(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi mummies.. Hows everyone. Due to some reasons, my gal is going to IFC starting next week. As she's already 1, I'm worried cos she can recognize ppl, everything's gonna be new to her, even her daily routine. Sigh but placing her in there is the best choice for now..

Btw anyone repaired ameda pump b4? I need to fix the motor, any idea how much will it cost?



the stocks arrive 2 weeks ago. i went there last week to get some items from kidzloft coz 1st birthday all the items in the stall got 50% off.

then nv bring my reciept loh.

I envy mummies whose kids are eating their food without much fuss.

My boy, though he's not a fussy eater, it can be a frustration feeding him as he gets older cuz he only want to eat when there's TV commercials or interesting stuff to see on TV @ home....if not, he will make alot of noise, scream here scream there & don't want to eat. Aiyo...

mrslong, i can totally understand how you feel. my first boy also the same. from weaning till now, its such a pain to feed him! i really envy other mummies, whose kids want more and more food! till now, he is 4 year old, still as bad. so sad.

luckily, second child now, loves to eat. the only way to stop her from being too noisy/destructive is to give her food. its such a joy. she will demand for food and has no qualms sticking her finger into your mouth to grasp a pc .

Pillow>> ya...sometimes i dread feeding him...and when we r outside, sometimes we need to give him toys or some stuff to play at the high chair then he'll eat. Attention span also very short, so we need to feed him very fast within a short window period, hehee.

But generally, my boy eats quite fast if he's entertained and eats just about anything.

Junie: I will be letting kayden go when he is 18mths. You signing your bb for carpe diem@ hilltop too?

Justina: I also received call. Thinking of going down to collect tomorrow. They open till 6pm.

Not for full day childcare. Wonder if they hv playgroup.

I wonder if its too early to look for playgroup cuz dunno will hv waiting list or not.

hi mummies,

My boy seems to hv develop fake measles (that's what the PD termed as for post-fever rashes) on his front torso since Fri/Sat.

Anyone knows how many days will it take for it to be gone? Other than the red spots on his torso, no other places hv them so I dun think its real measles lah hor.

Morning Mummies !

I want to ask something.

I want to get some good condition used infant utensils for Children's Home. Where can I get it?

And any mummies here working in any of the below industry? I will need these items over the next few months to visit the Children's Home with my colleagues during the period of Children's Day.

Items looking out are:-

- Cooking oil (5Litre type) Any Sunflower/Veg/Canola Oil

- Rice (10kg type)

- Slippers (Sizes 36-41)

- Disposable Cutlery

- Desert Forks

- Teaspoons

- Metal Forks

- Infant Utensils

- Johnson's Insect Repellent

- OFF Insect Repellent Spray

- Calamine Lotion

- Laundry Detergent (Top Loading Type)

- Dettol (Disinfectant Spray/Liquid)

- Floor Cleaner

- Clorox Bleach

- Hand Sanitiser

Any Lobangs to get them in bulk purchase and lower price is good !

Thanks alot Mummies here !!

Morning mummies,

Ann: Oh...ok. I just hope it's false measles & it'd go away soon. Somemore next week me & my HB will be away traveling for abt 5 days, really hope my boy don't fall sick during this period, cuz my ILs sure dunno what to do.

BTW mummies, hv u guys heard abt Amazonia @ Great World City, that has recently opened on 8 Jul.

Any mummies keen to hv a playdate there?


relax, mine got fever for 1 whole week until admitted fever hit 40.5. after tt develop fake measles for 1 week...he was cover in red dots from head to toes..

i applied calamine lotion for him n keep him cool n daily barley loh. it went off after tt with no scarings or trace.

junie: I went to Amazonia to enquire and take a look when it just opened (staff is quite nice - let me walk in to look see). It is like another Fidget & Go Go Bambini with large structure for kids to climb, slides, ballpit, etc in jungle theme. They have a separate area for toddlers (up to 3 yrs old) vs older kids. The entrance fee for non-member is $20 - very ex for the small area allocated for todder. I rather pay for Royce.

The older kids area looks very good though - there are 2 or 3 giant slides. I think I will only bring bb to Amazonia when he is older and can play at the kids area to make my $$ worth. =)

Vernie: ya, I read the reviews & saw some pics...very big place & not bad, but on a pricey side. Saw a review that said it was $30 for 2hrs.

What's in the area for toddlers? Ball pits and some toys?

Junie: Toddler area has the standard ball pit, some small steps for climbing, a keyboard to step on (looks like the one at GoGo Bambini)…maybe one or two seesaws...thereabout lar…I went in for quick look only, didn’t note everything in detail. But definitely don’t have as many toys as Royce. I was more impressed with the older kid area.

Rates as follows (from the brochure):

3 mths to 3 years: $20 for 2 hours (non-member), $15 for member. Seriously, I don’t think can play 2 hours in the toddler area.

3 to 12 years: $30 for 2 hours (non-member), $25 for member.

Sorry to intrude. I saw from another thread that July 2010 mummies celebrated bday at a place called petit papilon? How was it? Fun? Was the venue suitable? Can tell me more? I'm currently looking for a place for my gal bday. Pls pm so I won't hold up yr thread. Thx.

hi hi mrslong,

ya i apply the calamine lotion for him...L also nv scratch but he see those red red dots on him he keep pinching them...i see liao pek chek then apply white white cover them...hahah..

any kidos like to self torture themselves..mine like to take his big head go bang wall, bang me, bang coffeetable.if not he will pinch himself, pinch us...

After slightly more one month of birthday celebrations, any major baby gatherings in the month of Aug?


mine not really tortune him, but me. sigh..

he will slep my face, then laugh happy, told him no, he tot i played with him. then when sleep time, i will lay beside till he went into deep sleep, at that point of time, he will keep pulling my hair, if not he will pull his. was telling my hb, sooner or later, i will be bald.


during sleep time, i will carry him in my arms then pat him to sleep on the bed. he will poke his little finger into my nose or my mouth...i will normally use the lips n "AREM" the finger at the front to prevent him from digging further into my mouth.

after patting awhile he will fall to sleep with the finger at my mouth..like tt also happy leh...kaoz

when he's awake, he will bite his dad, if not he will lift up my t shirt n blow "bu bu" at my tummy...little pervert in the making...if not will be learning iron head martial skills. yesterday he went to knock his head on the glass coffeetable edge then sit there cry until very loud....

i duno wanna laugh or what loh...ended up carry him to stop the crying...silly fellow.

Hi Mummies,

How's everyone??? Wow soo long nv come in liao, was busy with work & recently work was quite unhappy.. keep having changes here & there.. ppl kept resigning.. haiz.. anyway i tender liao, lucky to find a better offer.. ^^

Jasmine Yeo & lasery2k,

i think our bb the same sia... like to tortune daddy & mummy... Especially when he pinch us, damm painful.. Tell him said CANNOT, but he still dare to smile at us.. tot we are playing with him.. Haiz!! =.=!! dunno to laugh or to angry..


I have a qns:

Believe most bb already 1 yr old liao, can i know do bb still wake up in the middle of the night like 4+ 5, make noise, roll here n there but aft u give him drink milk he will keep quiet & sleep le???

cos mine until now still have to drink one time milk at night.. although his last feed is abt 10+ 11.... Is it ok ma?? pls advice??

Thanks... =)

Hi Jasline,

Me too have been too busy these days. Seldom come to the forum.

My son is also "torturing" me and my hubby. He likes to bite us. Duh!

Re waking up for feeds.... My son used to wake up 4+ for milk and I don't get enough sleep due to his crankiness. My friend taught me to "psycho" my son. That is talk/tell to him that he is big le and should sleep throughout the night. True enough...he don't wakeup for feeds anymore. Not sure if this is coincidence or what. You may try talking to your bb and see if it helps.

Woa...so many ppl tender xia...i at work also unhapi but cannot tender coz it's a so call learning curve for mi. if i tender abit dui bu qi my previous boss for giving mi a position here..

now slighter better liao but job scope still stinks.

mine still wakes up at 4am and 7am for milk loh..i also very tired...but then for mi is i try the pacifier way....i will try to chuck the pacifier bk into his mouth see he will goes bk to sleep mah. if he still struggle n struggle then really have to feed him loh.

the nite be4, bb L sleep until he fall into a hole beside my bed..i also duno how he sleep until can fall into the hole. He was screaming for help like 3am in the wee hrs...lolx i woke up and found him head n hand in the hole trying to get out. (mine is a platform bed tt's y side gt lobang but aready use pillows n bolster to cover le)


it's the lobang at the side of the platform bed, he won't roll to the floor, he will at most get sandwich between the bed n the wall.

sometimes he naughty i will lie him at tt hole also coz he won't be able to move. his naughty corner.

Mummies, recently Kayden will wake up in the middle of the night like between 4plus to 5plus in the morning and cry abit, when I walk to the cot and give him his pacifier, he will immediately ask me to pick him up. If i don't and walk away, he will cry. I will pick him up and place him on our bed and he fell asleep almost immediately. Why is that so? It just happen suddenly and for 2 consecutive nights le. Could his weird behavior be due to his teething? I really wonder.


attention seeking n want comfort. bb L also same...he wake up at 3 plus 4 am for his feed. wake up he will eh eh eh...then i will wake up give him his pacifier n tell him wait mummy go make milk. the instant i walk out he will start to wail at the top of his lungs...

if i carry him along with mi to make milk he will keep quiet all the way when i put him to stand beside mi.

the instand he finish his milk, he will fall back to sleep. but once i carry him up n put him into his cot. Once touch dwn he will wake up n cryz, carry him up he will Zzz back...tried many many times without fail. until i gave up..now after his 3-4am feed he will sleep at our bed til AM wake up. Another ruling is the bed gt our sleep n bb always look for smell to sleep.

it's a habit they will test us nowadays...*i surrender to it*...<--this mummy need sleep.

BB L will also look for only me if i m around at home. once i reach hm n didn't carry him 1st he will also wail n start chasing mi to my room when i get change. now his nickname is superglue or gu niang coz he always very "teh".

Sandy: I think they really go for smell lo. I placed him on the bed to sleep on my hubby side of bed.. he doesn't sleep well and wake up pretty early. If he sleep on my side of bed, he can sleep untill 8am in the morning and on-going.

Then I think this thursday, I must bring along one of my "nice smelling" tee-shirt and line it in the bassinet so that he can sleep better on the aeroplane. Haha!!!


totally agree...when i brought him for genting trip tt time..on the bus he sleep with mi until like piggy n drool somemore on the way there...his daddy carry him sleep when coming bk.. both watch TV. end up i had to carry him bk to my side n let his big head squash on my chest.

Kayden's sleep is not so good tonight. At about 12 plus, he already woke up to ask to be carry to bed. At 2.45am, he woke up again and couldn't fall back to sleep again. At 3am, after much failed coaxing, make milk for him to drink. Was surprised that he could almost finish the milk. After milk, it took him another 10min to fall asleep. Is he hitting another growth spurt?

hi mummies,

Can I chk how many naps does yr BBs take each day?

My boy still takes 2 naps a day, 1 AM & 1 PM. Each nap can range from abt 1hr to 2hrs. Then at night, he will sleep by 9pm & wakes up by 6.30am everyday.

Wish my boy can wake up later, like 8am. But I guess he is an early rider since he was a few months old, so body clock also auto wake up by dawn break. Really OBK lor.


bb L had tt for like almost a month on n off ...

9pm 240ml milk, 12am 210ml milk, 4am 210ml milk, 6.40am 180ml milk. all dwn into his tummy with empty milk bottles. after tt at 11am he will have his porriage.

Hubby will help until 12am feed then he will Zzz liao. After tt is mummy feed. Feels very tired in the morning n don't feel like getting up to work at times. But then must endure to get it over.

last week n these few days he manage to drop off his 6am plus feed, so at least feels abit better.

to mi i think he's most prob teething tt's y like tt. u stick yr finger in n try to see if can feel any tooth coming out? bb L case is teething tt's y.

now bb L really super king kong until i also no strength to carry after so much milk intake at nite.

any mummies here start brushing their bb teeth liao? i just started yest...apparently bb L like to brush his teeth n the maid does it without him fusing...amazing.


bb L take 3 naps, 1 around 12pm plus, 1 around 2plus and 1 around 5pm. he will sleep for around 1hrs. i will knock him out at 9.30pm on the dot or sometimes 10pm if he fuss abit.

then he will wake up usually at around 8plus am.

Mrs Long,

JL will sleep 2 naps now. previously was 3.

8-9+ will sleep till 12+ -1.30pm

Then afternoon about 3-4+ will sleep till 6.30pm, amazing thing is that

he seems to know what time I come home. The moment I step in, I can hear him laughing away liao..


Weekends if we nv go out, he can sleep from 11+am to 5pm on good times..

Weekends his timing is forever changing cos we might go out.

Mrs Long,

M will have 2 naps. 1st nap: about 11am-12pm. 2nd nap:2pm-5pm. evening: 10pm-7am.

total abt: 13 hours/ day.

He will sleep lesser on weekend/ every tuesday: about 11-12hours only

Mummies.. How to cope with separation anxiety? I really regret not putting my child in IFC when she was younger cos she is so afraid of the teachers she wouldn't bathe, eat or let anyone else touch her. She was crying so badly whenever I have to pass her to the teachers. The kids who have been there since young are all so well behaved! I have been crying everytime I see her cry for me yet I can't be there for her. Tmr onwards I can't go in with her already. My mum said I shd put her in CC at 18mths but will there be any diff? They will still cry like mad right? I was hoping this is just a phase and she will be fine in 2 weeks but right now I feel so terrible.


It's a phrase every kid gonna go thru, either early or late only.

last time is nursery then k1 n k2...now is IFC - CC - nursery - Kindergarden.

For a start to transit her into IFC, you could start with be there for her, then next day explain you will be back for her n disappear into toliet then slowly extend the disappearing of yrself.

I still remember my younger sister cried for a month daily wheneva she goes nursery school. A nice teacher volunteered to carry her everytime in class when it's her class to stop her wailing.

Firstly get a teacher she is more comfortable with then talk to tt teacher to come n bring her in daily. she will finally get herself attached to tt teacher de. Tt's what we did for my younger sis tt time. At IFC the teachers shld be quite fix so it shldn't be a issue for them.

SK, don't compare the kids. they got different characters themselves. mine also super glue wheneva i m at home. but outside...mummy wat name also 4get liao...coz can play.

Junie: Kayden also sleep at about 9.30pm but doesn't wake up as early as baby I. He wake up at about 7.30am or close to 8am. But at night he doesn't really sleep thru cause will wake up to "Eh Eh Eh" to look for pacifier. He takes two naps.. 1 at about 10.30am and the other at 2.30pm or sometime 3pm. Now morning nap shorter which is about 1 hr. Afternoon nap longer like 2 to 3 hrs.

Sandy: Ya... He is teething. Two more teeth coming up on the lower gum. Hope he will be back to his usual self soon. After 3am milk last night, he feel asleep then suddenly he laugh super loudly.. Must be having super good dream after milk. Haha!!

i see, so all bbs still take abt 2 naps a day, so it's the norm lah...

cuz I read from books, it sort of say that now BBs at 1 y/o will usually skip the morning nap. then I also see those schedule for CC, usually they do not incorporate morning nap...morning is for activities, then afternoon will hv a nap.

Actually, my boy also mostly doesn't sleep through the night, will eh eh look for pacifier too, else, eh eh dunno for what. Then sometimes, will wake up for milk @ 2am (rarely now) or 4am+/5am+ for milk, then sleep till 6.30am wake up liao.

Sandy: Ya ... so satisfied that he wetted my bed with his urine this morning. I still change his diaper at 3am in the morning lei. Dunno why so much pee. Haha!!

Junie: I think it is quite true cause my boy used to sleep for 2 to 3 hrs for morning nap too but now shorten to 1 hour.

lasery, you so cute la! used "king kong" to describe your baby!

i guess some pple will envy you for having a baby with such good appetite! and how chubby your baby is. think you don't have a hard time feeding him, which is a blessing!

i also try not to carry my boy often now, partly becos of his weight and also, i hope he will learn to be more independent slowly and ease his reliance on mommy.

there was once when my boy cling on to my legs but as i have to go do his laundry, i refused to carry him and just continue to walk and he slipped and fell on him bottom. my MIL said i very "jiek ark"...haiz!


"jiek ark" better then we sprain our back or what loh...tt time who pity us xia...

blessing tt he eat n eat..not a blessing when i need to carry him when go shopping...the only person tt can carry him long now is his dad.

the max i can tahan him is 30mins....after tt i will pass to hubby n i can feel blood rushing to my arm..numb diao loh.


Lasery: u used toothpaste wif tooth brush?

Junie: mine naps twice a day: 10 to 11/12noon and 3 to 5pm. I don't let him nap beyond 5.30pm cos i wanna him sleep early by 8.30pm. I dread the day when he naps once a day, then i will have not much me time to do things.

Wake up early is gd, so next time go sch u need not adjust much of his bedtime.

Sk: think u must be hard- hearted n let k get used to it. How abt her attending half day first if possible? I have a frd who pulled her son out of cc after one week cos he cried everyday n her mil din like it.

