(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Sorry girls, I cannot make it liao. Forgotten about the date and book for my HK trip. Will only be returning on the 12 Dec


Food: Shall we fix on potluck?

Gift Exchange - shall we spice things up a little on the gathering and have a mini gift exchange. Each family will bring a gift (with a cost of $15)???

Date: 12th Dec (Confirmed)

Location : Aloha Changi Halton Terraces, 565 Halton Rd, Unit D

- Sandy will absorb the cost cause her family will be staying

Now... we jus need the names - please copy the entire post with ur name below. thanks

1. Serene & Hubby

2. Jaclyn

3. Irene & Hubby

4. Jasline & Hubby

5. Lynn

6. Nicole

7. DQ

8. keropi

9. quartzie

10. Eliss & hubby

11. Sandy & Hubby

12. Noknok & Hubby

13. jellypurin - no food for us. will drop by to say hi :)

14. Pris


yeah 4pm seems better timing tho sometimes he feeds @ 4pm... can i get one of ur nos? just in case i am late n can call to meet up?

mine 82334988

weight n height

strange thing my PD never did once mention abt it! Even 4mth check only weighed.

today (brot him to PD for ingrown toe nail), he weighs 7.6kg. (born 9th july)

This morning, my boy so funny. Woke up at 5.30am for milk. After feeding him, he doesn't wanna sleep. Touch his shorts, wet.. leak pee again. Hai.. change for him, brought him to my bed and pat him to sleep. He doesn't wanna sleep although very tired liao. He just talk & talk & talk. Hubby still sleeping, I just look at him. He turn and looked at his pillow.. continue talking. Can see that his eyes closing liao & voice going softer.. suddenly, he open his eyes wide again and raise his voice (all this while never stop talking)... then slowly he is closing his eyes again and voice going softer again.. the moment he close his eyes, he open them wide again and raise his voice again... look at him, i nearly wanna laugh out loud. So I give him his pacifier.. he can still talk with his pacifier in his mouth.. this time round.. he talk and talk and finally doze off.

Super funny lo and talkative. Really can talk lei.


Ladies, I am using Mamypoko now. But hoh I find them like not too good lei. Cause my baby's pee will leak out at night. I wanna find something which he can use when he sleeps from 8pm to morning 6am one. Any suggestion?


I find that Huggies Dry Comfort also cannot last my baby at night, will always leak. So far i use Mamypoko, size M, seems quite good leh... :p


you don't feed between 8pm to 6am?

I am using Pampers and change quite regularly but have experienced leakage twice too... Although not sure if it is cuz it cannot support or cuz he wriggles so much.

Ya lo.. now like mamypoko not that good liao. Daytime still ok.. night time is the problem. So thought of changing diapers.

Anyone got few pcs of M size diapers (Huggies, Pampers, Petpet, Fitti, Goon) to sell so that I can try them out instead of buying the whole big pack and end up not good again.

Claudia: I only feed one time at 10.30pm.. that's all.. till morning liao. So I need to find a diaper which can preferably last that long.

Ann, i can offer my Huggies & Piccolo if u want try them, both M size [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

quartzie: Thanks so much. Can I have 5pcs for each brand? How much you selling them for? I transfer the money to you.

Vernie -- my boy is addicted to his toes! he's been sucking/eating them for about 4 days!!

regarding diapers...we are using huggies ultra now...i really like it...tried mamypoko and think that it is not as soft as huggies (bb's butt turned red easier)...i just recently bought goon to try...haven't had a chance though...

eliss -- how heavy is your bb? i have been using the ergo carrier prob about 2 months now..and recently noticed that my boy's butt is sunk so deep in the seat...i wonder if maybe my material stretch already or somehow i didn't position him well...also, are u letting him sit with 2 legs out on the side already? i still try to "froggy" one of the legs usually but are starting to let him sit with both legs out....regarding going to the loo with the ergo carrier, i did it many times during our journey from US to here and it was ok, just make sure u are wearing pants with no zipper/button (pull up pull down kind...like maternity pants) so that it's easier...and ya, when sit down with the carrier, the front piece will sort of get folded...i think that is normal


Thank u for ur suggestion to call Mdm Ida. Managed to get her to come over to my place today and she helped me massage all the lumps. Felt so relieved, although my right breast still feel sore. She said it will take a while for the bruise to soothen. She's really good! Some more taught me to massage my breasts. The moment I mentioned I'm from July mummy, she said "oh! Ann's group!" haha

Ann: I'm using pampers, and I find it good. My bb sleeps at 10 all the way till ard 6 in the morning, sometimes longer. I feel the pampers is still dry on the surface, although its heavy. In the day, I used pureen.

LT >> I just wash the milk stained clothes with the rest of baby clothes as per normal..no stains after wash. I use Pigeon washing detergent.

Friday @ Expo >> Hey gals, I'll be there with husby. Buzz me when you get there k = )

Huggies Dry >> Anyone wanna take over a new pack of size M(5-10kg) $14 ? It contains 80 pieces. I went crazy buying too many packs the last time. I need to use size L now..B has chunky thighs lah...PM me please = )

I love Drypers Drypants...holds all the mega big poops in. Can ask for samples to try at the Drypers website = )

phy: H still kicks @ nite..

but we co-slp, so when he starts kicking... i'll quikly reposition him.

so tat he can cont to slp. so far so gd.. these few nites he can tahan till abt 6am.

feeding: btw, i also changed my bottle n teat to pigeon wideneck. H seems to drink more milk.

in fact, this aftn feed he took 165ml! nva before he's taken so much! maxmax 150ml...

mayb the teat is somethg new for him, tat's y he's drinking more milk.

ive put aside my usual nuk teats n plan to use them again when H is tired & bored w pigeon.

Hi mommies! Regarding this Fri outing.. i think i should b able to join. Slack abit from work. Will sms if i cant make it but count me in !!

As for diapers, i tried so mani brands haha. From drypers to cheapo giant housebrand to huggies to mammypoko but now i am using pampers and i like it the best. Feels the most comfy to me and definitely can hold the pee/poo!

Huggies is too small for my boy lah. Same as Pris.. he has chunky thighs! So the poo always leak out from his back.

Dq: I oso have the pigeon bottle n teat given free when I bought the sterilizer+food warmer. But G dont seem to take it well last time. Perhaps shud try again ~

jac: H also didnt take the bottle well when he was a few wks old.. then i chucked it to the back of the drawer, used nuk instead.

u try the bottle again. tink H is tired of his nuk teats... this is somethg new for him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fri outing: i may not b able to join... cuz i realised my husby is not wkg tat day. mayb gg to the fair w him n H. will drop by to say hi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Jellypurin!

Hi Claudia!

What did your Pd say about the ingrown toe nail? My bb's toe nails are still v short, no need to cut one leh, unlike his fingernails.

Bb flipping:

For bb who already know how to flip, what do you do if they flip at nite while sleeping? you flip bb back to the back? Nowadays I keep waking up to check on bb when he starts to make noise in the nite, cos scared he flip suddenly..

Shall we fix the "rest station" at Texas Chicken (outside hall 4) then whenever mummies need rest, shall just go there, dun have to wait for another?

Friday, 25th Nov, Singapore Expo 4A

1) Eliss will reach expo at ard 4pm, 97238487

2) Marie with HB

3) Noknok with HB

4) Claudia (maybe) - 82334988

5) Phy

6) SK

7) Quartzie

8) Jaclyn

9) Pris with HB

fazzy - great to hear that your lumps are cleared.... remember to massage yourself more frequently cuz I find that once we kena the lumps they will keep coming back :S!

diapers - like Jac i used a number of brands too...MP, Fairprice, Fitti, Drypers, Petpet, Goon, Nepia, Huggies, when i was in melaka, i bought a pkt of Carrefour baby diapers, also not bad...

Petpet/Fitti BAsic/Drypers/Carrefour diapers - are all using tapes which I dun really like...

now using Fairprice for day, nepia/MP for night and outing...Nepia is good, big cutting, but quite ex...

i using pampers not bad, tried mamy poko bt seem my gal butt will become red..so stop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Charliebrown - Pneumococcal vaccine-my gal had hers 3mth, and next shot will be 5th..den in e 2nd mth and 4mth she had her 6 in 1...so 6mth will be her 6in1 jab...lik every mth oso got jab...see liao heartpain..


Yeah lo, every month also got jab. Somemore is not only one. Like for my bb- 3rd, 4th month- 5 in 1 jab + rotarix + pneumo, then 5th month- 5 in 1 jab + pneumo. then 6th month- Hep B. So many vaccines. So wonder why the Health promotion board says Pneumo to be taken in 3rd, 5th mth and 1 year, diff from what my Pd said.

Sleeping -

Bit worried abt my boy... seems to suffer from sleep disorder and sleeping too little [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] How much do your babies sleep? (This is the same problem I am facing over and over again...)

Do your babies wake up in the middle of the night to suck or kick but don't cry for milk And that can go on for 1hr? then eventually cry and I will feed him so that he can fall back to sleep?

Day time sleep a total of 2-3hrs. Night time he sleeps btween 8-9hrs with a feed inbetween and god knows how long of kicking and sucking inbetween!

CHarliebrown -

Seems my boy's toenails are very deep setted so easy to have ingrown. PD gave me antibiotic cream to apply (thankfully it was only mild red and nail have not grown into the flesh yet). He advised to cut the nail in a slant position at the corner to prevent the nail from growing into his flesh.

Hi Claudia

Pampers cannot hold a lot of shit well hor, but can hold a lot of urine..my boy did that b4.His shit came out from the back and soiled the shirt somemore. Mamy poko can hold a lot of shit though, maybe cos it is wider? lol. Would love to meet your boy one day! They chut same pattern! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But I still use pampers and mamy poko (for nite).

Hi Claudia,

Have you tried dreamfeeding? I found it works for me that baby can sleep longer hours straight at night without waking up. Right before im about to sleep, i dreamfeed him. That gives me a good 4-5 hours before he wakes for another feed.

I found this site useful for info: http://www.easybabylife.com/sleep-pattern.html#Baby%20Sleep%20At%203%20Months

info on dreamfeed: http://www.easybabylife.com/dreamfeed.html

Hi Charliebrown -

Hmm... My boy be it mamy poko or pampers shit also leak from the back leh! haha... But I lurve pampers cuz its so thin compared to mamy poko. I feel hot for my boy when i let him wear mamy poko.

Btw on flipping in the middle of the night... SAME lar... but good thing he cannot flip back so always make noise so I will wake up and put him back in position. Sometimes have to carry him to sleep awhile first. Otherwise he will still insist on flipping again. If situation worsens.. am thinking of getting the sleep positioner to hold him in place. At least until he can flip back then safer to just let him be i think

hey jaclyn,

yeah... tried dreamfeeding... the same thing leh. Actually my problem is sometimes even after 5-6hours he doesn't cry for milk but will wake up and kick and suck until he tired himself out and cry in frustration. Actually he may not need to feed but he can't seem to get back to sleep if I don't feed him so I bo bian juz feed.

Thanks for the links! will go check em out.

Hi Claudia

Did you try the reduction method? I still DF him at about 1100 to 1130pm. He still wakes up at 4am plus for feed. Yes, with sucking thumb/kicking and "banging" the bed with his hands. Haha. If I let him continue, I cannot sleep leh..so I also feed him at 4am plus with about 90ml. Then he will zzz. Only once in a bluemoon he will zzzz till 6am and ask for milk.

Other than this 4am pattern, he can zzz well. Daytime also. He can nap 1 to 2 hours for 3 times.

I really hope one day bb can zz thru till 7am.

Hi Charliebrown

If u feed him at 4am what time will he wake again? Mine will wake at 6 or 7 again. Tried the reduction but nowadays give up on df n let him wake up at 2am to feed then 8am... That way I can sleep more.

Mine day time 1.5 to 2 hours is like me getting A for exams! Just now he sleep 45mins then wake up despite this mornin kicking from 6am. Nowadays can sleep best at the 5-6pm nap which sucks cuz he sleep till 7-8 then conpletely screws up his bedtime! SIGH for me I juz wish he sleeps better.... Dun even mind waking up at nite to feed!

hello mummies,

been sometime since i last log in to chat...started work last Fri and has been bz.

My boy's tear duct is still block on his right eye, though he's coming 4mths old liao. Every 5mins or so, sure have "sticky eye shit" on his eyes and keep having to clean it.

PD suggested we take him to see a paediatric eye specialist. Appt has been fixed on 22 Dec to see the specialist @ KKH.

I really hope it's nothing serious....

hello mommies,

Been such a long time since i last post in the forum. Been back to work for a week plus now. Just change new department and this department very strict on no msn and i am just sitting beside my manager..so cannot surf forum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Missed my boy badly when i went back to work..but now its getting better. In fact, my motivation for my day is to go back at 530, back to my boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rgd bb weight,

My boy weights 6.7kg at 1 week short of 4 mths. Seeing the weight that the bb have here..mine seems underweight! But he is drinking 160ml every 4 hrly..wonder where his milk goes to. But PD say he is at 50 percentile, so i am not too worried.

Rgd bb fair,

Sorry, wont be able to join you mommies on Fri. Got to work. But i would be gg for the fair on sun. Do share if there are any good deals ya.

Rgd bb sleeping/kicking at night,

Hai, Skyler started to kick kick at night a few days before i started work. Last time he can sleep from 12am to 6am then wake up and cry for milk. Now on avg, he will wake up and cry for about 2-3 times per night. Sometimes by giving him his pacificer he will go back to sleep, but sometimes he will kick kick n kick..then i have to wait till he is tired, then try to pat him back to sleep again..this in turn makes me very tired during the day cos after gg back to work, i can no longer nap in the afternoon!

Last sat, brought him for his 5 in 1 jab + pneu and rota. Then during the nite he developed fever of 38.3 degree. Fed him med, but fever didnt go down, in the end, we sponged him. He was screaming and crying when we sponged him. Guess the water felt very cold when in contact with his feverish body..my heart ached so badly and was crying away with him..lol..in the end hubby have to do the sponging himself and at the same time comfort me. Skyler didnt get any fever on his jabs last month thou.


I had blocked tear ducts when i was a bb too. My mom said they used a needle to poke and clear it. So here i am, with my eyes perfectly all right [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so dun worry, shouldnt be anything serious at all.

Hi Claudia

after the 4am feed, bb will usually wake up at 7 or 7.30am.

Shaving bb's hair

Where is a good place to shave bb's hair? A neighbourhood saloon will do? Or need to bring bb to those children hair saloon like the one at Suntec? Scared that the neighbourhood one will anyhow shave and cut the head...


I think its best to go to those infant pro saloon like what u mentioned, suntec. cos bb might cry, move, kick which i think those normal saloon wont know how to handle..

suntan >> poke? wow...painful. but if it helps to clear, then is good. hopefully it's as simple as just poke & clear the duct, hehee.

charliebrown >> I went to Baby can swim @ Punggol Plaza to hv my boy's head shaved last Sun.

U can also go to Hwa Xia outlets...they hv baby/infant haircut service too.


Yeah agree shld go to kid’s saloon… my bb had her first shave at neighbourhood saloon, although everything went well but I’m concerned with the sterility of the shaver.

Coz they also cut adult’s hair, dunno got change the blade or sterilize or not.

