(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

hahah i laugh out loud when i read carol's post.

carol: phyllis is phy, she is one of the july mummy too

seems like a lot of babies not crawling, mine too.. simply hate to crawl.

Xbenniex: R is like yours. love to cruise and when u ask her to sit she will cry then when she stand she will smile with the tear drops round her eyes

Vernie: I actually prefer toothless bb haha .. R had her first two at 3.5 mths then the other 4 on top at around 5.5 mths.. Ouch she bites at times..


I am ok with preloved toy. If worried about hygiene, just clean it with dettol first before letting baby play lo.

A new one cost about $80plus if no discount, I think.

Geri: hahaha sometimes i also very naughty lar... want to see her this look will purposely put her sit down then "bluff" her to lie down... hahaha then cfm drama starts and hahaha !!!

vernie: noted. I will go taka bb fair later. If got any sales on the activity table i let you know ya.

Geri: haha, i know "phy", read her post in july thread, but dun know full name is "phyllis"..

Teething: my bb has 6 teeth now..she has her 1st at 3.5 months too..nowadays whenever u put in ur finger to wipe her teeth, she ll bite ur finger..haha, a bit scary..

ica, the lady there told us better take asap cos by the time ur bb knows how to walk she wont stay in the flower pot, very hard to cooperate..

so 2moro we going bek to msia to fetch bb here, then take photos on fri afternoon, then sat morning rush back to msia again..

haha xbeanniex, ya i do that sometimes too.. i dun like her to stand too much.. but when i do that my MIL will nag nag and drama starts...

carol: urs too? I was quite worried when she had her first at 3.5 mth cause I tot its too early.. and ya she bites our finger too esp her daddy's everytime i ask hubby to clean her mouth i will heard screams ...from daddy. She loves to bully her daddy

oh i signed up for SL too at the fair..

We talked to Sean at the fair he said the same thing and he mentioned that gals are faster at this stage so its better to take early else wait for 15mth to take the studio play..

carol, wow! that is quite a rush. i thought your baby is in Spore oredi. haven't found a suitable babysitter yet?

i want to do it asap, too but then baby is teething now, so she's a bit cranky/manja. i see how it goes - if H is ok, i'll reschedule to a weekday. think it's easier to get a weekday than a weekend slot

no lah, dun think we'll join in the photoshoot.

Geri, yaya..when she had her 1st teeth, my dad even jokingly asked me did she take china milk powder with added hormone..

but i think should be ok, my hubby's niece also grew her 1st teeth at 3.5 months.

did you buy any finger toothbrush for her?

ya i had the pigeon stage 1 toothbrush but she dun like it so I only use it on weekends.. MIL TC and use gauze and water to clean on weekdays..

update us on the ps k.. most prob me and hubby wont join this round. Actually R just had her ps at 7 mth , we were looking for 1year old ps.. but after listening to SL, think we need do it earlier too

ica, i will bring my bb here in May, start on 1st May. Found a nanny who is recommended by a forum mommy, hope she is good in handling baby.

i got 1.30pm session, i think that time is my bb's sleeping time..actually i was thinking to take photo when she is here in early May too..need to discuss with hubby again cos seems like very rush if we take photo on friday..but hubby afraid by May bb starts to walk ady

Geri, yup i know about the weekend surcharge. if only H is not teething...i can do it any day

Carol, when baby's tired, she won't be that happy wor. i think they also have a 4.30pm slot - maybe this is better?

ica, i wish to take 4pm slot too, but ady full..

earliest 4pm slot is tues, but hubby away for overseas trip..

just called my mom..she said my gal nowadays very cranky, once put her down she ll start crying..

Haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

A new leapfrog table costs $58.90 now at toysrus. Sales on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just bot playskool busy ball popper for my boy at taka sales.20% off


Phy: Oh, that's the cheapest thus far for the leapfrog table! When is the sale at toysrus ending? Is the busy ball popper fun?


toysrus sales till end march I think. I like the busy ball popper too.


same. I saw it on sales at vivo. Think other branches should have too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sick mummies/babies

skimmed thru the posts... seems like some are sick? Hope all go thru speedy recovery!

insurance - Bot from AIA... well as much as its a choy... my baby was hospitalised 1 day after I gave the cheque! Thankfully managed to appeal and got full cover.

Maybe can appeal if cannot claim? (Provided reasons are reasonable?)

Cleaning avent steamer/blender

Just discovered the rubber lining on the white cap of mine has a crack! Wonder if its cuz i scrub too hard when cleaning... but sometimes (esp spinach) the food stains are very stubborn and i find i have to scrub real hard.... Anyone experienced that? Or any ideas on how to clean gentler but effective? Replacement costs $15!

hihi mummies,

I have a Beco Gemini in Ginger print (2011 new design) to let go at $185. The retail price is $250. I have only used it twice and it has been washed and kept in box. I prefer the paige print hence decided to change to paige as I find it more suitable for my son. If interested please PM me. Thanks!



Hi mommies whose babies are teething, not sure if you all wanna try...can use this brand of tooth wipes called Spiffles to clean your baby teeth. I've been doing that though not on a daily basis...daily wise, hubby will still clean with wet cloth while he do the showering...

Now my boy's 3rd tooth is emerging! From the upper gum


Yes! 10 days @ KKH. We chose B2+ (subsidy ward, else can't imagine the bill, although we did buy insurance.)

When admitted, they need to take blood & urine for test, by the time test result come out, start on the correct med, it was already 3rd days, and for 1st 2x, we r admitted on weekend so it take some time for the result to come out.


E hate to lie on his tummy, less than 5 mins he will start calling ppl. I tried to use toy to lure him, but after making some move, he still can't get hold of it, he will gave him, n turn to other side or start crying.


E is not showing any sign of teething, but not so worry, cos my ger also start quite late, n 2 teeth frm below come out 1st, n it took a long time before her top front teeth come out.

claudia, do u wash the blender immediately after using? i have been using mine to blend from carrots to baked ikan bilis & spinach but no stains or scratches. u try using some lemon juice on the stains, leave the lemon juice on it for like 30mins? see if it helps.. or use the citric acid they gave?

Hmm I tried to gauge by holding the cereal, real light think half also cuz buy from same supplier as my frd from one the the spree.. Hmm.

Tks jellypurin will check it out.


Thanks! Will try ur mtd... Mine didn't come with any citric acid tho.... I will rinse and soak with water... Aiyoh mIne is stained n lotsa scratches! Think cuz I use the pigeon bottle brush that only has bristles... n scrub really hard.

Carol0425, u r rite! Last time my elder gal was 17months n she refused to sit in the flower pot during photoshoot.. Sigh! That flower pot scene is so nice...


Thanks mummies for the feedback on crawling. Tried the exercises on him yesterday. Still not moving much but will try again. Think his preferred position is to sit or on his back kicking and waving, cant cruise or stand. hehe!

Am gonna try the tip to help bb Ev crawl too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope it will work for him coz he is still not crawling yet, already tried other exercises while on his tummy to strengthen his knees, but he will cry in protest. Keeps stiffening his legs and want us to help him in standing position! He luvs to stand still (w us supporting him), not taking steps yet tho...

Morning Mummies,

Gng to bring BB J for review later at 10am.. Hope everything ok.. =)


Regard to the insurance, I dunno much cos is hubby who is handling it.. It juz tat we trusted this agent (who is hubby's Brother subordinate).. she screw up & miss signing up the most impt one.. BB J bill happen to be $3.5k & the 1st 3K cannot be claim.. than can only claim 10% of the reminder lor!!! F up la.. Damm angry!! =(

We already told hubby's brother (who juz came back from overseas trip), he will go back office today & find out for us.. So shall see how lor..

The most angry part is, hubby even call the agent to find out wat we can claim, & the agent told everything can.. so we choose to have the single ward.. now bill out liao, nth can be claim.. all she said is sorry.. sorry for wat, cannot help us also!!!

Good morning mummies,

I found the mahjong cake design which I really like. What do you all think?


Jasline: OMG!! That is really very bad service from the agent lo. I will definitely create a big scene for her lo. I mean what if the bill is more than $10k. All she can offered is sorry? That is not being very helpful.

Ann: The cake is really nice!!very special..sure ur grandma ll be very happy..

Vernie: SO sorry, i didnt go taka bb fair n Toyrus ytd..at 1st i planned to go, but hubby ot.

But i called toyrus suntec, they said they dun have the leapfrog brand musical table.

btw, any mommy keen to take over my SL photo shot session? i think i not going to take photos anymore..

I was so disappointed..nowadays my hubby is fully occupied with his work!! i not sure whether i should quit, then get a job in my hometown n stay with my parents n my gal everyday or not..i feel that nowadays in terms of material our life is better than previous, but i lost more than i gain..last time we used to being together all the time, but now most of the time he needs to ot, then i ll be alone at home, want to go shopping etc also need to see whether he ot or not, wants to travel overseas also not sure about his schedule.,i feel that there is no point i stay here but hubby no time to accompany me..then i better go bek to msia n see my parents everyday, spend quality time with my gal..

so sory mommies, early morning ady complain so much..but i really feel very sad n disappointed, dun know where to pour out..

carol, is okay to complain here... every mummy will understand de..

Swimming dates.. so sianz.. i cant join... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Carol: think positive at least your hubby is busy working, not busy with non-important stuff.

Hershey: think when guys are sick, they whine and manja alot, not as strong as females. Tough on you got to look after kids and him? or you just let him whine himself? lol

Ann: Mahjong cake is cute!

ann, u tried cupcake divinity? their cakes are very pretty. read reviews they taste not bad too. wanted to order hello kitty cake from them for my girl's birthday but lazy to get the figurines myself. i saw they have mahjong cupcakes but u can request if they do whole cakes

any one using the HANAMUGURI X-carrier already on your 8-9 months olds?? can it be worn with baby facing front? Though baby K is perfectly alright using ergo but i thought this HANAMUGURI is more cooling and cheap?

sweetkiss: I'll be ordering from cupcake divinity for my boy's 1st birthday. The cake comes with the figurine =) I also lazy to get the figurine myself so decided to go for cupcake divinity. For Pine Garden, we have to source for our own figurine and bring it to their shop at AMK which is too far for me.

updates on sleep training.

I think its not so accurate for these 2 days cos Alwyn is sick.

7th night(Tues night)

Alwyn woke up many times again during the whole night mainly because his nose is chocka blocked. Poor hubb got it again cos it was his shift.

8th nite(Wed night)

We bought him to the PD yesterday morning. so was given alot of medication. He refuse to drink his midnight feed. He woke at 2.15am cos his nose was too blocked and he couldnt suck his pacifier. Then at 4.30am, pacific again and at 5plus am, he was hungry - so we gave him milk mainly because he didnt drink the midnight feed.

Shoo Shoo go away, stupid cough, stupid flu...

