(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

For me, i think is fish. Everyday I must have fish. At first I don't realise it till my MIL ask me then I realise I had a craving for fish all along.



hi mummies and MTBs,

i am currently 4 wks pregnant and i want to know if its ok to carry my older baby who is abt 9kg now? i can't bear not to. thanks for your advise!

Ann - me too cravng for fish everyday! donno y..haha.. anyway eat more fish is good for baby brain development[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ann & Astro Gal,

Me too crave for fish everyday. But there are certain fishes we should avoid right?

Does anybody know what type of fishes we are supposed to avoid? I know mackerel & swordfish

I think we can eat most fish. Some research I done.

Do not eat Shark, Swordfish, King Mackerel, or Tilefish because they contain high levels of mercury.

Fish including sardines, light tuna and salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids -- components of fat known to help brain development.

The current recommended amount for pregnant women is no more than two portions of oily fish per week. Oily fish are like salmon, trout or herring, etc.

Other than that, i think we can eat as much fish as we like.

Pris - if eating steam fish turn u off, can try taking fried fish..less fish smell that will turn u off i think. anyway if u cant seems to swallow fish can always supplement with those fish oil tablet.

Hi Ann,

I'm going at about lunch time too. I will look out for someone who's there for injection. Hee hee.

Dr Fong uses vagainal scan. Actually most gynae use that for less than 8 weeks pregnant. I think.

Hi Ann,

I'm going at about lunch time too. I will look out for someone who's there for injection. Hee hee.

Dr Fong uses vaginal scan. Actually most gynae use that for less than 8 weeks pregnant. I think.

Hi Celine,

I've also experienced the same too. Eat light but more meals.. I can only eat mouthful of rice for lunch/dinner, often puke after drinking milk. My MS for no. 1 lasted till I gave birth so I'm praying hard that MS for this no. 2 will end after 1st Trim.

My Gynae said lost of weight for first trim is normal..

Can I ask how do you mummies choose Gynae?? My collegue recommend me to go to Dr Fong too.. how's the experience with him Ann & Little May.

I'm lost.. know I'm suppose to go see a gynae but dunno who to choose.

Hey littlemay.

I went there during lunch time.. was looking for a flat tummy girl.. unsure if that person is you or not since that is the only flat tummy girl i saw. Haha!!

They totally forgotten I was there to take injection and I waited for 45 mins.

Hi Shirley, that's such an awesome feeling isnt it...hearing the heartbeat = )

Noknok...I guess its thru recommendations. Friends who have a positive experience with their gynae. Since the first visit is just a check up to confirm pregnancy and no need to sign any package yet, you can always try another if you're not comfortable with the gynae.

Hi Noknok.

Normally how we choose is through recommendation by friends and review on forum.

Dr Fong is a very good fatherly gynae. With him, I know i am in good hand and i know he will do everything he can to help me deliver the baby safely.

Hi Noknok,

Me also thru recommendation by friend and ensure not blacklist in any forum. Also consider the proximity from my home. not in town ,which is near traffic , if not emergency also difficult to get to Clinic or hospital.

Hi Ann,

It has been a sad day for me. I'm supposed to be in my 6th week now but through the scan, I can still only see the waterbag and not the yolk sac. Dr Fong says one reason is that the baby is probably not growing normally and he was really worried....he ask me to go for another scan on Monday....but deep down inside, I know the baby is gone. I already do not have any of the pregnancy sypmtoms.

Congrats to all those who are able to see the heartbeat...this has been really a roller coaster ride....But I will not give up hope...

Nok Nok, its good to find a gynae that you are comfortable with. My hubby and I feel really comfortable with Dr Fong. And I can see that he is genuinely concerned about the wellbeing of the baby.

Littlemay.. that's the spirit.. don't give up hope.. all the best for Monday. Thanks for the advice too.

Ann / Littlemay.. may I know if it's ok if I switch between the two clinics of Dr Fong. Cos I wan hubby to go with me at least for my 1st appointment, but subsequently tiong bahru one will be nearer for me from work. Also, is he really really popular that he's super busy??

Pris, Ya... though small but could see the heart blinking...

Littlemay, is this the 1st time u did the scan? maybe there is a miscalculation of the date as your conception might start late.. I encounter pain last week and went for a scan to check.. but the doc could not see the yolk sac too... & was kinda of worried too......but today i could see the heartbeat. so dun give up 1st. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey Littlemay.

Don't think negatively. Dr Fong could have miscalculated pregnancy week. The other gynae i saw say i am in week 3 coming 4 and Dr Fong say I am in week 4 coming 5. So it's very hard to say. Your blood test result was fine right?? Remember last time you scan, you can't see anything but today you can see the sac.

Maybe wait a little and see how. Don't give up yet.

Hi Noknok

It's fine to switch between the 2 clinics. It's still be the same gynae following up with you. So no worried.


Hugz... Please don't think the worst yet. There's always hope and hope keeps us going. Don't declare hopeless in this case as any slim chances is still a chance.

I'm sure your baby wants to be in this world [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stay positive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Do think positive. For the earliest stage, it is quite difficult to pin point exactly how many weeks we really are. For my case, I went to see gynae last week, according to their calculations base on lmp, I should be 7weeks. But the scan show about 5weeks.

I have unusually long period cycle of 43 days for the past few months. Maybe your cycle is a bit longer for the conception month...thats explain why the scan seems smaller.

I will be going for my next visit next monday too.

Jiayou! and good luck to everyone too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I can't seems to take milk too. For my number1, I drink milk everyday. For number2, i puke when i drink milk. For this number 3, seems like no milk for her also. I already got a feeling that should be a "her"..haha. I have 2 girls already, so this one will make it 3.

My 1st one was delivered by Dr Ang,same gynae as yours. For my 2nd one I change gynae to Dr Douglas Ong. This 3rd one, I will stick to Dr Ong[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little May,

Think positive..perhaps the yolk sac is hidding somewhere..maybe monday it will appear.

No pregnancy symptoms doesnt mean anything..it could be your hormone level is balanced thats y no sypmtoms.

Thanks all for your encouragement.

There should not be a miscalculation because the number of weeks was computed from my ovulation date, which was based on the ovulation test strip.

This is my 2nd scan, the 1st scan last week i mentioned i saw a shadow. That is the water bag (or gestational sac)...This week I saw the shadow again and nothing else. According to the size of the water bag, it is 6 weeks. However, just no fetal (yolk sac). Only hope is that its really hiding somewhere.

Anyway I wish all of you the best. Thanks.

Hi Mommies....

I just found out i am pregnant today with my 2nd one... I am so happy and i couldnt stop smiling..

The worst thing is that i cannot tell anyone yet(except my husband)... i am so happyyyyyyyyy....

littlemay: I am so so sorry to hear about your visit today. All I can say is to please try to be positive. These scans are all a bit crazy at times. The yolksac is generally seen from mid 5th week to early 6th week. If you are just at 6 weeks, the yolksac may well be detectible in a day or two - so keep up the faith for Monday! Did Dr Fong tell you the size of the gestational sac? Read that it's only where the gestational sac is larger than 15-18mm and there is no fetal pole or no heartbeat that a diagnosis of miscarriage is made: http://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancycomplications/earlyfetaldevelopment.htm

Renee - I think you should be fine carrying 9kg. Our ancestors all worked in the fields during their pregnancies and did fine. A bit of lifting should be ok. But of cos don't overdo it and if you start to feel pains etc, then stop. My girl is 13kg - still carrying her everywhere

Congrats to Shirley and Emily and Kocey (hope I did not miss anyone out).

Nok Nok: Most people choose gynaes by word of mouth. Some factors to take into account:

1. Do you have a hospital in mind already?

Some mummies have strong views about which hospital they want to deliver at -eg because of convenience, closeness to house/parents' house etc. Not all gynaes can deliver at all hospitals. So must check.

2. What kind of birth/pregnancy philosophy you have and whether your gynae shares this - some gynaes are very interventionist (prescribe anti-MC medicine/hormones/bed rest etc and are very pro-drug pain relief/C-section/induction) so a pro-natural mummy may not do well with him. the reverse is true too - if the mummy would like more interventions and the doctor is very pro-natural, probably not a good fit also. For me, I didn't check this with my first gynae (a really lovely man!) and only started thinking about this in 2nd tri. So had to hunt around for a different gynae during my 3rd tri - very stressful! But I'm so so glad I made the switch. Made all the difference.

Ecym - Thanks again for maintaining the list for us. I haven't settled on Mt A for my hospital just yet. In fact, I suspect TMC is more likely. Delivered at Gleneagles the first time around. Just leave my entry blank for now can? Got to think and discuss with my gynae and doula first.

Shann Yheng - Not on duphaston but my friends on it say it makes them VERY sleepy

Hi hi

I'm quite excited. 1st pregnancy. At 32 years old. Tested positive on a Clearblue kit on Sun and Wed. Last period is 13 Oct, so around 4 weeks now.

Wondering if seeing the gynae next week at week 5 is too early?

Also training for marathon in Dec. Wondering if anyone has any experience running marathon in 1st trimester?

So far, no symptoms, other than a nagging ache in tummy area. No spotting though. Does anyone share similar symptoms?

hi julie: we're symptom-twins! I have the occasional dull cramp but that's about it. No MS, no blood, no nausea, no food aversions. I don't think there is any point seeing a gynae at Week 5 if you're not experiencing any complications (eg: spotting, sharp pains which may point to an ectopic pregnancy). Week 7 would be a better time to hear the heartbeat etc.

As for running a marathon, best to check with your gynae - I think doctors generally advise that you can continue whatever exercise you are used to doing, but there is a bit of a problem for the fetus if you 'overheat' and if your heart rate exceeds 130-140bpm (can't recall the exact figure, should be around there). Here's a good article - http://health.usnews.com/articles/health/2007/11/06/marathon-winner-ran-throughout-her-pregnancy-should-you.html - if only we were all like Paula! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies, i'm from ttc 2010 thread..i just tested faint +ve line this morning...then around 11pm, i tested again, but no more line...so not sure if i'm "still" preggy or probably it's still early and HCG not high...no MS, just the pulling pain and cramping at uterus (expand and contract feeling), super tired and backache..no sore boobies...today is my CD35...anyone tested faint +ve line, then after tt no line??i'm super confused..

my colleague sent me this link...makes me even more worried...so scared that i'll fall flat on my face from cloud nine... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I am Telly Tubby- hang in there, HCG levels highest in the morning so if you are very early on, then it is poss that you got a positive result in the morning then a neg one later ESP if you were drinking lots of water that day. What is CD35? Most people say if you test at 14 dpo (days past ovulation) you should get an accurate result.

picotin - u can call me Tubby.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] easier... CD35 = 35 days from the first day of my last menses...i'm working nite shifts, so i dun have "morning urine"...and during nite shifts i sleep about 6 hours a day...intermitently waking up...this cycle was crazy...my OPKs never detected LH surge...i had double lines since CD12 up till now so i dunno what DPO i'm in...confusing...and i'm cramping quite a bit...like squeezing tight and then expand and then minutes later contract and expand again...

Hi Tubby.

Maybe you should wait another few more days and test again.

Normally it is best to test a few days after you are late.

hi tubby,

I think you can test once you wake up from sleep, since you are on night shift.

May have 2 possibilities. One is hcg level still very low, so if urine not concentrated enough, cannot pick up accurately.

2nd possibility is chemical pregnancy. In this case AF will report slightly later than usual.

Suggest that you wait for 1 more day then test.

If positive, should be able to see the faint line again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Tubby - what's your normal cycle like? 35 days? 40 days? As Ann has said, if you can't quite pinpoint ovulation date, best to wait until your period is due before testing. Gd luck!

