(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Morning mummies,

Did u guys received an email from SMH on Star Cruise - Baby Cruise Free promotion?

Anyone keen to take up this promo?


morning mummies ! Those staying in the east or north east area, kin to attend "beary fun gym" open house on 10 oct/11 oct ? i am joining on 11 oct 2.30pm time slot.location is at tampines

lasery : SO.. any interesting mooncake to intro.. :)

my elder brother went to bought durian wan.. 4 mooncakes $100.. fainted.. >.<

lasery : so any interesting mooncake to intro??? or nice nice mooncake.. :)

my elder brother went to bought durian mooncake.. only 4 mooncake.. cost $100.. >.<

ritz carlton mooncake..the snowskin range is nice...

then blue ribbon, it's 65% chocolate mooncake, tried the mango taste chocolate..smooth leh...

gt 1 booth sell the yam mooncake also nice...the yam is smooth n nt very sweet..forgot the booth name liao...the crust is flakey de..

then still gt goodwood loh...the snowskin range also ichiban leh...

i bought 1 box from crowne plaza hotel at changi airport. on discount $40 per box. now no discount liao.the soursop mooncake is very mouth refreshing..if u like soursop...i got the assorted box then inside only give 1 soursop. mi, hubby, my sis n my mum all aiming at it..waiting for my hubby to cut..coz it's freaking small n we saving it for hubby to share with us...=X ..personally quite like the pandan with chocolate liquor centre. it's abit sweet thou. must share cannot ownself eat. lolx

wah.. so many weird flavour mooncake created this yr ar.. nice.. wonder my hubby will wan to go taka not.. hai~~

asking him go taka is like killing him..

anyway, thanks lasery for the small brief..

chocolate mooncakes with liquor is so tempting.. :)

Hershey: Wah.. 4 durian mooncakes cost $100?? I would rather use $100 to buy durian then. Maybe more worth it. Haha!!!

I bought mooncakes from the SMH BP section this year. Yam mooncakes from Long Jiang restaurant and durian mooncakes from 717.

yes.. so expensive right.. hai~ but my brother is giving it to his client.. so no choice, have to buy top grade de... >.<

Hi mummies...

Any of ur babies now suddenly reject porridge? My boy has been like that for past few days. Did not introduce any new food except progressing him fr Enfa 2 to Enfa grow 3. He's having bit of constipation too; am not sure if it makes him rejects his porridge...


constipation could be part of the case wor. Bbs now adays are very smart liao. esp at the age of around 10mths onwards they know how to choose wat they like. After having porriage for a long long time they also will get bored of it le.

it's time to intro another new food to him liao. eg like smash rice with soup, pasta, bread, bun..

I will change his lunch menu time to time. But main meal is still porriage/soup rice/ pasta.

lunch he will have lesser portion of the main meal n after tt he would get his dessert like pudding, bread, cake, biscults, cheese sticks..

mine can be easily satisfy with 2-3mouth of porriage n follow by a mouth of plain water. like tt he also happy. as long gt something new. I always agrees on boy are more "gong gong" compare to girls.

caris, my girl same. been rejecting porridge for quite sometime. she will still eat, but 1 day's intake is only half bowl. then she would rather eat bread or biscuits. recently she is also getting interested in what we eat. but once she taste a bit she will reject. she loves white rice though. a bit of sauce or what she will spit out. only plain, white rice. and she loves playing with it when we are eating so lots of rice stick on her hair after meals. haha


at least yr's is put in mouth n eat..mine is give him, he take n feed my dog...pek chek xia..

n he always go disturb my dog...she sleeping, he will gei siao walk over n pat her. if not he will take the biscult we give him n walk to her n put infront of her. if not he will take her toy or his toy n give her.=.=!!

i think over all rice intake, my son eat more then mi xia. Sweetkiss, u can try giving her spealt bread (duno how to spell). it's nice and easier to diguest for bbs.

Cheese Pasta: JTS, I made cheese pasta using the laughing cow cheese, but found that it does not melt nicely and not as tasty too. So still prefer to use half a slice of kraft cheese for pasta.

My boy luvs the Happy Baby Munchies! I broke the munchies into half so he can self feed. When mixed with puffs he will pick out the munchies and finish them first. lol... prob had too much puffs so sian of the taste already. Mummies can let your little ones try munchies.


Mine too rejects porridge. What I do is, I feed him a few spoonful of porridge, then abit of fruit, then porridge. Slowly he can finish the porridge. But don't know what kind of eating habit I am teaching him.

bdmummy: My boy also loves HB munchies too. But is a bit salty right? So I limit the amount he takes.

lasery: bb L cute la, can share with your doggie. That time he saw me, he looked like he wanted to give me something too. So cute! I don't really let K get near my dog, cos my dog sheds alot and he is big. But K still likes my dog. Haha.

Any kid don't like plain water? Mine will drink and spit all out leh...hard to make him like plain water..


lolx, ya. he always give people things....dust, dirt, hair, anything he find.

mummy pocket always gt hole coz he take n give daddy.

i don't like water loh...i feed him using a spoon instead of bottle then he drink. so he drink water from spoon nowadays.

eh...my dog n him always fighting for mi xia...when i holding on to food, the both of them will come running over. i feed bb L my dog will use her butt n push him awyn try to snatch. then i give 1 biscult to dog, bb L will push dog awy n try to snatch. =.=!! when i come home...1 hand carry bb the other hand carry dog. but i always make it the point to pick up bb first n always is bb first then dog. if not doggy will not respect bb nex time.

now i have to sit on the floor n make them sit infront of mi. " yi ren yi kou" .want to push both also don't have, i eat everything.

Lasery: ur boy is so cute. probably cos my house no dog else she might do the same. she loves dogs and birds. once she cried when we went to the zoo cos she wanted to "take" a real duck home and i carried her away. okie i will look for the bread.. usually i give white, raisin or wholemeal bread though.

bdmummy: i tried making pasta last weekend too, for the first time. i also used half a slice of kraft cheese. not i thick skinned but i find it yummy but my girl ate a few spoonfuls and refuse liao. sigh!

charliebrown: i wouldnt mind ur method so long as my gal eats! but she spits out almost any type of fruit lor. she loses interest in her food once she sees our food. then try a bit and spit out and wont eat anymore.

Water: i put in straw bottle, cover opened when she plays. she will reach and drink on her own when she wants.

Bottle: Any mummies know of any teats faster than Avent no.4 or no.3 variable flow? i dont mind changing new brand of bottles. i saw Nuk teats, there are sizes up to 18 months.

i heard there are teats which we can cut ourselves? or should i start weaning her from bottles?

by the way, does milk bottles have any shelf life? i was wondering if i should keep for my next child or throw them. lol... im using the avent yellow tinted ones, they look very new despite using it for months.

SK: I read somewhere milk bottles must changed every 6 mths and teats must changed every 3 mths. So I threw 2 rounds of bottles and 4 rounds of teats already despite them looking ok.

vernie: ooh.. noted! i only change the teats, bottles just nice i change as she drinks more but i still keep the old ones. guess i have to throw too, then.. do u still sterilize the bottles?

vernie: Serious? I only change the teats when it look murky to me. Bottles I never change for a long time le cos still look new.


yes u r right. bottle life spends only 6mths..eh teats i heard also 6mths..i change a round of bottles when he was 7mths. now going to change again soon...pok gai le lah. teats i change 2 rounds liao.

Erm..sweetkiss, if u don't mind playtex bottles. i using playtex bottles but using pigeon L size teats. the teat cap can fit into those normal brand which offers bigger size hole too.

now i looking for something similar to playtex bottle which does self ventilating but comes in bigger volume..bb L aready max out the bottle le...everyday i make milk like do stun...need to make sure the water don't over flow out..=.=!!


it's due to the daily sterlising we do, the plastic material n colour will change n does chemical reaction. n also we scrub the bottles willc ase wear n tear inside (eyes cannot detect de) tt's y it's advisable to change every 6mths.

lasery: hahaha. is pigeon L size big enough for thick liquids? as my gal drinks milk with cereal in it. ya i'm looking at bigger bottles too but the max capacity for bottles i can find is avent at 330ml which im using now. the pigeon or Nuk ones only up to 300ml. hopefully she doesnt need to drink so much but currently she is going to 270 le..

what is self ventilating?

erm i stopped sterilizing or even scalding bottles with hot water since she turned 1.. so far no prob.. :X

woa seh...mine just reach 240ML only...then playtex cannot le lah. max is 240ml.

ya loh i also gt 2 avent 330ml bottle. he don't like coz the size 4 teat is super duper slow.

ya the pigeon size L teats can let cereal pass thru. i add brown rice with milk for him tt time he can manage to finish.

i think we need to buy those feed cow bottles n feed our bbs liao...huge eaters.

i have to separate into 2-3 portions of 6oz to 9oz at night lately. I dont give her, she will scream till everyone comes over to see her. then she will bring each of them to the kitchen to point her "nan nan" then if no one prepares for her, she will keep on cry n cry n cry for 1-2 hrs (tried few times also like this)

Tried giving her 8oz, she want somemore, give another 3oz, still ask for more 3oz then ask again. can repeat 3oz for minimum 4-5 times after her 8-9oz milk + rice. Usually additional 3oz will not add rice in. so afraid too full up for her.

lasery: lol.. mine only huge drinker, i guess that is why she doesnt eat a lot of solids. tried reducing and replacing milk feed with solids but still no diff... she doesnt like to eat!

SK: If at home, I still sterilize since the sterilizer is there. But if we are out or travelling, then I won't sterilize. I think can stop already lar - bb eating all sorts of things now, touch here and there and put hand into mouth, etc...keep bottles sterilized also no use...haha! I don't even sterilize the plates & spoon... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SK: mine loves both - Milk & Solid.

I wondered when she started her milk gain too... hahaha ! at 1 time she doesnt like her milk so much that her night feeding is 4oz only (before she turns 1)

Mooncake: Can bb eat lotus paste mooncake? Went to taste some mooncakes the other day, bb saw me eating and grabbed from me to try. Now thinking whether i can give him more to eat?


eh few bites like pea size can lah. not so much..coz it's really very sweet. bb L also grab when we when to taka to see mooncake cum tasting..anything i take must take 2 portion. 1 for hubby 1 for mi n bb share.

mine is porriage huge eater. he finishes 1 and a half bowl of porriage each meal. milk intake is 9.30pm 240ml. 4.30 or 5am another 240ml. in the day he gets another 2 bottles of 240ml.

sweetkiss, it's ok lah as long she gt eat n drink n grow can le.

beannie, so good.. My boy cfm not a milk junkie!

He now drink 150ml also got pattern one.. have to really make him happy then can drink...

I've threw away dun noe how many bottle and teats.

Somehow I feel that pigeon bottle will turn colour very fast, especially the teats.

I cut the teats myself so S size to me is ok.. I just cut it big.

ya.. bb drink too much, milk powder very xiong. my friend's bb now only drink twice a day, morn & nite and afternoon is all solids, so good.

me gg to check out pigeon bottles, which one to get? got one with the peri (dunno hw to spell) teat and one with normal de. i checked yest, got $19.80 & $8.90 bottles?

for mooncakes my gal likes the piglet in the basket. plain ones selling 50 cents each.

i've stopped sterilising bottle and teats since H was 9 months old. after washing, just air dry them. and if there are still droplets of water, i'll rinse with hot water.

if you find Avent teat #4 too slow now, can consider the variable flow teats. very much faster even at the 2-line mark

ica: i'm using the variable flow ones, but i think its getting too slow for her coz she drinks till got broken skin/blister at the tip of her lips. not sure if i shd cut the teat instead..

Mummies, thanks for sharing ;)

Will try to introduce pasta & rice w soup, hopefully he will eat...

When ur babies take bread, do ur give it plain only or with cheese or butter? Gave mine bits of plain bread only.

lasery: kind off ... haha!!

cheese: y not u try giving lesser solids for some weeks, indirectly forcing bb to have milk instead. hahaha i did that for 2 weeks when bb only having 3-4 oz for whole day. and i lost track when exactly bb went back to crave for milk again. hahaha !

i m still using the avent teats which have 3 strips on the sides of the teats. doing ok with it still

beanie, but for their age they should have 3 meals instead of cutting down already.

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I still thinking if wanna switch brand anot..

For pediasure he can finish drinking the whole bottle 237ml as I serve cold to him.

I only gave on weekends, 1 feed only per day.

My mom already buy him lantern already. hee.. will let him walk around

the park and play

cheese, you are right. my PD also say the same thing to me. cut down milk, switch to solids. i was reluctant and she told me off, not to repeat the same mistake like my #1 (keep drinking milk, don't know how to eat solids , now terrible eating problems!)

for #2 , i tried to cut down milk , for 3 meals of solid. but in between , she still scream for milk. so i only give then.

my girl now minimum needs 3 feeds (early morning, mid afternoon after lunch and before she zzz at nite). if she cry for milk during early wee hours, i will also give.

Great to see the thread getting active today!

Milk & bottles: Hmm, recall vaguely BPA free ones can last much longer than the normal ones. Very envious of the bb who drink lots of milk! My boy is still taking around 180ml 3x a day, plus 3 solids.

Qn: Is milk powder in Malaysia much cheaper? Really worthwhile to stock up?

Sweetkiss: Pigeon bottles that are $8.90 (transparent) are the normal bottles. BPA free ones are double the price and yellow in color. The peristaltic teat is supposed to be very close to the nipple, so it is recommended.

Mooncakes: My boy wants to eat mooncake too, but I do not dare to give him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Bdmummy: I heard Malaysia milk powder is much cheaper but if you compare the content of the milk, there's difference.

