(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Jasline, take care! Glad to know that Bb J is better and discharged! Very heartpain when bb fall sick more so when warded and hv to be on drip.. sigh, bb Ev was warded 2 weeks ago for fever/flu too, but they are very strong and will recover very quickly (now he is more active then ever!) so do not worry!



U take care too! it is always so heartache when our precious is sick [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Glad that J is now ok!

He is so adorable! eating 2 pacifier at the same time ah? kekeke, how playful now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The Little Gym: Just remember the new term for Bugs class is starting this Sat. Will anyone of you be going for the class?

Ann, I'm going for the trial class in Forum this Sat

Jolyn, if you're arranging, pls remove my name from the list. Thanks for arranging! hubby made the appt without me knowing

Hi mommies that are still waiting for the bangles, so sorry! Parcel not here yet, donno whats taking so long since it shipped 1 and a half wks ago liao! Hope its not customs delay again !! Will contact everyone once its here k

Jasline, yr boy is so cute wif 2 pacifiers.. He usually takes 2 at a go? Good that he has recovered.. Fever is no joke sometimes...

Hi Sweetkiss, Suika and Mrs Long

Thanks. Will email Pine Gdn and check out the blog. I live in the East so see whether can make it to Pine Gdn.

For those who are on Enfa milk, there is a roadshow on Enfa at Century Sq in Tampines. Rdshow till sun.


take care, i can understand how u feel.

since jan, E had been in/out hospital due to fever, so after checking, testing, etc, and found out he had Urine tract infection, just jan, he was admitted twice for this, each stay was abt 10 days, then on mar, he was admitted again. imagine all the doc n nurses knew us.

during the stay, he was also on plug cos antibotic is given through injection. even now back at hm, he is on long term antibotic.

MVH: no this is the 1st time we give 2pacificer.. Hahaha.. He is juz too playful!!

Jasmine: wow 10days so long.. Which hos??

Talking abt this, do u mummies buy insurance for bb??

I bought one but due to the stupid agent screw up I'm not able to claim for my bb hospital bills!!! Angry of the stupid agent..

Thanks xbeanniex. At least feel that I am not alone. She knew how to drink coz she took bottle one feedind day time when she was 6 week coz of diarrhea I stopped at 10 week and tried back after 12 week. Then she didn't take anymore since then.


Thanks. I won't. Will wait and see how again.


Thanks for sharing. Trying pacifier too.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Glad to hear that ur baby is ok now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning, mommies!

H's lower front teeth are cutting through so she's really manja now - drooling, low grade fever, runny nose, tossing and turning the whole night. hopefully it will be over soon

ceres: happy bellies - nope, not half full. it's more than 3/4 full

Good morning mummies.

Teeth: Do your baby's 2 lower teeth form a slight "V" shape when coming out or a straight line? What I obeserve from kayden's teeth is it forms a slight V shape. But the teeth is not out fully, so I am not sure if the teeth are going to be straight or not. I was asking daddy "What if Kayden has crooked baby teeth?". As usual, hubby's reply is "You think too much liao".

Ceres: The cereal is not half filled definitely. Like what Ica mentioned, it is more than 3/4 full.

Jasline: I bought my insurance from AXA. How come you cannot claim? Wat did your insurance agent do? Maybe can share with us?

Teeth: Hmmm...my boy is still toothless! And he is coming 9 mths this Friday. Is this normal or not?

Jasline: Glad to hear that your bb is well now. Do take care. I got my boy's insurance from Great Eastern. Hope no screw up by the agent -*choi!* touch wood! If possible, I dont want to make any claims.

1st birthday pressies: I am trying to compile my boy's birthday wishlist so that guest will know what to buy for him. Any suggestions of the must-have or interesting toys/books for 1 yr old? I thought of Duplo/Lego blocks, tricycle with handle. He already has those basic shape sorter & ring stacker type of toys.

Ann, ica: do you intend to start bb on toothpaste, any idea which is better?

vernie: think is normal. some bbs only start teething at 10mths.

bb crawling:

my bb still cannot crawl yet, now already 8mths plus. He has no motivation to crawl although I put his fav toy or food(!!) infront of him. How to encourage him to crawl? or just let him be? but scared that he may skip crawling altogether, although I know crawling is not a milestone. but I want him to be more "mobile" loh. haha.

vernie, some babies only have their first tooth when they're 1yo - according to pareting books, websites. so no worry ya. it also boils down to genetics

medical insurance: i got mine from prudential. ya lor, don't ever want to claim. like vernie said "choi!". lol

CB: don't intend to use toothpaste. parenting books, webbies say just use cloth + water is good enough but make it a habit to clean 2x a day, esp. after they have their last feed before going to sleep. this is to wash away the sugars to avoid tooth decay. if can't wash, make baby drink water

if you want to buy toothpaste, make sure it's flouride-free coz baby will swallow the toothpaste

crawling: CB, you can try this - put baby on your lap (with your legs straight). baby's upper body on your lap, hands and legs hanging over your lap (imagine that baby is in crawling-on-all-4s position). this will help strengthen the muscles required for crawling.

Ann, I have slight 'V' shaped teeth on the bottom.. My elder gal has the same shape.. Now my bb gal 2 bottom teeth also is a V shape though half way out only..

ica: First teeth toothpaste is actually flouride free but I read from other thread that it can stain teeth. So I have not started at all. I always force bb to drink water, so even if he spits out, I will treat it as rinsing his mouth! Thanks, will try out the crawling exercise with him later when he wakes!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CB: the jun2010 moms recommend Earth's Best. i kaypoh. hehe. oh, one mommy commented Orajel stains the teeth. at least we know which one to avoid when really starting babies on toothpaste

ica: hahaha!!! I think we kpo the same thread loh! I even went to buy Earth's Best to stand by-it can be used from 6mths to 3years old. Earth's Best comes with a finger brush too.

Vernie, dun worry.. My elder gal got her 1st tooth at 11 months.. Some can take up to 12months.. So maybe yr bb is a late teether..

CB, ica, MVH: Ok, thanks. Guess I'll wait and treasure his toothless grin now. =)

CB: Don't worry, your bb will eventually crawl. Like you said, crawling is not really a development milestone. Once bb can crawl, you will have more headache! Mine crawls really well and now he does not want to play with his toys. He prefers to crawl around the house and touch forbidden things, anything but his toys! Have to watch him all the time. So busy!

carol: Did u finally buy the learning table? Which u did u get? I am considering getting one.

Ica: I like ur idea about letting bb to strength their hands and legs to crawl... but do BBs skip crawling then learn walking ?

my little one doesnt seems to be crawling at all... she prefers to hold on something to walk few steps then fall and she repeats everything again... just to reach the toy i keep shifting around... but if i put her in an open area(nothing to climb up to hold onto) she will just sit there and kick her legs and cry else keep flipping on the floor and gets angry... but once give her something to hold on again. she is happily giggling again with her big drop of tears on both eyes.

Crawling: when I brought my gal to Gymboree, the instructor taught one way to encourage ur child to crawl. Place bb on their tummy. Put ur palms on their feet. Let bb use ur palms as a support to push themselves forward. Follow bb feet pattern as u support them..

My gal is 8.5 mths and she just started crawling backwards. I read that if u give bb more tummy time, they can crawl faster but it's not an issue even if they dun crawl yet.

She has teeth that are coming out but one tooth is faster than the other! So funny to see only 1 now. Hahaha..

For cleaning teeth, we're using the same mouth cleaner she used as an infant. Is called 儿童口腔液 in green label glass bottle. We all used it when we were babies.


my #1 cruise then walk then after that back to crawling. so they will go back to crawling even though they walk first.

Vernie: I think it is ok if baby has not develop their teeth by now. Different baby's development is different. My boy follow the Hokkien belief (even though he is a Cantonese. Haha!!) which is 7mths for sitting, 8mths for crawling and 9mths for starting to grow teeth.

My present list to my guests is Money. Wahaha!!! Mummy loves money & so does baby Kayden. This morning, he was bribed by the maid for $2 only!!! Must teach him to recognize $50 at least.

charliebrown: I think I will just use tooth wipes for now which I had been using since he is 3mths old. Will proceed to using toothpaste at a later stage after 1 yr old or so?

Kayden also same before he started to crawl. Just keep practising with your baby. Place your palm against their feet to assist them to crawl. Soon they will learn.

Hi mommies,

FINALLY the bangles came in haha! 2 weeks of wait -.-

Will send out all by tomorrow k!! I am soooo blur i forgot to order 1 more extra for my son! AIYO =\


Nice Mahjong Cake: Any recommendation? Wanted to get one for my grandma's bday. She loves to play mahjong. Hehe!!

Re: Crawling

My boy has started to crawl on all fours though he's crawling at snail speed, hehee.

I read from books...some babies skip the crawling stage altogether and proceed to cruising/walking.

In fact, crawling is not a compulsory milestones, unlike sitting & walking per se.

Ann: Hi Ann, does she also like durian? Can try this http://www.emicakes.com.sg/mahjong/

Emi durian cake quite yums!

Mrslong: thanks for the info, my son is totally not crawling haha. I put him down, and put a toy for him to reach.. he will roll and roll and make his way to it. He is super in rolling but refuses to crawl! =\

Jaclyn: mine will get very angry if she needs to roll and flip ... she prefers to hold on something to walk there... ! so now all tables' corner covered up plus the sides also cushion up... my mum even wants to give up putting sofa chairs and tables in the living room... so her precious granddaughter can have a safer place to walk around... -_-lll

Jaclyn: I found my first pendant liao. Was at my in law house. No wonder, I can't find. Hehe!!

For emicake, I find their durian cake nice a few yrs ago but I think quality seems to have dip when we bought it last yr.


my son refused to crawl since 2 weeks ago.

He will move his buttock to reach his toy if I put it away from him.

Everytime I put him on his tummy, he will just sit down & move his buttock to get the toy.. . still trying my best to make him crawl again... sigh...

he got do the commando crawl for about 3 weeks, then crawl on the 4 for about 1 week.

but after he learnt how to move his buttock to reach something, he refused to crawl.... headache!!!

beannie, like vivi said, babies go back to crawling even though they stand up/walk 1st. my friend's baby (also born in July 2010) is like that - stood up first. i thot her baby skipped crawling all together but she said no, they'll go back to crawling. anyway, her baby has very little tummy time coz the babysitter takes care of 2 other older children and scared that they'll stomp on the baby accidentally, so baby is in the walker most of the time

i got that tip from here


ica: my bb is in IFC ... most time will give in to whatever bb wants... like my bb prefers to stand n walk... teachers will put her in the play yard to play... then she gets to stand and wobble... -_-lll

hi vernie, i not yet get any for my bb..

plan to get the leapfrog activity table.


might go taka bb fair after work today n see any toys to buy..

btw, how many set of clothes did you bring last time for photoshot with SL?

Hehe, so excited, going for photograph session this friday..

the receptionist said SL no longer taking photos for bb wor..he more like advisor now..but he is the one editing the photos.

carol: Oh.. i got that leapfrog activity table from Phyllis.. quite nice to play with. Alot of musics. But kayden just like to bang on it now. Haha!!

I bought it 2nd hand which cost me $35. I find it not bad. Daddy also like it. Just that we have to get Kayden to appreciate it. Hehe!!

Phyllis is another July mummy. Hehe!!

oic..haha, i thought is a shop name so i key in "Phyllis" to search in google..

there's a forum mommy selling at $55..but then my hubby said no to preloved toys..i just afraid if buy new one later bb lost interest, quite a waste too since i think new one cost abt $70..

carol, wow! you scheduled it so fast! i signed up, too. heheh. i'm only going for the photoshoot end April coz i wanted a weekend

i rented an activity table, i think it's the bright start doodle bug around-we-go? but H still prefers her jumperoo


Crawling: The crawling tip that SK and Ann mentioned (place palm against bb's feet and help them move forward) was also taught by Little Gym & Gymnademics instrutors. I tried that a few times and also crawl for bb to see, eventually he got it. At 7.5 mths, he was commando crawling. By 8 mths plus, he was crawling on all fours. Now he is super active crawling everywhere, i'm wondering if that's the reason he is so skinny! Just hit 8.2kg and he is turning 9 mths this Fri.

carol: I am also considering the Leapfrog one too. Hope to encourage bb to stand up using that. I brought about 8 sets of clothes (shirts/tees of different colours with some pants) but didn't use all coz some are naked shots! Hee! Maybe bb gal will have more clothes & accessories to bring. Just bring as many as you like, then let the photographer choose. Yeah, i went to SL's booth at Baby Fair, then realised the photographer that did my shoot is his assistant. The assistant looks a bit like him, so i got a bit confused. Enjoy your shoot and do bring puffs/melts to bribe bb.

