(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

vivi.. all the best for ur pregnancy.. i'd be glad to have 3 kids, hehehe! my friend told me if u confirm wanna stop at #3, after delivery can ask gynae to do "surgery" (sorry forgot the term) to stop future pregnancy rite?


Vivi congrats! How exciting. When is your baby due?

Sweetkiss, ya my bb also turns red, sweats, and cries in pain. So heartpain.

sk- no la not going to do ligation.

what if hb decided to abandon me. then i cant give birth anymore.

heehee. but me will put IUD after that


yap. i was just wondering cos since many of us is going through this at the same time..

i was worry cos he nv totally reject milk feed in the night and it was already 6 hrs interval fr last feed.. usually when he cry out loud during midnight is bcos he want milk.. even cant finish all atleast 80ml..

ya now bb have his/her own preference of like and dislike.

u trying for the next one???


congrat to u !!!

vivi, you know, right after i gave birth, dr. chia visited me and told me to quickly get another one, then can do ligation for me. wahahaha! i was thinking "eh, hello! i just gave birth lah!" so, so happy for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no matter how careful we are, when it happens, it happens

charliebrown, no worry lah. every baby develops differently. when your baby can crawl, another set of headaches. by that time i have to baby-proof my house liao

now my baby licks everything - even the floor! yucks. my sister's ipad also she licks

yvonne, mine today is 12hours... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Very worry.. finally he drank a bit and i was like striking toto/4D..

He still plays /Smile/wiggle as normal.

His intake is btw 500ml-780ml for this few days.. (that include the milk I add in cereal)

all the while his appetite is not so much but nv ever rejected milk for so long.


i got my teething bling last nite. haahaa my alwyn loves biting on the string rather than the pendant. he wants me to hold the pendant for him to bite.


congrats! I dont think i will ever be ready for number 3. I have the iud in place already before number 2.


Opps forget to say take care and have a good rest...


the milk intake abit abnormal than before but he is still quite active

my bb milk intake is abt 400-560ml all the while.. abit on the low side..

I did monitor his growth .. its gd... i think i juz stop worrying.. juz feed him milk and give him drink as he want.. stop when he reject... even there is balance ba..

he love cereal/porridge and will finish abt 4 tablespoon full..

Morning mummies!

Vivi – So excited for you! I believe many of us would like to be in your shoe. Congrats!

Milk intake – My mum has been feeding my boy a lot. He is now drinking 180ml every 3 hourly, and 2 semi-solid food intake per day. Sometime, he wants milk in less than 2 hours after his semi-solid intake?

Baby waking up at wee hours – Jaclyn.. ME!! Baby A still don’t sleep thru the night and still need to feed him milk at night. Tried giving pacifier but it doesn’t help! He will cry till we give him milk.

vivi - congrats to #3!!! so exciting to be preggy

all babies still on night feed, some consolation for the mummies: my fren told be tat her child A is smarter than child B coz Child A wakes up for night feed . ie more milk intake = more DHA and blah blah blah........

Good morning mummies.

This morning, I brought puree over to my in law place for Kayden (last night Kayden stay over). My FIL told me that Kayden seems to have a slight blocked nose. Actually I heard him breathing with a bit of sound when he slept on my bed with me on Monday morning. I hope he is not down with a flu. Brought him swimming in the public pool last Sunday.. I think maybe water too cold for him. Feel so bad if he really fall sick.

babycoco: For peach, you can boil or steam it till soft and then puree.. no need to add water when you blend cause the peach contain lots of water after boil or steam.

Jaclyn: Baby K still "wake" up in the night but only for pacifier.. then he will go back to sleep again. Sometime he will turn left and right even after I give him the pacifier but I just ignore him and he will fall back to sleep on his own without crying.

charliebrown: For porridge, I use slow cooker so come out abit like congee style.. I do add vege like potato or carrot and sometime fish to make the porridge more tasty for him.

ica: Your baby will crawl forward soon. My boy even worse.. can't even crawl backward.. just stationery and cry. After we got back from the little gym class and the teacher taught us what to do, we practise at home with him as much as we can. Now he is crawling forward but still need more practise cause he only uses 1 foot to push while the other hang in the air. Haha!!

Vivi: Congratulation!!! I would be so happy to be in your shoes. Misses menses for a month and 2nd month only brown spotting on and off like the days when I was preggy with Baby K. Test kits is always showing negative. I am wondering what is wrong with my system. So scared gynae will tell me that my system is screwed up and won't be able to have another baby.

thanks all!

grace- i was on iud after #1 and i tried for 1.5 yrs before conceive #2 but mainly becos we got no time for SI [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yr frend's theory on more DHA is damn cool.


me too! Alwyn still waking up once or twice a night. I reckon boys are fussier!


hahaha, we also dont have time for S since our maid left and we are looking after both ourselves. normally by end of day, we are dead tired... =)

Grace-so u plan to get another helper? me still thinking if i shld get an helper anot..

ann-dun worry.. ur system will be in perfect condition.


i think for 3 kids, a helper is a must unless u stay with inlaws or anyone who can help.

must keep sanity of parents. both my kids are at school. alwyn at infant care, ashlyn at N2.

i dont plan to get another helper... they are a pain unless they work well. mine worked well for 5 months before she start her nonsence. and these days, cos maids are in high demand, they will switch employees if they are not happy.

switch means HIGHER PAY! so clever...

grace- headache when comes to maid.

#2 with my mum, #1 in CC.

so when #3 comes out, i will send #2 to cc.

just the housework, i need their help. else, no energy to do hsework. for now, we do hsework once a week if we have the mood, if not will be once a mth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i asked a part time cleaner to come lah.

once a week 4hrs. she will help clean 2 toilets,clean house surface, windows, vacumn and mop, change bedsheets. cos my house is on the bigger side, i never ask her to iron clothes.

at least come home to a clean house makes me happier. i have 2 dogs somemore.. they make a mess all the time.. haiz...


my bb will only be on night feed unless I skip his dream feed.. for me i dont like to night feed cant let them get use to it..

my BIL 2yrs old + son still wake up like 3 hrs interval when my bb was 3 mths old.

grace- ic.. i wanna to engage that as well but need to be ard for her. like weird. but not 放心if she alone in the hse. dilemma. think at the end of the day. still bk to square 1.

vivi: u r super liao.. i have 1 kid and no maid but only do ironing every week.. other housework can drag as long as once a mth if i have no time..

im looking for freelance PT helper that charges by hour. i'm staying in the west, any intro?


i just pass the pt auntie my keys, so she just come in on weekdays to do the cleaning. if i am around and she cleans, i feel very mahfan...haahaah..


where do u stay? She does tiong bahru area.

4hrs $50


no need cos i oso have some left over.

thanks for the kind offer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vivi - congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jaclyn -

Mine doesn't sleep thru as well! Actually sometimes can last until 6am... but if feed him, will have difficulty falling asleep again (but still tired) so I will try to feed him before 5am even tho he doesn't cry.

Little Gym

Mrs long - yeah think there is a curse to organisers! haha.... My bb's sleep schedule went out of whack last Sun so couldn't make it for the class

Jasline / Justina -

No more 'group' trial classes liao... If you want to, i can call and help you book for the slot that you want. Alternatively, you can call to secure the booking @ 63369734... If you want me to book, please PM me (1) slot (2) your name (3) mobile (4) baby's name

Puree amount to feed

How much puree do you guys feed per meal? I always have the trouble of determining what is the right amt. I feed milk immed after semi solids... I just pureed one whole papaya ( the small type) but cut quite deeply and fed baby. hah... dunno if overfeeding

Keeping puree...

If i puree say in the afternoon... put in the fridge and evening transport to mum's place to feed baby in the evening OK? Or can dun put in the fridge? Dun really fancy transfering in and out of the fridge...


even hubby also support same football club! hah

Gymboreee / Kindermusik

Any mummies went for trial for any of the above? Any reviews?

Vivi: wow! Congrats and take care!

Ica: Your BB will crawl soon. Mine started with moving around in circles on his tummy and sometimes move backwards. Now he has progressed to commando crawling. Crawling all over his playmat and sometimes outside to 'chase' his toys. He tried to crawl on all-fours but after a step or two back to commando style. Now busy watching him coz he is exploring forbidden items like the base & wire of my tower fan.

PT helper: I have a PT helper (Bishan / toa Payoh area) who helps with cleaning & ironing once a week. Initially I was around to supervise, after that leave keys with her after I am comfortable with her. Just like grace, she around cleaning, I feel weird...

vivi : congratz....

do take care of yourself...

Wish to have a bunny baby.. but i think i will stop at 1 gal & 1 boy... :) to me is too many to handle...

Happybellies oatmeal cereal:

AVA called me and said they did not recall this cereal before, so it is safe to consume. Sorry for the scare, mummies!

Ann: I don't have a slow cooker, I use a normal pot to cook the porridge. I am trying again, maybe boil longer. If really cannot, think got to add more liao in it to make it more tasty.

ica: my house is also not baby proof yet. In fact, it is very dangerous to crawling babies!

Claudia: Yeah! so you ordering any of the rompers for your bb? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear mummies,

I have the following to exchange for Mamil Gold Stage 2

1.S26 Promil Gold, 400g, exp 19/01/2012

2.Similac 2, 400g, exp 09/05/2012

3.Enfapro A+, 400g, exp 27/08/2012

4.Friso Gold, 900g, exp 06/07/2012 (exchange for 1x900g or 2x400g)

Meeting point at Hougang or central area.

Please PM me if you have any to exchange. Thanks.

Hi MOmmies

Wow so much excitement on the forum!! All due to vivi's great news!! Happy for you girl!! =D

grace: Hahaa yaya sometimes Gareth also eat the string only. However, when they get older it will be more useful as they are more "aware" of the pendant there.

babies waking up at night: Omg.. now night time is a nightmare for me. Even my hubby who is the one that normally does the night shift, also keep waking me up for help liao! Baby G normal pattern is sleeping around 10pm.. then he'll stir around 1am. We used to be able to feed him milk .. then he will fall right back to sleep, but nowadays he just wants ppl to carry. Carry already put down, straight away cry again. SIGH! Hubby went to bed and I finally put him back to sleep at 5am after struggling with him to-and-fro from 3am-5am. Then I had to wake up at 8am to go to work today... damn tired liao!

Hope he'll grow out of this asap!!

Jac, Amelie is also waking up 3-4 times/ night. She just wants to feed all the time. Dunno what to do. Tempted to try the cry it out method that Phy used.

Sigh I can't do the cry it out method. Have many others staying in my place. If I let him cry, others will run to my room after awhile and grab him.

Jac, babycoco, sounds like it's becoming a habit as in they know when they wake up, there's milk waiting for them. Hehe..me no expert, just quoting baby whisperer. How about upping their milk intake during the day, dropping their night feeds one by one? Or has there been a change to their routines?

Hey... talking abt waking at night.. my boy suddenly dun wake at night just whinning then put pacifier done. but he wakes early like 5am - 6am for milk if last drink is 7pm - 10am & 6am - 8am if last drink is 11pm - 12pm.

My boy also dun regularly poo nowadays, use to be daily when i do the poking for him. Now is on off twice a day.

Vivi: Congrats!!

I'm also planning to have 2nd child! But is dragon! Anyone having the same intention?

About happy bellies, i just recently ordered from a SPREE. My son dare to eat the green puff so gonna buy that again for him. Happy to know he eat greens cuz his mother (me) dun eat vegetables at all =X

till now me still feeding my boy with milk and only 1 or 0 servings of cereal a day. till now i did not feed any handmade food.. lazy all buy one. i'm a bad mother =(.

Teething pendant: Haha!! I tie it on Kayden instead of me. So he can chew on it as and when he like. But of cos with supervision to ensure that he doesn't get strangle by the strings.

Jaclyn: Do you use yao lan? I use that for Kayden when he doesn't sleep well. Yao lan make him feel like someone is hugging him and not too hot like swaddling. Normally I carry him to sleep le then put in yao lan for him to sleep deeper before carrying to cot. I dun really swing the yao lan. Just let him sleep in it.


Jac, try the BW's pick up-put down method. When bb cries, tell bb you're going to pick bb up, so u pick him up, then put bb down immediately. May hv to do it many times a night for a few nights. Hope it works for u

