(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hershey: review seems good. So decided to buy and try lo. Hehe!

Taka bb fair: mummies interested in huggies ultra, selling at $10.90 per pack.

My boy is not walking too... he loves to crawl around then walking.... he will cruise awhile then start crawling liao....

Any bb here started to drink lesser milk??? really dun know what to do.... hai ya....


mine recently refuse his morning milk xia...his nite feed also drop to 12am n 5.30am only. morning he rather eat cereal then take his milk. n all day long wheneva he see us eating he will walk over n mum mum mum mum like very hungry like tt..=.=!! still trying to figure out how to adjust his eating schedule now..

milk feed: just something to share... my girl was also not interested in finishing her milk. always left behind about 50-70ml out of 180ml bottle. then recently i decided to upgrade her teat to the biggest with the fastest flow. i dunno why also, just decided. now she drinks her milk faster, and finishes it most of the time. I read somewhere that babies/kids should only take 5min to finish a bottle. I suspect previously that she was bored with how long it took to finish, and just didnt have the patience! maybe just something to try if you ladies havent already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

peanut, my boy had started a very big hole since birth.. im using pigeon the lastest teats + we cut the hold ourself..on gooddays he can finish within 5mins If i cut again, I think is = using straw to drink...

haiz... BUT let me try to cut another round tonight if it helps! hee

Keropi, Lasery: My boy used to be able to drink 200ml each time, but now only about 150ml. he usually chao kuan, will leave some in the bottle. Sometimes he will pretend to cough then refuse to drink after that!

Peanut: I did try changing to faster flow teat a while back (Pigeon teat 'Y') and that has helped [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but fast or slow teat, he sometimes will choke or pretend to cough and then stop drinking! give up... haiz

My boy drinks on an average about 600ml -650ml a day, so I also dunno if he is drinking enough.

Now that our bbs are toddlers, shld they be drinking more or be drinking less? Considering that they are eating more solids now.

Kayden also reduce his milk intake from 6 scoops of milk to 5 scoops of milk. Kayden is using L size teat now. Unless I cut the hole further, the hole cannot get any bigger.


he's aready using L size pigeon teats (largest in the series) the flow is auto if i pour n test hotness. he can dont even need to suck the milk also will flow out..

he's drinking about 990ml per 24hrs with 2 adult bowl of porriage.

then still gt fruits n snacks which he will ask for when we r eating.

m i over feeding?

but he seems ok leh...

lasery2k, maybe u can consider giving less milk in the morn and replacing with cereal for bf? It's great that you boy has a good appetite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrs long, I was told by nurse that should reduce milk and hv 3x solids per day if possible

lasery2k, last month my boy refused to drink milk.. no matter how hungry he is or little milk i make for him.. he die die don wan to drink, only sip few mouths.. but last few weeks, he try his best to finish his milk le.. (:) heehee~~

p.s: enfagrow stage 3 milk powder.. (:)

morning & afternn feeding is 200ml (4 scoopz + 2 scoopz cereal)

night feeding is 220ml (4 scoopz + 2 scoopz cereal)

in between is porridge times.. (:)

My boy had the largest teats for pigeon plus we cut ourselves, still nv finish the milk lor... he just want to pause and drink later... so I gotta wait for a while then continue the milk..

TOday he drank 50ml and gotta stop 10mins before he finishes the remaining 100ml.

Haa.. I called mead johnson to ask about switching the FM over and also ask about the meals etc. They recommend 3 solids per day and JL only have 2solids,1 time fruits per day ever since he withdraw out from IFC 3months ago..

so they recommend me to give 60-90ml of milk on 9.30am, and a bowl of cereal/bao/oats/man tou on this timing.

His schedule as follows:-

6-6.30am 150milk

9.30am 150 milk (then will nap till 12-1pm)

12-1pm 1 HL bowl of porridge

3-4pm Fruits. Normally is apple

4-5pm 150milk (Will nap till 6.30pm)

6.30pm 1 HL bowl of porridge

9.30-10pm 150milk

PD also at first advised 3 solids a day. but since my girl sleeps early at night, it's hard to squeeze in 3 solids and 4 milk. so we only give 2 solids and 4 milk. PD said she's a good size, so 2 solids is ok. ultimately, we gotta look at our kids. i feel that numbers on a bottle can only tell us so much, our kids are the best indication. if they're growing well, are happy to play, (and we've cut all the holes in the teats! haha) then maybe sometimes we've gotta let them be.

My girl's eating schedule:

730am 210ml milk

9am breakfast (pancake or bread with cheese)

1030am to 1130/12 nap

12pm porridge (sometimes with fruits as finger food)

130pm 180ml milk

3pm to 430pm nap

430pm 180ml milk

(may have some snacks/fruits at 530pm)

630pm bathe/210ml milk/sleep

Jonas: Javion never go IFC le ah? Then who taking care of him now?

Peanut: Your girl sleep at 6.30pm ah? Very early lei.

Ann, by the time she bathes, has milk, wind down a bit then sleep, it's about 7pm already. still quite early la. i know that as they grow older, the bedtime will get later and later, so i want to start now with an earlier bedtime! anyway she sleeps through until 7 or 730am. she's quite auto already, 6pm plus she will start to rub eyes and get cranky.

yap annie,

My MIL will stay over Mon to Friday to look after him..

I intend to put in PG @ cherie heart when he is 18mths..

But hor.. my $ is stuck at previous IFC.. haven give me back..

Last time my boy sleep at 7+ or 8, I find it too rush

cos I still need to feed, bath him and have some quality time with him everyday.

Peanut, do you have this problem?

N my boy always nv sleep in IFC de.. so he tend to be more tired..

Now my MIL look after him, he can sleep till "bao bao" and temper is better..

nv get cranky often.

cheese, i'm only working part time now, 3 days a week. so i get to have plenty of time with her the other 4 days. but you're right, by the time i get home from work she's usually sleeping already. i try to wake up early in the morning to play with her and feed her before i leave for work. but usually about 1/2hr in the mornings only. when i was working full time she was still taking 3 naps a day, so her bedtime was later, about 730. now cut to 2 naps with earlier bedtime, i find her less siaosiao (she gets siaosiao when she's tired). i dont find it feasible for us to keep her up to spend time with us...altho on weekends her bedtime usually becomes 8plus, with very little naps coz we're out the whole day haha!


Yes, no worries. The average feeding for our toddler age now about 500 to 600 ml according all the relevant expert article.

All mummies:

My boys drink lesser and lesser , about 300ml per day. While the solid foods as usual, 2tbs cereal for bf, chicken pasta for

lunch n fish porridge for dinner, but, I still feel not comfortable to see my boys drink so so little milk now, any advise for me? Change the way to feed? Change milk brand? Help

Peanut, at least u are working part time only.

I always rush home so that I can feed him at 6.30pm, bath etc.

Haa.. my mil also waiting for me to come home and take back my duty from her..

Yap! Normally I got many things to do during weekends, so I try to go out only when

he have one nap time. if not very cranky..

Lai: i can't remember the brand, but it says it's cheese for kids, in a red box and comes in stick form. actually i just looked at all the packets of cheese for kids and bought the one with the lowest sodium.

cheese: ya sometimes i feel like my mum also feels sian and tired taking care of my girl, even if only 3 days. i'm sure 5 days a week is quite tiring for your mil. i'm also gonna put my girl in half day pre-nursery when she's 2 yrs old.

Lai - My boy drink lesser than your boy... he is only drink 150-180ml a day.... so i mixed 120ml of milk to his cereal to increase his milk intake...

I will try changing his teat to the biggest one... to see if helps... thanks mummies for advise... will let u all know tomorrow...


Yes yes I already think your method

But my boy suddenly stop to eat happy bellies cereal n like to eat nestle oat meal prunes favour , then, we can't anymore milk as too sweet the taste !

All mummies

From new born until now, this is 1st time I encounter milk intake problem. Hope I can find some way to settle this!

erm any mummies would like to join me on sat Royce play gym?

bb L like to eat solids more compare to have his milk. Not sure shld i swtich his breakfast to solids insteed of giving him his morning feed.

feeding schedules

wake up 180ml

lunch porriage

tea 180ml

dinner porriage

sleepy milk 240ml

12am 210ml <he>

5.30am 180ml <he>

was thinking change his wake up 180ml to oats+cereal n fruits.


any mummies using avent bottles??

for avent, the bigger teat is no 4 ma?? or got bigger too?? if not, i will need to cut the teat to make the hole bigger ma....

cos see from the previous post, my bb also nv finish up his milk at all each time.. (200ml).. sometime still need to stop awhile than continue..

jasline. teat 4 biggest liao. unless u use the cereal holes then will big bigger then teat 4. i check with the avent promotor during the taka bb fair. avent is not 1 hole de wor..it's actually 4 small holes to make up the teat. if wanna cut need to aim properly leh..

Pooping Standing up: Mummies, do you all encounter such issue? Kayden has always poo sitting down on potty eversince he was born. But now he refused to sit on potty to poo. He only wan to stand up to poo. If I ask him to sit, he will scream and cry like we are peeling his skin off. It just happen suddenly. I also dunno why. We even bought him a nice kiddy toilet seat but he also refused to sit on it. Is this just a phase which will pass? We really don't what to do.


at least yrs poo standing..mine only poo when he's eating..

so wheneva we feed him porriage or milk. he will poo n enjoy his milk along the way. Since born is like tt..Same as the dad...when things goes in. things must come out also.

Lai: at first i cut up small pieces, like the size of baby melts. but she didnt like it. probably the texture or maybe the taste too strong. then later i stuck small pieces to her pieces of bread in the morning and she ate it. now she loves cheese. sometimes she will pluck out the cheese from the bread and only eat the cheese and dump the bread out of the bowl -_-

Ann: my girl also doesnt poo in the potty so i can't really help. but i think by this age if they suddenly scream like that, something may have happened to him before that scared him. ask the main caregiver if anything caused him to scream or cry while in the toilet or on the potty?

lasery: haha your boy so cute. my girl also used to poo when drinking milk. now she'll poo immediately after she wakes up in the morning or after a nap. next time must try to catch her poo timings when we start to potty train :p

peanut: I did ask my MIL.. but she also say nothing happen. He just suddenly become like that before we gone to korea.

when my boy is at my IL's house, my MIL will let my boy sits on the potty to do his poo-business, usually in the morning after he wakes up.

Sometimes must let him sit for quite sometime.

For me, I hv no patience one cuz I still want to sleep in a little longer esp weekends mah, so if my boy after sitting on the potty seat for 5mins and already wants to get up, I'd let him be.

Change his diaper then I go lie down in bed somemore, while he plays in the room...then next thing, after 10mins he'll poo in the clean diaper! haha.


next time i shld seat him in the potty n feed him. then he will poo into the potty. like tt i faint loh.


ya. u might wanna check with the main care giver if recently anything scared him when he was pooing in the potty or anything happen to the potty? kids will associate the events as bad then will cry if he goes near tt item.

like mine scared of cold water coz at times they use cold water to wash his butt n he don't like it. the maid also like to force him or pluck him off mi to wash his butt when i m carrying him. All these add up to his phobia. wheneva we bring him to the toliet he will start screaming liao. then if we on the shower to wash his butt he will scream also.

slowly now we coax him to the toliet by "poo poo smelly need to wash( i die die need to follow along if i m at home)..if not nobody will play with u" then tell him we on the heaty outside so the water will be warm n show him the heater. then on the shower n let him feel the water then wash his butt.

Hey mummies, just wondering if any of you have encountered this problem. My boy is slightly over 1 yr old and refuse to eat anything or even drink his milk. He'll occasionally munch some crackers and take fruits and that's all. I am getting worried.

Lai: You can also try the Laughing Cow brand of cheese - comes in small cubes or triangles. I will just use the spoon to scoop and feed my boy, or spread on bread. This also has lower sodium than most brands, so better for the little ones.

Poo-ing: My boy likes to do it standing up! Notty boy recently always does that 5-15min after I change his diaper. haiz.


yes yes tt laughing cow cheese...he's so addicted to it loh. when eva he see mi holding to the cheese he will come crawling at turbo speed. (walking for him is slower) then try to snatch tt cheese from mi. i will cut 1 cube into like 4 slice then put on the bread give him.

recently i saw in NTUC Xtra there's this brand called baby cheese. it come in different colour wrapping then like those chocolate gold coins wrap in a net. Haven try be4, but the description is cheese as snacks. any mummy tried be4?


lasery2k - is it babybel?

I bought yellow colour one,comes in a net with a few cubes. Need to melt then eat.

My boy doenst like cos i melt with spagetti.. he doenst like western

But he love laughing cow cheese! I just tried giving yesterday.

