(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


Hello, I am Aug mummy. I read abt your appt with the feeding team. Can you share the contact of the dietitian with me? My baby hates milk and drinks very little, would like to get some professional advice. Thanks!

Hi mummies

Anybody has recommendation on those cartoon character birthday cakes like 2 tier cakes ? esp on Winnie the Pooh. Or any home made ones?

Or anybody know whether Pine Garden does that? I did a search and found Pine Garden is recommended by a few mummies.

Ling, yes pine garden does.. i ordered my cake from them. u need to email them and they will send you the catalogue of some themed birthday cakes.

Hi Mummies, sorry to disturb, i have a tin of Friso Gold with P2 Dual System™ 900g for exchange with Enfapro A+ Stage 2 900g or 2 tins of 400g.. Deal at Buangkok/ Sengkang MRT... Please sms 93388073 Valerie...

hi mummies.. last sat i left my gal at my mum's place in the noon & she stayed overnight there.. when i went back on sun noon, my mum told me that she refused milk since i left on sat. at night she also not sleeping, kept waking up & cry. but she was willing to drink after much coaxing and feeding by me. before that she did not have any milk for at least 20 hrs! only sips of water. my mum thinks that she is nt used to sleeping there and also she wants to find me at nite. last nite i stayed over with my gal there and no problem. she started drinking milk again. im going overseas for a week soon, so worried it will happen again.

over the weekend, i cooked chicken porridge! success! i put pumpkin, chopped chicken thigh + bone, wolfberries & red dates to cook together. it was really yummy till my hubby wanted more and i cooked another pot for us. bb likes it too.

mag mag straw: no my girl doesnt want to suck. in fact, she can recognize her avent teat and even the pigeon teat she refuses. i havent even put in her mouth & she already know its not her usual bottle.

HB melts: i concluded my girl doesnt like anything with yoghurt or slight sourish (pears, apples, etc). i have unopened mixed berries & strawberries melt going at $5 each which i bought from jaclyn. any one interested? PM me okie?

morning girls,

its been a tough weekend. my sleep training seems to be going nowhere again.. haiz.

3rd night(Fri)

Alwyn was mad and woke up at 3am, 4am, 5am because he was given water. Poor hubb cos he was doing duty that night

4th night(Sat)

Alwyn woke up once at 3.30am drank some water and slept but he refuse to let me leave until he is asleep. took 20mins. 10mins more than usual.

5th night(Sun)

Ahhhh....this is when everything went haywire. He caught a slight cough from his sister so in the end, i have to sleep with him cos he cough once in every 30mins or so, and when he coughs, pacifier drop. i have to keep picking up pacifier and putting it in his mouth. But he didnt get milk from midnight to 6.30am


i feel he actually dont need the milk at night.

its just habitually he wakes up or he is thirsty or his pacifier drop. Double edge sword this pacifier. Arghh, my number 1 sucks finger so when she needs, she can put it in herself.

And booohooo, I didnt get to go to the baby fair.

lucky for my wallet...

grace: understands that you need to put the pacifier back for BB...

I am in the mid of training my gal night sleep too and I am also teaching BB not to have her pacifier once fall asleep as I will take it away.

So now BB sometimes will find her way to her pacifier (next to her or above her head usually) or she will just give up after failing to find it... only once in awhile (2-3 a week in the night) she will die die want it... then will make some sound to make me get it to put back her mouth... hahaha

Grace - my boy is behaving this way too... but he's back to normal after a week... he also wake up for water then go back to sleep... is your boy having block nose? or teething? this might be one of the reason that he keep waking up... try not to let him sleep in air-con room... it works for my boy...


oh.. so must also do training for pacifier..haiz..

i love the pacifier and hate it.


yes, he is having block nose last nite. so i sprayed the sea salt water to clear it. and yes he is teething. he has another teeth at the top emerging. it looks weird now as the white is between gums. just hope the cough and blocky nose will go soon.

As for cakes - i have been ordering from this lady ( she is my fren's fren). her cakes are yummy but i got to say her design is not so fantastic as yet. So if you are interested in yummy cakes, simple design, can try...


grace: as i am a 5 days driving to & fro work cum fetching BB from IFC, I need to train her to pick her own pacifier herself especially when comes to driving and she wants to sleep.

So I shorten her pacifier clip string so that it doesnt get stuck somewhere and she can't reach. So when she wants to comfort herself with pacifier, she just reach for her string and slowly adjust and bring the pacifier to her mouth. So far so good... at times still missed and she gets so pissed off herself... hahaha ! but i think it takes time to let her try out herself... at night i do witness BB stretch hands out to find pacifier herself... but i do push push to her tiny hands let her reach and she find the way the put into her mouth and goes back to sleep.


actually he can pick his own pacifier and dumped it in his mouth during the day but at night he just cannot open his eyes so screaming is the best he wants to do..hahahaah

Grace: my one didnt open eyes to find too... hahaha her hands looks like road sweeper like that finding her pacifier... kinda lazy actually... hahaha


i have extra karihome goat's milk step 2 for sale. for 7-12mths.

i have total 8 btls at 19.80 BTL.

7 btls - condition all ok

1 btl - side dented. selling at half price.

Pls let me know if interested. I'm staying at Yishun. can contact me at 96539742

haha beanie - mine will also put back her pacifier with her eyes closed but only when the pacifier dropped beside her mouth... I was so surprised and amused when i caught her do tat...

mine still need me to find his pacifer for him lei..

i nid the pacifier to make him sleep or keep quiet.. haha. veri noisy boy..

Last 2 nights, Baby kayden was giving me a hard time. Saturday night, he woke up at 1am, 3.30am and 5am. In the end, I just bring him to my bed to sleep. Daddy was sleeping in the guest room and so I was looking after him alone. Luckily, he slept longer when I bring him over to my bed.

Yesterday was even worse. Had a hard time putting him to sleep. Cry and cry but manage to fall asleep after 30mins of coaxing. Daddy on the aircon in the master bedroom for him. I told daddy to look after him when I go bath. When I came out of the bathroom, suddenly, I heard him crying. I went into the room and daddy couldn't coax him back to sleep. I had to carry him and coax him again. Immediately he fell asleep but I place him on the bed again, he cried. I had to hold him for at least half an hour and sit on the bed. When he is deep asleep, I lay him on my bed and lie down next to him. I didn't sleep much last night and plus the tired Saturday night, I finally fall sick today. Sian!!

Mommies~~ Over weekend i also ... hahaha BB sick ma ... so not much sleep too... but lucky fever subsided... but then BB C still can't sleep well thus i cant sleep too...

Annie, K teething n he not comfortable?

at times J can cry for nothing, i tot he is in deep sleep already. just cry and cry.

have to pat him to sleep again..

Ann, take care. Is Kayden teething that was why he kept waking up? or too tired?

I didn't have a good night yesterday either. H didn't have enough sleep in the day, so she kept waking up last night - 11pm, 2am, 4am, 6am. always with a small cry, like a whimper. now i'm having a bad headache

Dear mummies,

I am from Nov 2010 thread and FTM.

My baby is 5months old now. She is on small size only 6.4kg. We trained her to drink from bottle (using avent, pigeon, nuk) since she is 3 month but the attempt is always failed. Once we start train her to drink from bottle her weight didn’t increase much. 5.8kg at 3month, 6kg at 4 month and 6.4kg at 5month. I had seen PD at 4 month and discussed about this. PD said if baby feels hungry, they will drink whatever. Otherwise, to do spoon feeding. Should I see other PD about this? Any recommendation for PD please.

I went back to work 2 weeks ago. Since then, she didn’t drink from bottle whole day and I can nurse her only when I came back from work and I nurse her around 8pm, 12pm, 3am, 6am. We start feeding solid food 2 weeks ago too but not much. She eats only 2 teaspoons of rice cereal during lunch time and 2 or 3 teaspoons of cereal in the evening. We tried spoon feeding but it takes very long time for very little amount. (30ml or 60ml takes 30 to 45 mins) and she didn’t take all. Sometimes, she split it out too. One more thing is she never cries for milk too. Is this little amount of solid food enough for baby?

I feel very worried for her health. Please advise me how to train her to drink from bottle. is there any service that can feed baby via bottle?

Thanks a lot in advance. Really appreciated for ur help.

Ann, think Kayden teething.... My boy was also super sensitive when he started teeting 2 weekends ago - very very yang orh, always want to be carried, need to carry for very long before he sleeps and refuses food/drink (literally see bottle/cereal then cry already) and had fever. A few days later 2 white teeth appeared, then another 2 more, so can imagine the discomfort he faced then! Pd prescribed a gel (Dentinox) to apply on his gums to soothe the pain. Maybe you can check w your Pd.

Jonas: Besides not enough sleep, I think it is becos of the air con room. I cannot tahan air con. Everytime on aircon, I will sure fall sick. Hai...

Ica: Yes, Kayden is teething. But he doesn't seem to have problem with it. I think he played too much at my mum's place yesterday. He loved the big red yoga ball which my bro had. Keep hitting and playing with it. I think he played too much and had nightmare.

bdmummy: Kayden's had been teething for a few weeks le.. his little teeth had emerged from his gum for quite some time. Never had any fuss. Think he just played too much during day time.

angel: BB nature is to cry when hungry.

I suppose your BB is still dependant on latching on... maybe can try to increase the amount of cereal feeding to BB since spoon feeding is much preferred by ur BB.

I do have a close GF who actually spoon feed her child since months old water and milk as her BB is very dependant on latching on only, doesnt know how to use teats to drink.

Right now BB have grown up to be a very active and healthy gal ! (now 4 yrs old)

Angel, when your baby doesn't want the cereal anymore, don't force it on her. Babies know when they're full. Babies have appetities, too, just like adults. Sometimes we have no appetite - same goes for babies

Your baby may not be that ready for semi-solids, so maybe you want to wait it out and try again

Hitting Head: Girls, does your babies like to use their hands and hit their heads? Sometimes Kayden like to do that. Dunno why. He will use one hand and hit against his head. Sometime even with his smelly pillow in hand. My mum says he is an indian baby. Not sure to laugh or frown.

Ann, my nephew used to do that when he was younger...especially when he is pek chek.

mine will keep on scratching the head and pull the hair..

different babies got different patterns when they pek chek...haha

ann, my girl used to hit her own head repeatedly when drinking milk. until that spot red red. but she stopped doing it. however, now her new pattern is she will suddenly rub her ears and pull her own hair.. sometimes she will wink both eyes, dunno why.

Angel, I have a friend whose baby also refused bottle teats until she introduces pacifier to her. I know you'd probably not want to start her on pacifiers , but maybe u can try that then once she's ok, kick her out of her pacifier habit? Just sharing what I know

Milk powder price increase: I saw from another thread that beginning of 1st April, milk powder of most brands will increase price by $2 to $3. KNS!! Salary no increase but milk powder keep increasing. Hai...

Jellypurin: Ya.. so you got to stock up more. Hehe!!

Sweetkiss: Haha!! No ss how to squeeze sia? Need to buy BM ah.. Haha!!

Anyone mommy stay in jurong west interested to send their baby for music class which is like kindermusik? It is called music garten. I wanted to send my baby for the class which is a home based near pioneer mrt but need 2 babies to form a class. She charge $55 per mth! I'm looking at weekday afternoon if any mommy wants to join me pls pm me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We can go for the trial class first!

Hi Mummies,


It was a tough wkend for me.. My bb J was found fever on Fri morning.. So i ask my maid to let him drink the medicine & I proceed to work.. Aft work straight away went home & check BB.. Maid told his whole afternoon temp was like 37.5 to 37.8.. thinking that ok mayb he is fine.. dunno y at night his temp shoot up to 38.2.. I was damm worry.. so give the fever medicine again.. & so qiao hubby also sick!! Fever too & is 39.2.. I was damn busy on the fri night..

& since hubby is sick, So bb J will sleep in in-law room (& is their shift too, we have alternate day shift)... So tat night have to look aft hubby..

On the sat morning 6+, I hear bb J crying, so went over to in-law room & check... BB was crying & hear that he even vomit at night.. Fever was once shoot up to 39.6 so my MIL use towel to spong him & mange to get the temp down.. but at 6+ when i check his temp was 39.. So i told hubby have to send him to hospital.. I was thinkin between KK & thomson.. But in the end still went to Thomson.. cos hear that KK even emergency also need to wait very long!

(I was upset with my MIL, at the 1st place when the fever shot up to 39.6, the should inform us & we should straight away send bb to hospital... & not wait till morning.. lucky everything is ok...)

The STUPID doc, check on my bb.. We ask is there a need to admit him in hospitak.. & he told us we can choose to either admit him or took medicine & continue to give him.. MY hubby straight away said admit cos fever so high!!

So lucky we admit him.. Really bless if not we won't know that he is caught by the virus, influenza A infection URTI.. BB j went for an x-ray & blood test.. was so poor thing to see the needle pock on his hand.. feeling so terrible & he can only cried & complain to me.. see le so heartpain!! feel like crying seeing him suffer..

All i can do was to coax & pat him.. the 1st night was tought!! every 2hrs check temp & have to force him eat the medicine.. but he is clever, he split out all the medicine, no choice have to put medicine on his buttom to make the fever go down.. both is hand is tight up! to prevent him to use another hand to pull out the needle..


Poor jayden hands must wrap till like this for anti biotic drip

luckily on the 2nd day, he fever to get down, but doc said still need to stay & observe until his fever no more for 24hrs.. in the hospital even mig night have to wake the bb up to eat medicine & check temp.. wow it was a tough 2 nights for me.. did't sleep well & have to keep carrying BB cos he dun wan to lie down.. My whole body was aching!!

But is all worth!!! BB J on the 2nd day feeling better & can smile to me & daddy.. play a little but still have to becareful of his little hand.. but i think he cried until he have 'horse voice' poor boy!! He is playful on the 2nd day,


hahaha.. look at the cutie pic!

Finally get to discharge this morning & need to go back to review on Thurs.. =) Tough wkend & tml back to work!!!!! Haiz!!

When i was in the hos, found out alot of kids r admit due to fever & an ang mo bb bearly 1 mth found to have lung infection.. poor BB..

think now weather is damn bad.. have to take extra careful... =)

Jasline: Glad to heard to Jayden was discharged from the hospital yesterday. Ya, I think recently quite a number of kids are falling sick. Even adults too. So you must take gd care of yourself too.


glad to hear jayden is getting well again.

u have to take care of yourself as well ok!

alwyn is also sick - he caught a cough from his sister. haiz...the weather is definately not helping.



6th night(Mon night)

As usual, we fed him at midnight but he just really couldnt drink much at a go. if he does, i dont think there is an issue. He woke at 3am for water and then the next time he woke it was 7.30am.

i wish wish wish, he dont have to wake for the water..hiaz...will continue to try harder!!

Jasline, glad to know J is ok now. phew! that was a close shave. and the pic of him with 2 pacifiers is very cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must sayang, sayang him, especially his tiny hand, a lot. hugs!

Yesterday, H kept waking up at night. at first i thought maybe she's teething. each time she stirred and woke up, i'd gave her pacifier, pat her back to sleep. until she cried, then i heard the snot/mucous in her breathing - she was having blocked nose all along. aiya! so i went to the kitchen to get her water to drink, then use the nasal spray. then hubby came running out, carrying H, and said to me "eh, there's something near her mouth! - it was a very thick and big snot! both father and daughter looked very blur as they came out from a darkened room to a bright area - kitchen light was on. just imagine - H with her eyes half opened, like slits, with the snot stuck btwn nostril and mouth. LOL. hopefully it's just snot and won't develop into anything else. don't know how H got it - she was fine before she went to sleep

Mommies and babies, take really good care. weather is crazy these days

Grace, sometimes it may be due to wind/gas also, especially if we feed baby those gas-producing vege/fruit in the evening

Anyway, good progress on the sleep training. just continue giving water - A will get the msg soon

Since giving birth, i don't think i've 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, maybe during confinement and when H is away in KL with my mom. but it's worth it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] H was caught standing up, holding on to the cot for support - she managed to pull herself up. time to lower the bed!


Jasline: good to hear your bb is ok! He looks v cute in the pic!

straw magmag:

I gave my bb the straw magmag over the weekend. He is able to sip well, but after learning that it is plain water, he will sip and spit out the water.

ica; I also have interrupted sleep since ages ago, and can never sleep past 8am. Haha. Bb nowadays always flip to sleep on his tummy at nite, think it is disturbing his sleep as he is restless at nite and in the daytime, always yawning and is lethargic..I hope this phase will be over soon.

Julie: thanks for having us over for the playdate!! love all the toys! So interesting!

