(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

OMG! I see most bb here weight look normal, my bb gal weigh 7.2kg 3 weeks back which is 5 mths old ... Now should weigh more I think. Hahaha

any west side gathering? kekeke

My pd always says "as long as bb eat well, sleep well, poo well, don't worry." Listen till sian. haha.

Beanie: my bb is 8kg at 5mths, but he is already on FM, so on different league. haha.


My reply as follows:

1. Yes, you can buy those rice cereals for 6mth onward.

2. I started out with 1 tablespoon of cereal and mixed with milk till the consistency which my boy like (he doesn't like cereal to be too watery). Then after 4 days, I increase to 2 tablespoon, and now he is on 3 tablespoon of cereal. As for milk, I will still give him the lesser milk so instead of 180ml, he drink 150ml if on 1 tablespoon of cereal. Then slowly, his milk for lunch will be replace by the cereal liao.

3. Like what vernie say, I use my milk powder holder to hold the cereal lo and make it outside lo. I will also bring along a bowl and a spoon and his portable high chair seat. Quite abit of things to carry.


If you "OMG" your baby's weight, what's mine? She was 7.4kg at 4.5mths. haha!

My friends tell me that once they start crawling, babies will slim down


I can't join u the girls on tues.. Got meeting to attend wor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] gonna start work soon... Soooo lazzzy to start...


yr girl is indeed of heavy weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] is she still on bm?


Ya man! What does it look like? Easy to lug around?


Ya lor. BM only for 1.5mths. She was big to start of with. At birth she was 3.7kg; takes after her papa. So when I visited a friend who just gave birth recently to a 2.5kg bb, after the visit, I thot to myself "oh my! H was indeed a giant!" hehe

I plotted her height and weight on the charts, and she's in the 90th percentile but BMI, she's in the 50% percentile. So it should be ok, I guess

Dear all,

I've Mamil Gold 400g (expire May 2012) and Enfapro A+, 400g (expire Aug 2012) to exchange for Similac 2 (400g). Meet-up at Buangkok Mrt Station. If you are interested, pls msg me at 98158556. Tks.

Haha!! The high chair is not what you all think it is. It is called the My Little Seat Foldable Travel High Chair. It can fit nicely into your diaper bag. It looks like this.


Quite misleading right? Hehe!!

tks mummies.

ya, think now if wanna bring BB out will be more troublesome...cuz no long just bring milk powder & bottles. Now have to bring spoon, bowl, cereal, etc.



Is it nice to use? K will guai guai sit in it?


That's why I decided to start S on his cereal for his mid morning feed. So even if going out, I can at least finish feeding him the cereal then go out.


Indeed, it's very misleading. Haha! But it looks comfy and comes with a harness, which is a very good feature. Does K like sitting in it?

hi all.. thanx for your encouragement! I seriously do feel much lifted up!

Brought my gal for a hair cut yesterday at Taka and managed to take some picz with the xmas tree. Then went to the doc. MY gal's weight is 6.75kg at 6 mths. 30th percentile only. sighz. Doc said height and head circumference ok. Only the weight gain not much but he said at least didnt lose weight so I must count my blessing liao. Doc said I can start porridge with fish le. LAst time WHO recommends fish only after 12 months but now they realised that old grannies are right n changed to 6 mths! huh.. like this also can!

merry xmas eve everyone!

charliebrown: if got west side gathering, i'm on.. i stay at boonlay!

ann: where u got the seat? i wanna get one too coz my girl refuses to sit in the stroller when i am eating. so always have to carry her with one hand and eat with another...

ceres: i clicked on the link but there is no link for me to "like"...

Sun_tan & Ica: I have not got around to using it yet. I just received the item last week. I think this will be very useful to me especially when I go other pple house and need to feed baby. As long as I can get a chair, I can use that liao. So not bad. Especially good for CNY.

AK: How have you been? Hope all is well with you. BB Vera is very cute & beautiful. Hopefully by feeding her solid, she will be able to gain more weight.

Ann : I battled for 6mths liao! tired,exhausted n defeated! :p Actually I weaned at 4 mths on the advise of my doc. But I can only add water to cereal coz Vera juz hate milk. Even feeding cereal is a challenge still coz she zipped up her mouth tight tight! Very naughty. But so as long no need to eat n drink..she very happy gal!

I leaving for HK and SF this evening liao. Havent fin packing coz busy with baby! All that I can think of for this holiday is to sleeeeeppp! I wish i can hibernate till next week then wake up! hehee

Merry X mas mummies! Hope u enjoy ur day!

this will be the first year BB J joining us for X mas and he got a lot of presents! even from our colleagues.. hee..

Sweetkiss: For me, not much choosing. Hula loops is the one for me. Haha!!

AK: Haha!! Normally I try to make mealtime fun for Kayden. When he refused to open his mouth, I would pretend that the spoon is an aeroplane and would fly into his mouth. When he laughed, the spoon will go right in. He got no choice but to swallow it. Everytime he would fall for that trick. Maybe you can try to make it like a fun time for Vera so that she would not keep thinking it is bad.

Have a great trip. You deserve it. If you want to sleep then just sleep lo. Haha!! I also do that when I go trips last time to BKK. I sleep most of the time while other pple rush to shop.

hi mummies, am new here, a silent reader all this while. I tried to find the heinz baby rice cereal in ntuc, but cant find. Hav made a check with ntuc, they said they dont carry this product anymore. anyone feeding their babies this?

Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt, I have some items for sale:

1) BNIB AVENT Feeding bottle anti colic 125ml BPA-free type - $10 (retailing at $15)

> 3 pcs available

2) BNIB AVENT Airflex Teat for 3m+ set 2pcs/set - $4.50 (retailing at $6.60)

> 3 sets available

3) BNIB Pigeon Peristaltic M sized teat 2pcs/set - $3.50 (retailing at $5.50)

> 6 sets available

4) BNIB Pigeon Peristaltic Y sized teat 2pcs/set - $3.50 (retailing at $5.50)

> 3 sets available

5) BNIB Pigeon Breastmilk Storage Bottles 3pcs/set PP bottles - $10.50 (retailing at $15.50)

> 6 sets available

6) BNIB Pigeon Laundry Detergent 1 kg - $6

> 3 boxes available

7) BNIB Pigeon Bottle Nipple&Vegetable Liquid Cleanser formulated with edible ingredients 700ml - $8.50 (retailing at $12+)

> 6 packs available

All items are brand new and unopened bought this year only.. If you buy more, price can be negotiable.

Pickup location: Tiong Bahru MRT or Jurong East MRT (weekdays only)

Merry Christmas!

Tracey: I remember I read somewhere in the forum that Heinz rice cereal is not being imported in Singapore anymore. Not sure why too.

Merry Christmas to all mummies! Bb is 6 mths old today too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Merry Christmas All mummies!!

Wanna ask Anyone know any Babies or Children clinic  that is open on Sunday Ma??? My poor Jayden nose blocked.. Alot phlegm inside.. Wanna bring him to the clinic n suck out.. 

Poor boy this is his 1st Christmas.. 

Merry Xmas Mamas!!

Jasline: I not too sure. If its serious think u can bring him in to hospital clinic if not A&E. Hope everything goes well for Jayden. take care!

Hi Everyone! Bit late but I hope you all had a great Christmas and are enjoying your weekends. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CharlieBrown: It's really rewarding being a sahm, being able to see the development of your baby. It does get boring sometimes (esp if you're at home alone with just the baby). But I think being part of a forum does help. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Which is why I too hope to make more mummy friends here. hee. Happy for you and your baby!

Sorry to intrude..

Have the following cereals to let go at low price.

Brand new boxes of Organix cereals -

1)Seven Grains (Expiry: Feb 2011) UP:$12.90, Now:$8!!

2)Fruity Apple (Expiry: Aug 2011) UP:$8, Now:$5.50!!

3)Wholegrain Baby Rice (Expiry: Feb 2012) UP:$8.10, Now:$5.50!! Take 2 boxes at $10!!

Take all at $22 only!!!

Self collect at Yew Tee MRT.

PM or sms for fast deal 9022 6864.


hi mummies,

hope you all had a great Xmas with your babies.

Isaias turns 5 mths old tdy and I'm gonna start him on solids this coming Fri.

Bought Healthy Times Organic Brown Rice Cereal. Any mummies feeding their babies with that? Any feedback?

AK, i sent u a PM.

I went through the EXACT same thing with my elder gal. No one would believe how difficult it was and how stressful. Keep ur chin up, it'll all be ok one day..

AK >> Big hug! Itz been so long since we last saw you here. Little Vera looks very cute and alert in your FB pic. Good job mommie! = )

Any suggestions where can I go for a short 3 day break with baby? Really need a break from the mundane daily routine...need holiday!


my #1 used to that healthy times cereals (it's not in podwer form) but this time i bought another brand for bb instead

my #1 ok w that....

apple_juice: Thanks! Kinda look forward to seeing bb reaching his milestones! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bb flipping:

My bb finally can flip yesterday! hahha! And mummies are right, once bb can flip, I am busier, got to help him to flip back so many times!! He is like addicted to flipping. lol.

Good morning ladies.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. K was super duper sticky to me these whole weekend. On Sat, I sort of dislocated my shoulder. Think I carry him too much. So I left him to stay overnight at my in law house. Yesterday morning, I went to fetch him. My MIL told me he cry the whole house down before sleeping. No matter what they do, he still cry. He never done that before. My MIL say he is looking for me.. but in the end he knows no matter how he cries, mummy also will not come. So cry untill tired then sleep le. Hear liao also heart pain.

Brought him out yesterday and then return to in law house for dinner. Again he was super sticky and only want me to carry. Once again, my shoulder start to hurt liao. So in order not to aggravate the shoulder, i left him overnight at in law house again. My hubby's sis sms me that he cry himself to sleep again. I told daddy we have to bring him back tonight no matter how painful my shoulder will be. Cannot bear to let K cry till he sleeps every night. Poor baby.

Jasline: So far I am fine with Nan Pro from Phillipines. If you are worry, you can change to Nan HA which is still from Switzerland.

charliebrown: Ya lo.. when they start to flip, they flip like crazy.. now my boy like to flip and eat his feet too.. very tough to wear diaper for him. Thinking of changing to pull up pants but I think pull up pants like cannot hold pee very well.


Ann >> I use Drypantz. Fits B very and holds all the pee and mega poop in. I think you need to find one that will fit K properly. We tried Huggies pull-ups initially but the cutting was too small and poop would sometimes leak out.

