(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Take good care, Jo Lyn. Were you able to hear the heartbeat already? Once the HB is heard, chances of M/C are very low. Sorry to hear about the bleeds. Will hope for a good outcome for you.



littlemay: only manage to see the sac right now. Then got the waterbag lor. He says is too early to see much right now. But mention that the position everything is normal and good.

Picotin: No heartbeat detected yet. Guess gotta wait till my next visit. Hope everything is fine!!!

Hahahha.. I also not sure is what lah. The doc scan and explain i just see n okok. All black black also mah... Heehee :p

ecym: U can update mine. EDD: 12th Jul. Hospital: TMC. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya, as long as the doc says its fine, we should trust them!

Its so great to have someone like you gals to talk to! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey littlemay.

Yup I did went to see Dr Fong at 12.30pm. Long wait right? But for me, quite fast or becos i was having long lunch while waiting. haha!!

Dr Fong asked me when is my first day of menses and when is my ovulation date. I told him I don't know my ovulation date as me & hubby were not planning for a kid since it was so near my planned operation month which is in Dec. Then he estimated me to be about 4 and half weeks preggy into my 5th week. He told me if he scan for me now, he will not be able to see anything except a black dot. So ask me if I wanna wait 1 week more to scan and see if BB grow or do blood test. I told him I will do blood test even though I am scared of needles.

Then he ask me how I am feeling. I told him nauseous, tired, hungry , lips dry and sometime cramps. Then he say everything is normal except cramps. He told me if I feel cramps means the womb is actually contracting. He mentioned that I have polycystic ovary so hormone released might not be enough. He gave me utrogestran which is same as littlemay to increase my progesterone to stable my womb condition so that I would not experience cramb. Currently I need to take 1 pills 3 times a day.

Told me to rest. Less walking, no carrying of heavy thing, no housework and no shopping. Hubby was so happy when he heard the no shopping portion. But I told him I can still do online shopping. Then hubby emphasize no shopping again. Then Dr Fong say as long as less walking is involved. I laughed in hubby's face and say I can do online shopping but he can't do online housework. Dr Fong smiled and say that he had to agree and told hubby to bear with it for the moment. Hehe!!

Dr Fong took blood test for me today and i am supposed to go back again on Saturday to do another blood test. Hopefully everything turn out well. Dr Fong also gave me 2 days MC to rest at home so long weekend for me. Yeah!! Haha!!

Now I am just sleeping at home most of the time and doing nothing much. Can't even carry my dogs cause each weigh about 6kg. Have to wait for hubby to come back and help me carry them to me. Oh.. Dr Fong also say no squatting and no cooling stuff. First trimester is the crucial period so he will do everything to help us.

Oh.. i ask him if he need to do another preg test to ensure. He told me the blood test will be able to tell him. Then he ask me if I brought the preg stick with me. I told him no lei but got take picture. Then i show him the photo and he say yup, it's a positive.. can see very clearly.

He ask us to relax and enjoy and leave the worrying part to him.

Before we left, he even say good job by the both of you. I was like laughing out of the room.

I really like Dr Fong.. he is just so caring.

Oh.. I asked Dr Fong if I should start taking other supplement beside folic acid like fish oil capsule, calcium pills or iron pills.. he say all this should come after the 1st trimester. Now only concentrate on the folic acid pill and utrogestran he given me. He also advice me to take vitamin C pill as the flu season is here. Maybe you ladies should do so too.

Hey Ann!

Haha..the no housework part defi sounds good ya = )

What dogs do you have? I have 2 schnauzers..husband keeps telling me I'm not suppose to carry them or play catching with them now but they are so playful!

hi ann, ya, dr fong said about the same things to me. But i forgot about the squatting part, still did some squatting. ya he's a very nice gynae. Although he's a fertility specialist, actually i didnt use those treatment. Conceived naturally. He.s really nice! ann, let,s share tips ok? Cos sometimes i forgot wat he say


yah, $150 a pop is quite ex. must be gd! i may scout ard a bit first for the time being

jo lyn

yes! he will be away i was told when i called so appt is for wk after next... i cant wait [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] from online calculator i tink my EDD may be 17th July thereabt but i am only guestimating [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bec duno ovulation date lah

Hey Pris.

Ya.. no need to do housework is good.Hehe!!

I got a westie and a X silky terrier. My hubby also say the same thing. But sometime I just like to hug them cause they deserve hugs everyday.

My relative say dogs will get jealous and know there will be a new addition to the house. But I see my westie.. bo chap one.. more worried about the X-silky terrier.. she more manja. Hehe!!

Hi littlemay.

I also conceive naturally. Quite unexpected in a way though I always wanted a baby. Hehe!!

Sure.. we should exchanged tips. I also sometime forget. But hubby will remember.

littlemay: that dark shadow outline is the yolk sac, I think. i know, some of the scans v hard to see - i just go, "ok if u say so" most of the time!

ann: dr fong sounds so nice! glad you had a good visit with him. i have cramping too...didn't have it with the first one at all, so i found it a bit odd. dr fong said it's not normal? hmm... maybe i shld go see him and get MC too. i'm actually quite disciplined during my 1st preg, didn't take MC at all - just worked straight thru. but i hear second pregnancies are more stressful maybe cos mummy has to cope with toddler no 1 as well

hael: when was your LMP? i think we may be due around the same time. i estimate anytime between 13-18 july.

jo lyn: don't worry, i'm sure all is well. i don't think a heartbeat is usually detected until abt 6.5-7 weeks (ie 4.5-5 weeks post-conception) - we just gotta be patient in the meantime! hard tho!

Hi Picotin.

Dr Fong is good. I think he is a very cautious doctor. If you have cramping, maybe you should see him. He told me not good to experience cramp cos he say it might mean the womb is contracting and might cause miscarriage if left alone. If you expriencing cramping often, then better go to your gynae. Could be lack of progesterone like me and littlemay.

I heard a different thing about 2nd child. I heard mummy cope better. Haha!! But I think different pple different experience ba.

Hi Ann - Thanks, I might do that if the cramping continues. I've always been with pro-natural doctors who don't recommend drugs etc to sustain early pregnancies. They are of the 'let nature take its course' school. I guess I am the same - most of the time! Dr Fong is at TMC?

Haha 2nd time mummies are more tired! I promise! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, this is my 2nd preg and i have cramping too, duno isit normal? I still carry my no.1 who is over 10kg everyday. I haven't make appt with gynae yet, thought of doing so 2 weeks later when i can the scan clearer and hear the heartbeat.

Picotin - Dr Fong practice at all pte hospitals. That's all I know. But I think I will choose Mt A. Nearer to my house too. Haha!!

Hi Cheerymum.

I heard cramping is normal. But then sometime cramping is not. So if it continues or happen regular then better see your gynae sooner.

Ann - oh I see, thanks for the info! where is his clinic please? and can I have his full name? oooh Mt A used to have water tub facilities too - can consider?

Cheerymum - just read online that cramping is quite common and if unaccompanied with bleeding and if not severe, should be normal. It is caused by the expansion of the uterus as the hormones make it enlarge to prepare for the later stages of pregnancy. Some pple say subsequent mums (i.e. 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc) feel more cramps, which makes sense because our uteruses do seem to expand faster (they remember what to do from the last time!). Guess we should view this as the price to pay for a shorter delivery time this time around.

Thanks Ann!

Yeah water tubs are great during labour. Didn't get to try the last time, hopefully I will this round.


How old is your no.1? I m expecting no.2, going to gynae tomorrow. My no.1 is only 7mths 3 weeks and he weighs 11kg, can't imagine having to carry him

Hi All Mum-To-Be,

I'm new here..just cmf by gynae to be 5 wks pregnant last wk..

This is my first pregnancy.. but kinda of lost..what are the dos and don't?

Hope to learn more things from you gals.

morning ladies, what's water tub facilities? ;) and thanks for all the info on ultra scan. Now i know wat to expect during my next visit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm also still having menstrual like cramps despite the utrogestan. But i think as long as its not too severe and persistent, it shld be fine.

i just went to the website that picotin gave. My scan looks like the week 4 scan ( even though im supposed to be 5 weeks). Can only see the gestational sac. No yolk sac. Well, i guess its difficult to figure such things out.


that's true! I get tired so easily and was complaining to him that I wasnt this tired with the 1st kid! Now I feel like an old woman; back ache, sleepy, strain on lower ab..

littlemay: some hospitals (rare!) provide water tubs (like a big bath tub filled with warm water) in delivery suites for MTBs to use during labour. helps with pain management. don't worry abt the scan, sometimes the yolk sac is hard to see and there is also a chance you ovulated later than you think and are therefore not as far gone as you estimate - at this stage, plus or minus a few days can make a big diff to what shows up on the scan.

fau: yeah - i hear you! definitely a bit more sian this time around. cramps better this morning - practically gone - but not holding my breath, they may come back tonight.

megane: welcome! and congrats! nothing to do or don't do right now - just take your vitamins (esp folic acid), rest when you can and see a gynae around 7-8 weeks for a dating scan if there are no complications.

Hey littlemay.

Do u feel sleepy or drowsy after taking utrogestan? Was suppose to feel that effect but i don't feel so. In fact, I felt less tired lei. Haha.. dunno why.

Tomorrow another blood test. Sian.. so painful but for BB, I do it. Hopefully BB can feel mummy trying her best to bring him/her into the world. So he/she should do their best in surviving and grow healthily.

I was just telling hubby I can't differentiate cramping from tummyache... weird right? Haha!!

Ecym - Yeah.. I was hoping I am not the only dog owner too. So now we have 3 dog owners. Hehe!!

Ann - i think the cramping is something u feel when u have ur menses. btw why are u taking the blood test?

i got 2 miniature schnauzers too! but they live with my mum and come over during the weekend!

Hi C.

I am taking blood test because I would like to find out if BB is growing and check my hcg level.

The clinic just called and told me my hcg level quite low.. only 55.41. They are looking for about more than 100. Ask me to go down to take an injection and to take 2 pills of utrogestan instead of one.

I feel very worried now. Going off to get my injection now. Felt like crying liao.

Picotin - thanks alot. Im taking supplement now already..but having progestrone jabs on alternate day..

Ann - I have the same feeling here..pregnant woman shld feel tired..but i feel less tired even though i had jab on alternate day..dunno y too..

Hi Ann..

I feel super sleepy after taking Utrogestran. Don't worry too much about the blood test results. The 55.41 is the progesterone levels, not the beta-hcg levels. The blood test that Dr Fong give us is for 1) test progesterone levels and 2) beta-hcg levels. My progesterone levels was 74 during the 1st test. Dr Fong also said low...but 2 days later, because of the medicine, it shot up to 536.

As for the beta-hcg levels, this level is supposed to double at your next blood test.

I have no problems with the blood test, no pain...But the injections are literally a pain the ass. Caused swelling and aches in my BUM!!


my gynae is Dr Chen from Gleneagles =)

after I had the progestrone jab..it made me sleepy too thereafter but i try to feel earlier..the next monday i felt better

Ann - stay positive & everything will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey Ann!

Just rest well and keep everything in prayer..all will be fine! =)

Hullo Megane!

Really nice to have all the mummies here sharing experiences...at least we know some of the aches and pains we feel are nothing unusual after all and not feel so anxious about at = )

Hi all,

Just found out I'm preggy with no. 2, shld be 3 to 4 weeks now.

No. 1 is already 10, so feels like a novice again ... LOL


u shld be ok - rem to [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] & be +ve and u shld be fine


yr jab was at the buttocks? how come not on the arm?

