(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Jasline, I bot the one white and yellow de.

Think left last one le size 80.. and bot 2 pyjamas. BB J got a lot of clothes. but hor.. all super big! haha, ks mama bot 12-18mths all these...

I nv ask if got new stock a not ehz. u might wanna check with cuteeland?

Ya.. my hubby says.. like keep asking ppl to come our house eh.. LOL, some more so small...

All toys.. his majestic chair, walker.. rocker.. so messy!I think I rent more chairs and table outside for ppl to sit?? Haa...

I tot of chalet too! but need to book in advance..


Hey mummies,

I saw something very cute in BP. Would you let your babies wear this? Haha!! This is a helmet that prevent your baby from bumping their head.


BB birthday bash:

Wah, you guys are inviting lots of pple? I intend to invite a few relatives and frds only..so will be holding at my house. A simple one. And hope my PIL will not want to hold a BIG one like the one they did for the one month shower.

Ann: That is soo cute!!! hahah!! But I don't think I will let bb wear leh..what kind of material is that? Won't it be hot?

Ann, that's very cute. but baby is cuter! hehe. this is for when bb starts to crawl?

charliebrown, usually if full month celebration was on a big scale, then 1st b'day celebration will be scaled down. but maybe your PIL may think otherwise - yours is their 1st grandchild?

charliebrown: I also find it cute but won't let my baby wear it. Seems funny. Apparently, from the website, it states that it is made from ultra lightweight High Density Foam and medium weight, soft-spun poly / lycra. This makes it ideal for stretching and keeping the shape of the helmet allowing it to be very durable and easily kept clean.

ica: Agreed that bb is cuter. Haha!! Ya.. This is for bb who learn to crawl and walk.

YA.. i think mine also small scale one..

thinking to do my mama's side and my MIL side seperately... will mix my hubby and my friends with my mama...

sian when 2 mothers are "buay gam"..

Vernie, thks for your info!~ then i tink my bb J can fit in

ica: yeah is their 1st grandchild and they want face, so they invited alot of pple whom I also don't know for the one month shower. So this 1 year birthday bash, hope to be a small one.

Jasline: u r nt the only one. My mil keep snatching my bb too. Ytd she came and I was making bb slp cos she haven't napped for 3 hrs. Mil went to play with her & of cos my gal responded by smiling. So my mil told me bb is nt sleepy & wants to play. So pissed. But my bb finally fell aslp after 5 min and mil kept walking in and out of my rm to chk if she's awake. She didn't leave till my gal woke up and she got to carry her.

When I wanted to feed she will snatch the bowl to feed. Make me v pissed.

Sweetkiss & Jasline: Don't worry.. soon baby will recognise you and want you only. Then MIL has to stand aside. My MIL not as bad as yours.. she never take bb away from me one but sometime she wanna carry, i also let her carry lo especially when we go out for dinner. But the moment baby cry, she has to return him to me le. She will keep saying to baby "Mummy is here. Mummey is here." Haha!!

wa Sweetkiss and jasline! mine also lei!

she wanted to carry him when i tell her that he wanna sleep, he is rubbing his eye already! but u have to pat him to sleep..

u noe what she did? she use a toy and shake the rattle and ask him to sleep!

U tell me larz. how to let him sleep when u are actually distracting him?! so lame can...

But luckily when feeding, she will let me do it..

my hubby says aiya.. one week see him once mar.. let her b..

I was like, hello! if bb cranky and who will suffer??? us not her lei!

cheese: ya! i dunno why.. isit they do on purpose or what? havent they been parents before? why no common sense?

Ann: ur mil is gd. mine? bb cry she will keep telling her "nvm la.. let ma-ma carry, shui bian lah" shui bian her #@$%^ head!

she tried to feed K but K got character, refuse to open mouth. i was LOL-ing away in my heart. then she keep forcing the spoon through her lips. wth! then dun wan return to me to feed. really feel super mad.

The thing is I’m quite upset cos hubby really defensive over his mum. So whenever I am unhappy with mil, I dare not voice out.

He will assume I am being biased.

So I always keep to myself.. and when my mil visits, sometimes I try my best to look normal but I cant help it so I will hide in the room with baby when she is aslp.

Then my mil or hubby will assume I am unhappy and “showing black face”.

End up, it becomes like a cycle. Hubby thinks I am biased and always argue with me when I try to tell him how unhappy I am with mil.

Sometimes, it is obvious that K is rejecting my mil. She will cry if mil carries.

So once, when we were going out, I was busy preparing and within split second, my mil carried my bb away to the void deck while I was still packing. She was afraid I will carry baby back if I hear her crying.

Whenever we go out in the car, my mil will snatch bb away so she will be the one carrying her in the car.

Sweetkiss & cheese:

Wow lao super sian lor!! Argh!!! $^&^()((^$#&*(

Hate it... Everyday aft work i will straight away go home cos wanna spent time with BB... than when MIL came back. she will straight away come & snatch away from me.. said "come come na na carry"... WTF!!.. In my heart, i was thinking I also need to carry right... DAmn pissed off lor.. Juz now also like this.. always use ye ye to back up.. said " come come give ye ye carry" whereby my FIL won't like tat de lor... He know i also wan to carry bb spent time with him..

When drink milk, MIL also like to snatch, come i feed him... WTF!!

Damm Pissed!!! *$##%^&*()_ abc xyz....


the chalet look nice... WOw..

So which day u booking?? is it a peak period??

mine is 26 June, check like it fall on a sch holiday.. peak period.. Lol..

I'm looking at NSRCC.

Eliss, which chalet r u looking at??

MIL woes are endless, I think. I too have a MIL who will carry my bb girl, even though she's carrying till her eyes are teary red. I wish I could do something about it. Do you girls do anything?

Actually, I think I am doing something. During weekdays, when my hubby is not around, I would bring bb back to my parents' home. I couldn't stand the thought of my MIL being near my bb.

Want To Sell: 2 X M Size Mamy Poko (44 piece Each)

Dear all,

Want to sell 2 packs of M Size of Mamy Poko with 44 piece each. Brand New. My son has outgrown it.

Usual price is $16.80. Selling only for $23.00 for 2 packs.

Interested parties, please sms me at 97421248 or email me at [email protected]

Self collection at Suntec during work hours or Jurong West or Bukit Panjang after work hours.

Picture as follows:


Want to buy as above.Budget ard $18. Giant is selling one big tin - 1.8kg free one small tin 900g at $68.pLSE MSG ME at 94311188

Wa, sweetkiss. seems like our MIL is the same lo!

then my hubby keep quiet one hor! KNS. like dun dare to say anything but still dare to be unhappy.. veri angry..

Then hor, when I wipe him up, she got many comments! didnt I clean him well, and he grow??

Everyone got his/her own ways of doing mar.. MUST FOLLOW YOUR PATTERN AH??

My blood is boiling!!!

jasline: understand how u feel... but sadly we cannot do anything rite? offend the mil, hubby not happy. if stay together got conflict also not good.

to my mil, she only comes once a week to carry baby while i can see my bb everyday. so she thinks it is ok for her to hog my baby. but hor weekends are the only days i can spend a full day with bb mah.

the other day hub and i went out and she tagged along. wherever i pushed the stroller, she follow until where. wherever i stopped the stroller, she will stand right in front and play with bb. really sticky to the max! when eating, she ate really fast and said want to help me carry bb so i can eat. but knowing her pattern, i told her i am full and i will carry bb to sleep. MIL kept saying she want to carry and i acted like i didnt hear her till hubby said "BB only want mummy when she is sleepy." then my MIL still stretched out her arm and said "let me carry to SHI SHI KAN (try and see)". i really dunno hw to describe how annoyed i was. SHI what SHI.. bb about to slp le why want to make her cry?

if i managed to "win" my way and feed baby, she will immediately snatch bb away after feeding. no matter what i do she will find a way to "win" me. sometimes she like to buy things for bb and bring them up my house separately (she got car) saying she forgot one more thing. i wonder, is she really that forgetful or she just want to find an excuse to come often?

cheese, ignore her.. just do ur way~

MIL: I think hoh.. your MILs must be feeling insecured. They are those kind that want to have affection from every family members especially close ones. They do not wish that their grandchildren to feel less for them. That's why they keep trying to compete with you mummies for time with babies.

Lucky for me, I think my MIL don't feel threaten is because I would let her carry baby if she wan to. She also understand it is natural for babies to want their own mummies. No one can replace them. I think both must have mutual understanding and respect for each other ba. Like my MIL & FIL, they will consult me as much as they could. For me, since they respect me as the mummy of my son, I also learn to respect them as my in law and also the grandparents of my son. They don't interfere my time with my son, thus I also will be more lenient and let my son be with them more. I even let my son stay over at their house at least once a week so that my MIL can have some time with her grandson too. Despite the fact that K stay over at their house at least once a week, he is still sticky towards me and know how to call me "Mama".

So mummies, maybe if you are more lenient abit, your MILs might learn to respect you too. Don't take it too hard. Learn to see in their shoes, maybe we can understand why they behave like that. Maybe when they feel that we are going soft, they will be more willing to accept what we say.

Example: When my MIL come up with a suggestion, I don't say no. I will say maybe not a good idea or say yes I will be doing that but maybe at a later stage.

Jasline... i got the same problem!!! I stay with my in laws and am a weekend mom. When i bring bb back on weekend ar MIL, FIL even maid like to snatch bb away lor!!! I keep nagging at my hb who hack care... Please lor i don't get to spend much time with my bb already still have all these chapalang ppl come snatch ANGRY! They will come "aiyo grow bigger liao huh i carry i carry" then bring bb into their room... duhz....

Morning mummies

The topic on PIL woes is back! Nowadays my PIL hardly come over to my house anymore (HENG!!), but they keep insisting that we bring bb over to their house cos they said scared bb will be frightened next time. Can believe it? I have not brought bb to their house b4, only once when he was about one month old! Wahahah! I siam their house for so long already..but I guess sooner or later, I have to bring bb over to show face.

Ann: You are one of those lucky few who have mutual respect bet you and PIL which is very good! Most of my frds also tah boleh tahan their PILs.

Jasline - I'm looking at Goldkist - cheapest venue during school holiday and they do not require to book min nights... so I will simply book the chalet for the venue only. not to stay over

MIL - the never ending disputes with them. no matter how good/kind these women were, sure got conflict with them one. Ya, they have a lot of their opinions and always voice out. Sometimes they can really forgot who is the mother of the baby even though they may the main caregiver to the baby. Worst is I am the one REMINDING her how to take care of a new born and such (as she always claim forgotten how to already)... no in position to lecture us on how to take care of BB lo...

i will talk back to my MIL when I think she is trying to influence her way to us. And I expect HB to defend or stand by me. Cos I always have to helping him to defend his mother's "nagginess".

PIL snatching bb from us, i also want to rant here, same lor i also have this same problem esp fil. This mth i staying with pil as hubby is away so torturing. Day time they take care of bb and i only gt nite time to spend with him and yet hai. My boy need to drink milk in quiet place with no disturbance if not will kapo and not drink and they know about it. so Whenever i feed him milk in the evening, fil will come in and say smile to ye ye, ye ye talking to u, look at me, then my boy will push the milk bottle away n want play, me so angry n feel like punching him. whenever i play or talk to my boy, this ye ye will come n say come look at ye ye, smile at ye ye. When my boy smile at him he will say u always see ye ye and smile har in front of me n say u only smile at ye ye hor always like want to let me know my boy like him more so piss off.

In the weekday when my pil take care of bb at night he always have nightmare and wake up screaming and need to pat pat him to cool him dwn but in weekend when i at home take care no such problem dunno izit my pil over simulate him and i told hubby maybe fil whole day keep ye ye here and ye ye there until my boy have nightmare. Fil also keep tell my boy to call ye ye 1st in front of us and didnt think how we will feel and finger cross my boy dun call ye ye 1st.

Lucky when my hubby around he will help me snatch bb and bring to me hehe but this mth he not around and i have to stay in pil hse so tong ku.

Snatching babies

haha Guess you gals know my MIL is the main caregiver to Keila... and when I finished work and go over to their house with FIL. My FIL will also use every BB waking opportunity to play with her. Luckily Keila now can recognise me as her mummy. If she sees me and I do not carry her/I walk away, she will start to cry for me... Sometimes my MIL will also tell my FIL eh Keila wakes up already, you want to carry her? Instead of asking me to look at her... :S

But I also tired after a day's work.... So I will carry her awhile, put her down let my PIL play with her while I go wash up/play with my dog. After that I will wipe her down before i pump before dinner...

Eliss - At least ur bb will cry for u, my bb hor anyone also ok wont cry for me, sometime i just wish he will reject my pil hehe. He only reject them once after they back from 1wk holiday feel abit happy then but very bad of me cause they main caregiver hehe. But after 1 day my boy ok with them again.

Hmm... yar Eliss at least bb recog u. Same like Yuki my ger won't cry for me. I hope she recog me as her mama.

Mummies does ur bb respond to clap clap "bao bao"? hee will be nice if my ger reject the in laws baobao

quartzie: my bb loves clap clap! If he is crying, we will clap clap and he will keep quiet.

I also wish my bb will learn to reject strangers' baobao. Now he is still fine with their baobao.

hahaha charliebrown my ger loves to listen "if u'r happy"! she's totally engrossed when i play the nursery rhymes VCD, i call out to her she bohiew me lor


my bb jus had brown rice last wk.. during the 1st feed he had consipation.. poo was so hard that he scream and cry.. so i think better let ur bb try 1 time and see his poo...


haiz.. its all abt they are trying to fight to take care of them..

my MIL is ok. she kind of can understand me as a mummy and respect me as bb's mother.. everytime i came back hm she will carry bb up fr the sarong and if he is still awake she will tell my bb mummy is hm go play wif her aft she bath and eat ok?? .. every morning she will ask bb to say bye bye to me... if the whole day i am not in she will ask my FIL to let me carry him...

FIL is haiz....

u all will be !!!! of wat he do.

he let my bb wear his super thick gold chain...

and show off to my MIL.. I say no then he still do and show to my MIL....

I and my bb was video calling my parent then my FIL know liao.. interupt the call and wipe on bb lip with a cone of ice cream he had on his hand... dispite i keep saying no he dont take my words seriously. and i had to keep using my hand to cover bb lip...

when i am playing with my bb he alway wan to interupt.. tat y if i am at hm i seldom will let my FIL carry cos i dont know wat he will do to bb....


My boy also love to listen to "If u r happy"! Everytime when we sing tat to him, he would smile at us.

As for recognising me,

Not sure if S can do tat but for a few times when my mom was carrying him, sitting on the sofa, I came home from work, walked over to him, talked to him but did not carry him n I walk away, he would cry for me. But not sure if he is really crying for me or becos he knows I m standing up but my mom is sitting dwn (he loves it when we carry him n walk ard). Lol..

"If u're happy" - My boy also loves this song! He will smile everytime i sing and move his arms/legs to do the action.

Yvonne - My boy is ok with brown rice cereal. No constipation. He ate the cereal for about a mth already (he's end june bb). The only time his poo was slightly harder was when he ate sweet potato puree. He drinks Nan HA, maybe tat's why he dun have problem with poo poo?

I received a quote for birthday party from Night Safari, its beyond my budget...

if anyone wants, let me have your email addy, i'll forward the email to you...

Gals, my hubby started a Pre Order for health supplement products from USA, do show your support.

Can view his items and product information here

Recognising Pple: Don't worry. Your baby will soon recognise their mummies. Give them some time. I think my boy is older than most of the babies here since he is born on 25 June instead of in July. Like saying "Mama", he really know calling Mama means referring to me. Yesterday, he stay over at my in law house, I ask my hubby's sister if he call Mama again. My hubby's sister say no.. he didn't call Mama again. So I can be quite sure now that he knows who is Mama.

Eliss: Wah.. bday party at Night Safari ah? Very unique lei but sure very ex one.

Gymboree: Anyone let their baby try the gymboree yet? Felt like bringing Kayden but not sure worth the money or not. Anyone interested to go together?

Yvonne, how many scoop of cereal you add?

heard that brown rice, oatmeal n multigrain are very heaty, must drink lots of water..

my gal doesnt like to drink water, so in order to force her drink, i ll feed her water 1st before giving her milk..

my gal tried for a few times, no constipation..but she not really know how to swallow, so i dun think she ate much..btw, what brand your bb taking?

Ann: Kayden is really fast in his speech development. My boy also born on 25 June - no sign of him calling mama or papa. I'm not worried about this coz quite a no. of my friend's bb, esp boys only say mama at one year plus.

I'm more worried that he will mistaken his nanny as his mummy. But the nanny has been very nice - always telling him i'm the mummy, mummy got to go work and will come bring him home at night. Hope he knows i'm the mummy.

vernie: He will sure know you are his mummy. Whenever I go work, my FIL will ask my boy to say bye bye to mummy/mama. When I reach my in law house, the maid will say " See.. mummy/mama is here".. I think by repeating more often, they will know one. But hoh, my boy will only call me MaMa when he wan me to carry. Haha!! Maybe he associate "Mama" to carrying.

speech - my boy now start to say Hmm... Hmm...

he say this from Sembawang till Suntec! So long.. still Hmm... i video it down, hee.. will post in FB soon

Then when he saw food, he noe is Mum mum....

at times he will call.. ma ma ma ma... hmmmmm....

but dun tink he is calling me.. cos so random one..

haa.. but so cute..

Btw, I rec the romper frm cuteeland!~ so cute!!!

But the pj hor, think nid to take 2size up?? Got one i take 12-18mths, so small.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hope she can exchange others with me... too small how to wear...

Yvonne - same same my mil still ok think she can more understand how mummy feel. Fil is the 1 to feed bb when i not around and i always feelvery xin tong when i see the way he handle my bb cause he very rough but no choice as mil till now dun dare or dun wan to feed bb dunno why,hai.

Ann (pann) - Great ur bb can call u mama [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope my bb can recognise me soon dunno when the day will come hee.

carol0425 (carol0425) -im using it.

It's easy.. just steam, turn it upside down then blend. the steam become fluid just nice for it to make it into puree . Fast and easy.. keke.

Wa mummies, so envious of all babies who already started calling u mama. Ive made a bet with hubby on whether bb will call mama or papa first. I've been training her non-stop. Hope I'll win. Haha.

Ann: my girl started her gymboree class last Sunday. I've attended the trial class when she was 5 months old buy decided to wait till she's six to join the second level play & learn. U can see pics/ video in my fb. I think it's very beneficial for her in terms of socializing and developments. And it's a great deal for me too as I learnt various ways to help her develop her skills faster e.g. Crawling

There's another July mummy there too. U can attend a trial class first and see how. Hope u can come for the Sunday classes at tangling mall, then I can meet u n bb too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

quartzie: u are weekend mommy too? dont u feel u missed a lot of bb's milestone?

until now i still undecided whether i should bring bb over and see her everyday or leave her to my parents.

Yvonne: i only mix 1 small spoon of cereal with FM, that's y no constipation prob i think..should increase the cereal amount nxt time..hope she wont encounter constipation as i ady ordered few tins of cereal for her :p

so far my gal only allows my parents, my hubby n i to carry her..other ppl carry her she ll cry immediately..even my younger sis who see her everyday she oso doesnt want if my parents or my hubby n i are around..

hehe, so no worry ppl ll pass her here n there during cny [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


carol: I fear during the CNY period that my bb will be passed around like a parcel or what. I think I will Ergo him tight tight so it is harder for pple to pass around! LOL.

Anyway for mummies still using Ergo, do you feel the lower back pain after awhile? I feel it, but not sure is it due to Epidural or Ergo..

