(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Sweet kiss: Congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Phy, Cheerymum: i also still need to carry #1.. dunno how too.. the first preg, my gynea says try not to carry anything > 5kg! and my little one, she's 11kg now..

Ann: bo bian.. gynea says twice a week then must jab twice a week loh.. not only pain but also cost a lot of $$$$! :p

i also haven't drink any milk for preggy yet.. a bit sian.. now only taking folic acid.

As for chinese med, the first preg i didn't take anything during the 1st trim. then 2nd trim onwards, take bird's nest. then 3rd trim onwards take 'dong cong cao' (my colleague says good for baby's lungs and lungs develop during the 7th month)..


Hi littlemay.

Yup... mine is the 1000mg. That's the recommended dosage from Dr Fong. And he specifically say redoxon and those that you can dissolve in water to drink. So that's the one.

My blood test result today came back again. My progesterone level is now 168 which is normal and my beta hcg is 571 (last time round is 300plus). They say is normal now but I have to take progesterone injection twice a week. So next Tuesday going back to do injection and at the same time have to do blood test again. Needles Needles Needles. So scary.

Hi Jo_Lyn.

For the sake of baby, at least try abit lo. Maybe when you get use to it, it should be fine. Remember Mama is wei da one. Haha!!

Hey Pat.

Yah lo.. my hubby also commented on the money part first then commented on the pain I will be going thru. I look at him and say is money more impt than my pain? Haha!!

But how long did the injection last? I ask the nurse and she told me normally pple will take the injection till their 10th week.

I also ask the nurse can we increase progesterone naturally... she say cannot.. then I ask her about progesterone cream then she say will be quite messy.. better to take the pills orally.

I take some research and find that vitamin C might be able to increase the progesterone level. Hopefully that's true and I can end the needle nightmare quickly.

Mine until 12th week.. Whole of first trim! Started at week 5. So it was about 16 times in total. Nurse say that jab more painful than usual jab because it's oil based.. The $$$ also must take into acct the cab that I took to and fro office to gleneagles... But then worth it loh, now I hv my cute little daughter... Hee.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

this round dunno required or not, as I haven't seen her yet.. Hee.. Hopefully no need....

Pat - Oh ok. Hopefully I only need to take it during the 1st tri like you.

Hey everyone.

My part time cleaner was telling me if I need CL, she can introduce me. Actually it's her niece who had been my part time cleaner before whenever my current part time cleaner cannot make it. She told me that I should book my CL early as good CL are being snatched up fast. She also told me that her niece had been booked up till next year already. By the way, they actually stay in Malaysian though they are Singaporean.

Now I am starting to think should I be more KS abit and start to book my CL now. But she only does overnight stay kind not day time. Actually no harm to start booking now right?

I still remember 2 yrs back, just because my hubby told me I am too KS and make me miss the chance of getting the solemniser I wanted. Now I don't want to miss booking a CL I wanted cos I think CL is more impt than solemniser.

Any comment?

Think Pple generally book cl after the first trim when the risk of miscarriage reduces. But I guess it's up to individual plus the cl will be more than happy to confirm a job.

Anyone knows what's the market rate now? Mine was 2600 last feb cause it's cny period. Normal is 1800. Wonder if it has increased...

Congrats! Sweetkiss! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ann, I have decided to only think about CL only after the 1st trimester. Now my priority is to rest well, and hope that the baby is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Think Pple generally book cl after the first trim when the risk of miscarriage reduces. But I guess it's up to individual plus the cl will be more than happy to confirm a job.

Anyone knows what's the market rate now? Mine was 2600 last feb cause it's cny period. Normal is 1800. Wonder if it has increased...

Hi Pat.

For me, I don't mind starting to do some research now.. so after the first tri, then I can go and confirm a job. Normally I take a longer time to do research. Hehe!!

I heard my hubby's sisters say her fren had a CL for $2k a mth. Don't know whether that is the mkt rate or not.

I have been asking friend's for recommendations for CL, the current rate seems to be $1900. They say you also have to ask what service they provide coz some only cook for you alone, don't even take care of baby. Some are more easygoing, do everything including marketing, cooking for husband and simple housework...still looking!

Normally cl looks after baby and mother.. Includes cooking, washing baby and mother's clothes, night feeds. Housework I think it's normally only simple stuff like sweeping, mopping.

The one I had previously was superb; she looks after bb, me and even cook/iron my husband's clothes! Very good service. I'll look for her after my first trim.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how much to give as ang-pao to confinement nannies when they leave? if they do gd job or if they do bad job?

pat, $2600 during CNY sounds so ex! goodness! it is more than my starting pay when i first started working! confinement nannies can do well if they take several assignments a year wor. but bec of hrs ,no wonder not many pple join this trade huh

Oh.. so when find a CL, we need to ask if they do the following:

1)Take care of baby

2)Cook for mummy

3)Simple housework

4)Laundry service for mun and baby

Any other standard things which we should find out? Just want to find out what they are suppose to provide when quoting the price.

Normally how long do you engage the CL for? 1mth or 2 mths?

Wow didnt check for a few days and more new mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Doboom, you're from the Oct07 thread right? Thought your nick looks familiar hehe.

Hael: yup, it's very ex... But no choice loh... Cl is a must leh. Then must give small ang pao when they start (10-20), at the end if u r happy, also give. Range from 60-100..

Ann: normally they go by weeks.. Mine was 4 weeks. 28 days

hello ladies!

My name is Jamie and I'm in my 6th week now. =)This is my first pregnancy and my husband and I had been trying for nearly 2 years liao!

Nice to join this online portal and meet fellow July 2010 mommies!

I am actually in a dilemma now cos i've a trip coming up next week to Yunnan, wonder if it's safe to fly? Anyone could advise?

Khia Ming,

Whether you are deemed fit to fly, you can get advice from your gynae. The norm advice for preggers to travel would be during 2nd tri. However, you can speak to gynae. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My friend uses a super popular CL so she books immediately but I guess it makes sense to only book after 1st tri. I think even if you book a CL early and cannot follow thru because of a M/C I doubt the CLs will mind though - I mean, it's not your fault right?

I can understand why CLs levy such high rates - they can only take your job during that month so you are basically paying their monthly wages. Most CLs have to do the night feeds etc if you don't TBF. If you think about that, $2k isn't a lot.

But for me no CL - I want to do things my way, based on stuff we know abt bfding etc, and some CLs can be very traditional and pressure you to supplement with FM or practise more traditional methods of getting the baby to sleep which can lead to long-term problems (CLs tend not to read Gina Ford or the Baby Whisperer, you know).

So guess we each got to decide whether CL fits in with our own philosophies, whether we have enough family support to manage without, what condition we will be in after birth (some ladies are understandably very tired after birth or need time to recover from a painful c-sect), etc.

thanks megane! aiyohyo - so many things to avoid! i've been breaking so many of the rules listed already - medium steaks/burgers (not well-done), sashimi, fish, but most of all, I drink LOADS of caffeine. to be honest, it will be very tough for me to cut back on my caffeine to 2 cups of tea a day. sigh...

My mum actually make a suggestion.. she say don't waste money to get CL.. she suggested that maybe she could take 2 weeks leave to help me and my MIL can take 2 weeks to help me. Then like that can save $1.9k. But I told her my MIL is working lei... what if she can't take leave then she told me maybe I can ask my grandmother to come and help. But she so old le.. how could I bear to ask her to help be CL?'

Saving $1.9k is good but I don't like to trouble my mum or MIL or grandmother to do confinement for me.

Hai.. I leave it to after the first tri then decide ba.

Welcome Picotin.

Ya..So many foods to avoid..just have to take note..

Try to cut back on your caffeine..Just for 9 months...it will soon be over =)


tks for infor .. yah, i tink i will definitely be engaging a CL too. at least for the food bec i cant cook for nuts and mum as well as MIL also not really cooks. i think its worth the money lah at the end if we do the math.

megane - yup thanks! will try but I have a super stress job with long hours and I am really dependent on my cups of tea. I drank quite a lot with No 1 b/c my gynae said not to worry too much. And she was quite small at birth - 2.8kg. But healthy.

hael - oooh, then you must make sure you get a CL who is a good cook! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tell the agency it's an important criteria. i quite enjoyed confinement food. another alternative if you are mainly keen on the CL cooking for you is that they have these tingkat services that deliver confinement food to you daily. quite convenient

ecym - thanks for posting that article! love it! are you thinking of going without pain relief?

That My First Skool quote is lower than the one from Babies Inc (Turf City) - I think it's about $1800 for full day per month and about $1200-1300 for half-day. But their ratio is so good - 2 babies to 1 caregiver

Hi Mummies,

Finally back in office & tiredness from the trip wearing off…hope to be able to come in more actively from henceforth. M still trying hard to catch up on the threads in between clearing my loadful emails.

AC: I suppose ok to travel in 1st trim cos I just back from my biz trip last week. Just be careful with yur dietary intake cos wat u take now goes to the baby.

Ann: I join u on the “slave of the hse” train. Cos running around after my #1 is reai no joke. LOL!!!

Phy: y yur gynae ground u? is there any special reason for him/her to do so? Cos I recall for my #1, I still went Adelaide with my gynae’s approval for 2 weeks within my 2nd trim. Oni 3rd trim when I wanted to go bintan was when she disallow….

Ecym: thanks for collating the list. Mine current will be child #2. pls kindly help to update. Thanks!

On maternity wear, I wun specifically get new ones cos I have my old ones from 1.5yrs back to fall back on. The same goes for my CNY clothings. Was hoping tat tummy wun show tat much by CNY next year, so can still fit into most of my tops. Anyway, most of my tops are baby dolls kinda of pattern, so actually can double up as maternity wear as well. Save some $$ lor….

picotin - i think i will take the advise of my gynae...if he's ok with me going natural maybe I could try the hypnobirthing?!

ecym - if you'd like to try hypnobirthing you should find a gynae who supports it. gynaes who don't support it will always find a reason (excuse [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) why you can't do it

Hi ecym,

Please add me to the list.

EDD: 6th July


Gynae: Dr Lawrance Ang

Hospital: TMC

No. 2

Am still expecting bad morning sickness despite no. 2.

Hi Crystal.

Welcome to the slave of the house train. Haha!! But hubby now better he had try to do most of the things if he could.

Hey everyone.

I went for my progesterone injection again today. I was talking to the nurse and I commented that another bruise will be added to my butt. The nurse say there won't be any bruise and she must have thought I was joking.

I told her no.. i have a bruise in a serious tone. Then when she was going to inject my butt, she saw my bruise and was so surprised. She asked me which nurse injected me untill like that. I ask her isn't there suppose to be bruise cause that's what the other nurse told me last time. She say no.. there shouldn't be. She even commented that the bruise is big and might take a week to go away.

I didn't quite believe her till just now I went to the toilet to take out my handiplast. Seriously, there was no bruise.

My poor butt.. got bruise for nothing. Won't take that nurse for my injection again. Sob Sob!!

Poor Ann, i guess there shldnt be any bruise if the nurse inject u well. So far, mine all ok leh (touch wood). Hahhaa.. Good luck to you ah! For the sake of baby, jia you!

I am damn miserable. No appetite at all. Everyday eat like 2 spoon of rice only. Then drink milo and eat bread and biscuit only. Hope it will go away soon!!!!!!

Hi Jo_Lyn.

I discover bruise again yesterday nite. I think I am just easily bruise. Haha!!

As long as you eat, then it's ok. I eat like a pig yesterday. Haha!! But that is a good day. On most day, I don't eat much like you so i try to take 5 small meals a day.

Hi Ann,

I think you have to ask the nurse to jab in slowly for you and thereafter they should massage for you..i think in this way, it will not cause much bruises.

That is what my nurse did for me...So far no bruises. =)

Hi Gals or Mummies,

Will like to join this thread, to get to know more mummies. Mine actually due in Feb.. a bit early. 5 month before all of you. But probably can share my pregnancy experience lah!

hi mummies,

hope everybody is doing fine so far with the little one growing everyday.

Have not come in for quite a few days.

Been having poor appetite during the day but come to dinner time i will be like a hungry cow.

feeling very tired nowadays


Ya, I also hate this phase...the morning sickness and lethargy is killing me! Puke even drinking a few mouthfuls of water! Burp and burp till I'm sick and digusted [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyway, to keep ourselves hydrated and if you're like me, can even puke water out, then drink 100 plus.

hi all, i just come back from KKH for my post-fibroids follow up. They managed to scan the BB at 6th week and is able track its heart rate at 124bpm. Crown rump length is only 4.8mm.

I still have about 5 tiny fibriods in there. largest at 1.3cm. The gynae said dont worry about those fibroids. My next appointment will be at TPS in 3 weeks time.

Gynae also gave me two other medicines. Duphaston and Pyridoxine (Vit B6). Duphaston to stabilise the pregnancy i think, the other to prevent vomiting.

Gynae also said not to exert ourselves physically and mentally.

hi ladies,

wan ask if any of u experience sore breasts kinda of feelings? cos i dun recall having tis tenderness during my #1 preggy till right to the very end of 3rd trim. but for tis pregnacy, i keep having tis sensation tat at times it hurts. have not been to my gynae yet, hence no oppty to check with her...


the hb tries to help on carrying the heavy stuff, etc but not so much on hsewk cos i ve a maid currently to do the pick up after us. but my #1 has been especially clingy which was a surprise and refuse to let anyone carry her, except me, so now m suffering from backaches.


thanks for the update. *muack*


i get a similar feeling you described. did u try to massage the breast that "hurts" and see if you can feel anything? i keep thinking i can feel some lumps but then sometimes it seems more like my own imagination. didnt realised there were other mommies having same sensation


Hi all,

me new to this thread.

any idea when are we able to know/hear bb's heart beat?

me currently in my 5th week.

