(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Ann, Claudia,

I'm asssuming you're buying the dried ones? you can get them fresh, so don't have to worry about saltiness and they're very sweet and high in calcium. can get from any supermarkets but they're usually frozen-thawed. or try wet markets


Hi Claudia, I buy 2 kinds, one is white bait (the small white ones), one is ikan bilis (i told the person its meant for babies, get the non salty kinds.. u can test first before buying).

Ikan Bilis must take the head and stomach away.. you can do that just by 1 pluck.. the head and the bottom-front part of the ikan bilis. Do note it is easier to pluck once they are soaked in water and then dried. After that I bake them in an oven (or toaster oso can), until crispy and use a blender to grind to powder.

White bait is easier, no need to take away heads etc.. just soak, dry, bake and blend.

I normally put 1 teaspoon of each into baby's porridge, it makes it alot tastier and nutritious oso. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ica: I bought the fresh one from fish monger at market. I tasted it before and quite saltish to me. That's why I soak it.


1. jelly

2. jelly

3. Junie

4. sun_tan

5. vivi

6. jasyeo80

7. Jaclyn






Sweet Potato

1. jelly

2. jelly

3. Junie

4. sun_tan

5. vivi

6. jasyeo80

7. Jaclyn






Thanks JP! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yah it will definitely be abit salty cos its what they use for the drying process. But there are some that are super duper salty and some less saltier (probably abit more exp).. check with the person.

Claudia, I buy my ikan bilis from Giant. You should be able to see a few types and there’s only one type which is whiter and does not have head or tail.

I read that these are “cleaner” as well. If you are afraid they will be salty, soak them in water before using.

I usually soak for 1 hr. I don’t use it inside porridge. I soak, dry and bake in oven then make into powder.

My girl drinks 2 x 125ml bottles a day. she sucks water like it is milk so I really have no idea why she still gets constipated.

Seeing that she loves water, I dilute prune/pear juice in it but she is so smart to detect the taste! Even though I only put like half oz juice to 4 oz water, she knows!

I told her PD about it, she says I have to find ways to make her eat fruits.. which I am trying v hard now. She prefers to have bite-size than purees now.

Maybe that’s why she kept rejecting fruits.

SK: so good that your girl likes water!

mine recently developed a real hatred for water. she used to drink it no problem. now she will taste the teat and realise it's not milk then push away. even fruit juice she doenst want. recently i tried to spoonfeed her water. after a few spoons she will spurt out the water or let it dribble down her neck. headache ah. PD said try to give ribena or rose syrup but i think it's too sweet la. i'm still "forcing" the water down her throat and trying to increase her fruit intake.

anyone's bb also hates water? any ideas what to do?

vivi : got?? got jelly cake bp??? :) wah.. if u have the link, don mind can share... i think jelly cake will be the 1st one to finish during the kids b'day party.. instead of the buffet dishes... heehee~~

Abt the neo garden, i think is "heng" or "suay" ba... hai~ dono lehz.. but neo garden packages also quite attractive.. but food like so-so...

bdmummy : your boy so cute.. maybe u everyday give him see mickey mouse, that's y he recognise mickey easily.. :) Now i will ask my boy who is where.. he will simply turn his head and search for the person... :) slowly slowly..

claudia : my mummy bought the ikan bilis from the market abt 1/2kg.. than ask me to peel off the head and the intestine (blackie stuff at the back), than wash, than sun dry it for few hrs.. Than she use "xue di zi" (dono what kind of oven) to slow cooked (dry fry) the ikan bilis... after that, than blend the ikan bilis to powery form.. So at time, i can juz mixed the ikan bilis power with porrige.. not very salty de... :)

my method same as jaclyn lorz.. :)

peanut: Old pple believes that cod fish is "oily" thus not good for the baby's stomach and will cause gas in the tummy. That's why older pple dun like us to feed cod fish to baby.

hey, any mummy know of which BP is selling pampers hamper?? need it by this sunday.. my stupid brother alway give me last minute info... >_<||| now i'm searching like mad...

Ann: oh, thanks for the info! haha it's actually my mum who bought the cod for her so i guess my family's old pple are ok with it :p

ann : hahaha~~ good idea lehz.. but then i dono what to place in that hamper lorz.. sianz~ somemore is do for my troublesome elder brother... argh~~

Another way to relieve constipation is to massage yr baby's'tummy! I think it works. I apply a few drops of minyak telon oil on palm then rub onto baby K's'tummy in clockwise motion. A few rounds with a bit of pressure.

mommies, i found a discount code for party city on SHM. if you wanna combine order u can use this:

Party City 20% off $50. Code: PCMX3W exp: 30/4/11

Hi mummies, just wanna do a survey. How many times does your baby drink milk per day? Mine is about 4 times with solids.

My baby doesnt eat much solids in the morning also.

Hershey: Whatever you have left over at home lo. Haha!! Like gift set not open, chicken essence / bird nest set not consume, BN toys not suitable for your kids.. etc. I did that the last time too. Clearing my house at the same time. Hehe!!

peanut: I also wanna feed cod to my boy but then no chance. In the end, my dogs ate the cod fish. They lick their bowl clean clean.

Valerie: Mine is about 3 times. Each time range from 200ml to 240ml.

Ann / Ica

for silverfish .... u put in porridge to cook then mash... how long you cook porridge for?

Cuz i put mine in the slow cooker for 6-7 hours... Afraid that the silverfish would be 'siap'.

yupz have seen the 'raw' version of silverfish before @ normal ntuc


both are dried? sounds like the most work i've every done for baby food! heh

After you grind them assume you keep them in a tuperware? For how long?

ann : bo lehz.. no left over gift or chicken essence lahz.. >_<||| sianz~~ all my friends clever.. they asked me what i lacked of.. then buy for my boy boy.. like bouncer & stroller lorz... :)


wah yours drink so much water!

Mine like Peanut's don't really like to drink...

JTS my PD recommends the following daily intake:

4 table spoons of dark green leafy veg 2 times a day

2 table spoons of fruit puree (Either prune or papaye everyday)


Mine takes 4 times - 200ml except for the lunch feed cuz i feed him immed after solids so that one's 140ml

thanks gal for the ikan bilis / silverfish tips.. Next up on menu!

Happy weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Claudia: For me, I will use a pc of pork and cook porridge. Half an hour before bb wanna eat, then I take out the pork and add in the silverfish. So I dun really cook the silverfish for too long. Then when I dish the porridge into the bowl, I will mash it together with the porridge and then serve it.

Hershey: Wa.. your friends clever. For my friends, they dun ask so I got alot of things I dun need. Then you have to buy liao lo. What I did last time for my hubby's friend is I packed the diapers into a basket (the basket was use to contain some other gifts, looks like the kind we bring to mkt, just nicer looking) then on top of the basket, I add in toiletries (which my frens buy) for baby. Then tie the handles of the basket with a ribbon (from a bouquet of flowers given to me at hospital). Then it become a hamper liao. Hehe!!

Valerie: My boy drink milk when he wakes up at about 7plus, tea break at about 4plus and night time at about 9plus before he sleep. So he drink milk at least about 3hrs from taking solid food.


my son is drink abt 200ml 2 - 3x a days.

sometime in the morning 6plus he will drink 1 bottle

if not, when he go IFC

he will have oats/cereal for breakfast,

he will have porridge / fruit for lunch

cake/cereal/green bean soup for snack

then a bottle of milk

porridge for dinner

after that maybe 1 or 2 of milk beofre he sleep.


actually Ann's suggestion was similar to what my friend did... and i thot it was really nice.

She packed 2 packs of diapers in a nice waterproof bag (Those that I would use it.. it even comes with a small pouch which I used to contain pacifier when gg out). And tied a nice helium balloon to the bag.

Vivi: glad to hear that b solo blackforest cake is ok!

Ikan billis: woah, it's a lot of work... Will be starting bb E on porridge this weekend, so will try adding white bait in! Haha this lazy mummy la, choose white bait coz no need to remove head n stomach!

Valerie: My boy is taking solids 2x a day for lunch n dinner. He drinks about 200ml milk each time - 3 or 4 times a day (sometimes misses 1 feed if nap time stretches).

Ann: wa your dog hao ming can eat cod! Haha

Valerie: my girl takes 4 feeds. But only 2x 150ml, 2x 180ml. 2 solids, bfast and lunch. Gonna add a tea break soon but I dunno what to give besides cereal :p


Attended the free trial today and would like to share with everyone. As sweetkiss mentioned, the class is pretty good. The class size for today is 5 babies. Typical class size would be 4-5 babies. The fee is $55/month (4 lesson). The materials is $115 (if I never remember wrongly) and can be used for around 6 months. The class is very similar to kindermusik as the founders are the same. According to the teacher, 2 founders of kindermusik felt that kindermusik has become too commercialized and hence left and started musikgarten. The main difference is that musikgarten will link the teachings to keyboard (e.g. focus on notes, pitch, rhythm etc). So when the child is bigger, the transition to learning piano would be much easier. The class is conducted at a home in Pionner (very near to Pioneer MRT). One of the rooms is converted to a classroom. I like the classroom very much. It's very neat and cozy. There are a lot of different small instruments for each of the babies. We tried drums, rhythm stick, jingle bell and a stick with lotsa bells on it. There's also the parachute and scarf that were used in kindermusik. The teacher is a mother of 3 and a very nice lady. overall I would say that it has a nice environment, nice teacher and very reasonable fees =)


Hello all, please be informed that the venue birthday bash on 2nd July will be changed to this new venue called Petite Papillon Playhouse at Kampung Bugis http://www.petite-papillon.com/where-abouts/ which is about 15 mins walk from Lavender MRT station, besides Kallang Riverside Park.

Timing of the event will remain the same from 5.30 to 8.30pm.

This is a playhouse meant for older children. we are mainly using this venue for our birthday bash as the place is big, clean and children friendly (but not as babies friendly as the playgym)

Because of the slightly bigger in venue, we are able to accommodate 35 babies compared to the original 30 babies.

We have emailed on March 31st the parents of the first 30 babies so please kindly adhere to the original dateline - payment by May 1st 2011 to secure your attendance.

The next five babies on the waitlist, you will hear from ICA (Jessica) soon.

As the new venue is not a play gym (but it has soft cushion flooring area), we will have to arrange our own programs/games/toys. I do hope attending parents will be able to help out as much as possible when we do call for assistance.

These arrangement will be on a later date when we will correspond via email.

that's all folks...

Hi mummies:

Recently my bb very cranky.. dunno is it bcos of teething.. he will dun wan to drink milk.. & make noise.. flip here n there... haiz!!

can i ask when should i know to apply the teething gel??? & like how many time each day??

Thanks... =)

Morning mummies!

Jasline: my boy uses Dentinox. Can apply 2-3 times a day.

Neo Garden: Ordered the $15 lunch buffet yesterday, worth the $ coz had 19% off in April. Set-up was efficient, on time, looks good overall. Catered for 35 pax, had 39 pax eating, amount of food just nice. Curry chicken was very good - nice n thick and not too spicy. Sotong balls, tempura prawns were nice, but ran out quickly - expected them to give more for these items. Fried fish so-so only. Had some pineapple rice, curry chicken, fish and punch leftover. They provide sufficient napkins and cutlery. Overall a safe, will not go wrong option for caterer.

Bengawan solo: Was supposed to collect between 10-11am, but at 10.50am when we went there the cake had not arrived! My hb went HAH (worried man!!!) Just then the delivery came... so must ensure they keep to the stated timing especially if intend to collect earlier in the morning. Blackforest cake not bad, less cherries than those from PG, but is passeable la! IMO, order only if you want to go for a specific character cake design. Eventually 39 pax only ate 1.5kg of cake.

bdmummy : So overall the NEO garden is not bad to eat.. and worth lorz... :)

- Bengawan solo : i have to order from them, coz they are the only cake shop that have the disney character... >_<|||

Golf: Any mummies here play golf? Want to find out more on lessons. Hubby is playing golf and he wish that I can play so that we can do a common sport together. Although I am not very into golf but would like to give it a try.

Ann, U might want to try Katong CC for the beginner class and see if you enjoy it first. I personally dun think should spend so much yet. Its quite easy and fun to understand the fundamentals and later then decide to take up the sports or not. End of class, e instructor will bring you to the green to have a feel. =)

Hey mummies, just want to confirm that the following mummies & babies are coming this Sunday. I will PM you my address by Thursday, so if you have not received, please let me know.


VENUE - Newton area (tba)

Date - 24th April, Sunday

Time - 2pm

1. Babycoco

2. Pris

3. Geri

4. hershey

5. Eliss+hubby+Keila - Mix Fruit/Vege salad

6. Lynn & Hubby & Enzo - Shepherd pie

7. Bdmummy + Bb Ev - hotdogs

8. mrslong + hubby + Isaias - McNuggets

9. vernie + hubby + bb I - Red Rock Deli chips

10. Chelz + hb + bb M - soft drinks

11. ica + hb + bb H - polar cakes/mini donuts (I'll see what I can get my hands on - will be coming from Suntec)

12. jasline + hubby + BB J

13. Annie + hb + bb K - Vegetarian fried bee hoon

14. Fazzy + hubby + BB - pudding

15. Phy + Hub + BB R + #1 -

16. vivi+ Hub + BB + #1 - plates, spoon, fork, chopstick and cup

17.Guayni+BB - apple strudel or muffin

18.Jasmine Chong + Hub + BB +#1 - fish & sotong balls

19. baby_yen + Hub + BB + #1 -

20. Tchoupie+ hb + bb - homemade chocolate cake

21. Irene

22. Shann

babycoco: I may not be able to make it if my lunch with my family is confirmed. But pls email me yr add still in case I can still make it.


Hi babycoco,

I got something on this sunday afternoon hence unlikely to make. Nevertheless, please still send me your address in case I am able to make it. Thanks!

Yupz, Brandon and I will be there! Am gonna share with Lynn the Shepard's Pie for pot luck.

Oh ya, I'll bring along the cerelac for the long overdue exchange = )

Thanks...cya Sunday!

Ann, I am trying to reduce my gals' milk feed from 4 times to 3 times but she doesnt really eat alot of solids. At most 3 tablespoons.

I will be putting her in infant care in May. Sure heart pain when I hear her cry.

Hopefully she will adapt well over there.

Anyone staying at Boon Keng area?

Valerie: my bb C is having practically 2-3 times milk feed of 3-5oz (usually 3oz only) most of her day time from morn. to evening are semi solid food.

Breakfast - 9am: Cereal(HB Puffs) + her milk

(Eat like how we eat - Corn Flacks + milk)

Tea Break - 11am: 3-5oz milk (see her mood)

Lunch - 1pm: Porridge or cereal (HB Cereals)

Tea Break - 3pm: 3 oz milk (see her mood)

Evening - 5pm: Porridge or Cereal (HB Cereals)

Dinner - 7pm: I eat what she eats what(HAHAHA!)

Supper to slp - 9pm-10pm: 5oz-6oz milk with cerelac brown rice.

beanie : bb c like very small eater horz.. :)

my bb G already drink like 200ml per feeding, 3 times a day... and porridge in between worz.. or maybe he is a baby boy.. tAT's y different intake volume... heehee~~


Hershey: BB C can eat quite alot one... but each time small meals... practically she can be eating whenever she is not slping ...

I just dare not feed her too much at 1 time ...

how to judge BB have enough semi solid ?

Milk is easy... BB C just push the teats out with her tongue, Semi solid she will just have it when u put the spoon to her mouth... -.-lll

