(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

sweetkiss, ya lor. she was kicking her legs like crazy but she didn't use her hands to knock the cup away. giving me mixed signals. she's still not drinking from the spout but i will keep trying

ya, ya. me also same thinking as you. i want my baby to be drinking from cups ASAP

i think once they've mastered drinking from sippy cups, can fill the cups with milk. the books i read say to start with water coz it's less messy. then the next step is drinking thru a straw


Ica so cute ur bb's expression. I just started giving mine the cup last sat with teat. I let her hold the handle herself, she will just play play then drip water ard hee. When to change to spout ar?

Hi Noknok, u just changed ur job? Me thinking of too but haven't even finish clearing my ML... hais...

xbeanniex: Ya, I had not received mine yet. Seller say she posted out on 6th Jan. I hope it is not lost in the mail. I would be very upset.

Noknok: Where have you been? Long time no see liao. My boy also using the Magmag cup to drink water. He is using the teat top (Step 1). Have not change to Step 2 yet for him. He like to use hold the handle and drink water like that on his own. He doesn't like water from milk bottle. Weird boy.

Sweetkiss: Ya.. must call to make appt. I still have yet to consult hubby on whether he wanna go for the trial lesson at The Little Gym or not. Most likely he would say go lo. Haha!! You going?

Ica: Your baby face super funny.. haha!! So cute. But you change to step 2, won't the flow be too fast?

Guayni: I tend to look at other bbies to compare with Kayden. Haha!!

Junie: Sure.. will let you know.

Irene: Saw your email.. will check my mailbox again tonight and let you know. Thanks.

Ann: I wanna go for the trial class too next Sat. Let me confirm with hubby first. =) My boy also go swimming at hwa xia but flexible wan, sometimes Sat, sometimes Sun.

ica: Your bb's reaction is sooo cute!

Magmag cup: My boy also likes to hold the handle and drink water but sometimes have to guide him a bit. Still on Step 1 though.

SK: Your BIL still on diapers at 6 yrs old!? Aiyoh....i also dun wan that to happen to my boy.

When i was at Vivo baby room feeding my bb, i saw many parents bring in their kid (definitely above 3 yrs old) to change diaper! Dunno why still not toilet trained lor...even the diaper changing area too small for them already. Then these kids make so much noise, disrupt my bb feeding.

hi morning mummies,

Finally got time to log in now. been missing a lot of thread.

Okie.. some updates on my boy. he is abt 67cm in length and is 7.6kg as of last week.

He nows talk and scream very loudly and wants carrying all the time. Sleeping hours is horror now cannot change also. i'm having a battle when comes midnight.

I need some help here. my boy reach six months today and is now still on bottles. Can i actually start feeding him with Frisocream or should i start him on the nestle cereal?

I've seen some ready puree like gerber thinking of letting him try. Any feedback on this?

Irene...yeah..can meet up soon... Call phy and lynn too...ops..then leola only gal..haha

Ann...I din go anywhere...just that my company ban this site... By the time I go home so busy w leola n dogs no time for internet already...

Quartzi..I change job to 24/7, no pay, no rest day, no benefits job...haha..staying at home w leola.

Gym.. I feel that it's too early...like the idea of meeting up w other babies and let them play with each other more...last time no baby gym we also grow up like that..haha

Ann, don't worry. Singpost very reliable de. maybe festive season, so swamped with mails and parcels. i ordered some stuff in Dec and i thought it was lost in the mail. eventually i received it 3 wks later!

when my baby gave me that expresion, i took it and turned the cup upside down to see whether it was flow issue. it's not - the water will only flow if baby compress the mouth on the spout. hehehe coz i tried drinking from it using my lips. so now that i think about it, baby is used to drinking from teat, which goes quite deep into the mouth. but with a spout, it's shorter so baby has to make more effort in getting the liquid out? that's my reasoning lor. heee

quartzie, according to the magmag cup instructions, can introduce spout when bb is 5 mths.

Vernie: ya lo.. when I asked his mum, she also paiseh to tell me.. he wears diapers only at night cos he tends to wet the bed…

I mentioned before also, she spoils him so much she brings an empty bottle when they go out so he can pee in the bottle anytime, anywhere if needed.

Sometimes in the car.

There is even an empty pail outside their house for him to pee, in case he is playing with the neighbour’s kids at the corridor or when they are back from outside and he cannot wait for the parents to unlock the door.

I feel that she spoils him too much liao.

btw, when can we introduce walkers to bb to play?

I'm still renting the exersaucer & jumperoo for my boy but was wondering when can move on to the next item

Ica: I just read ur post and I went to research on my avent magic cup.. I feel so silly now..

Because I realize it comes with a “valve” or something that only allows liquid to flow when baby sucks.

I went to remove it cos when I tested the bottle, I realize water doesn’t flow when I turned the bottle upside down!

But the flow was super fast (like a tap) after it was removed so I tot baby cant use it yet.

So I was thinking how come the cup comes with a “stopper” when it cant be used.

Hahahaha! Im going to try tonite!

noknok, you became a SAHM? wah! so noble! now that i've experienced taking care of my baby all by myself when both my mom and hubby not around, i think working is so much easier. hahaha! give yourself a pat on the back - good job!

vernie, my 4yo niece is still wearing diapers. my MIL and her parents said she's potty trained. i was like huh? then why diapers? i've bought a potty and will train my baby when she's ready [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sweetkiss, ahaha. never mind lah. you know the avent brush for cleaning bottles and teats? i recently found out that the end tip is for cleaning teats! aiyo! see, me also the same. and all this while i always wonder why the tip is of that funny shape

Nok my application for the same job scope was rejected...

I find taking care of bb easier hee and def more satisfactory [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I am now feeding my bb with friso cream..

he is ok with it... and i also let him try nestle brown rice and he got consipation.. but i think its all up to bb..

you may wan to let him start off with 1 meal 1st and keep track of his poo if its ok then slowly to 2 meal a day...

mrs long

i already let my bb try on walker .. can start already ba...

Noknok: oh!! you SAHM? My turn coming soon by end Jan, I will be one. SAHM can be very tiring but rewarding at the same time. You wanna be SAHM for how long?

I find that working got more time to surf net..SAHM must tend to bb often..hard to find time to do other things.

Heheh..any SAHM near the west area?

GYM: is it really usefu?

my colleague said her nephew oso joined before..but ady one year now n still knows how to say "yes" or "no" only..

vernie: Cool.. let me know if you are going. Oh ya.. see you later ok? Can meet at the gantry or not so that I need not come out of the station. Hehe!!

Noknok: Understand. When I reach home with Kayden, I also busy liao. Only get to come online after Kayden sleep liao and the dogs fed. Haha! You really power lei.. become SAHM.. I cannot.. I will go crazy with Kayden. Haha!!

ica: Ya.. hopefully it will turn up at my letterbox eventually.

xbeanniex: Ya lo.. that's the only thing I can do now.

yeah welcome SAHMs!

Too bad u ladies live in the west!


btw.. brought bb to PD, he said can feed before or after milk doesn't matter... depending on what suits baby best... I think the books that mention feeding baby after is so that baby isn't too hungry...


haha ur baby's really cute! I started mine on sippy 2 days ago but i find very leh chey... must sterlise then drink abit then sterilise again? My pigeon steriliser no space with all the bottles liao!


ann yes please give us updates on the trials. I am keen on sending him to gym.. my boy very lazy... try to make him sit and sometimes he will just slouch all the way down to his toes... !

Claudia: Talk about slouching. My bb sits on his bumbo also slouch. Don't know how to make him sit up straight. He will lean so forward..think the bumbo not v useful..

Yvonne>> cuz my boy will only turn 6mths in 2 weeks time but he can't sit unassisted yet, so dunno introducing walker will be a good idea or not now.

Ann: Yes, see u later. You dun need to come out of the station. I will wait for u at the gantry facing J8 - the glass "fence" there. I will be there earlier to settle dinner first - sms me when u r about to reach, ok?

SAHM: I dun think I can do that. I find working easier lei. As much as I love my boy, i think i will go crazy just facing him all day! ;P

Mrs Long

my bb is also 6mth now and he cant sit unassisted too... I juz add a pillow to correct his seating position... so tat he does not crouch..

claudia, i sterilise the sippy cup only once every day. each time after drinking, i just put the cap on. have been doing it this way since baby started drinking water from 3 mths. if you want, you can rinse the teat/spout with hot water after every sip? same for the pacifier. ideally should be washed & sterilised after each use but ley cheh. i just use hot water to rinse it. at most i only sterilise the pacifier 2x a day

I stay in the east now...come july will move to serangoon...those free can meet up..hee

Quartzie... Reapply again with nagging...haha

Guess I'm one who hates work...prefer to stay w my baby..nowadays my lunch time is with her cos her infant care is right downstairs...officially off work next month...now surfing net w my phone..haha..throw letter a bit slack liao

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I am using the walker for galen.. he is learning his way to walk properly.. He is so lazy, din wan to learn crawlling, instead he wan to learn walking.. haiyo~~ wat a headache.. Now he is in the walker, walking backward... lol~~

NokNok: envy u.. i wish i could stay home and look after bb too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but, i'm serving notice too. will be working in a new co. which is nearer to home and provides me with flexi working hrs so i can be with bb more often. and yes, ever since i tendered, i have been slacking at work for the past 1 mth coz no mood~ i need to serve 2 mths' notice so another mth to go!

Regarding baby walkers, I always read that not gd for bb development to sit on one.

But again, last time we all used to sit including myself. I received a walker as a gift & wanted to sell but my hubby scold me upside down cos it’s a gift from his grandma -.-

He said he rather let it collect dust than to sell even if im not using.

So I rather let my girl sit but I place the “mat” on it so bb wont be walking. Its easy for me to feed her when she’s sitting inside but in between her food she likes to bite the toys on the walker so I have to clean it every time.

SK, ya hubby forever behave like this.. his side give things to us, we cannot throw de lorz.. +_+

But one thing for the walker, the "mat" is really very useful.. whenever galen hates to lay on his bouncer, i have a walker to replace it.. so he can sit up right, instead of laying down.. but now, the "mat" is remove i having hard time to feed him... hai~~ >_<||| dono is it a good choice to remove the "mat" not...

Mummies, need ur opinion. My boy is getting active and keep flipping all the time. He even does double flip / roll (back to tummy to back to tummy again). At the nanny’s house, he only have a mattress on the floor. Nanny says he sometimes flip himself onto the floor, so she have to keep very close watch. She suggested getting a playpen. Do u think it is worth to invest in a playpen at this stage? I’m worried that he will not want to stay in it but at the same time playpen can keep him safe if the nanny needs to walk away for a while. Anyone using playpen?

noknok so nice.. juz next to the new shopping mall too.. cool... me got to take bus than reach central... so nice.. we can meet up too..


I am letting my bb use playpen since birth..

i think it is very useful..

he can sleep on it , play in it too..

when he is older he can play on his own inside without worrying.. if he dont like penplay..

and cry juz let him stay a few mins b4 carrying him.. day by day extend the time..

vernie..there's a playpen in the ifc that leola goes to...more often then not..babies who're inside cries for attention...I've seen a boy trying to get out by climbing too. Won't last very long..

Better to get a play mat so your boy has more space to roll about...they need the time on the floor to learn how to crawl too

vernie, me! i have a playpen. what your nanny say is true. since my mom is alone with baby, a playpen is a lifesaver - my mom also needs time to do her own stuff. we used the top layer for baby to nap on before she reached the weight limit. maybe you can go to the WTS section? sometimes you can find good stuff there. i told my mom that if my baby cries when she puts her in, just let her cry; she'll have no choice but slowly get used to it

Sweetkiss: same. Once throw letter, very slack at work. keep surfing net. lol. I will miss my colleagues though, not the work. Your new job sounds good! Flexi hour. What industry is that? Next time I also hope to find one part time job or some flexi hour job.

i'm not too sure if all walkers are the same.

those i saw from the toy rental webbie seems good.

but i think someone told me BBs who use walkers, the legs seems bent inwards or something...dunno true or not le.


what is the weight limit to sleep on the top layer cos i have it at my parent hse ...

bb have been sleeping on it since birth till now.. i afraid that the top layer cant hold my bb weight soon or later.. for safely ..

ya hv to let bb get use to it.. learn to be independent too...

SAHM: any SAHMs in the east? i'm also one. i enjoy being one but sometimes can get bored. and yes, it is getting more demanding w bb now coz she knows how to complain - makes a lot of noise n moves a lot. she only keeps quiet when carried or sleeping. so it's more tiring now. i think it'll only get more challenging as she starts to crawl!

my bb still can't nap/sleep by herself. i must always b physically there or she will cry when she wakes to find i'm not beside her. is anyone's baby also like that?

I read bb on walkers learn to walk slower cos they depend on the walker more...some more they 'fly' in the walker..the danger part comes when they can access places that they should not like the kitchen as they're more mobile in the walker.. Development part read that it's not very good for their hip development


Noknok: oh sure!! but I was thinking if bored being at home with bb or going nuts, can just pop by to west side SAHM home to play or meet up somewhere near west side, easier loh..you know, just lug bb, wear t-shirt, shorts, and meet up..hahah!

