(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi Fazzy,

We went to Gymboree at tanglin yesterday. Want to let my bb attend the trial class in gymboree & kindermusik.

What time is yr bb class on sunday? I am planning to let my bb attend the trial class on either this saturday/ sunday at tanglin mall.

Btw, my bb start to call ma ma last nite. Not sure whether he knows that I am his mummy or just playing with me. He kept giggling & saying ma ma last night & this morning.


Hi Fazzy / Chelz,

Wat is trial class in gymboree & kindermusik all abt?? I dunno lei.. Mind to tell more info abt this.. seems interesting.. can let bb trial & test.. Thanks alot.. =)

trial class - got group disc or not? you gals so fast, i intend to let K to try out the class after CNY... these few weekends too busy!

Keila yesterday "stumbling" crawled forward with her outreached hand, trying to touch my freestyle pump.

Mummies who gave birth at Mt A, if you've sign up for the complimentary GE insurance, you should have a Gymboree voucher for a free trial class.

Leapfrog DVDs - Any mummies know where to buy them in Sg? I know there's a BP for it and we can also buy from Amazon, but worry about the region code of the DVD. Scared my player cannot play DVDs meant for the US region.

fazzy, haha! maybe your baby is like Ann's, said "Mama" 1st. I'm psycho-ing my baby to say "mama" first, then "por-por" and lastly "papa". hehe

feeding solids: i've been reading baby websites and all say to offer milk to baby first, then only offer cereal (or whichever 1st food for that matter). but after drinking milk, my baby will be full. so still offer cereal to baby? but not immediately right? coz i've been doing the reverse woh..so many things to learn

carol, you just started your baby on cereal? me, too. today is the 3rd day and my mom reported that my baby is not very interested, like dunno how to swallow. and she drools more than she swallows. think the 1st 2 bites, she swallowed a bit. i gave her Healthy Times and seriously, i myself find it unappetising. hahaha

SOS: mommies, should i continue offering my baby cereal or stop for say, a week, then re-introduce? my mom is saying that we should continue, so that baby will learn to swallow. what did you do when you 1st started your bb on solids?

charliebrown: you took epi when in labour? i did and these days, when i sit on the floor for too long, when i get up, my back is quite stiff, like some dull pain. initially it was really bad, but now getting better. i also felt this same dull pain when i use b.bjorn. so i think it's the epi

baby & strangers: my baby is not just ok with strangers, she'll beam them her smiles! be they adults or kids. she's not clingy to us (but very manja with her papa) or show preference. i'm ok with ppl carrying her. better this way, then i can have some rest and not have to keep carrying her. hehe

Carol u too? yar i think i reali missed out alot... Sometimes when i see small small bb ar i begin to think back.. how she is when she was tat size ar? I feel like bringing her back everyday but unless i change a job, its almost impossible...

Trial class: I'm also interested in signing her up for a trial! Will like to join in if anyone of u organising for one. But my bb still can't crawl yet, should wait till bb starts crawling?

Fazzy: I just called up Gymboree Tanglin and register for trial class this Sunday. Hehe!! They told me that they are going to implement GST from 17th Jan onwards. So I think better to go and try out the class this week. If like then take the package. Which package you sign up for? Is the place very cold? They ask me to bring a sweater.

ica: i started my gal with happy baby brown rice last week..same here, she oso not really knows how to swallow .. thus, my mom seldom feed her cereal, usually give her milk only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

quartzie: same here..i oso afraid if i bring her over, hubby n i wont have much time for her too due to long working hours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but ur bb in spore, you are still able to see her everyday after work..

nanyang kindy

did you read about it in the papers today? total madness man! like the paper say "like queuing up for property launches"

heard from my sil that kids from certain kindergartens get priority to get a place in "branded" primary school..anyone knows which are the kindergarten?

carol: Nanyang K and Nanyang Pri have totally no link at all although they share the same alumni orgnisation. That is my understanding.

No kindergarten are affiliated to any primary school in terms of priority registration.

Ann, carol, yup. no link at all btwn nanyang kindy & primary school. yeah, one of those sought-after kindys - N1 & N2 totally in chinese

ica: When I first started rice cereal on my bb, he also gave me the “yucks” look on the first 2 days and took only a few teaspoons. When the nanny fed him on the 3rd day, nanny said he finished half a small bowl! So I think my bb bullies me lor…maybe you can stop rice cereal and intro another food. I intro sweet potato & pumpkin after rice cereal. He likes it and open his mouth for more. My feeding too slow lar…haha! Milk first or solids first – I usually give solids first, then milk. But sometimes milk first. I will wait about 30 mins in between the milk and puree/cereal feed. Not sure bout ur bb, but I will reduce the milk coz he cannot finish his usual portion if he takes puree/cereal for that meal.

carol: i'm also using the avent 2 in 1 blender steamer - very convenient & useful...

nanyang kindy: I saw it…apparently they r queuing up to register kids born in 2010, which is our batch of bbs? Aiyoh…I have not even think that far yet…

Saying “mama”: my bb started saying “Ma…Ma…” when he was ard 4 months old. But it’s always associated with crying for food and sleep hahaha. So I know that he actually doesn't really know that i am "Mama". But nevertheless still a happy thing =) I also read that bb usually will call Papa first, but till now he has yet to call anything that sounds like “Pa”. So everytime when my bb calls (or rather crys) “Ma…Ma…”, my dear hubby will just bring him to me and say “bb looking for u” and then he runs away, leaving me with either a sleepy or hungry bb to take care.

Crawling: my bb has started “caterpillar crawl” some weeks ago. So we have to be very careful. That day he even tried to pull himself up by grabbing the cot’s bar. Recently, he could lift his tummy off the ground and get into a proper crawling position. But he will be shaking forward and backwards in that position but still unable to crawl forward yet. Quite a funny sight.

solid food, happy melts & puff: started cereal, apple, pear & avocado. For cereal, I m feeding happy bellies brown rice. First time I add 60ml of milk to 1 tablespoon of cereal. It would be very watery, cereal would seems to have dissolve and the result would be like a thicker milk. Then now I increase to 1.5 tablespoon to get a thicker texture. Bb prefers apple the most, think cos it’s sweeter. Think bb has a sweet tooth just like mommy hee hee. Will be introducing happy baby melts and puffs next month. Would be starting puffs first as it’s softer. I got some samples from a friend and I passed it to another friend who let her bb son tried when he was 6 months and he loves the puffs. I bought 3 bottles of happy baby puffs (apple, banana & strawberry). If any mommies would like some samples can let me know.

first birthday party: I started planning for the

birthday party during my ML already haha. But hubby rejected my plan sob sob. But I am not going to care hee hee. Shall start booking the venue, cakes etc after CNY.

Gymboree: I m also interested in bring bb to Gymboree. Any mommy wanna organise a trial session together? I am ok to go to the outlet at Harbourfront.

ica - I mix the cereal with his milk 30ml, so i reduce his milk by 30ml and feed him the cereal after his milk. The cereal i start off with watery then slowly increase the thickness. When i 1st feed my bb, the cereal i make abit too thick and my bb cannot swallow and all spit out but after i change to more watery he able to eat.

me same as yukidog. Cereal mix with 30ml milk and reduce milk feed by 30ml.. actually my pd said doesnt matter to feed cereal before or after milk. for me, my bb drinks every 3 hourly. so schedule will be like: bb has milk at 10am, 12pm cereal mix with 30ml milk, 1pm milk (reduced by 30ml), 4pm milk, 7pm milk and so on. if i am free, i give a little fruit puree at 6pm.

if bb has porridge at 12pm, her next milk feed will be 2pm cos porridge she eats more since it is mixed with veggie.

starting solids: thanks mommies for sharing. ok, now i know what to do liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The Little Gym: Hey mummies, I called up this gym to speak to them to find out more. I find the way they explain the class makes it more appealing to go for their classes. The one at Forum Shopping Mall only has Saturday class and time is at abt 3.20pm. Maybe I might go for this trial lesson next Saturday. Anyone interested to go together?


i read that u wanna buy leapfrog dvds via amazon? dun worry about the code thingy. can play. i buy from bubuchan before and i ordered from amazon too. so far all can work

Sweetkiss: It is a mixture. Got gym, got music, got games.. they called it the Bugs Class. Most imptly, they allow both parents to go. Unlike Guymboree, if the class is about 12 babies, they only allow 1 parent to go in nia. When talking to them over the phone, the person will ask me if there is any area of concern for my baby which I would like to solve. When I talk to Gymboree, they just keep doing sales talk.. si bei sian. But will still go try Gymboree this Sunday.

Sun_tan: Baby need not know how to crawl. Actually that is the purpose of me bringing Kayden to such gym so as to exercise his limbs and to get him to crawl. Kayden like to "walk" instead of crawl which I don't want that to happen.

Ann, gymboree also offer the same developmental skills training. I'm not doing sales talk for them but jus sharing what we learnt during class. For play & learn, there's music sessions where parents join in to perform actions with their babies. Then another aspect of the class is enhancing developmental skills through playgym sessions, such as crawling. For my girl, she hate to sit down so the teacher taught ms ways on how to get her to sit and also how to strengthen her backbone.

So, mummies can attend the trial session and decide for yourselves if u find it beneficial for u n bb. Maybe Ann can enlighten us on the two different classes after the weekend!

Haha!! Ya.. wanna try out both gyms before i decide which one is better for Kayden. I saw a lot of good reviews on Little Gym so wanna try that out.


I also haven received the paificer clip..

The Little Gym: U gng next sat @ what time.. There is trial lesson ma?? How much.. quite interested to join in... =)

JP: Thanks for the info. I was a little worried when bubuchan put a big big disclaimer on the code thingy in her BP thread.

Ann: I'm interested to try the Bugs Class. I saw The Little Gym at Marina Square before. See the bbs crawling about like so fun. The Bugs Class at Marina Square is on Sunday 4:35pm according to the brochure.

Pacifier clip: I received Irene's email. Clips are on the way already. Posted today.

Jasline: There is trial lesson. It cost $42.80. The person even told me that mummies from SMH will organised a group to go for lesson. Maybe we should do one here. Haha!!

Vernie: Ya.. Marina Square has Sunday class. The Forum Shopping Mall has only Saturday class. Cause Kayden always go swimming at Hwa Xia on Sunday, so can only go for trial lesson on Saturday next week.

Just now I went to in-law house to see Kayden. My FIL was carrying him and the maid came to open the door. Then the maid suddenly hug me and look at Kayden, saying my mummy, my mummy. Kayden was pretty upset to see her hugging me and wanted to cry liao. The maid laugh. After the maid locked the door, she did that again and Kayden protest loudly and keep kicking his legs and waving his hands, like protesting that the maid cannot hug his mummy.

My hubby's sister also disturb him too. She carry him away from me and he keep crying and crying. My hubby's sister say " You never say Mama, don't let Mama carry you". He cry out very loudly and he did mumble "Mama" but not as clear as last Saturday and Sunday.

Poor boy.. keep kanna disturb by pple. Haha!!

Hi all...still remember me?? After mia for so long..I'll be back more actively next month liao...hee... Finally got rid of my job that blocks this site..

Wanna ask...anyone started feeding drinks w sippy cup yet? How to start? must we start feeding water when we start solid? My gal still hates the bottle..so thinking of getting her to drink from cup.

Ann: so u going next sat? need to call and make appt? most prob my hubby not gg as he has classes.

Noknok: hihi.. I’m using the Avent Magic cup for 6m+ but I find that the flow of the spout is too fast so I replaced it with her usual bottle teat.

I only use it to feed her water but she is still lazy and refuses to hold the handle so it’s almost no difference to giving her a normal bottle.

But I will put a little water in it and let her play with the bottle by herself so she gets a “feel” of it.. I read that u can intro the sippy cup by letting bb play with it first.

For water, I feed her in between solids.. I prepare a cup of warm water with her food.

Every few spoonfuls of cereal, I give 1-2 spoons of water. After she finishes the food, I offer water again.

She will reject if she has enough.

fazzy, thanks for your offer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] on my side, at the moment, nothing much. hehehe. maybe when the day nears?

Ann, your baby is definitely calling for you! yay! so cute

noknok, hiya! welcome back! i'm using pigeon magmag cup to let my baby drink water - she's been drinking water since 3 months old. i started with the teat. recently changed to spout but my baby really disliked it (see pic below) - i dun think it's too hard cos i tried it myself. hahaha! maybe the texture is totally new to her. like Sweetkiss' baby, my baby will stop drinking once she has enough. we offer water to my baby when she wakes up from her naps or after playtime

sweetkiss, my baby initially refused the cup but after a few tries, she's drinking from it. then 1 week later, she started reaching out to grab the handles. when she's in the mood, she can hold the handles well by herself. so be patient ya. keep offering the cup to your baby and she'll soon be holding the handles


Ica: hahaha! Ur baby soooo cute! Like very 无奈.. hahaha.. ok I will continue to try..

But once they are managing well with the sippy cup, do we stop the bottle feeding and offer milk thru sippy cups?

Because I hope to wean her off bottles when she is 1, latest by 18 mths before she goes CC..

My BIL still on diapers, bottles, and night feeding at 6yrs and I dun wan that..

Speaking of CC, our babies turning 18mths next Jan. If I intend to put her in CC, Is it time to call and place her in the waiting list now?

Scared the CC think I am kiasu. So embarrassing!!!

What is happening to me..

since I become a mummy I seem to take my eye at other ppl bb's regardless new born or infant...

I tend to miss my friend's bb as well...


hello mummies,

ica>> your bb so cute, haha.

Re: Gym class

I went for the trial class by Gymboree last month for their 0-6mths class. Cost $40 for the trial class. I find it so-so nia cuz my boy is too "old" for the class as I find that lesson is more suitable for babies around 3mths old.

I think the 6-10mths classes wld be more suitable as it focus more on physical development, etc. Was thinking maybe when he is abt 9-10mths old & know how to crawl then join, else will be wasted.

For Gymboree, their play & learn package for 12 sessions is $450 (excl. GST) for members.

Ann>> Let us know how the Little Gym class is.

There's another one called My Gym @ Tampines which I'm also keen but their earliest start grp is for 8mths old babies.

ica: LOL. Your bb's expression is soooo cute! Like really no choice but to take it. Is always good to capture such candid shots!! Next time when bb is big, can show her.

The gym classes sound very interesting! But when I told my hubby about it, he said I kiasu. Think got to wait till bb is slightly older. Cos I went to look at the Gymboree at Harbourfront the other time. Hope to read more feedback about these classes.

Ica..haha..that's the kind of face my gal gives when she's being fed with the bottle..

Ok...I shall try sippy cup this weekend


Pacifier clips: some mommies have received theirs already. if anyone of you still do not receive your clips by this thursday evening, please email me. thanks!

Ann: I've sent you an email. Please check =)

Noknok: Welcome back! And congrats on ur new full time job!!! Hopefully can meet u more often now. Miss Leola...BTW, when I feed N solid, after feeding several spoons of solid, I will feed a bit of water and then continue.

