(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

My mother in law also bring down one cube of laughing cow cheese everytime she come downstair to fetch my boy. Only food can make him release his grip from me and go to her willingly. Haha!!



yes yes tt's the 1..gt different colour de..ya need to melt. did u try? how's the taste. mine is tiam jiak 1 loh..give him anything he also eat de...tt time we gave him curry..he eat liao then cry coz spicy..after tt he comes bk for more..then eat liao cry again...=.=!!

the laughing cow cheese like wonder cheese. alot of bb like it wor..sometimes i will take 1 out then put at the rm temp for about 15mins then it will become soft soft. after tt i will stir into the porriage..=X gt salty taste.

Lasery: mine also greedy gal... as long as its edible, cfm got big reactions.

my bb also like Cheese... any brand also can !

sounds like Laughing Cow is highly recommended... will get it over the weekend give bb eat with her bread too...


Mine over greedy le loh. Yesterday i was eating meat ball from the japanese grill then the other hand was carrying him. i bite half liao then he stare at mi with his eyes very very big n give the angry face. After tt he take my hand with half the meat ball n put into his mouth n bite. Snatch food xia..( he aready finish 1 adult bowl of porriage be4 tt )

Then i put the rest into my mouth. He see liao super angry, keep pointing at the packet n say mum mum mum mum very loud. Hubby see liao duno wanna laugh or what n say "where gt kid so greedy 1" .

Lasery: my gal will do the snatching of food too if she waited for too long to be fed. especially when food is just before her eyes.

me n hubby also not greedy for food sort but our bb behaves like one... -.-lll

Thanks for all mummies sharing their pressure "cheese story" , make me more confident to start introduce to my boy. Honestly, this thread forum make me not alone at all.


you are confirm not alone...we have plenty of kids trouble coming in soon when they reaches the terrible 2.

oh ya, any mummies here feeding bb NAN pro? there's a event at 27 & 28 Aug at suntec. Finally after the long wait, i get to see NAN pro 4...donit to change milk powder after all.

Sandy: Kayden is drinking a mixture of nan pro 2 and karihome goat milk 2. Thinking of changing him to Nan pro 2 again. Think Karihome goat milk too heaty for him.

Kayden suddenly developed fever in the morning. MIL brought him to see doc and doc say maybe going to develop flu soon. Should have notice something was wrong when he slept so long yesterday morning. Normally when I pick him up from bed to go out, he will wake up but yesterday morning he did not.. he slept all the way in the car till we reach my MIL house. Hai....


can't blame also lah. it's the weather problem. mine also falling sick soon. (gt tt guts feel)..can heard him cough once awhile n nose block once awhile too.

it's due to the 7th month people keep burning the incense paper n super sun + sudden rain.

have to keep giving him water / barley water to cool of the heatiness. bb L heaty until gt pimple on his face n head...lolx

lasery2k: Ya lo.. Kayden also got pimples on his face lei.. i ask my MIL to stop giving porridge to him for today, let him drink milk and brew barley water for him to drink. Cut down on all heaty snacks.. let him snack on fruits. Hopefully he will recover soon. Wanna bring him to zoo this sat but now i think cannot le. Hai...

Lasery: Anything special at the fair at suntec? Mine is drinking Nan HA.

Ann: You did not change to stage 3 for Kayden? Mine is drinking Nan HA 3 now, but the poo is abit hard..pooing on alternate days.not like last time every day.

charliebrown: Nope I didn't. Cause Nan pro 3 caused kayden to constipate badly. So I stop stage 3 and revert back to stage 2. I think quite a few mummies in the forum also got issue with stage 3 formula.


i ask my maid to increase the porriage feeding n give him less milk instead.. hahaha we do opp..milk more heaty rite?

i ask the maid to use the barley water to make milk instead of use water.


eh it's next weekend..haven start..saw online at the nestle website. gt goodie bags..weaning dvd worth $20 or a box of cerelac toddler cereal when u bring friends with bb age 6 mths - 3yrs.

-bb gym & bonding sessions by tumble tots

-complimentary samples n goodies.

-intro of NAN pro 4

-free bb nutri consultation by experts

-complimentary bb/family portrait n free balloons


i gt no issue with stage 3 wor..u gt notice the stage 3 and stage 2 the powder is different de..stage 2 is cow milk powder. while stage 3 is soy with cow milk. if not wrong. coz the taste is the same as NAN HA for NAN PRO3.

so disgusting lor i taste liao...=X

LOL, I also think the NAN milk powder is v bitter, but K enjoys it v much. Likes to drink milk.

I also feel like changing back to stage 2 after this tin of stage 3. See the poo also hard pain for his poor butts.

Sandy: No lei.. porridge will make fever worse.. that is what my mum told me cause body will have lots of carbohydrate to burn ma. Since old pple say so then i follow lo. Mum say give more milk cause milk also consider as intake of water so better for the body. Ya.. mum also say use barley water to make milk for him. You going to change to Nan Pro 4 for Baby Luke ah?

charliebrown: If K really constipate badly, then maybe should just stop and revert back. Although a bit wasteful but I feel it would be better for the kid too. Later poo painfully then they develop phobia of pooping ah. Hehe!!


yes yes, bitter is the word...taste like those new year bitter cracker.

my boy also ok leh with the taste.

the stage 2 pro taste like normal milk power loh. sweet sweet de..duno y the pro 3 become like HA taste.

next year change to pro 4 liao. duno how will it taste like...=.=!!


not yet wor..pro 4 is for 2yrs onwards..

i saw at NTUC those new NAN PRO 3 gt put 10months til duno how many years old. the old version only put 10months onwards.

They changing the packaging to more detail to as alot of parents call in to ask pro 3 until wat age. then recently pro 4 came out..


yap yap, feed the porriage water for fever n diarrhea. my mum always boil tt for mi when i diarrhea..

weak stomach so always get food poisoning de..

Hi all,

I change the teat already & it does increase his intake by a little...

Lai - my boy also eat nestle oat with prunes cereal - but i just mixed the milk also...

babybel cheese - my boy also dun like it...

but the laughing cow cheese quite salty right? maybe will let him try when he is slightly older...

My hubby just called me and say Kayden's temp now is 39.2. Rushing him to hospital now. Now going to meet him. So worried. Tears coming down soon.

Eeee...really ar..the babybel like not lot of bb like leh...duno shld i buy n try mah...erm..what colour u bought keropi? Cheese bought the yellow 1 but bb don't like also.

i think they gt yellow, red n green.


don't cry...bb k will be fine de..stay strong. bb need yr support.

just notice, nowadays our generation bbs once fever sure hit 39 plus..

Sandy: Thanks. Doctor say might be viral Infection. He cannot keep anything in the stomach. Drink milk also vomit. Give abit of fruit also vomit. Luckily after given bufen, his temp went down by quite abit, so manage to drink milk but still vomit abit out. Now finally sleep le.


it's normal...coz the temp too high tt's y will cause the vomiting...tt time when bb L was having very high fever, i use normal temp water to make milk or slight cold water so tt he drink liao the temp won't go up.

n make him eat alot of fruits n hydrate him with alot of water..=X

part n parcel of growing up..worried the parents sick..

Ann: great to hear bb k is fine now!

my bb c last nite also got slight fever (37.6) i faster give Paracetamol (3ml). Then today put the medi in her sch bag and tell the teachers to look out.

think the growing stage now is really not easy.

lasery2k - I tried both the red & yellow one... he will give me the "wanted to vomit kind of look when he taste the cheese"....

Ann - not to worry too much....cos if viral infection the fever will stay high for around 5 days before going down... just need to monitor him closely... it could be very tiring cos got to wake up in the middle of the night to take the temp... take care of yourself too...


Can i ask the NAN pro event on 27 & 28 Aug at suntec... U know which tower??

My bb boy also drink Nan Pro 2.. i nv change to nan pro 3 at all although it write 10mths above. PD said dun need change so early.. so i intend to change when he is 15mths, maybe...

ann: hope kayden's feeling better today. Hang in there... Baby's need to fall ill to build up their immunity. That's how i console myself whenever mine falls ill.


Shld be at the convention area.


mi going at sat afternoon too. Around 3pm plus like tt. Coz bb L shld have eaten his lunch n taken a nap..like tt not so grouchy.

4 visits to Mount A, Close to $400 spent. Hope he is really getting better. After today, i hope it is my last visit to the hospital. Hope bb K will really get well soon.

Ann, hope Kayden gets well soon.

cheese: i introduced my gal to cheese after reading you mummies' experience. i bought Kraft cheese. weird though. first day i gave, she enjoyed eating so much then on the second day, she spit out whenever i put in her mouth. initially i was so happy thinking that my gal is finally able to eat a new food but now i guess i have to keep trying... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


it's like tt de lah..mine also wat..gt new food new toys..keep eating n wanting to play with it..after sick n tired of it then don't want liao..maybe can try like one week once or few days ltr then give again loh..

Sweetkiss. I tried twice but JL dun like melted cheese eh..

and I will try again.But for those laughing cow small cubes he like it!

We just have to try again...

haha.. okie i will try again... luckily i like cheese so i can finish it if she doesnt want. when i tried cod liver oil, same case but i wanna puke at the smell of it. at least my gal likes it now so my efforts have not gone to waste. lol

Sweetkiss, my bb is the same. She can like a certain food one day, look like she's going to vomit when I give her the same thing the next day. I guess we just have to keep trying.


totally so true...i can give him ABC pasta in the morning n he finish like such heavenly food.

Evening give again. He spit out n give the vomit action. angry xia.

Lasery: hahaha! Very funny la u! Btw how to make the pasta sauce? Honestly I'm not so adventurous to try cos if she rejects, means I gotta cook porridge or else she got no lunch to eat. I was thinking of trying macaroni with chicken stock or something first.


Sweetkiss, for pasta sauce you can try blending tomato, potato and carrot. Very tasty and healthy. Sometimes I will top if off with mushroom (mushroom pasta? hehe) and put a pc of cheese on top, put into toaster and toast. Wait till cheese metls and mixed everything together. Very yummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

