(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi everyone.

Thanks for the encouragement. I am fine now. Just back from the injection.

Littlemay - Ya.. it's my progesterone level that i 55.41. My butt hurt now.. got bruise sia. Now come to think of it, how come they never tell me about the beta-hcg level?? Then how I know will double or not?

Hey C.

Had seen your PM.



Chinese Calendar Age = "english western age" + 1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Does it matter when your birthday is? And is it age at conception or age at delivery?

Just doing this for fun really, doesn't matter what the gender is as long as my baby is healthy.

Hi Ann,

Did you ask them for your test results? You will be able to see from your test results the progesterone levels and beta-hcg levels.

Hey littlemay.

I did ask why on the butt... nurse say more fats on the butt so less painful than on the hand. Moreover will bruise too. So she say butt since more fats can cushion better. Haha!!


They only told me about the progesterone level but not the beta hcg level. They told me I can have my hard copy of result back tomorrow.

Just use the gender calculator.. going to have a girl.. yeah!! haha!! I like girl and hubby like boys. But actually whatever the gender we both also like.

Just called the clinic to clarify..

My progesterone level is 55.41.. my beta hcg level is 321.1..which is normal.

So only need to increase my progesterone level.

Hi Ann,

Which means you are about 4 weeks pregnant. Last thurs i did the blood test and was 499 and 2 days later it was 1255.

Hey gals,

Just to give some infor. My mil buy me a box of dry longan and I tried eating it. Somehow manage to reduce the nausea and make ur taste bud not so plain. So u gals maybe can try it out!!

Hael: Did u check with Dr Cheng the maternity package price??

Ann, my injection is also on the butt. The nurse told me is actually in oil form. Do u experience ur butt cramp after the injection huh??

Hey gals - I love how you are all monitoring your blood levels etc. So onz! Last preg, I never had blood tests for HcG, progesterone etc, and I have a feeling my gynae won't start now.

A bit perturbed today b/c just realised that the recommendation for folic acid is 400mcg per day and to take it up to 3 months pre-conception.

I wasn't consistent about taking my multi-vitamin the first two weeks post-conception (as we were travelling and I am generally not very on the ball abt vitamins). Then only started a generic multi-vitamin (abt 250mcg folic acid per day) for the last 2+ weeks or so. ONLY TODAY did I buy a prenatal multi-vit which will give me 500mcg of folic acid. Uh oh! Am I in trouble now? Trying to remember if I was disciplined abt eating dark green leafy veges over the last few weeks - I think not!

Picotin, dun worry!! Its never too late to start now. Just remember to take it regular from now onwards. I am sure everything will be fine.

Haha Chinese Gender thing says "girl" - yay! Yipee! Would love another girl. But these things are notoriously inaccurate. The last time a boy was predicted and she's definitely a girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ann - me too, sometimes the cramps feel like a tummy ache. So weird!

Jo Lyn - glad the longans helped! sorry to hear you are having a rough time with the MS, hang in there. just a few more weeks and the worst of it will pass. some pple say more MS is indicative of a healthy pregnancy - so that's something positive to hold onto.

Littlemay: is there a chart somewhere we can refer to in order to figure out how many weeks we are depending on hcg levels? that would be very interesting

Picotin, Should be ok.

I only started taking folic acid after my conception cos I didn't expect to get pregnant so soon. Its never too late. Right now, I'm not even taking any multi-vitamins yet but I'm trying to eat more healthily now....

OH NO, the effect of the Utrogestran is here again...I can barely keep my eyes open!!

Actually we are all a bit cautious here......blood test lah, test this test that lah, but I rather do that now.

Now my only concern is my cramping.....and whether I can hear a heartbeat next week.

Hi Picotin,

There is. Its on the blood test result slip but the range is SOOOO wide...that I doubt its useful! HEE hhee....I can type it out when I go home today. I don't have it with me now.

Thanks Jo Lyn and Littlemay. Hope you're right! Will check with my gynae when I see him the week after next. Littlemay - no need to type! I was just curious, don't want to trouble you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good point re the girls thing. That's why I don't believe these things - can't be all girls right?

eh littlemay, why not go and rest? you're supposed to rest right? are you the one on MC (sorry, I lose track sometimes)? better rest lah! listen to your body.

thanks for that website, quite cool. it's based on the shettles method i think - female-producing sperm swim slower but have longer longevity - that's the theory anyway!

Hi Picotin....I'm not on MC, I'm at work. So logging on during lunch time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And ocasionally...

Ok, maybe i make too many posts today already! Hee hee....

izit true that more MS is indicative of a healthy pregnancy?

last few days i feel like vomiting..these two days i feel nothing..except tired

Haha.. I am the one on MC. Just woke up from my sleep. Sleep till forgotten to wake up and eat lunch.

Hey littlemay.

Ya lo.. i felt better when i know what they are talking about. No worries.. I will try to share with you when i ask questions. Haha!!

Hi Jo-lyn.

Butt Cramp? Haha.. I don't think my butt feel cramp.. maybe too much fats liao. But do feel sore at the area where they inject.

Hi Megane.

I read in books that having morning sickness do indicate strong pregnancy but if you don't feel it doesn't mean it's not strong. Just at it as your BB is giving you a break. Haha!! I also sometime like that. 1 day feel ok.. next day.. the nauseousness come back again.. dun eat also nauseous.. eat even more nauseous.

hi megane, I do not think that's a valid indication. I think its very much depends on the mother's tolerance level? just my thots...

Hi Mummies...

Finally decided to report here though I have been following the posts since I was tested positive on 26Oct.

#2 this time round as my #1 juz turn 2 in Sept. EDD is 01-Jul and I can confirm that can expect #2 arrival in Jun-10 as I am opting for elective c-sect. I had two unpleasant history - 1 ecoptic and 1 M/C.

Ecoptic was beyond my control but to accept the fact. The M/C was due to the reason that I took the strictly forbidden herbal soup and I lost it exactly after a week.

These two incidents happened before I had my boy.

As common to most of you, I am going through the symptoms (e.g. cramps, urge to p*ke, cravings, frequent urinatn, etc.)

Nothing much to advise for 1st time mummies except to really take note of herbal soup that you intend to take. U may like to note that even @ some halls which sell herbs (e.g EYS) does have some herbal soup pkts that indicate 'Not suitable for consumption during pregnancy'.

No intention to dampen the excitement on having new little ones growing in the MTBs here. Just to share my own experience.

Please watch out on any herbal soup that you gonna take. Do not take if you are unsure if it's safe.

Let's enjoy and go through this beautiful preggie journey ahead of us.

hi everyone!

ahh there's an update table! i'm due on 6th of july - going with dr heng tung lan at east shore hospital [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] first child! hehehe ohhh the jitters

Hehe... really a lot of jul mums to be!

this is my #2.. my #1 is 21 months old and still wants me to carry ! tough not to carry her cause she will 'teh' me.. hee.. and i am a sahm now.. she is 11kg now. wonder how the 'cannot carry heavy things' apply to me.. :p

this is my blog of my #1: joybearer.wordpress.com

for my 1st preg, i am like ann and a few others and require to go for hormones injection. my gynea said i had to be injected twice a week for the whole of the first trim. on top of that, i was also given duphaston. mainly due to my miscarrige before this #1. thank God that all went well and my #1 was born in Feb last yr. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for my #2, i haven't seen the gynea yet.. booked an appt for next tue.. hopefully can see heartbeat by then (own calculation is 5.5 weeks)... saw my #1's heartbeat at week 5! hopefully can see #2's heartbeat next week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey Pat.

Twice a week is alot lei.. i wonder i can subject my butt to take 2 shots a week or not.

U are really a strong mummy.

What about brand's essence of chicken? Is it safe? My MIL made frog leg porridge with that the other day. She didn't know that i was pregnant


I took the Shi-Quan-Da-Bu-Tang. Didn't know that can't take during pregnancy.

There are also some other herbal soup which are not safe for preggers, so should take note.

Oh.. are you girls taking any pregnant woman milk? I just bought EnfaMama.. not sure good or not.. there are other brands too.. not sure which is good.

Any reccommendation?


I am not too sure about brand's chic essence. Perhaps you want to read the packaging instructions for more details. I am abt to start taking chic essence as I am really feeling tired nowadays. Will do the reading too.

Does your mum know abt your pregnancy? If so, can ask her. I think frog leg should not have much issue since it's not herbs.


I am not taking any preggie milk yet. Trying to be hardworking to take HL milk, Hi-calcium soya bean milk, yougurt drink w/ calcium. I kinda like the Marigold yougurt drink w/ calcium coz of its sourish taste. @ least MS wun be that severe after taking it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW, I am not taking any multi vits. Only folic acid and fish oil. For my #1, I took folic acid and fish oil thru'out too.

Wow Ann! You are really very hardworking! Seems like I should go and get Vit C tablets and milk too. Actually i hate milk....

Btw, when r u seeing Dr Fong again?

Hi doobom.

They say pregnant lady should stay away from cold drink if possible so i thought buy powdered milk then can make hot drink lo. Hehe!!

Hi littlemay.

You should take Vit C because now flu season.. better boost up immune system and not get the flu.

I also not sure when seeing Dr Fong again. But going to do another blood test tomorrow. Maybe I ask tomorrow and see how. Could be next Saturday. Not sure yet.


Sorry to intrude but wondering if any of mummies interested to buy a digital baby weighing scale. I found it very useful to know my bb weight without having to wait till going to PD to know. I have one in excellent condition, letting go at $60.

Self collect at Suntec City or AMK hub or Seletar hills.

pls email [email protected] if interested.

thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ann, you are right about the immunity system. On Tuesday I had severe vomitting and pain in upper abdominal. I thought it was because of morning sickness. But when I asked Dr Fong on Thurs, he said I probably had some viral infection and he's quite worried.

YOu will prob see him again when your HCG levels reaches > 6000.


For my drinks from the fridge, I will leave it for 10-15mins till around rm temp. and take it thereafter. It should be fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi lttlemay.

Then you better start taking Vit C. Dr Fong advise me to take the Redoxen which can dissolved in water kind. So one day one tablet.

Oh.. how long does it takes for HCG to reach 6000? Seems very far away from what I am now.

Hi doobom.

I also did that but then I thought drinking milk powder for pregnant mum might be better as it contain the nutrition that a pregnant mum need. Maybe cause it's my first child, so i more KS. Hehe!!


I'm also spotting now and then too. When I saw my gynae last monday, she wanted me to rest for whole week at home but I only took 2 days ML to rest at home. Bleeding stopped then I became lazy in taking the medicine.

Just now carried my 15kg #1 at Vivo...an hour later, saw some fresh blood... hmm, keeping fingers and toes crossed. Will refrain from carrying my active toddler for the time being.

About jabs on buttock

I also had those painful weekly jabs on buttock for my #1 then. Painful. But then when I look at him now, all pain forgotten... including the 18-hour long labour! haha

So all pain worth it lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ann, I also plan to buy milk powder to drink. As I still have spotting so i refrain myself from cold drinks. My friends recommend me Anmum as she says is not so sweet. I so scared i will puke cos i really hate milk. Hahaha...

Hi phy, me still now still ve brown discharge on n off. So Sian. i already stop myself from walking but still have it. Especially when i tummyache and i started "pushing" in the toilet. I think for the time being, u dont carry ur #1 so much first. Try to rest as much as possible. We will go thru it!

Hello Ann.

I just went to buy Redoxon. The effervescent tablet is 1000mg. I asked the pharmacist if it is ok for pregnant woman....She says 1000mg is quite high, she's not sure if it is ok.

Is yours also 1000mg?


anyone interested in maternity support band?

Carriwell Maternity Support Band

Comfort, support and confidence are your primary objectives. The Carriwell Maternity Support Band is uniquely designed for discreet and comfortable support of your back and tummy.

- The unique knitting process ensures no roll-down effect.

- Fits comfortably over your tummy and will not irritate your skin.

- Can be worn discreetly under tight clothing, seamless.

- Velvety soft and sleek microfibre fabric.

-Bought in Apr 2009 from www.mylittleangelsmaternity.com.

-Used less than 5 times.

-Condition : Near to brand new.

-Original price selling $24.90.

-Willing to let go at $20.00.

Colour :White Size : M (37"- 44")

Include normal postage. Or meet at woodlands causeway point.

Pls PM me.

Hi Picotin, thks for the info. I was quite worry initially that cramping is not normal.

Hi Srumpee, my no.1 is 16 mths old now weighting abt 11kg. She is very stick to me and prefer me to carry her than anyone else.

Selling a pre-loved First Yrs Close n Secure sleeper (price nego for sincere buyer). Condition 8/10. Lightly used. Good for mothers who wanna sleep with baby, and u can also bring it with u when visiting yr relatives cos can put it on the floor n let baby sleep. Soft n sturdy backing. Kiddy palace selling at $89.

Self collect at my place (bt batok). Pls pm me for enquiries.


Hello! I just tested positive last week as well... It was really unexpected because I tested myself negative twice. First time was after I missed my period for 5 days and second test was end of Oct when I still didn't get my menses. I started to experience cramps and brownish discharge so I went to the doc thinking I have some illness! End up I am pregnant.. Doc says the brown discharge is old blood... When doing scan can only see the sac and i am predicted to be 4-5 weeks only. I am on Duphaston too. Going for my checkup 2 weeks later. Hope everything will be fine.

