(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Charliebrown: phew!! Thanks for checking with AVA. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jac, I'm home now and checking on the BW. The full and rightvway: When bb cries, 1st pat his back to comfort, let him know you're there. If still cries, then pick him up and put him down the moment he stops crying. If he arches his back, then put him down immediately. The idea behind this is to comfort him only - bb had to learn to go to sleep on his own

Sorry, sorry I did this quite a while ago so couldn't remember in full what I did. All I remember was pick up-put down :p

Kindermusik - I went for the trial class today. I rather enjoy the class and I think my baby enjoyed herself too! She was laughing away. The teacher engaged well with the babies and parents. She has a lovely sing-along voice too and the pace of the class was good.

Vivi: congrats!!! So happy for u!

Ceres: ya me too! I hope to hv a late dragon baby cos me csect so I wanna let the wound heal more first.

congrats vivi!

Re: Gym class

I've signed up for the Little Gym trial class on 26 Mar, hopefully, this time can make it.

I hope the gym can benefit my boy...cuz now coming to 7mths, he still can't sit unassisted nor crawl yet, though he's very good @ flipping & on his tummy.

Sometimes, I wonder issit becuz over @ my IL's place, he doesn't hv the opportunity to practice sitting & crawling...

At times, I wish I can quit my job & take care of my boy so that I can keep track of his developments.

Milk intake

He is also drinking less milk now, since he started on solids, and worse now that he hasn't fully recovered from cough & flu yet.

Anyways, am looking forward to seeing the rest this Sun @ PRis' place!

I'm trying out again at little gym this sat! Reli hope she doesn't sleep this time! I practise a little stuff dat we did on last gym class and kaley seems to enjoy it more. Chuckling whenever i put her on e little exercises! Unfortunately her milk didn't digest, she vomitted some out! Either that or I was too rough!?

I went for a prep talk by glen doman baby program.think they haf gymademics as well. Almost knocked out as I feel it was more like a sales pitch.hopefully e nxt class is more fun. Tink I'm not into e learnin part unless it interests me like sesame street. Anyone went for and any reviews?

Kaley wakes up 3time for milk only. I always tot it's normal for them to want drink milk. What shud we nOrmally do if they are hungry at night? She drinks 4oz each time, many feeds a day, 2 times solid.


i think he is aware of the pendant but he is just lazy to hold himself. string is lightly =)


anyone has extra HUggies Hug town pink stamps for sale? If yes, i need 12 pcs...heehee

pls let me know..


Congrats.. It's a blessing... Take gd care!! =)


I also have the same intention.. but still pending until my new house coming this yr sept than i decide again.. LOL..

Thinking to start all over again make me scare.. haha.. but seeing bb J grown up now make me feel like wow life is wonderful..

Mayb new house have 2nd one will be gd.. so that no one will grab the child away..

However i plan to be a stay home mum (for like 1 to 2 yrs) if I have 2nd one.. so have to see financially 1 household income can afford or not.. if not have to save more $$ first before thinking to be a stay home mum.. than have to drag to the yr of horse..


same as u.. I cannot let bb cried out.. cos others will run to my room after awhile and grab him... which I hate!! so sometime very stress when bb cried at night..

I also looking forward to this sunday gathering at pris house... =)

love wkend as can bring bb out.. recently work load heavy.. tired!!

Congrats vivi! The feeling of having a small life in the tummy is wonderful isn't it? Thought of my first trip to gyna my ger is less than a cm lor now she's learning how to crawl!

wahh vivi congrats!! so happy for u ..nowadays when i see preggy women i will turn n look at them again... kinda miss that feeling but then...mixed feelings ...

kindermusik: me interested too. let me know if there is a trial

Hi ladies, i have Clarins Huile Treatment oil for anti-stretchmark to let go.

I too kiasu and bought TOO MANY, & realised I use too slow. Retail is S$80. I can let go at S$62. Bgt from DFS, not from dubious cosmetic shop. I hv 3 unused bottles to let go. Do a simple google, u will see many gd reviews abt this prodt.

It is actually v popular, but some feel that its a bit pricey, so this is a good deal!

pm me if you are interested.

First-cum-First serve!


congras! #3!! I tot of having 3rd one but hubby said noooo... Coz two boys already tire us out sooo much now...

Jac n babycoco,

Can fully empathise a wakey bb at night.. Terrible feeling esp when we have to wake up early to go to work.. My boy tlwas horrible then, he didn't even allow us to sit down!

Try what ica said abtthe pick-up-put-down method. Hope will work for both of u


u will be.

i actually cannot imagine having a third baby. i find that having children is easy but raising them is so difficult. my personal experience is i could not help but feel that my marriage is also strained.

hvg said that, all children are gifts from God so it's a blessing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning girls.

Brought Kayden to see doc yesterday cause I think he is down with flu. But hoh.. when the doctor see him, the doc say his lungs seem clear and he is very active. He did give us a medication for blocked nose and advise to use when neccessary. Last night, he refused to sleep in his own cot. Put him down, he cry and open his eyes and wan me to carry. In the end, I let him sleep with me on my bed. While he sleeps, i can hear him breathing with sound lei. And I also think he is breathing with his mouth. So not sure how come at the doc, he is ok but when sleeping, got sound. Hubby say Kayden got sinus but baby has sinus one meh? Now don't know to feed medication or not to feed.


what did doc give u? my son has sinus and maybe u bb had back-drip... his mucus drip back to his throat... he may also hv blocked nose.

my son recovers fast within 3-7 days when he is on singulair and zyrtec combination. as long as his lungs are clear and not wheezing, he does not need to take ventolin or medication that eases/clears airway

Jellypurin: I am not use what medication doctor gave my boy. It is a pale pink medication. But before we go see doctor, when I carry him up straight, he also make that sniffing sound. But at the doctor then no more liao.


i think ur doc gave rhiniramine - pale pink liquid. the one u hv should not contain steriod, much safer for bb but cannot use long term but works quite effective.

sorry, i sounded like i know alot because my home is a mini pharmacy after my older kid went cc and is ill many times... of course, she brings back virus to his bro and my boy hv sensitive airways since he was born. i have a lot of medication at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning everyone!! Long time no come in here


ur #1 go CC keep falling sick? mine gg nxt wk i'm so scare he's not able to mix in


congrats!! we here trying hard to have more kids but gov no give much but oni complain not having enuff newborns

Any mummies using Drypers pants? Guardian is having a promo, $17.90. If we bring packaging of another brand, they'll give us another pack free. So $17.90 is for 2 packs. Is that a good deal?

JP:I have ur nUm if my son is sick I know who to call. hehehehe!!

vivi: Just make sure have time for ur hubby and you... 1 day a week at least !


Every kids immune system diff so u hv 2 wait n see. My #1 got really sick after 6wks in sch. N has been falling sick every 3-4wks. But they will get stronger.

Has Ur #1 been to playgroup. Shd b able to adapt. Don't worry.


yup....he's transferring from PG to CC next wk and i hope he'll be ok there coz he'll not be able to go back to that PG once i take him out.

babycoco, my gal using drypers drypantz in the day. yes the promo is a gd deal, im getting it also.

cheaper one is ntuc pull up diapers, only $18+ for 2 pkts but only have L size & the cutting is very big. she usually wears L for open diapers but pull up diapers have to get a size smaller.

Anyone see L or XL drypantz at Guardian? I went to many outlets all left M. Today is the last day of promo liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

vivi: congrats! no doubt it would be tiring but it is a blessing =)

sun_tan: i am interested in the baby jumper gym! keep me in the loop ok. My trip is postponed till end Mar so I should be able to go anytime before that.

charliebrown: thanks for checking out the happy bellies oatmeal. I've just started my baby on it yesterday =)

kindermusik & Gymboree: I am interested too. If anyone organising please include me. thanks!

Lynn: You buying XL!!! Enzo is so big already ah?

those who are getting birthday deco from me: My trip has been postponed so I should be able to pass you all next week. Will contact you all seperately.

Gathering on 27th FEBRUARY @ Pris



1) Pris (host) = pizza

2) Eliss & HB = fruits + 1 yoga mat

3) suntan =

4) suika =

5) Jaclyn + Raq + baby G = Bubble tea

6) Jasline + Hubby + Baby J = polar cakes

7) bbbliss + HB + baby =

8) geri and hb and bb = potato salad

9) vivi, hb, bb and #1 =

10)phy, hb, #1 and baby = BBQ Chicken Wings

11)babycoco, hb, bb = Drinks

12) Chelz, hb, bb, maid = Soft Drink + disposable cups

13) Junie, HB & bb Isaias = McDonald's McNuggets.

14) DQ = 933 golden pillow

15) Lynn Hb & Enzo = Shepherd's pie

16) Nicole =

17) Hershey, hb, #1 & bb galen = playmat & Agar agar

18) Michelle , my parents & bb. =

19) ica, hubby/my mom + baby = Marcaroons

20) Janice = fishballs


All mommies attending, please don't forget to bring your bumbo chair if you have, so we can take photos!!

I trying to org trial classes for the following:

Gymboree (habourfront)

Kindermusik (Tanglin)

Little gym (Marina Sq)

Baby Jumper Gym (Thomson)

Let me know who are interested.

Irene & Yvonne, u are in my list liao. :D

Jo Lyn,

I'm interested in kindermusik trial class too. Keep me in the loop.

By the way, u can actually order the l or xl sizes from guardian for the drypants. My hubby ordered from them. He actually bought 4 sets, so now I have 8 packets at home !!

Jo_Lyn, Count me in for Kindemusik (Tanglin) and Baby Jumper Gym (Thomson). Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Trial Classes:

Once hit 8pax, i will call up and check then post the date here.

Gymboree (habourfront)

1. Jolyn

2. Irene

3. Yvonne

Kindermusik (Tanglin)

1. Jolyn

2. Irene

3. Yvonne

4. Fazzy

5. Vernie

6. Ica

Little gym (Marina Sq)

Baby Jumper Gym (Thomson)

1. Jolyn

2. Irene

3. Yvonne

4. Jellypurin

5. Vernie

Trial Classes:

Once hit 8pax, i will call up and check then post the date here.

Gymboree (habourfront)

1. Jolyn

2. Irene

3. Yvonne

4. Sweetkiss

Kindermusik (Tanglin)

1. Jolyn

2. Irene

3. Yvonne

4. Fazzy

5. Vernie

6. Ica

7. Sweetkiss

Little gym (Marina Sq)

1. Jolyn

2. Irene

3. Yvonne

Baby Jumper Gym (Thomson)

1. Jolyn

2. Irene

3. Yvonne

4. Jellypurin

5. Vernie

Trial Classes:

Once hit 8pax, i will call up and check then post the date here.

Gymboree (habourfront)

1. Jolyn

2. Irene

3. Yvonne

4. Sweetkiss

5. vivi

6. vivi friend

Kindermusik (Tanglin)

1. Jolyn

2. Irene

3. Yvonne

4. Fazzy

5. Vernie

6. Ica

7. Sweetkiss

8. vivi

Little gym (Marina Sq)

1. Jolyn

2. Irene

3. Yvonne

4. vivi

Baby Jumper Gym (Thomson)

1. Jolyn

2. Irene

3. Yvonne

4. Jellypurin

5. Vernie

6. vivi


Trial Classes:

Once hit 8pax, i will call up and check then post the date here.

Gymboree (habourfront)

1. Jolyn

2. Irene

3. Yvonne

4. Sweetkiss

5. vivi

6. vivi friend

Kindermusik (Tanglin)

1. Jolyn

2. Irene

3. Yvonne

4. Fazzy

5. Vernie

6. Ica

7. Sweetkiss

8. Vivi

Little gym (Marina Sq)

1. Jolyn

2. Irene

3. Yvonne

4. Vivi

5. Ica

Baby Jumper Gym (Thomson)

1. Jolyn

2. Irene

3. Yvonne

4. Jellypurin

5. Vernie

6. vivi

