(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

peanut: Oh.. I was comparing the items in the diapers.com.sg website. Never see the pricing at the gmarket one.

bb j only drink 70ml for 11hrs!7am gave him cereal w milk cos reject milk.11.15 drank 110ml til nw dun wan.juz wan water n pacifier.try putting milk in e water bottle tat he drink bt refuse. Veri cranky 2dae nw sleepin on top of me.having running nose 2.sob sob.he behave e same bt juz dun wan milk.gettin worse!

Cheese: u wanna bring him to the pd and check? Give him more cereal first to fill his tummy.. U mean the moment the milk bottle put inside his mouth, he refused to drink? Did he cry? Is his poo ok? Cos when K is constipated, her appetite very small. Can 5 hrs dun wan milk.

i am v kiasi. i am putting off all trial classes until the flu season is over. i got a v bad experience when my son got virus from his sister and he has to be nebbed. he cried and cried... i had not brought him out much these days... hoping he will not catch the virus again

Wld love to sign up but my girl so timid.. Little bit cry and disturb the class. Make me so paiseh. While other babies so happy to be tossed around. Mine was scared after a while, refused to even sit on the mat & I had to carry. Boo.. Maybe wait till she's older. I like the lesson though.

Yes she very pa sheng.. Gd thing is she will not allow strangers to carry. But bad thing is she is so sticky to me when she gets scared that even my hubby she also dun want.. She's extremely afraid of old ppl. As in those elderly. Young ppl or aunties play with her she still ok..

sk.2dae he glue 2 me so much.norm he wont wana hug me.haha.been 2 pd n he check throat,penis,etc n he poo poo ok.bt can c tat urine lesser.pd say mayb nose uncomfy or oso there r many reason y reject milk.hope his runny nose get beter. Btw,been 2 lil gym n bb j is so hyper active til my mil hold his leg nt 2 make him kick .flip crawl etc til 9pm then stop.woo,4hr lei.he is nt tired

Cheese >> Last week, B was also on milk bottle strike. Drank so little I was worried. So in the end I put the milk in cereal n fed him 3 meals of solids. Now back to normal already.

Hi Karen,

My 2 kids' age gap is exactly the same as yrs! And it's like so chaotic when we go out during the wkend. I find your bb girl very similar to my bb boy. He was having cough for quite awhile, and therefore missed his vaccination as well! But he got better recently, so we immediately brought him for the vaccine. hahs!

The Little Gym,

Skyler enjoyed the class n KO after tat in his stroller while we were at Toysrus. But we didn't sign up for the class yet cos find it a bit ex.

Gg to try another gym in the west at bukit gombak called Baby Jumper Gym (I think). Any west side mommy interested?

Sweetkiss, what do you do when yr bb's constipated? My bb hasn't poo much in 4 days. Today she managed to poo a bit after a lot of heartbreaking cries. I've been feeding her papaya purée, apple juice, prune juice. Even stopped her rice cereal. But doesn't seem to help.

babycoco: Try peach puree. Peaches are known to have a diuretic affect and also are a natural laxative. Give together with prune if you can. Cause along with prunes, the peach is a great fruit to give to your baby if constipation has become a problem. It is say to help constipation.

jellypurin: yes bb went for nebulising tdy. and on oral ventolin too hope she sleeps well tonight.

Immas: yrs apr 09 n jul 10 oso??? i u/stand wat u mean by chaotic. and my domestic helper now wants to go back. i'm @ a total loss on wat to do. re-hire? i'm so tired. I've changed 3 in the last 1 yr. lookg after kids are not my forte. i can't handle them on weekends alone. hubby is working. u've got help? or u handle them yrselves?

Cheese >> I'll feed him milk at 7am, he might drink a little or he might reject the bottle altogether. I'll mix 90ml of milk with cereal/rice together with arnd 50ml puree and he usually finishes this. At the 11am feed, I'll give solids. At 3pm I'll try milk again but he drank very little maybe 40-60ml then stop. At 6pm, I'll give solids again. At 10.30pm, I'll try to dreamfeed but most times he rejected this feed. Went on for about 4 days, I really got worried coz his daily milk intake was way below the recommended amount. Thank goodness this week back to normal again. Wasted so much milk those few days.

Teething Rusk: My girl loves Heinz rusks. It took a couple of tries before she enjoys gnawing on it. Initially, she always tries a few bites and drops it to the ground. Sim tia. But now, she can be occupied with it for a good 1/2 hour, which gives us time to eat a proper meal outside. Are there other brands to recommend? Heinz biscotti is too sweet.

Crawling: She is 6 months, 3 weeks. Can't crawl yet. She is quite fascinated with sitting now. Seems to prefer to sit to play.

Hi mummies! I love e class at littlegym but unfortunately little kaley fell asleep after warm up! Lol!! So funny!! Will be goin again this sat and -cross fingers- hope she will finish e whole class. I realized she is more confident and happy after e gym. Nw she can sit up on her own for very long time and also she has started to crawl! Duno if it's e effect of e class. I do feel she is more confident and best of all, she slept early and wakes up late nw! I have never seen her so tired before!

Btw I juz bought e HB oatmeal in an organic shop at forum dat day aft gym.. Have been feeding her on dat.. Shud be alright if they are still selling it?

Hi recently my boy's poo v v smelly n his urine got the 'never flush toilet bowl' smell, is it normal? I'm not feeding him anything special, only brown rice cereal n bmilk.

I tink it's e brown rice.. Kaley had dat smell too when I gave her brown rice. Now I've stopped and it seems normal oredi..

Anyones baby still dont sleep through the night?! Everytime my son wakes up, i always wonder if im the onLY one having to carry their bb at night !!!!

*tears her hair out*

Nowadays when he wake up, i can't go back to sleep liao after that. damn jialAt!~


Previously Phy faces the same problem right? and she uses the cry it out method. Lasted 3 days and he slept thru now. You wana try that?


My helper is leaving in march too! what coincidence! Anyway we're hiring another one.. hopefully it's as gd as my old one.. headache! my current old one is really a great help!

my hb don't work during wkends. So when we go shopping.. it's very stressed when it comes to dining time.. haha!

Turuko: I look forward to the little gym trial class after your review! Cos my bb cannot sit well and cant crawl yet..so hope the class can help him abit. If the shop is selling the HB oatmeal, so be alright, the AVA has not gotten back to me, later I call again.

Swwtkiss: I hope my bb will like the class..also not sure if he will enjoy and do the stunts, lol. He abit pa sheng i feel.


My bb dislikes porridge leh! I tried twice and both times he cried. I added green peas puree in it. He likes green peas though. How mashy must the porridge be?

sun_tan: when do you intend to go to the gym? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Went little gym trial with cheese and Geri on sun at MS. Keila was so cranky and was crying throughout the class so unlike her, realise she wants to sleep! but she slept from 11 am to 2pm before the class!

Little gym is a pretty physical class no linguistic but with a little bit of singalong. No we are not signing up...

Kindermusic - anyone organising trial class with kindermusic?

eliss.i dun quite enjoy it.i tink he nv get 2 exercise n benefit frm there n he is super active after tat even though he is on milk strike. Pris,mine is 2nd wk already n today 12hr nv drink.juz manage 2 drink 100ml only.nw he only want water..lter 11am i wil feed cereal w milk

Hi Mummies

Seem like many of the babies are not drink??

its is bcos of change in formula milk or prefer solid food?? teething at this period??

my bb is only drinking 80ml out 140ml

gosh midnight 2am my bb cry i thought he want milk but he reject milk i was worry cos the last feed was 8.30pm then i try to carry him walk around he very yang orhh and lie his head on my shoulder... then pat him to sleep...

if he doesnt drink more than 40ml i juz mix the remaining milk with cereal and he finish it..

seem like my bb like solid food than milk..

now he know how to choose cry for what he want to eat.

Babycoco: my girl will still want to poo when constipated, just that she will be trying to squeeze till eyes and face red for half an hr! Especially when we are outside and I have to bring her to the nursery, remove her diaper and carry her so she's in a squatting position then easier for her to squeeze out.. She'll be crying throughout till she manages to poo out, and will sweat like mad. Then the poo is hard & has a bit of blood. I stopped giving her cereal & gave porridge & it got better. Then i tried white rice cereal, she has no prob too. She hate papaya & prune juice. So maybe u can trial & error. I bought heinz bottled pear juice too but she dun like.

I'm interested in kindermusik. Maybe I'll try something less physical one cos my girl very timid.

Morning, mommies! Just got back into Spore - went for biz trip then to KL to fetch baby and my mom back. Now that baby is home, the house is so much more livelier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babies who are sick, get well soon! Speedy recovery to all. I know the feeling - very heartpain when baby’s sick and we can’t do anything to relieve the pain. My baby had runny nose which resulted in lots of snot and the poor girl didn’t know how to blow it out and her sleep was disturbed. Took 2 weeks to fully recover. We tried the nasal drops given by the PD (but can only be used max 5 days consecutively), then sterimar spray. When that didn’t clear, we just let it be

little gym: sounds more and more interesting! I’m booked for Marina Sq on 6 Mar but after reading Claudia’s post, now considering whether I should re-schedule

rusks, puffs: I want to let baby try but when I read the ingredients list, I decided to wait a little longer - both has wheat and some brands actually add sugar (think Gerber’s puff has sugar added). My baby has eczema and I read that for babies with allergies, better to delay giving rusks till they’re 1yo. And my baby has not tried wheat yet. The only one I came across which I think is suitable now is Organix rice cakes - no sugar, no wheat, no gluten, the whole “no” list. Saw it in Cold Storage but when I went back, OOS oredi!

crawling: I think my baby crawls backwards! Ahahaha. Not proficient at it yet but yesterday I accidentally switched off the radio (she was enjoying her songs) and she cried, got upset and started to “crawl” backwards”. Hahahaha. Oh, but she’s really good at going round and round on her tummy - is that some form of crawling? The crawl to nowhere? Ahahaha! She can sit well only if I hold her thighs, give them support

baby’s birthday: oh, the party stuff I ordered has arrived! So fast - now has to clear storeroom to make space. Any mommy wanna get party stuff? these are the BP organizers I ordered from - nice mommies and accommodating:-

shokel - birthday direct, party city

burberry - bargain balloons

And if you can’t get the stuff you want from these websites, you can try Oriental Trading or Amazon - there are on-going sprees. And sometimes same party stuff can be cheaper on Amazon ;)

puree for baby: I’m also a lazy mom - have been feeding my baby those jarred puree. So far she has tried apple, carrot, pumpkin, avocado (the only fresh one), pear, peach. Baby doesn’t like pear, so I finished it off - no wonder! its sweetness is quite yucky

Next on the menu: sweet pea, prune, banana, sweet potato

She’s on HT oatmeal now and I find she poos “smoother” vs. brown rice, she had to “gek” a bit

Reading thru the posts (again! Hahaha) that some babies don’t seem to want milk, I have this to share - read it from some book (can’t remember which, maybe baby whisperer?). it says that babies are just like adults, sometimes we don’t have much appetite, so likewise, babies have their good and bad days. my babies drinks milk 4 times a day, sometimes 5 - in total 6 40-760ml. I’m not too concerned as long as baby is growing well

The other reason is baby wants to eat cereal/semi-solids, so by not drinking milk, baby is thinking that the parents will give in. this happened to my fren’s baby. After trying out cereals, the baby refused to drink milk

vivi, congrats! still not coming to terms with it huh? you'll soon come to love it. i wd lurve to be in your shoes. hehehe...so you going to see dr. chia?

