(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

I got 6 days childcare leave to clear. Hubby is going to Sydney on 21st Dec, dunno to follow or not? Should I bring K along?? But hubby would be at work during daytime and only left me & K lei. Scared cannot managed. But then he only going for 2 or 3 days.


Ann: for me i will go ! hahaha ... go there stay in the hotel room or apartment, else walk walk nearby I dont mind ! hahahaha !

maybe i really just dont want to stay at home thou it will be nicer ... but not my own house so at home also pointless...

Sucking Fingers vs Pacifier

I remember Mrs Wong said it is ok to give bb pacifier. She said bbs do look cute when sucking fingers, however, it is not cute if they continue to do that when they are older. Pacifier can throw when we try to wean bb but fingers?

My bb super ultimate when it comes to sucking fingers/pacifier/toys:

1. Any toys I passed to him, he will surely explore with his mouth first…

2. He will take out his pacifier and suck the pacifier handle!

3. He sometimes take out his pacifier and replace with his fingers – when greedy, suck both pacifier and fingers at the same time!

4. Right after milk when bottle is out of the mouth, fingers/fist will go in. Hubby will tell bb that his fingers/fist is not ice-cream/dessert – don’t lick/suck!

5. When I carry him over my shoulders, he will suck my clothes…

6. He sometimes gagged himself while sucking his fingers and make those “eeeokk” sound – always frighten me when he does that!

Wondering what he will suck next?

vernie - did my ger learn from your boy? haha... all 6 points are checked! or maybe K has many points to add on ... sigh

HRISTMAS LUNCH CELEBRATION!! ~ Happening this coming Sunday

Gift Exchange - Each family to bring ONE gift

Gift exchange time - 1530hrs

Cost of gift should be about SGD 15.00

- can be for mummy/baby/family. Serene and Michelle have requested for a wishlist. Ballot?

Date: 12th Dec

Time: Anytime from 1pm - nite...( Sandy will check-in, in the afternoon)

Location : Aloha Changi Halton Terraces, 565 Halton Rd, Unit D

- Sandy will absorb the cost cause her family will be staying

Food from Liang Food Caterer

1. Curry Chix

2. Sweet and Sour Fish

3. Fried Bee Hoon

4. Mixed Vege

5. Cheng Tang

6. Prawn?

7. Scallop

1. Serene & Hubby

2. Jaclyn

3. Irene & Hubby

4. Jasline & Hubby

5. Lynn & Hubby

6. Nicole

7. DQ

8. keropi & Hubby

9. quartzie

10. Eliss & hubby

11. Sandy & Hubby

12. Noknok & Hubby

13. Pris

14. vernie & hubby (if timing is lunch/tea)

15. xbeanniex & hubby (coming after 2pm)

16. Michelle (coming after 2pm)

17. Kepsis(Shiqing)

18. sweetkiss & hubby

19. Geri ( geraldine)

Min 30 pax for order..per pax $10 buckz.. - all to pay Sandy on day of event please and do bring containers for leftovers

hi all mummies,

been along time since i posted.

Mrs long: ya R started teething ( lower jaw center, thats is the most common area to start teething) when she was abt 3.5 mths old. even the pd say she is very early. give her some teething gel and got her teether. she loves the teether.

Vernie: cant help but keep laughing when i read your post on the pacifier and finger. my bb does that too except that she does not take pacificer. She even STAND BY her finger while drinking milk. the moment the bottle is removed, the finger goes it and she continue sucking.

R is so into flipping nowadays that she even flip when sleeping. she usually sleep thru but nowadays she turn turn turn and flip then awake in the middle of the night. OH my she is so addicted to flipping. Mummies , Does positioner help

Ann: I will go to sydney with hubby and K lo. Xbeanniex is right, even if just walking round the apt beats staying here. esp when hubby not around your iLs will want K to stay with them so u will be alone again.

Jasmine: MILs story. I have my fair share too. In fact quite a few of us here have alot to vent about them, sometimes we vent and laugh about it cos they are so alike. so u are not alone. just come in and vent.. u will feel better.

wah sorry for the long post...looking forward to meeting all mummies and the lovely babies ..

hi all mummies,

been along time since i posted.

Mrs long: ya R started teething ( lower jaw center, thats is the most common area to start teething) when she was abt 3.5 mths old. even the pd say she is very early. give her some teething gel and got her teether. she loves the teether.

Vernie: cant help but keep laughing when i read your post on the pacifier and finger. my bb does that too except that she does not take pacificer. She even STAND BY her finger while drinking milk. the moment the bottle is removed, the finger goes it and she continue sucking.

R is so into flipping nowadays that she even flip when sleeping. she usually sleep thru but nowadays she turn turn turn and flip then awake in the middle of the night. OH my she is so addicted to flipping. Mummies , Does positioner help

Ann: think u should go to sydney with hubby and K lo. Xbeanniex is right, even if just walking round the apt beats staying here. esp when hubby not around your iLs will want K to stay with them so u will be alone again.

Jasmine: MILs story. I have my fair share too. In fact quite a few of us here have alot to vent about them, sometimes we vent and laugh about it cos they are so alike. so u are not alone. just come in and vent.. u will feel better.

wah sorry for the long post...looking forward to meeting all mummies and the lovely babies ..

Geri - i got Keila a BN Naforye sleep positioner from a mummy who is clearing her items. This is after I found K flipped on her tummy and sleep in the night which she does not usually do that. Since getting the position, I have not seen her flip during her sleep at night... In the day, we let her flip to sleep.

Hi all,

I am also a july mummy, have been a silent reader of this forum after I give birth to my boy boy. Have gather alot of useful tips from here and find this forum very fun and interesting so decided to register to join u gals and share info on baby. I am a shy mummy so wait till now then have encourage to join [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ann - agreed la..go there hv a breather oso good...

Jasmine - yeah agreed with Geri..yesterday my FIL lagi better..my hub n i brought our gal out for shopping and came back my FIL say u brought baby out arh..(obviously rite).weather so hot u still bring her out...(but weather was cooling)but i was like its my daughter u mean i cant bring her out and need to report to u guys when i bring her out...

Den pampers...i using pampers and mamy poko - baby tummy abit of redness tink they strap too tight..he say next time dnt buy cheap pampers..No good ( i was lik -_-!!) if u feel tat e pampers i get is cheap..pls give me $$ to get premium wan if there is any...

Crying - yesterday my hub n i got to attend some function at nite..so leave my gal wif MIL..but before that i was carrying her n patting her to slp..(no problem no crying at all) but switch over to her cry non-stop tat she had to tilt her uprite to stop her crying - we came home at nite..FIL n MIL say u guys scared e baby itzi..she has been crying non-stop since we left e house..i was lik why dnt u say tat BB misses us n tat BB dnt wan u all to carry to slp?? how would we on earth as a parents scared our own kids???

Feeding puree - i feed my gal sweet potato puree..MIL saw it and ask.."u feeding BB sweet potato arh..will fart alot wan leh..u feed raw arh??? excuse me who on earth will feed a BB raw sweet potato..

Haiz wana shout back bt control my anger...always tinking i m out to hurt my own kid..but they themselve is hurting them...

Yukidog - welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the mommies here are very nice and helpful de... so dnt be shy n join us kekeke

Hello mummies!

LT: Yup, think the PIL always think that we will harm our babies. Why would we??? Pampers is one of the premium brands for bb diapers. Is not cheap wor..your FIL ignorant.

Hello Yukidog!

Hi Yukidog ! (think you must be a furkid owner too)

LT: *Hugz* I am blessed to have my parents' support and understanding. And my PIL side didnt dare to ask me craps for like 2 mths... becos whenever they talk crap, I dont answer, but when rtn to room, I make sure I rant all out at my HB and if he doesnt bring the message across to his parents then I make sure the next round I will make the whole block known what's happening.

I say and I mean it. Monday nite HB said something stupid and had a good roll with HB that I nearly want to leave that hell house !

Whose HB is so so so well supported by parents in terms of $$ ?

If got then I think (assuming lar) must be quite kiddy thinking person at most times right ? (my HB is)

Haiz... I am really getting nutts with having such HB + his parents.

My FIL recently got another pattern- my bb used to have a tiny red mark on one of his eyelids. No big deal to me. BUT, he told me that he went to bid for one tiger figurine (don't know from where) and tied one red string and later removed it. He said once he did that, bb's red mark is gone. Really hate what he did!! Can he stop being so superstitious!

Really want to have peace with my PIL, but recently they have more patterns which I cannot stand.


I remember Beannie and Hershey here got dogs. Me too..

hai, seem all mummies have problems with the InLaws..

For me, after since i had that quarrelled during my last week of confinement's period and moved back to my parents' place.. My MIL don dare to tok cock so much, even i have nv bring my baby boy back to let her see for like 2 months.. my MIL also don dare to ask my hubby to bring us back to her hse too..

Coz i have show her the hard way, I WAN IT THIS WAY mean I WAN IT THIS WAY.. lol~~ even my hubby also noe my temper.. so he also don dare to make me angry too.. :p

LT : *hugz* didnt ur hubby help u to tok to them?? ur PIL are way too much..

me too, fed my boy with papaya and sweet potato with alittle bit of FM the other days.. lol~~

not very sure he like it anot, hahah~~ i have post a video of his expression on my FB during his feed.. damn funny...

*cheers up mummies*

I think i may not be able to drop by to say ello to u all during the xmas gathering.. coz i'm down with flu, cough, sore thoat, headache..

coz i tot of dropping by, do a little gathering.. but i'm SICK~~~ >_<|||

Mummies do enjoy on xmas gathering...

Charlie: haiz... my HB oso lately got alot of pattern, keep asking me questions and always ended up quarrels.

and I am think who is the one that taught his to question me ! If ever let me know or I found out is who, PIL I will not give face too.

LT- Yah that is y i decided to join u all here hehe.

Talking of mil, my mil always like to talk to my son asking him who ur eyes, etc look like, keep say he look like my hubby cousins or say hmmm u seem dont look like my hubby cousin so she will say "ni xiang sui ya" and keep dont wan admit my son eye look like me and sometime when she say this, my hubby will say look like mummy then she will stop this topic n change topic. Y cant my baby look like me leh, hai dunno what she thinking.

Hershey: still have 3 days to go, dont give up !! I am sick too but I want to come gathering so I drinking lots n lots of water to recover !

You can too, just dont feels bad having to go toilet countless times lar... hee !!

Sad leh, my HB know my temper, but hor he still want to come irritate me n worst, threaten me say "no choice liao lar... come to this point, think there is not turning point ready, I dont want to divorce but if carry on like this, sooner or later will divorce too"


"what you want me to do?! move out is it ? or I kill myself?! Let you n bb do whatever you both like!"


yes, i have a furrykid.. am now looking for a baby safety gate.. hai~~ any mummies have any recommendation on the safety gate?? cant find 1.. thought i got 1.. but tat mummy nv reply me.. when she reply me she say sold le.. hai~~~ sad case..

yes, i also cannot stand the superstitious thingy too.. the 1st month my boy got colic and cry non-stop.. then my MIL went to get dono wat anklet to tied at my boy leg.. but it keep dropping.. saying wat that anklet will stop him from crying some much??!! >_< (i was like... ... baby is having colic, u think wat...) omg~~ tie le also no use.. fainted..

than when i had moved back to my parents hse, i put tat anklet away.. hai~~ everytime see le, i so pek chek..

don say my MIL do tat i will angry.. even my own parents i also will tell them off lorz.. hai~~

Yuki: wahahaha ! I can see the picture if your BB is a gal instead of a boy, think you will not just hear that... more sacarstic/hurting words will come out.

Hershey: my bb got wear anklets - 1 gold 1 silver. purpose is BB wake up move legs I can know. Else I carry on blur blur slping, BB no one attend to. lolx ! If those string with "tong cien" then too young lar... maybe when after 6mths then wear still ok.

ya I oso dun give face to my own parents if they are too crappy ! But really lucky of me, my parents are plain too modern liao ! can't bother !

xbeanniex - I used to have a family dog, jack russell [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but he now stay with my sis after both me and my sis married and move out of mum hse. He is a old dog now (10yrs) but still very active and noisy haa.

xbeanniex, mine is the other way round of urs.. me alway tell off my hubby.. "if u don wanna to share burden with me or wanna to listen to other ppl (my MIL or SIL)tok cock than we Divorce lorz.. than if u able, than u take ur son, i take my daughter lorz.. no worries, i have a very supportive family... unlike urs..."

LOL~ my hubby listen le, although is face black black de, sometimes he will give pattern after tat sometime he don.. hai~~ my hubby is a 100% woodblock!!! alway make me angry..

Hershey: i get ur point! Maybe I should be firm n heartless to HB. As he oso woodblocked till can anger me so much that I wanted to just carry BB C and hide somewhere to live on our own.

Ya i think back, my HB really testing water with me saying Divorce here n there. and this time round he say that again, I will tell him I will prepare the papers and BB C I will take too.

Haiz... y my HB so kiddo thinking... keep using Divorce to threaten me

yuki : ya, agree to xbeanniex...

my MIL alway like to say my boy look like my hubby elder bro or sis.. sianz~~ y cant my bb look like me or hubby or my daughter.. crazy...

xbeanniex : my boy wake up will alert me de.. since he is 2month old plus plus.. lol~~ if not some time he will juz "pa pa zhu" stare at me while i am slping.. and he try luck making some gentle "eh eh eh" sound.. lol~~

wat is "tong cien"??

xbeanniex : maybe ur hubby feel insecure.. tat's y he say tat.. or maybe got pressure from his parents.. loL~~

me different case le..

i noe hubby side no 1 can take care of my baby boy.. so i say tat to him.. make him gan chiong.. lol~~ my family is big, have 1elder & young bros, my parents, my daughter & a noisy furrykid.. definately, baby will grow happier & healthier in my family side.. unlike his mother's place.. "leng leng qing qing de" morning til night, no 1 at home de.. lol~~

Hershey: lolx ! so clearly define ! my HB side ah... is damn noisy and hb's sister's kids no manners de. and still want to TC my BB C when only left my FIL to TC 2 infants (1 is 10mths old my BB is 5mths old) how to manage !


oh Ba gua ones ah... eh ... depends on u liao lar... my BB anklets got 1 each. hahaha

Hershey :I also have not bought the safety gate. Have not really planned how to "separate" bb with dog when bb learns how to crawl.

Beannie/ Hershey:

My MIL also always says "bb's ears so nice, look like papa's". Everything nice also look like papa. Bb don't look like me meh?!

Quarrels with hubby:

Also quarrel many times with hubby cos of bb. He is woodblock too!! Now bb already about 4mths plus still can ask me funny qns abt bb. He should learn mah. I also first time parent what, just like him. And till now, he still don't dare to bath bb. Sometimes feel that he is taking me for granted. haiz.

Maybe we should line them up- PIL and Hubbies. See whose most irritating PIL and most wood! lol.

PIL story will never end.

Yesterday I was on half day leave, cos my boy down with fever. when i reached hm, my boy was crying, but the moment, i called him, and carry him. he started laughing. should see my hb face. hahaha...

then yesterday my mil came to pass me a packet of mushroom. (well, to me, she was missing her grandson, never go back for sometime). she had a job at AMK, i was at my mum's house TPY, so she say it on the way. Anyway i didn't know she is coming till i saw her at the door way. thks to my hb never inform me. since she long time never see her grandson, so i just leave her to entertain him. then when it time to go off, she asked me, if i'm still bf him, so i tell her yes. guess what she say to my son, ai yo, u so naughty ya, made mummy so tired n troublesome. i was like, hello, it my son, i never complain, y r u compainting to my son. don knwo what she is thinking. when i complain to my hb, he would just ask me to ignore what her mum say. although can ignore, but still don feel gd mah.


I help u look out for the babygate thing.

I got my BBgate online in the doggiesite forum.

Charlie: if list n lined them up hor, can laugh alot of mommies heads off here lar... as I am sure can lined a super long way, just like PCK always say (some ppl even say (lined to) JB & Batam ah) wahahahaha ~ !

It's a standard Lindam gate with extension tt i bought seperately so tt it fits nicely in a standard HDB toilet. Extension can be removed to block rooms. selling at $60.

Interested pls email me at [email protected]



came across an article before..

we must not ever mention "Divorce" in our marriage..

it will hurt the relationship oh!!

it's not easy to get some1 that we loved n love us too..so must cherish our hubby n bb oso =)

carol good point

read a book once that after having a baby, it is easy to forget to be someone's wife, to be your parent's daughter... but it is crucial that we remember that we have these other roles. Furthermore, our child will be able to 'sense' things and exceling in these other roles is the best nurtuing we can give our child can have. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

not easy, but guess we all need to make a conscious effort.

charliebrown - urs steady la..tiger figurine erm juz bcoz ur BB is born in yr of Tiger..what if its a dragon..den he will hv to look for dragon..reali dnt knw wat they are tinking...

Xbeanniex- ya hugz...haiz..its never ending..my parents n urs are e same..super modern type..how we take care hw we handle is our problem as they feel tat we got to learn how to take care of our own BB..but for PIL...WE ARE OUT TO HURT OUR KIDDOS

Yuki / Hershey - mine one oso once she is out..wow 100% look lik dad..this look lik dad tat look lik dad...i wana say so backside oso look lik dad la...pissed...

thanks beannie!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will be buying the gate later.

Hershey/ Beannie: How are you separating bb and doggie? put doggie in a room?

Claudia/Carol: Agree with you guys. Must constantly remind ourselves that we are wives too. Cos sometimes we are too into our mummy role that we forget about other roles. Like me, sometimes I feel more like a maid than anything else.

LT: LOL! yea, he very steady. Don't know what pattern he will chut next with the tiger thing!

hey charliebrown

ur boy still going strong on the not waking up @ 4 plus? my boy following ur boy... past 3 days never 'wake up' also. Actually keep stirring and sucking but never make noise. Altho i also cannot fall asleep due to his stirring.. so i actually end up more tired! haha

LT - Agree they always tot like we will hurt our bb somemore my IL dun dare to handle my bb (only dare to carry my bb after 2mth) till after 2mths (dunno hw they bring up my hubby) and yet can comment this n that which make me more piss. Mil till nw dun dare to bottle feed my son (fil feeding now when i work) but still can give me all sort of advice like very li hai.

Claudia- Thats good for your boy! Mine will still piak piak around 4plus, with eyes closed. but never cry. So I also have interrupted sleep. haha. You stop your DF?

