(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

I've not given my baby even a sip of water yet. All that goes into his mouth since birth are his fingers, breastmilk, and PD's rota vaccine.

In fact since birth my MIL and even my mom have been telling me baby needs some water. But now my baby is growing fine, 5mths+ without even a sip so its like.. HA! to them :D

I know some mommies here say that better to let baby try some water in case they dont like it in future.. but I guess i'll get to that when it happens lah. No point predicting whats gonna happen in future..

as for cereal, it all depends on how much baby is eating. BM or FM is a good enough liquid to "wash" anything down. Plus they are washing their cereal down with something nutritious and not plain water. Perhaps if you are feeding baby in big quantities already, then maybe you can give them some sips of water.. no harm lah!

Just wing it mommies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Same here.. I've not given my boy any water..also haven't started him on solids. Gonna start him on cereal when he is 6 mths old.. as for water, thinking of giving him when I start him on solid.

My older boy drinks alot of water. I remember I only started giving him water when he was near 6 mths old.

Yawn, tired siah.. have not been pumping for 2wks++.. now starting to pump.. so lazy.


clap! clap! major sponsorship [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh dearie...on wait list, ok? sorry, sorry

Hellow mummies,

How's everyone? Xmas is just round the corner. Hope everyone had done their Xmas shopping or else have to squeeze big time with the crowd liao. For me, I think I am hooked to online shopping so I did most of my Xmas shopping online. Hehe!! Had started my CNY food shopping too.

Sweetkiss: You not bad liao lei.. 6 mths.. I 1 mth nia, already resign from my moo moo job liao. So good job, mummy!! The next one, I must try to perservere like all of you.

Friso: Wah.. Friso very good lei.. their Step 2 sample is a 900g tin. Anyone wanna change with me? 900g of Friso Step 2 powder to Nan Pro 2 900g?? Hehe!!

Weaning: I also started to feed K Bellamy rice cereal once a day. He is taking 2 tablespoon of cereal (added in 90ml of milk). He always finish them all. But will still top up with milk later la. Will start to make fruit puree for him on Thursday when I am free. Then he can take that for tea break too.

Eliss: Thanks for getting all the sponsorships. I think this is going to be a great event.


Wow tat sponor gift is good! Way to go!

Btw wanna ask regarding puree. U mommy will store the excess in baby cubes n freeze it? When needed then take out to use? As I dun have microwave oven at home, how can I heat up the frozen puree for subsequent usage?


I started giving bb puree about 2 weeks ago. PD told me can start from 4months+! but i only started at 5.5mths. so far she's had sweet potato, carrot, banana and apple. and she loves it! from the first bite she grabbed the spoon wanting to feed herself. now she'll open her mouth wide when the spoon is coming! i wanted to start weaning only at 6mths but i guess bb was ready before me!

I don't really feel like giving brown rice/cereal yet. I feel fruit/vege puree is healthier and yummier. any mummies know anything about this? thanks!

sun_tan: Instead of using the microwave, you can take the puree from the freezer and store in the normal compartment of the fridge overnight. Then use a pan to sort of warm up the puree before giving to baby. Read it somewhere online one.


Wow! What a great lucky draw item!

Sun tan,

I made a week puree then froze in baby cubes in freezer. Then to thaw it, either leave it overnight in fridge or just leave it in a bowl of water. To warm it up, I use food/bottle warmer. If otherside, just hot water will do.


I gave my #1 loads of fruits n veges puree before introducing meat/fish etc.. coz I want him to like eating veges and fruits [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Gonna do the same to #2.

Ann: haha... no la another reason why i persevered was also because i am one of the lucky ones who has very gd supply since day 1. i had so much colustrum that the nurses were telling my gal how lucky she is. so i found it a waste to give up and was really determined to do exclusive BFing that time.. too bad got an infection and supply nv went back after that.

wah, once bb starts solids like porridge, fish and meat etc, i think the poo poo is gonna stink..


yea, i want my girl to like fruits/veges too! i feel rice can always come later (plus i dont like rice that much haha) thanks!!


good job on BF for 6 months!! I'm also slowly dropping BF, now down to 2-3 pumps a day only. it was due to work commitments that I couldn't pump as often in office, so supply gradually dropped. at least i'm almost at 6month mark now, so just gonna pump twice a day and clear all the frozen BM. I feel I'll have more time to play with my girl now too (and sleep!!)

wow!! the bday bash list is confirmed so fast! Just wondering can I still order the customised bday costume if it is a T shirt (for boys) even if i am not going?

Sweetkiss: You are v good already to last till 6mths! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My bb's poo already stink big time cos he is already on FM. lol.


do you want to be put on the waitlist? it's Geri's/Irene's call on the customised clothing question [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

peanut: haha! me too, ever since i dropped my morn pump, i can sleep a lil bit more. slowly i will drop the nite pump too, coz now i have so little milk that if i pump at nite, its a pathetic amt. yet if i dun pump, i will be engorged before lunch time next day.

charliebrown: thanks thanks! my gal on partial FM too and ya, not only poo stinks but fart also stink... she dun poo daily so i dunno is it due to "overdue" poo that's why so smelly?

any mummies know what is the current trend for little boys? i wld like to buy a present for my friend's 6yo son. i dunno what the kids are into now... Ben 10? Hahaha

Ica: ooo tot I already on the waitlist. Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sweetkiss: Yea! Ben 10 still is popular. Haha. But they are also very into wii games. like those super mario games. lol.


When u mentioned using hot water, ie I warm up the puree tat is in the bb cubes. Like how I warm up a milk bottle right? And also for introducing of puree, can I do it concurrently with the brown rice? Or have to do it separately?

charliebrown: i think it should not be any issue to order the customised birthday clothes even if you are not going. After all, the more order with have, the easier it is for us to get a better price. I stay in the west too. you can probably collect from me =)

sweetkiss: good job!!! I also slowly going to stop BF after 6 months. it has been a tough journey but it's worth it. give ourselves a pat on the back hee hee.

pacifier clip: for those that ordered pacifier clip with me, please check your email on the design and other details. thanks!

Hey mummies,

I was reading through some of the threads in the forum and came across this thread about this little girl called Charmaine. It suddenly dawn on me that I had actually purchase 2 dogs scarf 2 yrs ago and the money collected from the sale of the dog scarfs would goes to contribution for her fund to go to USA for treatment.

Was actually curious on how she is doing now and went to her blog (http://ourfeistyprincess.blogspot.com/, in case anyone is interested) to read about her updates from her mum. She is currently back in Singapore and still receiving treatments for her cancer. She is a strong little girl.

In one of her mummy's posting, her mummy wrote "If you feel like doing something for Char, feel free to drop by with a Xmas gift for her." and in another posting her mummy wrote "Know of any Santas in Singapore? Pls let me know. I would very much like to ask if I can find a Santa to bring gifts to kids spending their Xmas inpatient."

It suddenly makes me realise that while we are happily celebrating our Xmas with our healthy babies, there are still kids who are fighting cancer in the hospital and passing their Xmas in the hospital.

I felt like I wanted to do something for them and also for little Charmaine but then I really didn't know what to do. Hai...sorry... just wanna share my thoughts at this moment.

hi Ica, need your help, could you let me know how many bb boys and bb girls in total?

Mummies who are not going for bash but still keen in customized clothings: no prob just let us know

toys for boys: I thought beyblades is quite hot now too.

hi Ann: u can start a small donation drive for them. I dun mind contributing some $ to get xmas presents for them. Its not the amount that counts but the tots right. Just do what you feel like..

Thanks Lynn for the headup that's why managed to contact CJ. Still have a few sponsors responded, shall update in due course.

Even though we hit 30, its good to keep your name in the waitlist. You nvr know who will be backing up at the last minute and perhaps we manage to find a bigger venue?!

peanut - i did not start my dotter with cereal/oat/rice... I started to give her avocado puree for the last three days... two tiny half teaspoon after 1 hr after breakfast, lunch and dinner....can see she doesnt know how to swallow yet...

i bought three avocadoes from giant the other day, all ripe already, so I pitted them and cut in halves and throw all but one to freezer... when I want to make puree, I will take one out the day before...

I did not warm up the avocado puree, I let it stay outside the fridge for 15mins then I feed her straight...

next week i will give her banana or pumpkin

Any mummies interested to get Isomil step 2 400g @ $15 only? Free 2 pairs of breastpad with purchase. Retail selling $18.50

Self collection at Tampines Central or Khatib.

For fast deal, please sms me at 9799 5867


Eliss, how did you prepare avocado for your bb? I thought can just feed straight? Must purée?

Irene, Geri, can pm me your email add? Will ask my hubby to email you his ideas about the customized tees.


i did not use blender, i scoop out some meat then mash it using spoon, it can be too pastey for babies, so i added a little BM to the avo while mashing...like that smoother...

Hi Irene: Thank you! You are always so kind and with good memory. Yup! I stay in the west.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sun tan,

Sorry think my previous message contained many typo errors.

I made a week supply of puree then stored in freezer.

If outside, just warm it up using hot water (like what u said, the way we warm up milk).

And don't introduce 2 foods in a day now. This is to monitor if baby got allergy to a particular food. Just feed cereal or brown rice first as weaning, when Baby is well into weaning, then u start intro other foods.

U probaby can feed baby 2 types of food in a day after u know/tested that BB is not allergic to both foods.

currently our babies main food intake should still be milk.


Good that u r feeding avocado! Haha, coz my #1 ate avocado as a baby but now he doesn't like it.. unless it is in avocado milk shake.

U r now giving K avocado milk shake. Good food to intro.

Have u tried greens? Spinach n broccoli are both great foods for the kids

Eliss, thanks. Gonna try giving my bb avocado today. I love avocado, hope she'll like it too.

Phy, can we start giving veggies right away?

Good morning mummies,

I had a bad night sleep. K was hard to put to sleep last night. He finally fell asleep at 10.10pm. Then woke up at 2am cause kanna stuck in the cot. Give him his pacifier and turn him around. Sleep till 4am. Make noise. Had to carry him to my bed to pat him to sleep. Then he took my space to sleep and my dog took my pillow to sleep. I totally no space to sleep lo. Had to squeeze into the small corner at the end to koon. K make noise at 5am then got to wake up to pat him again. Then at 6.30am, he finally cannot tahan liao.. make milk for him to drink and he super awake le. So ask daddy to play with him while i take a quite nap before preparing for work. I think K is all out to torture me. He don't want to play with daddy... keep making noise and cry. I had to get up and take him from daddy. He quiet liao. Make me play with him till 7am then took him to his new exersaucer to play while i prepare for work. Super tired sia.

Despite the disturbed sleep, I still manage to dream abit.. I dreamt of Kayden & his little brother again.. I was carrying the younger one and little K was running abt.. I keep screaming "Kayden Leong! Kayden Leong!".. sound like a mad woman like that. Scary sia.

broccoli: I read that broccoli is not a good choice for one of Baby's first vegetables as it may cause gas and may be a bit hard for a young infant to digest. Broccoli is best given to an infant between 8-10 months old.

Geri: You are right.. maybe I can try to contact Char's mummy thru the blog and see if there's anyway I can do that.


For me, I introduced greens once my boy was well into weaning(i.e. can swallow)

I steam the broccoli and only puree the leafy part(forgo the stalk) and gave my #1 in small bits at first. Same goes for spinach.


Ya, it is true that broccoli may cause gas in baby. So it is impt to monitor.

Just to share. When I fed my #1 pumpkin, he develop an allergic reaction (rashes) to it. So I stopped but reintro a few weeks later. Then no more allergic reaction to it.

This is from PD

Guide to prudent weaning

Foods which are least likely to cause allergic reactions (to be introduced after the 6th month)

Rice, pear, prune, carrot, apple

Foods which are usually well tolerated, but occasionally cause allergic reactions (to be introduced after the 6th month)

Barley, Oat, Wheat, Broccoli, cabbage, potato, spinach, corn(and corn oil), apricot, banana, cherry, peach, plum, turnip, papaya

Foods whic are most likely to cause allergic reactions(to be introduced from the 9th month)

Egg yolk (must be fully cooked), legumes(soya beans, beans), berries(strawberry and raspberry), fish

Foods which are highly allergenic(to be introduced after the 12th month)

Seafood(prawns, crabs, dried and fresh scallops)


Egg white

Orange, kiwifruit, grapes, watermelon, mango, pineapple, big banana, durian, bird nest

Mummies, looks like when bb is between 6 to 7 mths, it is good to intro different vege/fruit puree one at a time, correct? 4 days rule, check whether got allergic reaction, etc. Then porridge (with vege/meat in it) should come later? Somehow my boy's nanny thinks i am weird that i am not planning to give porridge yet coz i want to give different purees first. She said my method is so ang moh, she never hear before...


Think it is up to your belief bah..

For me, intro different foods so that bb can taste the real taste of the different foods before showing preference to foods as he grows older. Hubby n I think the same way and that's how we feed our #1 and we are going to do the same for #2.



So meaning if I start with brown rice for a few weeks till he is well into weaning n when I wanna intro fruit puree, do I need to stop the brown rice? Or can I give him together?

Ann: hahaha so funny la u.. btw what is kayden’s last feeding of the day?

My gal usually sleeps at 9-10pm but if she had milk at like, 8pm, I will still DF her at 11pm.

Sometimes I also give her DF at 12am so that she can sleep thru the nite.

Once in a while, my gal will wake up and make noise during 4-5am.

But later on I realize it is not milk that she wants, instead, she is thirsty! I give her some water, then pat her and she can go back to zzz…

last time i v anal.. insisted on not giving bb water esp when i was TBFing. but my mum keep saying no harm giving 1-2 spoonfuls after bb nap to "moisturize" the mouth. -_- but my gal loves water she drinks and pees a lot!

My gal also sleeps beside me. She tends to shift when sleeping until she is lying diagonally to me, then puts her face on my arm.

If I move her back to her original position, a while later her head will go out of her pillow and stick on my arm again. Even if I sleep further away, she will do it till she can feel my arm on her head. Until both of us are leaving daddy with a small corner to sleep.

My hubby says she wants my warmth.. haha..

mummies, how to choose a fresh and good pumpkin?


This is my #1's feeding schedule at 6 mths old, when I started to wean him.

His feeding was such :

8am - EBM

12pm - 1 teaspoon of cereal + EBM

4pm - EBM

7pm - latch on

10pm - latch on

As he grew, we increased the amt to 2 teaspoon and reduced the milk for that feed till it was like half a bowl. Then slowly we gave him 2 diff foods a day. Morning cereal, noon fruit puree.

Phy: For ur #1, u only give different purees all the way?

Feeding bb water: I checked with PD, she said OK to give bb water after 3 mths old. So I started giving then lor...good to train them to drink water too...

porridge: Me & daddy agreed that we should let Kayden take porridge when he is about 7mths old.. maybe after CNY ba. Cause I scared what if the maid lazy and then cooked the porridge till not smooth enough, then K might get choke. Don't wanna take such risk.

Sweetkiss: K will get his DF at 10.30pm. K dun really sleep through the night cause he move too much. Either he get stuck in the cot somehow or he shifted too low and kick all the wet wipes. Once I remove the wet wipes so that there will not be plastic sound to wake him, he on the mobile toy with his legs. Even when he sleeps, he got alot of activities going on one. Hai...


Sun tan,

U don't have to stop the brown rice, just reduce the amt if u think S can't stomach too much. U can feed both foods at the same time, i.e. lunch time but perhaps reduce the amt of brown rice.

Or u can give brown rice as breakfast(but reduce the EBM a little) then fruit or vege puree as lunch.

But by then, probably S's appetite would have increased [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

