos you will not be seeing the needle going into your spine...i actually felt relaxed after the epidural so this time round i'll be using epidural again....

my first delivery, my water bag burst at 7pm when the missy was about to inject at my backside... when i was trying to turn one side for her.. i felt a gush of water... then i grabbed her hand and say.. "i think something came out"

then she was shocked too! hahaha.. then i tell her.. "nvm.. i go toilet check.. u help me change bed sheet can?"

then hubby went to toilet with me.. i pee.. and i finish peeing, i still hear drips of water... then i tell hubby "dear, i shh shh finish le.. but why the water never stop?"

heng i was wearing pad to standby long ago... so i managed to contain the water...

went back to my bed.. and my bed was FLOODING

contractions came... we were watching tv.. but when each contraction comes.. i will make the "argh" sound and tahan there.. and it goes off and we jus wait for the next one to come...

11+pm i told missy... i think its getting closer and closer... then she ask me to change.. then push me to the delivey ward where i playing the gas with my hubby...

at that point i was about 5cm dilated.. btw.. 0-3cm can take a long time! but.. once it hits 3cm.. its SUPPPEERRR fast..

then about 1230am, i rang for missy.. then she tell me dr ang deliverying in MT A... his coming over soon...

then one of the old missy came to visit me and spoke to me... she tell me "u not pain also must say pain.. if not they will push u back de" haha.. so nice of her to give me tips.. but i replied her.. "i dunno if i shud be pain now.. cause i feel still alright. but i dunno if this is the pain they are referring to"

1245am -- pain was almost consistent.. no time to think... the moment i saw dr ang.. i jus push.. hahaha.. i dun care liao.. each push was long and steady and slow... so 3 pushes.. bb's out at 0058hrs

babycoco: Relax.. I am sure your best friend doesn't mean to hurt u with her words. Maybe she is also having a bad day. Don't put it to heart.

RedBB: I also told gynae about my water retention problem. He told me normally it's because we take too much salty food and the salt retain the water in our body, that's why we have water retention. We should take lower our salt intake and this should help to reduce water retention. Don't worry.

But ever since I start exercising, I find that my feet hardly swollen anymore.

Jo_lyn: Ya.. i bought the soap.. Not fantastic but then it sort of help me reduce the oilyness on my face and face not so rough now.

Today weather is so hot till I cannot take it. I think I will go swimming at night. Too hot le.


Is she jealous that you are married and gg to have a kid soon and she is still single? Sometimes when ppl become jealous, they will start to say negative things to others.

Btw, with regards to water retention, the skin around my ankles are starting to feel tight. When i walk, i can feel the pulling. But its not swollen. Is this a symptom that its gg to be swollen soon?

Hi Serene

I got it.... contraction pain is the same thru out.. it is intial interval is longer and when u abt to push interval bcome shorter... understood...

epi does it give effect like head dizzy aft tat... cos my friend is like tat but her gynae

ask her opt for c-section

sometimes when we choose gynae, we must first understand if the gynae is pro natural or pro csect. if they are pro natural, they will encourage u... but if pro csect, they will advice u to go for csect. at times, if due to certain circumstances, csect is encouraged, that i can understand too.

jelly -- no epi.. i didnt want it.. haha.. i rather take the gas..

OH! forgot.. dun take the gas too fast.. i went on trance while gynae was sewing me... lol..


i salute u! although i had epi, i could feel the contractions cos i was controlling the amt that goes into my body and i must say i hate it. hope this time round with #2, i can dun go on epi if i had the guts to...


I know what u mean. I think there is this gynae in CCK, forgot his name. Think he is pro in c-sect as he always encourage his patient to go for c-sect. I didnt want c-sect, thus didnt opt him as my gynae...


Ann: Ya i also find that its not really fantastic. Reduce my oily face only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

